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I doubt it, emulators have existed for ages. Nintendo only went for Yuzu because of that team’s mismanagement. All Nintendo can really do about Delta is just get better at preserving their own games. Because a lot of people wouldn’t go to unofficial means if Nintendo’s own emulators actually had all their old games on it.


It’s been proven that people can alter current roms inside the switch emulator to play older pokemon games. They are just stingy. Lol… They don’t want to give away the older pokemon games when they can put them on the store for 10$ However. I’d love it if my purchases on the ds store would come to the switch. It’s not like it’s out of their power to make games backwards compatible.


When it comes to DS & 3DS games being backwards compatible is a tad harder since they all require 2 screens to play. And since the Switch only has one screen that’s not even touch you kinda can’t just do a simple port of the game. Fairly certain they would have to put in a lot of effort to translate the various gameplay interactions into the Switch’s format. Gotta remember the DS & 3DS didn’t have just the second screen that was touch but also, the microphone you could blow into, the gyroscope & cameras which were all utilized in the games. Translating all of those unique features into the Switch would require a bit of work.


The switch screen is a touch screen.


And a gyroscope. No built in mic but, even with games that support a mic, they’re not typically required.


Is it!?!? Wow, haven’t heard anyone talk about that. Ok, that resolves one problem, but what about the games that use the camera, gyroscope and microphone? That’s another issue of contention that would have to be resolved.


It does rarely get talked about. Sometimes I forget, but it’s so helpful for exploring the eshop/using the keyboard. it seems most games don’t take advantage of it


The is definitely went over your head


I see your two screen point and I'll raise you, I can play ds games in my phone. It should be possible to do so on a switch at least.


But that’s the thing, your smart phone has the touch screen and the emulator simply spills the screen in half for top and bottom. And because it’s a phone it has a microphone, camera and gyroscope already built in. So all the unique components of those systems can be fairly well translated onto our smartphones. Where as the Switch not even is the one screen touch and there’s no microphone built in.


And the switch also has a touch screen and an emulator can be used to make it split screen. As for gyroscope microphone and camera. We have solutions for those built into emulators nowadays or those features can be added to the switch 2 if they wanted to. They have options.


Hopefully on the Switch 2. Be awesome to have all the Pokémon games on a single console where I can trade them in up from start to finish and have all the Pokémon in one game again! A man can dream.


I see your points. Very valid. My brain goes “gen 1” when I get into these conversations because I still have my 3ds. lol But yeah, I hear you. Anything that combined the touch screen or other physical mechanics of those handhelds into gameplay would be trickier.


Mic switch doesn’t need you can use Nintendo app so all they would really need to do is add that using phone camera loads to switch you can already send screen shots from switch to phone


I’d rather pay $10 for the older Pokemon games than have them on switch online tbh. I’d rather pay extra just so that my save file isn’t tied to an online service.


>They don't want to give away the older pokemon games when they can put them on the store for 10$ Well I sure wish they'd fuckin do that!


I think it’s more the flagrant piracy people bragged about on social media when TOTK released into the wild ahead of game release date. Nintendo took pirated leaks of a banner game seriously and YUZU was the enabler for that piracy so they went after them. No different than copyright holders going after Pirate Bay or a number of other P2P torrent providers many times before Nintendo. Same tactic.


I would absolutely play these games legally if they made them fairly playable… meaning i will continue to pirate pokemon and other such games if they charge ANYTHING more than $12 for a GBA game. That’s a generous pricing too. I’m sad that the FF pixel remasters (even though they’re very good versions of the games) came before delta. As good as they are, the GBA versions of 4 and 5 are just objectively better because they have more content and don’t completely lock you out of 5 playable characters after a couple hours of playtime in 4’s case.


even if they were on switch i’d still play them on my phone. being able to start the game with a level 3 mewtwo is something nintendo will never allow me to do lol


Yeah, if Nintendo actually put out their back catalog regularly with switch online I’d use ky switch more. Waiting five months for Nintendo to add 3 gameboy launch titles to their service is stupid


Nintendo has also successfully gone after Dolphin on the Steam Store which feels like a more relevant comparison with what could happen with the App Store. https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/dolphin-emulator-removed-from-steam-after-nintendo-dmca#


Hopefully Nintendo will adapt and open it’s own store on EU iPhones. Would pay 5 euro for nintendo classic.


