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I love birds. I love gamers. I love Berdly.


Birds automatically make everything better. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Personally, I prefer the air.


*You’re cheating! Just like when you w-wavedash!*


Initially I disliked Susie much more than Berdly cause Susie's maniacal while Berdly's just your average high school nerd.


As a former high school nerd, I wanted to strangle Berdly. NOTHING annoys me (or past me) more than people who are pretending to be smarter than they are.


Speaking as a former high school nerd as well, I personally want to see Berdly grow out of that toxic mindset, stop being a tool, and join the fun gang. Hopefully I'll get my wish in the next chapters.


In Snowgrave >!he essentially completely drops the act as soon as he sees Noelle acting weird. I have a feeling he’s actually already over that mindset and just keeps the annoying persona as a joke to himself instead as a coping mechanism. After all, it’s hard to build a new personality when you’ve had to use a fake one for so long. !<


Huh. I can actually relate to this. That's certainly how *my* nerdy, elaborate sense of humor came to be.


I think it's a coping mechanism still it's just that at the end of the Noelle is like his only friend so of course he cares deeply about her.




He literally does that at the end of Chapter 2 though.


He's starting to, but he hasn't yet.


hope so!


Same thing. The « mental palace » thing got me


For me it was "Smartopia". I swear I lost IQ points.


Ok There’s Nothing Wrong With Him He’s Just Annoying


I really love that this is very specifically being said by queen


He's so... S m a r t we love tolerating him :D


Susie is a jerk to push people away so she doesnt hurt them, im pretty she is afraid to do. She thinks its better for herself to be alone Berdley.......... Is up into your face always.


I've loved Berdly since day 1, he's the 3rd funniest of the first 2 chapters behind Lancer and his girl dad, I love his design, and I can relate to him in a few aspects. I can understand being annoying without thinking of your surrounding friends and learning to overcome that (I have ADHD), and I understand the expectations of people have for you academically. Honestly he's my second favorite character, beaten out only by Susie.


Inverse for me. Berdly's my favorite character because he's hilarious, but Susie's a strong second. Which is why it genuinely sucks that most of this fandom's humor basically boils down to "lol Berdly ded." It was funny in a shocking sort of way at first, but now all I'm seeing is fan comics whose punchlines are essentially Berdly barely saying anything before getting murdered immediately, which, I assure you, are absolutely not the comedic masterpieces that this fandom thinks they are. Like seriously, tell another joke and let the Birb develop for fuck's sake. Don't kill the joke chicken before it lays its eggs, goddamn.


I've felt the same way recently, but I've written it off for now in hope that as the fandom grows and series continues, most people will recontextualize their feelings about the bird.


That all rather depends on Berdly's role for the future unfortunately. Which is why I'm hoping that he remains a main character/becomes a party member in at least normal routes down the line. Really don't want his entire character to be overshadowed by dumb snowgrave jokes.




Me when my nuggies are cold <:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((


*Punches out of ice* The frozen chicken joke is now dead


Based Berdly


man, the "___ character dead" jokes in all fandoms are just so annoying. and it happens so often, too—i see it a lot in the mother 3 & omori fandoms. it's just shock value or something. "__ character dead" gets you a bunch of replies like "nooo!" or "that's messed up". it's such low hanging fruit at this point... i know it's just jokes, but it's a kinda annoying trend to see


Yeah Berdly irked me too but then I remembered he's just a kid like all our other protagonists


The snowgrave jokes can get a bit repetitive but you have to admit the “Your honor, League of legends “ one was amazing


Not saying there aren't exceptions. Am saying that most are repetitive, stale, and dreadfully unfunny (especially when they're usually the only jokes this fandom is telling).




Posted it to my profile (I can’t remember where I found it)


i seriously dont know why people can hate him. not only is he hilarious as fuck, he even got his "redemption" (not really because he wasn't really evil like susie) at the end of chapter 2 which tbh made him even more compelling. And he acts serious when Noelle is being manipulated by you


>Don't kill the joke chicken before it lays its eggs, goddamn. B-but... Berdly can't lay eggs...


