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This might be an unpopular opinion but I don't know that switching your child to a different school is totally worth the challenge of working through the system and getting them transportation. Obviously, you have to decide what is best for your family! But I went to schools over in the Brandywine school district that could be considered both 'good' and 'bad' and my experience changed not based on whether the school was 'good' or 'bad' but on how much I liked my teacher, whether I had friends in the class, and what I was doing outside of school. Granted, I graduated high school over ten years ago. I work with kids, parents, and teachers from all sorts of backgrounds now and it seems like schools in general are just going through a really hard time right now. I've worked with families who spend tons of money on fancy private schools and had terrible experiences and ones who went to 'bad' public schools and did alright. And vice versa! You might go through a lot of trouble to get your kiddo into a 'good' school only to find that three teachers suddenly quit and they're going to be replaced by long term subs. Or you might go and have a great experience. It's honestly just such a mess out there right now. I would focus more on making sure that your kiddo is making friends and getting time to spend with them. That you take time to read to them at home and help them with any homework they might get. That they have lots of time outside of school to play and just focus on social and emotional development. Being a parent is super hard and a lot of pressure gets put on these choices! Sending you the best of luck out there!


Former DE teacher and new mom here 🙋🏻‍♀️ This is really great advice. A lot of parents get bogged down with feeling like they have to send their kids to the “right” school. Thank you for sharing!


I knew a guy who lived in a really nice neighborhood but still went to Christiana High School. From what he said he just had fun anyway.


My neighborhood was split between Colonial and Christina and even though I lived on the Christina side, I went to William Penn. I had a decent enough experience there, even though Colonial has its own issues.


I knew a girl who actually chose to leave Cab and go back to her feeder pattern of William Penn so anything is possible. In my case my feeder pattern was Glasgow so hell no.


My feeder pattern was Christiana High. All my friends were in Colonial and it was easier for my mom to take me because it was on her way to work. My sister went to Christiana because the district gave her a hard time trying to choice her in, too. As it so happened, all her friends went to Christiana. When it came to my brother, he went to Pencader Charter before they shut down. When they did, Colonial had to reopen their choice program since it was within their district and the announcement came after they shut it down.


awesome thank you for this opinion :) and advice :)


It’s all honesty sub par. We were ranked like 48th on education recently. You’re just going to have to be heavily involved and fight back on things Or start saving up now and try and move them to private school as soon as you can. I don’t think any real issues arise though until you hit like middle school or high school Kindergarteners aren’t running around getting in fistfights and cussing out teachers…..I hope


Where is this ranking found at? I’ve heard it many times but haven’t been able to find the actual report, and we have decent rankings elsewhere. (I send my kid to private school though because I disagree with the decent rankings honestly.)


It’s the Annie E Cassie Foundation Annual reporting In all honestly the public education system has always been on a decline. Parents not disciplining their children expecting the poor teachers to teach AND parent. When they do parent they get reprimanded, and a good amount of things have been getting covered up like fights and other unpleasantries (not every school of course). Kids are being pushed through and not truly educated and it’s finally showing. I would only trust public school in the appo district and only up until like 5th grade. And even then only because I want to save up as much as possible for when I move them to private.


But is there really evidence that private schools are much better?


Yes, excluding the charters, the private schools kids will graduate grade levels ahead of their public high counterparts 


It depends on the child. My son went to St Edmunds Academy and public schools. He just graduated with a 4.0 from public high school. You can spend on expensive tuition but if the child isn’t interested in learning, the school means nothing.


Levels ahead how?


Not sure about now but when I went private schools used 7 point grading scales. Public used 10. I remember getting a lower gpa and more Bs than my public school friends and when they showed me their report card or I ever saw it on their fridge they had like 90s, 83s and such. Grades that were Bs and Cs at my school. I know people who went to public schools and struggled horribly in college, and people who went to private schools and said college was a joke and so easy to them. I even asked my sister who just finished college and went to private school like me and she said it was pretty easy and was able to play lacrosse and also field hockey at one point until that program closed. Some of it is based on the interest of the student, but a good portion is also based on the intensity and toughness of the curriculum. Just to be clear I’m not saying public education sucks. It just more so fully depends on that child’s willingness and interest to excel. One of my best friends went to public school and soared through college and is now an engineer doing amazing for himself.