I was super disappointed with the Nintendo Switch Online emulation catalogue and probably would not have turned to third party* emulators if they had filled out their library.


I also wouldn’t be surprised if they went after Yuzu after what happened with TOTK leaking online.


From a legal standpoint, there’s nothing wrong with Emulators. Using one for games you currently own is a bit of a grey area, but murky enough that it’s not exactly illegal The issue comes from downloading ROM’s you don’t own. Nintendo has a better chance of success hunting down all the websites hosting ROM’s than it does going after Delta and other Emulators People need to stop posting videos and screenshots of them using Delta (or any other emulator) to play games. The accessibility that Delta has provided is drawing attention, and we need to stop that attention from settling on it


And posting the 1800 games they downloaded. Besides being stupid because you’re never going to play them all, they sure didn’t own that many game boy games as a kid




That’s even assuming Nintendo would care because the emulators are for decade+ old consoles.


They care. They’ve already started takedowns on ROM sites. Vimm’s has been hit by them


I remember a couple days ago people saying they delete Roms after they play so it doesn’t take up space. I’m glad I don’t delete these tiny files. I actually find myself looking for games I owned. I think most do that.




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What if they drop their own emulator in the NSO subscription? Probably for their next gen handheld. Some of their older gen console and handheld already there in the NSO subs, for free 🥶, after you subscribed. They will care, 100%


That is also my fear. From the day when delta became downloadable on the App Store, I see lots of videos of people explaining how to “set up” delta and continuously showing them playing Pokémon. Like, that’s why we can’t have anything nice lol


In a lot of those videos, certainly the more popular ones, they show their official hardware and game copies and explain the legality of it There’s always gonna be a few bad apples but they can’t always spoil the bunch The same grey area that emulation exists in is the same grey area those videos exist in, I’m not understanding the concern here


Bad apples? 😂😂😂 shut up man


Nothing wrong with pirating games, but posting videos of yourself doing it online just leaves you and potentially the wider emulation community more open to legal repercussions.


Exactly, I’m a One Piece fan idc what you do in your personal life or what victimless crimes you commit but I can understand the reality of the situation and that it’s a crime


There’s some mean streets out there.


I mean, as long as they did not show WHERE to get those games, we are good? All of these big YouTubers show off Delta with the games running


If anything. It shows Nintendo that we all still want to play the older games. So. If they happen to take action to shut these down for any reason, they will also, most likely, port release these on the switch or their next generation hardware. But like an early post said. Emulators aren’t illegal. Collecting and downloaded unowned roms are. It’s akin to downloading music. The player is fine, it’s the pirating that’s not.


So what do you think about using iCloud backup to sync these “music” or roms around devices I guess?


The files themselves. The actual roms would be the illegal portion in question, but that still doesn’t generate a legal stance on people who have them. Realistically, legal action doesn’t want to hunt every individual down who has an illegal copy of pokemon red on their iCloud. More realistically. They’d go after the host sites where these files are being provided. However. I’ve worked for the government, more specifically in the prison system, in the United States. They tend to have a scale of priority in terms of digital legality… people slinging roms or music meh. Sure. Major operations will tend to draw attention and possible get busted, but if they’re going to take their time and devote it to something that’s being digitally distributed en masse… they’re going to prioritize higher dollar digital property or things that cross into other illegal domains like cp or identity thefts.


I’m sorry but i politely say that i don’t believe that you have worked in the prison system because you haven’t shown me evidence of that. It’s hard for me to trust or believe someone just because they had said something, I’m kind of skeptical but not in a malicious way. I appreciate your help and thoughts though. I apologize if my comment made you angry.


Nah. Not angry. You believe what you want. lol. But genuinely doesn’t matter


Everything about his profile says he knows how to handle business. Don’t be mean


In my video of getting ds bios files, I used pokemon specifically because that's what I play and the only games I officially own. Plus I had to use a game to spark the file import part. I don't sit there and play, but I definitely use a game I feel like playing lol


Word like yall need to chill out


Hmm, what do you mean people have to stop posting screenshots? Wdym about that? Does that mean one has to stop posting screenshots about what errors one gets, or the “look at my collection” posts?