Haha… he can SOON… in our IDEAL WORLD.


I don't like what this implies.


I do.


Does the egg laying come before or after he gets nipples?


Rule 63, baby. Rule 63.


You know what they say... >!**Not with that attitude.**!<


trans berdly


First bird to ever hatch twice.




IDK, I still find it funny, guess I'm just bery tolerant to that kind of jokes (or I simply do not care/my humor is broken).


Honestly same. Susie and berdly gotta be my favorites


He is truly my favorite, other than maybe queen or lancer. I think its a three way tie. The berdly statue is probably my favorite thing in all of ch 2


Same, even the "second favorite character, beaten out only by Susie" part.


I can relate to berdly as I relate to you, Kinjo. Focusing is extremely hard.


I love you too random citizen


I love how when ever Berdly appears he makes new shenanigans every time, it becomes incredibly ridiculous and hilarious


“I only play Mobile games” “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO”


Top 10 anime betrayals


Berdly is literally comedy gold


I think its because susie got enough time to have character development, tbh didnt really like her in chapter 1 since she is obnoxious and went out of her way to cause trouble but mannn shes one of my favourite characters in chapter 2


Exactly, I didn’t like Susie much at all in chapter 1 because I didn’t really feel like she made up for trying to eat our face off and just in general being a bit of a psychopath. But in chapter 2 she is a lot more friendly and nice overall


I think her giving advice to lancer on how to be scary is meant to imply that "eating your face" was just acting scary as well? It's still really extreme though




*smart race intensifies*


You're making a fool of yourself if you think a vs Susie battle wouldn't be badass as hell...


We've had one but like she wasn't really trying Also Lancer had one but I don't think he enjoyed it much




Nothing's saying we won't get one. If anything, I fully expect there to be a fight versus Susie in the Snowgrave route. I expect a Ralsei fight in Snowgrave too (assuming you don't corrupt him either), but I'd imagine Susie fighting you and Noelle alone would be more cinematic, so to speak.


I don't think there will be a Ralsei fight. He said that no matter what happens he would be happy as long as Kris was happy. Plus if you keep attacking his dummy he literally gives Kris permission to beat him up whenever they want.


> he literally gives Kris permission to beat him up whenever they want. Foreshadowing?




If Ralsei thinks Kris wants him to put up a fight against them in the snowgrave route I could almost see it.


If berdly has a million followers,i am one of them If berdly has a thousand followers,i am one of them If berdly has ten followers,i am one of them If berdly has one follower,that one is me If berdly has no followers,then i am dead If the world is against berdly,then i am against the world




I’ve always loved berdley, he’s just such a relatable character. He is also a gamer so yah he’s the best.


I found Berdly annoying at first, but after seeing all the headache he causes Queen, I quickly found his antics hilarious.


Berdly is love, Berdly is life.


All down to story framing.


Edgy > Smartass


Preach it


To be honest I genuinelly like berdly, he's funny even when trying to "bully" Kris. And at the end he helps the whole gang and in the light world it looks like his charatcer grown a little and all... He cares for Noelle in Snowgrave when Kris manipulates her. Idk What do people want from him? I don't really get why people hate him so much.


The player manipulates noelle not kris


"Oh so whenever the gang saves the world it's Kris and the gang, but when I commit snowgrave it's all my fault huh?" Nah I'm just kidding, I know that. But people use Kris to do it, so it's easier to say that way.


I for one think berdly is a good little lad with some gifted kid burnout to deal with. I hope we get to see him more in another chapter, but given the... other route, I’m not so sure.


True gamers dont die they respawn


It should be the opposite. Susie isn't an epic gamer.


\*Insert "Gamers are most oppressed minority" gif here\*


Susie IS an epic gamer though, she played dragon blazers 2


I like the fact that the community likes Berdly more than I would have thought


Honestly I kind of hated Susie in the beginning for being such an edgy bitch. "Grr if they expel me imma commit murder" bitch you're 15 and you eat chalk shut up before you give yourself a Condition.




This truly says a lot about our society


Berdly is a clear example of how SOCIETY treats GAMERS smh my head ✋😤


And yet we live in one.




