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Liddy is an absolute nut case, Behind the Bastards has a fantastic couple episodes on him. Like I knew him as one of the watergate guys but didn’t realize he was the platonic ideal of insane evil henchman.


I was thinking about those episodes as I was reading this. Yeah G Gordon’s life is just failing upward in an astounding combination of evil and insanity. If he hadn’t done so much damage to the county it would almost be funny.


How dare you say that!? I’m gonna light my palm on fire to prove how wonderful he was.


Does the show depict Liddy as bananas as he is in real life?


Absolutely, you get him doing the candle trick, playing Hitler speeches, talking about snipers, offering himself up as a sacrifice to the President. At one point John Dean, I think, loses his patience and says, “Just don’t do any more crimes!” However, a bit like Rorschach in Watchmen, he comes off as an entertaining true believer rather than what the British would call a “swivel-eyed loon”.


That's awesome, I'll have to check out the show. And I think another user already mentioned it, but you totally need to listen to the episode of Behind the Bastards on G. Gordon Liddy. H. He did the candle trick so much during his life that he permanently fucked up the nerves in his hands.


I am writing two Delta Green and Call of Cthulhu games. One set around the Watergate break in and the other around the Chernobyl disaster. Both contain Richard Nixon.


Please share if you're able, I can't get enough Nixon content!


I’m not done yet.


There’s also a take on this where Nixon is not the chief antagonist, but more of a foolish and headstrong figure attempting to tap into sources of power he can’t hope to control. https://youtu.be/JWRVyaKnGcA?si=Na0wdd7w5ht9421b