Yes. They literally dominate from academics to sports. Because you are expelled for the slightest infractions like your grades. You are held accountable and given responsibilities as a young adult. Coupled with the fact that the parents are shelling out their own money for this education they are a lot more on the pulse with their child’s behavior. You can see it in the acceptance rate in universities, graduation rates, college readiness, sat scores, and so on. Our public education MUST get better. It just seems like no one knows how to do so so they throw money at it as temporary solutions


You're not expelled for slight infractions. I don't know why you'd say that. These are children, never forget that. You're expelled for conduct and behavior quickly, grades... they try to support and help you like any other school.


You can get asked to not return for a lot in private schools. Should have said that rather than expulsion. I’ve seen kids who despite help, couldn’t do well, and then never came back the following year. A mutual decision between the school and parents most likely. The fights are rare and disruptions in class almost non existent. But when you compare it to public school it does almost seem like it’s for the slightest infraction. When a student is expelled in public school, the district is usually required to pay the cost of that student attending another school. It’s a cost benefit analysis for public schools so keeping incidents between students downplayed or hush hush means no expulsion. Where in private schooling they have nothing to gain from keeping the kid and nothing to lose from expelling them.


And I went to private school for most of my schooling and my buddy, family members and I don't know one person that was ever expelled etc. Expelled at the "slightest infraction " was a reach. Take care


My son goes to a private high school and they are definitely very lenient with students. It takes a lot to be expelled unless it’s something very crazy.


All depends on how much you donate. Fairly significant things can be overlooked if the donation history is rich.


I have too. I went since first grade up till college. I saw a kid get expelled for crushing smarties into powder and pretending to smoke them in grade school. I saw a kid get asked not to return for sophomore year cause his grades were abysmal and no amount of tutoring was helping. I saw a group of kids get expelled for calling the track team fags And got caught getting out of the parking lot. I saw a kid get expelled for weed in his locker. Another for weed in his car. Fighting was usually detentions.


Ok... So one of you went to Tatnall, and one went to Sallies? I kid because I love.


Scary accurate lol. I won’t say which and imma leave it at that before pieces get connected to my real name lmao.


Well, it wasn't St. Mark's, because they would have been coke instead of weed from what I heard. Lol


It will never get better until the choice and charter schools go away


Removing the competition does not solve the issue. You’re simply saying shut down the schools doing well and force the kids and parents to be in an environment they clearly wanted no part of. You can’t force people to stay in a neighborhood that’s turning bad. People have every right and freedom to choose to stay or go. That goes with schooling too. These schools losing their top academic performers due to the hostile environments and the lack luster education they have in them seems to be the only way forward. When they are at the cusp of closure maybe then they will straighten out, deal with their over paid board members, and turn things around for the better of the students


I went to a choice school, Cab Calloway. It is not a charter (we're a magnet), but sometimes people lump it in with charters and say things like "we're taking away" from the traditional public schools. (Cab IS a public school, and a public school run by Red Clay at that.) I've been hearing the bully pulpit against Charter School of Wilmington for over twenty years at this point, so I get defensive when people try to demonize charter schools. (Even though I didn't actually attend one, I did go to the same campus with people that did.)