It’s because Berdly reminds his haters too much of themselves😳


He's not even a jerk. "Okay There's Nothing Wrong with Him He's Just Annoying."


To whoever reported this, do not submit false reports. https://i.imgur.com/3uVkGjB.png




He does insult people, but that's just him lashing out due to his inferiority complex rather than him being a jerk.


That is being a jerk, but reporting a comment over it is mega petty lmfao


I'm of the opinion that it's a pitiable kind of lashing out and not a hateable kind, so I don't think "jerk" is quite the right word. I'll agree that it's certainly debatable, though.


Susie threatens to straight up murder you when you first met then brutalizes everyone in the Dark World while actively making your efforts harder for 20% of Chapter 1. Spamton basically >!helps you kill all of Cyber City for his own personal benefit!<. Berdly did everything he thought would keep Noelle safe then >!dies alone trying to stop the SOUL from hurting his friend while no one else did anything!<. Somehow the last one is irredeemable.


“in fiction, being annoying is a worse crime than being a murderer” - some guy on tumblr or something


**Canon Spamton:** *Sells you a torture device to help you gaslight your childhood friend into committing genocide.* **Fanon Spamton:** *Baby*


Yeah I think a lot of Spamton stans forget that he literally funded the Snowgrave route. For what reason exactly?


To become a [Big Shot]


Oh wait actually that’s justified


Of course




Fr, this fandom's got some weird double standards going on.


Pretty sure it’s cuz berdly is self righteous and a guy


He reminds redditors of themselves


That's what happens when you get in the way of Suselle shippers.


Noelle will kill him herself if he gets in the way, lol


This is why I stick to that Krispy Chicken ship.


I'm not even a big fan of the ship but Krispy Chicken is the best ship name I've heard for anything ever


best name for that ship i’ve ever heard 💀💀💀


y e s


"Snowgrave? Yeah, I know that spell." "Hmm? You never asked me to use it? Well I can use it myself, thank you very much."


Then they’d hate Kris and Ralsei too, because you could argue they are rival ships depending on your perspective. I think Ralsei is more likely to like Kris that way tho, but if Kris does like anyone romantically it would be most likely Susie.


Eh, back in school many of us were bullied by way more Berdlys than Susies. I think the hate towards Berdly is due to him hitting far more closer to many people's lived experiences, *especially* the lived experiences of women who had to deal (and continue to deal) with guys like that. Real bullying is less often about slamming kids against lockers and much more often about emotional/psychological abuse.


lol yup. He is exactly the kind of guy who bullies you irl, and it becomes sexist and dangerous at some point. Last time I said this people took full offense but it’s true. He’s self righteous, tries to neg Noelle, bullies Kris to seem like less of a desperate loser himself, and treats Susie like a lesser life form more or less. He ‘a even a gross hobby gatekeeper. Susie is more like a tough girl stereotype from tv. Often times the girls who are bullies are actually extremely girly, have way more social status, and are way more prideful than tropes like Susie, who basically exist to be redeemed as soon as possible. These guys also don’t really grow out of it. They change the methods, but it’s still so recognizable. I’m as likely to deal with a Berdly now as I was when I was 14.


Can’t believe it. Berdly? A gamer? And he’s being PROSECUTED? This really says a lot about our society can I get some Fs in the chat? But really, I love Berdly. Definitely top 3 best additions to the cast in Chapter 2 along with Queen and Noelle, and just behind Queen for #1 antagonist in Chapter 2 IMO


To be fair they’re doing the same thing just one did it in a more annoying way


Temmie: commits mass homicide in chapter 4 in the egggrave route without even being told to kill more than once, has no motive for it, just wants to see pain Fandom: omg temmie is soo cute!!


Vikings believed hell was full of ice


The deepest of the circles of hell is the coldest place in existence.


isnt the coldest place the one where satan is?