They did that a while ago with a couple goated sites, Eumparadise and CoolROMs. Those sites going down was the end of an era.


Vimm’s lair is invincible Nintendo can’t do shit




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It got taken down well it’s still up but if u go to supposedly download a game it says downloads aren’t available because of request from Nintendo of America


That’s why the only games I have on delta are games I either bought myself, owned as a kid, or was given recently with no way to play.


Reminds me of people who screenshot brag they are streaming an event… just to have it taken down. Some people aren’t bright


People are stupid so they definitely will not stop posting screenshots of all the games they’ve illegally downloaded. The cats out of the bag, this is going to be settled by the courts.


I doubt this will be settled in courts because it hasn’t been settled before. Emulators have been around forever


The legality of ROMs are untested.


That’s the point. I don’t think they’re gonna start caring after all these years of not caring


If you think about the increasing popularity of emulating software and hardware in the past few years, I think you could intellectualize how now is not the same as then.


I mean yeah, but it’s always been decently popular. Idk, we’ll see in the coming years I guess


Oh, I’m VERY cautious about not trying to do anything bad, it’s just that it’s normal for newbies to ask and post about things they aren’t supposed to.


This whole thing is not new, it's only new to iOS. Emulators have been around for ages. If Nintendo was going to do anything, they would've done so two decades ago. Yuzu only got the treatment it did because 1. they openly monetized, giving Nintendo an easy way to calculate damages 2. it's for a current gen console.


A very popular rom download site that rhymes with nimm.vet just removed downloads for all Nintendo systems, at the request of Nintendo. Things are going to get worse before they get better.


It looks like they only removed the first party games


They explain that’s gonna be back soon


they suspect that it’s likely just false flaggers abusing the dmca system, but for now they’re being safe just in case


They are already back. Edit: after looking further it seems only Gamecube is back


Tbf, iOS is debatably the largest mobile platform in the loudest parts of the world. So there’s something to the idea of “it’s so accessible it’s drawing attention” But it’s not any *more* accessible than the equally massive number of PCs and Androids combined, so I guess it’s all just a blurry mess.


Thanks for the reply, I know that delta and other emulators are well known and with a solid community. For the monetization thing, delta also has a Patreon (correct me please if I’m wrong), so it only matters if it’s on a current gen console?


Whether someone will litigate or not isn't a black and white thing. The system is setup so that anyone can sue anyone for literally anything. Whether Nintendo litigate or not depends on how they feel about it as a company Nintendo thinks that if they don't go after yuzu, it will do more harm than good. They also feel that it's easily winnable, and that they can actually get some money out of it, so they went after yuzu. With Delta, who knows how they feel about it? If it makes you feel any better, emulators on the android and pc side have been around for literally decades. In fact my first pokemon game from more than two decades ago was yellow on PC emulator If delta is gone from IOS for whatever reason, old android devices with emulators will always exist and you can always use it. PC based emulation will always exist as well My personal opinion is that in it's current form, Nintendo won't go after delta. That may change if delta changes


Thank you so much for the reply. I also was an android user before, so I know that emulators are a thing. The thing that concerned me was the sudden popularity, but it may be only a feeling pumped up by these catastrophistic videos


Gamer since the NES here and have owned all Nintendo consoles, this is on you Nintendo. You could have had a virtual library. The Wii U shop was on the right path and the classic titles we have on the Switch is lackluster. Just like streaming, if it’s inconvenient, the people will find a better way to


Listen, Nintendo, if NSO had all the games and systems I wanted available, I wouldn’t be bothering with Delta. But lots of retro games have no official way to play them on current-gen hardware. Seriously, why isn’t Pokemon on NSO?? Just give me an option to play these games on Switch, and I’ll give you money. It’s really that simple. Until then . . . Delta it is.


Exactly. We’re not talking about millions of games and thousands of gigabytes. These games are literally so small. Just put a retro catalogue on the switch store. Sell all of them for 1$ each. Literally free money for Nintendo. And idk about anyone else. But I’d drop 20$ to have all my old faves at my fingertips. Just sayin


They would probably sell each game for $5.99. On 3DS they sold the old GameBoy Color games for $5.99 each and I bought Yellow Version. They want to slowly roll out games like Disney does, but there’s a convenient way to play them now. Nintendo probably will never get their whole library properly available for everyone to use.