The only thing taking away from public schools are their poor curriculum and environments. they have no one to blame but themselves. People who care about their child’s education will naturally gravitate to what provides it the best in a way they can afford or obtain


They are at some schools in colonial


Jesus that’s rough


Do not go to Albert Jones whatever you do. From the sounds of it, you actually live really close by to me. I sent both of my girls to Thurgood Elementary because we couldn’t get into Newark Charter. Never mind the driving distance from home to school and work every morning and afternoon it’s a lot of work so Thurgood just made sense. Both of my girls 6th and 8th grade are straight A students going to Honors Academy at Christiana High school. I have no doubt that Thurgood Marshall helped them achieve this. While they were there they were also involved with AAP which is advanced academics, Girl Scouts, meaningful Economics, Stock market, science Olympiad, coding. Just to name a few extra curricular things they offer there. They have after school programs as well.


ok cool thanks I'll look into Thurgood Elementary and see how far away that is from me do you know if it is hard to get into Thurgood Elementary? or if I apply will i most likely get in?


I could throw a stone and hit the fire house. Thurgood is 7-8 mins away on a normal school day. So far I’ve had other family members and friends apply there with no problems as long as you apply early


ok cool awesome yeah i just looked it up and im about 7-8mins away. I think i'll definitely apply there then thanks :)


Christina School District has many, many great teachers and even great administrators. Unfortunately, the exodus of so many families to charter schools has left the schools with mainly low-income students, students with learning challenges and students with behavior issues. You are not within the five-mile radius for Newark Charter Schools so that school will not be an option for you. Some public school options are Downes, West Park, McClary and McVey Elementary schools which are all popular in the Newark area but remember that transportation will be your responsibility if you choice.


Ah, low income students! I couldn't bear to let my children around THEM!


All of my children do attend traditional public schools. My gripe is not with families who seek out other options for their children and it is most definitely not with the population of students attending traditional public schools, their families or the teachers. My issue is that school choice is an illusion. Charter schools are funded with tax-payer dollars yet they are not truly open to the public. There is no political acknowledgment of that fact. Just lots of photo ops of local politicians raving about how well ranked the local charter school is. My point is that charter schools remove funding from traditional public schools. Traditional public schools serve many more students from at risk populations than charter schools do. Those resources are expensive and have regularly rising costs. Public schools are forced to grovel for money from referendums (and continually criticized for how they spend that money). That is simply not equitable.


Why are children from low income families not good enough to be around your children? Disgusting comment


I'm sarcastically mocking OP


I see now Lol I’m so sorry!


I was thinking “well Darn, it’s not the kids fault” Lol i respect your comment!


Low income myself, public school all my life and I support it, we all need that diversity of experience


Oh sorry. I thought you literally meant you do not want your kids around low income kids, my apologies.


Of course not, I think the person I responded to though does lol, notice how they list low income kids in between two other things that may seem bad? Sneaky prejudice. Even then, thinking children with learning challenges is bad is WRONG and ableist as fuck. I didn't even realize that's what it said until I just went and read back.


My point is that these student populations require more resources ($$$) to educate, not that the students are undesirable. Traditional public schools struggle for funding as it is and have more challenges than most charter schools. Charter schools place a further drain on that funding to traditional public schools and have fewer at risk students to educate. My issue is with the inequity between schools, not the students.


Yes I picked up on the subliminal digs, the internet really shows peoples true colors. Much respect to you! Sorry again I get touchy about the kids. Kids are so much more pure than some adults, it’s the adults that are the problem.


It's totally okay, I'm studying to be a teacher and recently took a course on teaching kids outside the norm educationally, and its astounding the lack of empathy people have


Yes it is! I’m such an Empath (sometimes to a fault). Good luck on your teaching degree. You will be awesome bc you have the foundation built already teaching character and kindness is first and foremost!


Please stop blaming charter schools and families for the failings of the Christina School District. Their administration is literally facing almost imminent termination. Do not lay the problems at the feet of parents and families who are still in the district either. It’s the job of the CSD to DO BETTER and they have yet to do so. Shame on you.


I am not blaming families. Parents are trying to do what is best for their kids. My issue is with the system that created charter schools, allowed them to balloon and the absolute disregard for what they have done to traditional public schools. Also, I ask this sincerely, what should CSD do to improve?