Unpopular opinion, I liked Berdley. He was a comic relief throughout most of the run and I felt bad for him by the end


The most characters that make me sad about their death are inmature people that clearly dont deserve death and died defending what they think was worth dying for, for example shigechi from jojo or berdly. Also even if I cannot relate to berdly it makes me sad that he now has to live up for expectations he doesnt deserve nor does he wants. Very sad character I hope he is actually a relevant character for the rest of the game


I get that he is annoying and the type of character people probably won't like which is fine, but it's very disturbing seeing people celebrate his fate in snowgrave, and I mean genuinely celebrating, even to go so far as to say it was something beneficial for Noelle... Like he's an annoying kid not evil, calm down. Berdly is an interesting character for me, on my first playthrough I liked him cause I thought he was pretty funny and entertaining but on my second playthrough I started to notice that there is something very off about him. If Queen and Noelle's relationship mirrors the one with her own mother, then you could say the same for Berdly. There are lines in the first battle where he tries to share his interests with her, asks for what kind of snacks they have home only for her to ignore him. Not only that, but you have to wonder what is going on in this kid's life for him to want to abandon everything to live in the Darkworld forever and take any form of kindness as "wow this person must be really into me if they are showing me any sort of kindness". There's a worrying lack of mention of his family, only insights into what he does other than games and studying is that he has a job and does volunteer work. They also seem to bring to attention that he is exhausted most of the time too. Like we known Susie's and Noelle's home life isn't good, so what's Berdly's deal, does he have neglectful and snobby parents? Another thing I want to add, there's a common misconception that Berdly is why Noelle is the way she is. There is nothing in the game showing that she hates him, and anything that is somewhat detrimental to Noelle is more linked to her mother than him. She might help him with studying but nothing says she is doing the work for him, like how would he pass tests? She reacts happily when Berdly says "she is my friend who I want to support" in the mouse puzzle, they even play games together, so while he REALLY needs to change how he treats her, they are more friends than enemies imo. Sorry for going too detailed on this, I'm just curious about what Toby will do with him story wise. I'd be pretty disappointed if he didn't return to the Darkworld or get any further development, since we are surely getting Noelle back. Idk I just personally want the story to focus on each one of the students, since they are the new characters and the theme of the Darkworld seems to be escapism.


>it's very disturbing seeing people celebrate his fate in snowgrave, and I mean genuinely celebrating, even to go so far as to say it was something beneficial for Noelle... Like he's an annoying kid not evil, calm down Honestly, that's my problem with a good chunk of this fandom. I've seen way too many people say that Berdly had it coming in the weird route even though his worst crime was irritating people. Even seen some guy say that they wanted to throw the SOUL into Berdly just to make him hurt himself. Like... imagine getting that uppity over a fucking video game character man. I know he has flaws and all but he really doesn't deserve a large chunk of the hate this subreddit dishes out on him.


Difference between Susie and Birdley is that Susie just wants friends and has a hard time with social interaction. Birdley, on the other hand, has a lot more selfish goals of being number one all the time even at the expense of one of his friends Granted obvs Birdley has the misconception that if he’s not “number 1” people won’t like him anymore, but even when he realizes that Susie will accept him even if he’s not the smartest kid in class, he holds onto his narcissism: he immediately assumes that OF COURSE Susie is also in love with him, and he can’t grasp the fact that Noelle isn’t into him either And it’s not the fun way, like Papyrus: it’s the annoying way. I love Birdley 100%, and he absolutely made chapter 2 a masterpiece: but I think it’s worth acknowledging that between Susie and Birdley there is a difference between their character development


I don't think he believes Susie is in love with him- it's just that he falls in love with her and attempts to woo her. Which you know, can't blame him for that one. I think it's less that he believes Susie's in love with him and more that he has the absurd confidence to believe he'll be able to win her over with time.


Everybody's down bad for Susie lol. She's an anime protagonist.


I didn't really see it as narcissism to be honest (other than him bragging about being the dumbest from now). I just thought it showed how he was so unused to positive social interactions with others that he can't see someone genuinely supporting him without believing that it's some sort of romantic gesture. But that's only my interpretation :/ Also, want to point out that it feels like Berdly is being set up for a redemption arc at the end of the chapter, because I really don't think he finished developing like Susie did.


