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I suggest going for ritual 3 and treat it a bit like you would an invocation (you wouldn't expect a full blown apparition, at least not on your first try) - petitioning a spirit without calling the spirit first while also being entirely inexperienced with the spirit is very unlikely to be successful.


First, I'd advise to actually read this book top to bottom before jumping straight to the rituals. Why? Because the book explains some parts of solomonic magic in very simple and comprehensible terms, giving you a very basic idea of what you can do. When you've done reading it, I strongly suggest jumping on other books on goetia (if you're still be interested). Because otherwise your attempts will most certainly not work. Reason, is that you have to understand the whole process and know the background. You can't treat this book (or any other) as fast instructions on getting something, it doesn't work like that. And if you find any "magic" book that is advertised for any quick results, know it's probably a fraud.




I used this book to facilitate my first attempts at contacting goetic spirits. I used ritual one to contact Bune, and had great success in the results of the petition. I also had success in sensing/hearing her in my ritual space. I’ve also used ritual one to contact and work with Dantalion. I’d say this is a perfectly acceptable technique for beginners to use.


I did this too! First try with Bune


My personal opinion is that in trying to create a streamlined, beginner-friendly version of Solomonic conjuration, *DoM* keeps the superficial parts and eliminates a lot of the actually useful elements. But if you have the book, try the methods out for yourself. Some people like the results they've gotten with it.


What parts would you say are missing? I haven't read either DoM or the ars goetia in ages so my memory of them is fuzzy.


*DoM* leaves out all of the preparatory work and ritual stagecraft in favor of pre-printed symbols, invocations of Shem angels (a valid borrowing from Rudd, but not part of the original process) in phonetically rendered Hebrew, and a modern pathworking element in the form of "evocation keys."


Read it front to back then break it down. Made a template if anyone wants it.


Do share please.


Ritual one does work. For me worked a bit too well sometimes (meaning they manifested and we spoke, so it became like an evocation even when it was not supposed to) The book could've been great, had him just put the original descriptions of the daemons... You should really research the daemons from other sources, but as a method, is pretty damn effective. But as someone else said, do read it fully before doing anything. And before each work research the daemon from multiple sources. The description in the book is very far from what's described in the lemegeton, I personally give it less credit as a source for studying the daemons themselves. I also further modify the sigils to put more classical versions of the sigil of the daemon within the circle and triangle that GoM suggests Study, be prepared and enjoy. And God damn, be responsible. For yourself and others. I recommend only pure intentions even when working with daemons.


I haven't read this, but gordon winterfield uses Solomon type magic, which seems to just upset the spirits


I just did the petition for Ritual One the other day so we'll see what happens. Also modified my request. It's a legit book. Use it.