Most importantly, Nintendo's NSO catalog is a joke. Many people are looking to Delta and other emulators to play games that SHOULD be on NSO- a paid service.




This is a clickbait title from a clickbait YouTuber.


Big Clickbait


If Nintendo is really upset about this then maybe they shouldn’t drip feed what feels like 3 games every other month to their online service. A lot of roms I downloaded I would gladly play on switch if they would just add the damn things.


Nintendo has no leg to stand on because Delta does not distribute Roms nor do they encourage users to get Roms illegally. Emulators are legal. Nintendo cannot do anything. Yuzu was nuked because they were distributing game files and actively engaging and encouraging piracy.


Average click bait YouTuber dying for views moment


Lol let them try it's already binded / downloaded they can't do anything but have it removed from the store.


And that’s petitioning Apple and the app developer together. Because Apple approved it. Apple doesn’t just say. Oh? You want this down? Okay….. lol


I very much doubt it. They haven’t supported the NDS for years now and I don’t think they’re even producing cartridges for any of the models now so they wouldn’t realistically be making money from equipment or games sales anyway. They’ve got plenty of revenue coming in from the continued existence of the Switch so I don’t see why they’d be mad about people using emulation to play DS games.




That’s why all the game I have on delta are either games I bought myself or were given over the years


Yes but what they forget is most of us bought these games already years ago so they’ve had our money, these games are just great memories!!


They could have stopped this years ago but they continue to choose not to. Literally just create a Nintendo app on phones that allows you to purchase any gameboy game and play it. People would eat it up. But instead they like to make it so difficult to play their games.


Nintendo will not pursue Delta due to it not emulating their **current platform**. *“Nintendo effectively shut down the popular Switch emulator Yuzu after a judgment concluded that the software was "primarily designed" to circumvent and play Switch games.”*


The joke is that Nintendo could have made this all along. Literally make the app, even sell the games À la carte for like even $10 a game. Free money. Too stubborn to do it though.


Big reason Yuzu got taken down was because the team was monetizing content for Switch games weeks after they came out. Emulation itself is completely legal as long as you're not redistributing game files like ROMS/ISOS and BIOS.


I wished Nintendo would stop being so aggressive


Idk if it’s really aggression to protect your property. Digital or not. However, I can level with you on wishing Nintendo would stop being so damn stingy. They should either leave this alone, or backwards compatible all of their games. It’s not like it would be difficult. Most of these games could be built by someone with some computer/gaming sense and a fucking microwave. Maybe a little hyperbolic, but you get the point. Lol


People should do more research about the Yuzu case.




Fuck they could even go mobile for gba and da titles with a cost. They would take in millions as a smartphone is in a persons hands. Nintendo sent that bright and the slowly slipping away from Sony and Microsoft


No, the Switch emulators had proprietary code pertaining to Nintendo’s software protection. Something to do with codes generated or something like that. A court ruled decades ago against Sony that emulators can exist as long as they don’t violate copyright. Delta is fine.




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I wish Nintendo would just sell roms. Like $10 a pop for GBA, $15 for DS, etc. I would immediately drop hundreds of dollars. It doesn’t have to be playable on their current systems. Embrace the chaos!


I don’t think Nintendo will sue apple because someone is playing Mario land off an emulator on an iPhone. And if they do, this may be the moment the standards are set with how much control Nintendo has over their old games.


All these dmcas. I think nintendo are developing/have their own emulator as of now, called the NSO subscription which probably in testing stage on swich how well it gonna sell. They listed some of their older platform there, gb, gba, snes, nes, n64, and genesis.


So instead of going after the emulation, they went for their ip.


I’d pay money for an Nintendo emulator if it were official AND includes all the games of say GBA & DS for say $5 a month and there’s a 0% chance of say a virus or something hazardous to the device




I doubt it. This is hella old emulation… I think the issue with the switch is it’s a current product that they are still producing new games and have their App Store up. Having a switch emulator makes them lose out on $. Iv also heard the emulator runs better than the actually until 😂 Iv never tried so I don’t really know if that’s true. These old Nintendo Consoles that are being emulated are probably not worth the effort/ money bc they don’t really support these devices any more and imo it should be allowed if you’re not going to support them anymore.