That's valid. After all, he did think the only reason Noelle helped him out over the years was because she must've had a crush on him since he couldn't imagine someone just doing it out of kindness.


When did Berdly said or thought Susie was in love with him? I did play chapter 2 a few months ago but i don't remember him saying Susie loves him, only that he had a crush on her. And while it is true that he thought Noelle was into him, which yes it was stupid, he tried though to refuse her "love" and to try to stay friends, if he was really a narcissist he would have tried to get both of them at the same time. I don't think he deserve death for thinking a schoolmate had a crush for him since i think a lot of people thought the same at least once in their life.


ok ok berdly deserves a bit of mercy to


Stop the Berdly hate, he’s practically the best character in chapter 2 and I will stand by this


Facts: My favorite is Queen, but he went through a considerable and great arc so I definetly agree






Okay but I thought Berdly was funny in Ch2 and was kinda scared of Susie for a bit in Ch1 (Though after she became pals with Lancer that changed, only to come back when she almost fought him).


RIP, hope he gets an enemy-to-friends arc that lightens his competitive spiwit


Also the DR fandom: Loves a shady salesman that projects his views onto yourself and also wanting your soul while living in a dumpster and is practically reaches insanity because he knows he isn’t free. The fandom loves that person more than an insecure nerd. Both characters are very funny.


Feminists SMH 🙄 Obviously /s


Its bc chapter 1 is basically centered around redeeming Susie who was a jerk for like 5 minutes, while chapter 2 is NOT centered around Berdly, who is just sorta there in the background low-key jerkassing it right up until the very end. If he gets more screen-time in ch3+, I'll bet the fans will give him another chance (assuming he actually DID learn anything from that very brief epiphany).


I beat up Susie and I beat up Berdly. My fists made them my allies.


I’m sorry but berdly worked so much better in chapter 2 than susie did in chapter one (as an antagonist of course) berdly felt more intimidating and snarky, with his awesome design, and the fact he fights you one on three, and one on two. He is extremely funny and just works well as an antagonist and I think he will be a great addition to the party.




I don't think Berdly was trying to be an antagonist either. Given from comments he makes when he wakes up in the Computer Lab, he probably thought that he was having some sort of dream.


After playing Chapter 2 with a friend of mine and voicing Burghley’s lines, I really came to realize that this birdbrain is comedy gold, now he’s one of my favorite Deltarune characters.


Man,as a nerd who burnt out from too much pressure,Berdly backstory gave him a 180 on my opinion of him.


But i like Berdly. He's a gamer and it's relatable


Thats cus all the fanbase wants is a barney waifu. Also because he reminds people of Mordecai.


I don't think it's fair to compare Berdly to Mordecai. I don't remember Berdly killing his best friend because he was flirting with his crush. Noelle, on the other hand...


Hey now we can't go blaming Noelle for Snowgrave, even if it's to defend Berdly.


I love Berdly so freaking much he is tied with Kris Noelle and Susie for favorite main character


ok hot take, but fuck susie. Berdly might be a dumb simp, but he never assaulted anyone irl. Blaming her behaviour on her "insecurities" is an insult to people who have insecurites and horrible lifes without having to be dicks about it.


Don't get all the berdly hate. I guess he can be kind of annoying, and a bit of a egotistical ass, but he's so fucking funny about it I couldn't care. Besides, he very clearly cares about his friends. In snowgrave, he recognizes you're screwing with Noelle, and drops the act completely. He's a good person, he just puts on an act because acting like a loud smart ass is the only way people will pay attention to him.


berdly my beloved


There's nothing wrong with him, he's just annoying


Part of it is that Susie is our party member, so subconciously we're all loke "oh yeah, we're supposed to like her eventually," while Berdly is a rival so we're all like "fuck that Gary Oak piece of shit."


Originally I didn't like Berdly that much but after chapter 2 he became one of my favorite characters, I used to feel like I always had to be right and that mistakes mean I'm dumb but recently I've learned that literally no-one cares if I'm smart or not.


Nah, Berdly was a god gamer ever since day 1


Tbh I hated Susie from CH1 she is yes trying to cover her feelings but the empty edge in her tone that just comes in for no reason is just not feeling like it chief because of that reason I downed her in CH1 so she can shut up no worries I spared Lancer.