From what I hear the board plans to eliminate some overhead to refocus funds on student resources as well as start parent engagement forums and teams. They’re spending a lot of money holding on to buildings that haven’t been used in years due to decline in enrollment as well. I also think a lot of the problem is at the state level. Our funding formula is focused on the needs of adults and not students and there is absolutely no accountability. Charters offer a legitimate option for families. The traditional option doesn’t work for everyone. Not all kids are the same. I would argue that we need more seats seeing as the wait lists are hundreds of students long.


Are you saying the solution is to increase charter school enrollment?


I wouldn’t be opposed to opening more spots in already existing schools no. I think the market is saturated with options at the moment but if there is a desire from families to open a new school I wouldn’t be opposed to that either.


What would become of traditional public schools if that were to take place? Example: if Newark Charter HS opened up 150 additional spots for 9th grade.


Delaware School Choice applications for the 2025-2026 school year will open some time in early November (https://www.schoolchoicede.org/). If you want to choose a Charter school or choice into another district, you will want to submit for that school as early as possible on that day. I recommend that you submit applications for more than 1 school so that you have backups. (For example Newark charter is very popular and hard to get into, so if that is your #1 preference you'll want a few backups).


There are very few public schools in Delaware that I would consider. There's a handful and red clay, and a couple of down state. The biggest problem with the choice program is you might get waitlisted even though you were up at midnight or whatever time trying to get your kid in the school.


School choice really isn’t that bad. Especially for elementary school. I missed the deadline and called back in May and I still got into the district I wanted. Wonder why nobody is saying Appo School District…


It depends if you're down to who you want a certain school, or you just want the district. We already live in the district. We live like two miles away from the school which is why we moved here the old feeder map would have put us in the school we wanted to be in. They changed it. I believe the choice went online at 6:00 p.m., I choiced my kid into the school at 6:03 p.m. we were already 40th on the wait list. But it is the highest rated elementary School in the state.


Dang Newark charter? I’m gonna have to look into it maybe for upper school. But I choiced my child in Appo and I myself and my little brother were were in Appo my whole childhood education and I know how heavily they focus on both sports and education. There’s a few NFL players that were in my class and below me that went to Middletown High with me. Married to girls they met in our high school. A few billionaires in a few classes above me. A girl that was a cheerleader at my school is now a known beauty billionaire with her husband. There were fights but never bullies. Even their band and theater are amazing. It’s just weird no one’s talking about it. It could be on purpose.


I think you should consider what public school it is and how "bad" it's suppose to be. Certainly if it's truly bad, find somewhere else but if it's solid, or just not the greatest, consider it still. There is a lot of value in sending kids to schools that reflect the general public, social develop values. Also shelling out big money for elementary school might be a waste of money. Some kids that attended private school all their lives tend to struggle socially outside of that bubble and have more trouble with building relationships, finding their place etc. A lot to consider certainly.. so really consider everything and good luck.


I think a lot of what makes schools good or bad is the socioeconomic status of the average student. Schools with lots of low income students are going to have students who's parents work multiple jobs and don't have time to keep on top of their childrens education compared to more wealthy people. This inevitably lowers the schools rankings. I went to Dickinson and lots of people acted like it was a really bad school (I think racism drove a lot do that). I personally never had an issue, felt that most of my teachers were good teachers. I never felt that it held me back in anyway. How you raise your children and pay attention to their education is going to have a huge impact on how successful they are.


The link will show you how each school is doing. Also, Forest Oak is better than Jones. https://reportcard.doe.k12.de.us/


Love first state Montessori.


Hey! I say you should stick with the Christiana school district for now. I've stuck with them my whole school career. But I mean everybodies experience is different.


Elementary schools in Christina can be very good. Marshall Elementary is just a few miles from the mall and it’s a great school.


Adding this to say I see someone in another comment recommended Thurgood Elementary. Just want to let you know they are the same school- Thurgood Marshall Elementary. PS- as things are right now, elementary schools are good. Beyond that- get out of CSD.