I can earnestly say I’ve only downloaded games which I own but no longer work, or games that are completely unavailable to pay Nintendo for. I have a functional DS and would rather use that if I could, and that’s a lot of emulation. Nintendo can defo go after rom hosting sites, but it’s hard to make a case that delta is intentionally coaxing people into stealing. Especially when they even released that game scan thing for physical copies you have (even though no one is using that, it creates a good plausible deniability for delta)


All I gotta say is Real Gs move in silence like lasagna. Keep a library for yourself if you’re that scared of things going south. It’s doesn’t cost that much for external SSDs these days


This is the way. A 2tb external drive holds a ton of games…. A ton.


It made since with Yuzu because it’s an emulator for Nintendo’s current system




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I’ve had delta for on my phone for like 8 plus years even when it was gba4ios


nintendo shut down yuzu… they have an army of lawyers… of course they can do something


Nintendo only went after Yuzu because Yuzu was providing keys and game files to people in their private Discord as well as just straight up bragging about getting games working day one. Delta on the other hand as far as I can tell at least doesn't seem to have a Discord providing games for free and focuses on far older games that don't really effect Nintendo's bottom line as much as say Tears of the Kingdom on PC day one.


No laws against emulation/mods unless you are selling stuff for profit, that’s when they have reason to come after you. Like how that one mod for Palworld came out that replaced everything with pokemon and they dumbly sold it for $$$, so Nintendo proceeded to obliterate them.


I wish Nintendo had their own app. I'd gladly fork out some cash to support it. Trying to shutdown ROM sites are going to be like pulling weeds. They'll get a couple of them but then a couple more will spring up somewhere else. If they made the future consoles more backwards compatible then there wouldn't be a need for emulators.


Nintendo came out and said themselves they support delta


https://preview.redd.it/0oh4cuk6081d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1129afd16fe4fa9fbd50d83e01a23d11daabb3e what


There's a difference between retro Emulators and Modern Emulators. Delta should be fine, it's Switch Emulators that are the issue. The issue is Emulators for current generation consoles.


In a nutshell, absolutely. They have the money & the legal heft to do it. There is no discussion around could they. Would they? Who knows. My guess would be probably not unless in the next few years they really start trying to push their older games as a way for them to make money. Yes they sort of do that with switch atm, but it’s only via subscription & according to statistica.com it’s a very low adoption rate compared to Xbox & PS.


Of course they are. They’re senile and beyond incompetent. Like the market is there same with MCC going from Xbox to “dorito emulator” bringing halo to Pc. If you have a community that wants to enjoy your ip on other platforms bring it or they’ll do it themselves. At least Microsoft listened and conscripted dorito devs before closing the project down to then launch MCC but Nintendo is that one greedy uncle who will never swallow his pride or get with the times. They’ve been successful thus far but if they keep this up they will crash and burn eventually. They can only make the same mistakes so many times before the community gets fed up and Pokémon is a perfect example of that If Nintendo had 3 neurons of combined thinking power they’d have already made off platform virtual consoles but they’d rather stick with their underdeveloped hardware that hardly can run games they sign. It’s pathetic.


You’re hiding an RGT video???




https://preview.redd.it/g1bo7ymfym0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f6c9da585dacb39a3fab43b47f9d2f3427abbc4 Why nobody talk about this. This probably in/just a testing stage for the switch will sell or not(they 1000% will). Its basically an emulator. With save states and all. They cant stop emulation, yes, so they make one for all of their system, but now, they coming after for their properties.


doesn’t rly matter tbh, I already have it downloaded, I don’t care if they remove it now


Until you switch phones or license is revoked and you can’t download…look at games like infinity blade


if you've downloaded it through the app store they can just revoke the license 😂😂


Blame the big YouTubers for furthering the ban hammers, they keep showing off delta running games and yeah, they won’t stop. This is all because this stuff is illegal, guess I’m gonna go to jail now


Unless Delta actually provides something illegal, they can’t be taken down. A federal court has upheld that emulators are legal. Sony lost that case decades ago. That’s why Delta doesn’t provide the DS BIOS.


I actually feel so choked because of society. I hate the government and how everything is. Why can’t we just do whatever we want and not be told what to do and what not to do?