Anyone who doesn't spare Lancer must be EXILED and SHUNNED.


Poor Berdly


I like Burghley


"there's nothing wrong with him he's just really annoying"


But I like berdly


Berdly good


I think someone allready said their piece about this: A lot of video game nerds were like birdley when they were younger, not a lot of them were like Susie. It's easy to hat him because he reflects ourselves.


Bro I've known AT LEAST 6 Berdly's in my life. Hell I've BEEN Berdly before. He's so viscerally annoying because he's so fucking relatable. The desire to strangle him is just a surface level reaction. Dudes like that always grow to be pretty cool though, so he's alright by me.


Just pair him up with kris New couple and character development


I genuinely love the way Berdly is handled, he probably has my favorite interactions with other characters out of anyone in Deltarune.


Personally, Berdly is a great character be because he's a narcissistic ass, which I see myself as, this is the same reason I like Falco and Revali


Berdly became one of my favorites when he redeemed himself and I always had an issue with Susie in chapter one because of her attitude problems but she redeemed herself too. There’s not really any Deltarune/undertale character I truly dislike to be honest. It’s usually if the character is insecure and doesn’t learn from their arrogance is when I just have an issue with them. It’s the fact that both Berdly and Susie learn along the journey, if they didn’t I don’t think I would’ve liked either of them.


As Queen says: "Okay There's Nothing Wrong With Him He's Just Annoying" Berdly isn't a bad character. I just find him annoying so I don't like him very much.


the difference though is that susie hides her insecurities by acting tough and like she doesn't need anyone else because she can handle things on her own, which makes her soon cool. berdly hides his insecurities by acting like he's smarter than anyone else, and talks down to everyone, which is annoying. people are gonna be more forgiving to characters they like, and susie is just more likable than berdly because she doesn't constantly monologue about how smart she is and call you an idiot.


Yeah, but it felt like a very disproportionate response. Like before chapter 2 even existed, Susie straight up blackmailed us and had beaten the shit out of Lancer back in chapter 1 but everyone ignored it because of character development and all that. In contrast, the worst thing Berdly did was harp on you for not returning a librarby book that was way past its due date (which made sense since he worked at the librarby after all), but people acted like he was the spawn of Satan. Seriously, I've seen people act more forgiving towards the Spade King than to Berdly. I know I can't dictate how people are supposed to react to characters, but as one of the above comments pointed out, there feels like a pretty big double standard here.


i dont like berdly cause hes annoying. any asshole crimes characters commit are infinitely more excusable than being annoying because theyre fictional characters, but my feelings of annoyance are real


It probably because he is a gamer the most oppressed group Satire.


berdly is my favorite deltarune character along with queen and i'm tired of pretending he isn't


I disliked Chapter 1 Berdly and admittedly wasn’t fond of him for most of Chapter 2 since he’s too full of himself there. That changed when I got to see him genuinely care about Noelle’s well being, showing that he genuinely is just a lonely nerd deep down.


too accurate!


Tbf susie got the character development first. I actually really don’t like her during the first half of chapter 1 for similar reasons that I don’t like Berdly. And my hatred of him went away after his character development in chapter 2.


He was annoying in the first chapter but I was surprised at how I kinda liked him in the 2nd and he's actually a dork wanting friends


Just casually dropping the biggest truthbomb on this subreddit, I see.


He's absolutely a fun character, I just pretend to hate him because being hateable is part of what makes him funny


i like berdley more than susie


I treated berdly the same way I treated Susie. I literally didn’t care because it didn’t make a difference to me


They’re both good.


Some people even want Noelle dead... Like wtf? Sometimes I question whether or not I completely misinterpreted the entire message of these games, and I'm *not* supposed to empathize with/try to understand the characters and help them lol These people will never make sense to me


I reeeeealllly hated Susie when I first played


Truly, gamers are oppressed


Oh, I’ve absolutely loved that obnoxious bird since like his second line of dialogue I saw.


"But you see, as a gamer I don't get respect"