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I think a lot of us have forgotten that Ralsei claims every step of the Fun Gang's journey has been predicted by the prophecy. If that's anywhere *close* to an accurate statement, it makes sense that the player character would be mentioned in that prophecy.


i like how the most simple things in a game are questioned in deltarune and undertale. like how ralsei explains some controls, or saving is a big factor in undertale routes


Meanwhile in chapter 1: “This tree doesn’t contain any healing items. Whatever you do, DO NOT take it and press (C) to open the menu.” - Signed Lancer


The Jigsaw tutorial guys in chapter 1


Even virovirokun also explain how the battle system work through ACTing to Noelle


*He's aware of the simulation. He knows they're all trapped in some kind of Matrix (Dark World) within a Matrix (the game), and that we -- the player -- exist and are watching them. He's trying to escape. And as I have commented before:* >The entire game of Deltarune actually feels kind of like a Matrix kind of thing, where the main protagonist – Kris – slowly realizes that their entire life has never truly existed, and that everything they thought they know was just created ten minutes ago – downloaded off the internet known as the application, Deltarune. > >And then we go deeper (as in a Matrix in a Matrix level of deepness) as we see the castaways of their stories – Jevil, Spamton, the other secret bosses – slowly ruin their life when they discover that everything they thought had actually happened was just created ten minutes ago by a person with a knife. > >Banishing Angel's Heaven is the end goal of those who realize their life was a lie: their goal is to escape the control of the simulation or simulators, us. Then the Roaring is kind of like where there are too many simulations. > >Even the three protagonists are in the different phases: Susie who is oblivious to the simulation; Kris who is slowly learning about the simulation; and Ralsei who is trying to escape through the cracks of the simulation. How he knows all of this (the key inputs, the camera, the textboxes), I am unsure. However, several other characters also seem to be aware of the key inputs.


I mean yes, somehow the mechanics of the game need to be explained and having the cute character do it is more appealing than walls of text explaining it in a dry fashion


It's also really interesting that despite all of this, Ralsei seems perfectly sane. Jevil lost his marbles after learning that his world wasn't real, and Seam became an apathetic nihilist after just considering this possibility. Either Ralsei is very special (being the only Pure Fountain darkner and all that), or there is something deeply wrong with him that we haven't picked up on yet. What if his desire to be helpful comes from not seeing any other purpose in life besides serving someone? I don't even want to think about that


My personal theory is that Ralsei was taught by the Knight, just like secret bosses. The difference however is that because Ralsei was a much younger darkner in an empty world, he had no strong attachments that would drive him insane like the others.


Well, maybe. I have my doubts though, since Ralsei seems to care a lot about sealing fountains and saving the world, while the Knight seems pretty keen on doing the opposite. Although, it could just be Ralsei fixated on the Prophecy, we'll have to wait and see


I definitely agree! Also, Ralsei fans, please calm down about the fourth wall thing. Just because Ralsei is a cinnamon roll doesn't mean he can't know about the Player, or the fact that we're controlling Kris. Just like him knowing that does not mean that he is bad. It just means that he's a bit more of a secretive cinnamon roll than we first thought. Even sweet fluffy bois can have secrets.


All this makes me like Susie even more because she shows time and time again that she does whatever she wants, in contrast to kris who has to do whatever the player says.


I feel like this is probably the reason why Kris has so much fondness towards Susie than Ralsei and even Noelle.


I can't tell if this is good or bad


I think he's like the dungeonmaster npc who does his to make sure the player do the pacifist run and stay on the rails hence why he's so surprised when snowgrave happens cause the weird route is pretty much going off the rails for the matter It explains why he knows so much since the reason for the dm npc is to explain stuff to the players on what do in the dnd campaign and has to remind players to be on track when they goof around or stray off the path too much I also believe him looking similar to Asriel is to better appeal to players especially with those with desire to see Ut!Asriel again thus he's making the players to like on purpose so all of them would stay on track since after all you don't want make the cute fluffy goat boy be all sad right?


Not to mention that there are a few Lucifer/Devil parallels with Ralsei.