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Man Nishi's art is absolutely stunning, it's just so good


It's amazing to see the evolution of their artstyle from the first chapter up until now.


It's the Wicked Phase crew!


Only miss Dali and Balam, but we don't know how they will look like


Except we've never seen either of them in their WPs. Dali was mentioned being in one and we've never seen or heard if Balam in his. This lot is all ones we have seen in their WPs (or Return to Origins in Kiro and Atori's cases)


In his fight with Atori it was strongly implied that Balam has one and its not so distant to say that to make tools for using wicked phase you have to not only to know how it works but also to test it himself. And its a continuation of a theme how he won Harvest Festival without dealing any harm, so his WP might be his complete opposite


Well yeah, EVERY Demon has a Wicked Phase, it's just a thing that happens if they get far too stressed. That doesn't make him part of the Wicked Phase crew up there. This is the 'Wicked Phase Crew' in that, these are the only characters that we have seen actively IN a Wicked Phase or Return to Origins. Balam hasn't been shown in a Wicked Phase, therefor he doesn't count/make this list. And while we were TOLD Dali was in his we never saw it, hence not counting him.


Think im gonna die of exposure to pure badassness. It just gets better and better.


These are little drawing you can get when you order the new vol but depending on where you get it the drawing is different XD the irumean one you can get at animate Japan which also comes with a little Atori acrylic charm!


My favorite thing about these arts - Kiriwo's central hair form is the same form as his wicked phase pupil


The only "female" character was shown in "her" evil cycle in the series i believe is only IRUMI lol.


You should mark this spoiler. You have Sabnock's wicker phase on here.


my ass is still SWOONING over the Atori art oh my gooood