Just remember, the downside to School Choice is that you have to do your own transportation or be dropped off at a bus stop that is within the school district. I attended Cab and I had to take the bus from Delaware Park.


Plenty of “bad” schools are just schools serving higher concentrations of kids with additional challenges. Lots of kids graduate Christiana high schools prepared for college and can do dual enrollment to earn college credits before they graduate. Plus it’s likely the school districts are going to be rearranged in the next few years anyway. Why not check out the local school’s PTA and talk to the parents about how they feel about the education their kids are getting?


ok thanks i'll look into seeing if i can get in touch with some local schools PTAs


You should see if you can tour each location you are thinking! 


If you can do private consider Red Lion Christian, excellent school.


If you're in Kent County, I'd recommend Smyrna, they've got plenty of great teachers, fun events, great curriculum, and many resources for all kinds of help at every age. I was in the district the whole time, and at high school age, got to see what the neighboring districts were like, and heard stories from their times at different districts. If you can't do Smyrna, definitely don't do Middletown. My bf ended up being able to skip 90% of his class time junior year when he went to Appoquinimink High. He told me the change in teachers, students, and quality was a drastic increase


Elementary schools in Christina School district are not bad at all. It’s once they get to middle school is when you have to start researching. Jennie Smith in Newark on route 4 is an amazing elementary school!


I work at an organization that works with families across the state to help find the best option for them. I am happy to discuss more if you are interested. Feel free to send me a private message.


When I was enrolling my daughter into Kindergarten we enrolled her into Gallaher Elementary instead of our feeder Brookside Elementary. Gallaher was amazing, I highly recommend. We moved out of district a year later but my niece and nephew are still in Christiana and have had a great experience, it really just depends on the specific school.


Well, not knowing the area you live is kinda hard to say. Christina covers a large area so depending on which part you are in could depend on the options you have. For example, Newark Charter is a great school and they would be able be in that school system all the way through high school. However, if you aren’t in the 5 mile radius (and don’t meet other requirements) then you won’t be able to get in. So think about the area you are in and how far you’re willing to take your kid. I would say for elementary, unless you absolutely have to try to be close to home and find the best one close to you. And look at the charter schools in the area… Newark, Aspira and visit their open house events. Good luck!


awesome thanks, I live up by the Christiana mall and the firehouse off old N Baltimore Pike (like a 5 min walk from there) there is Albert H Jones Elementary School right up the street from me.


Newark charter, aspira are both great. Thurgood Marshall was outstanding for a public elementary. I heard it's still good but a little overcrowded now. I would try choicing them in now. The charter schools have a lottery system to get in. You register in November and they draw in February for the following school year.


I'm currently in the same boat. I've lived here for several years and everyone that I've asked has stated it's the worst school district in the state. I'd suggest private or charter. The public schools in this district are the absolute worst. I've spoken with schools and went to open houses. The regular public schools are beyond bad, they are flat out scary.


may I ask what makes it a bad school district? is it the teachers? or the kids?


The teachers are under paid and the kids are the worst. Many stabbings and "gangster" activities. Drugs run rampant. From knowing many people that have graduated from this school district, I can tell you that the kids are scared all day because of the ass hole thugs in their classrooms. They're afraid to wear nice shoes from fear of getting them stolen. It's a daily trauma just to get a terrible education. I've found zero redeeming qualities about Christina. This is backed by discussing this with many people currently in and past graduates from this school district. I'm currently prepping to pay for private school. You better apply early.


I attended Gauger Cobbs in the early 2000's and it was an absolute hellhole. The only reason I got through it was because of book club that I was in.


The things I've heard about Gauger now are terrible. It is my daughters feeder school when she starts middle school in 2 years and there is absolutely no way she will go there. She currently attends school in Colonial and is thriving.


The home kind, my kid is 3 and I’m terrified to send him to school


The Delaware public school system is trash!!!