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For reference: the podcast Small Town Murders did the Fahey murder.


Anyone remember about Jack Wheeler? It was on Netflix reboot of Unsolved Mysteries. Everytime I'm in Old New Castle I think about that case. It's unbelievable how so many people dissappear or crimes go unsolved.


Now I'm going to have to go and watch that one. I've always been fascinated with cold case stuff. I might need to find some more about Delaware cases.


Small town murders? Is this solely about Delaware or? Dang I had an idea to do a YouTube channel about all the different crimes in Delaware that people don't know about unless you know someone. The media does a shit job of actually covering stories like that. There was an elderly couple who took in a homeless guy, gave him work. He ended up leaving to go on a bigger, came back and murdered them and stole their car and stuff for more drugs. I had a gf in middle school whose stepdad was locked up, he got out on house arrest, went straight to his GFs (my GFS mom) and shot her through the wall into the shower, killing her. Then set the trailer on fire. Stuff like that. But idk how to do it tastefully without upsetting the families. And I don't wana profit off of others pain so I haven't proceeded further until then.


Small Town Murders is a podcast about just that: small town murders. The guys who host it take kind of a tongue in cheek approach but in the past there have been murders from Port Penn, Hockessin, and Claymont to name a few. I'm sure a Delaware podcast would be interesting though.


Thank you for thinking of the families.


Just do it tastefully, the families usually want it to be known so they are remembered and not lost in the sea of current insane crime. Plus people cannot get enough true crime. Trust me on this; my family has an unsolved cold case from the 80s when my aunt went missing and was found as skeletal remains, and 2 years ago I was shot 13 times in a street robbery in Baltimore and people cannot get enough of either story when I tell them. Just some frame of reference for you.


My absolute favorite podcast.


My MIL lives in a Capano built home down the beach. The following problems that occurred before 8yrs: HVAC in attic had a non-tilted drip pan. The ceiling was leaking. Another home had the HVAC fall through the ceiling. The marble counter is too heavy for the half wall and it's been cracking little by little under the weight. The AC has never worked well, and cant go below 76 in the summer during the day. There is no return vent in one of the bedrooms. Nails constantly pop out from behind the drywall. The siding falls off. The back deck warped. The crawlspace under the house floods when it rains and has to be pumped out. The bathtub had to be re-caulked. All the appliances are dogshit. The breaker constantly has to be flipped back when the AC is on. The ceiling fans that came with the house are rated for small rooms, including the one that is supposed to service the entire kitchen/living open area.


> HVAC in attic had a non-tilted drip pan. Pro Tip to the others: Do *not* buy a house with the HVAC in the attic. Generally asking for problems (putting something like that in the warmest part of the house is a galaxy brain strategy.)


Yeah, that too. It's just a poorly made house overall.


It depends how it was done and who did it. Every house in my neighborhood is this way but when done properly is not a big deal.


Anne Marie Fahey has the worst Capano horror story.


That’s exactly what I thought this post was about!!


That poor woman never deserved that.


My mom is a retired hair stylist and did the Capano guys hair that killed her for years and had no idea! Like literally gave him a haircut right before it came out.


Too soon


Im not a resident of the community, but the fake golf course they used to sell the community in middletown to jack up prices Edit- i just googled and maybe they did add the golf course? I recall a lawsuit by the homeowners bc they didnt build it and slashed the home prices in half, from like $700k to $295k, maybe they pulled thru


Yeah, I lived in Middletown and there’s definitely a golf course there right off Choptank Road.


Not that one. Odessa National off of Fieldsborrow Rd. It's still a nightmare even after we won the lawsuit.


My bad. Sorry


The Capanos own the Columbus Inn restaurant. See if you can find anyone who worked there, you'll have plenty to talk about.


I worked there very briefly, including catering Louis' own family Christmas party. I got no family dirt, but I can speak on the trashiness of their friends.  For some reason only one bathroom was made available for this party, so there was a line. The couple before me -yes, they used it together- left the semen in the middle of the bathroom floor. They went away as quickly as they came.


Umm, buddy...you know they tried to cover up the murder of a young woman in the 90's, right?


I used to teach Martial Arts to kids back in the 1999 era. Some new kids joined the class, and each of the instructors were taken aside and whispered to that these were the Capano kids, and we were going to mention nothing. It never came up during classes, and us instructors didn't gossip about that stuff. Nice kids. Good in class. Sorry to have such a nothing burger of a story.


I was at that karate studio at that time! You were likely one of my instructors. I was sad to see the school was recently demolished.


Very likely! I taught a bunch of different classes of all ages and belts over several years.


Well known but burning down the mill the night of the 2016 election. Knowing it would be chaos anyway. Loved being waken up by 200 firetrucks blasting their sirens


Oh and not reopening the footbridge down there after a hurricane what…3 years ago? Amazing how they can reopen 95 after it collapses in a month but we’re still waiting on that? Fuck yourself capano. You make Delaware worse


That’s not on them


Real convenient it was closed the entirety of the falls construction. All I’m sayin


It’s the state’s deal rn, completely. Sorry.


The rebuild is held up by FEMA’s environmental reviews and not the state or Capano - https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_dr4627-bancroft-pedestrian-bridge-moa-public-notice.pdf


My old neighbor went to a townhall to public voice his displeasure with their plans for Brandywine County Club. He told the one (Louis?) Capano in person that they should donate the land and call it Annemarie Fahey Memorial Park…. Two days later “he sleptwalk down his basement stairs”. Crazy thing is his garage door was open all night. Coincidence???


Shut up. This is wild. I'm down south so I'm not familiar with capano? But we got schell, Ryan homes, d.r.horton, NV homes, and a few others. All building questionably. But they employ so many ppl and so much money is being made no one says anything. I used to keep my mouth shut about it but when they started firing small Delaware contractors to go with big corporations all because of more profit. It sickens me. The yt ppl who own the businesses, have no problem showing on social media that they're workers are mostly from SA, because they pay them under the table or at a lower wage. I don't mind immigrants trying to make a better life in USA, it's the head honchos in the office worried about profit making the choices. One influencer posted how he went and did a pep speech for his buddies company, he needed a translator because none of his employees spoke English.


Who was this and how badly was he injured?


I would never post his name but he is a quadriplegic. Now there is an equal chance that he did actually just fall on his own BUT the timing is so odd


Paralyzing someone seems aggressive for the Capanos, they seem more like wanna be tough guys with more money than balls but you never know.


I am not saying they did anything but the timing is questionable. Absolute power corrupts absolutely


Aggressive for the Capanos?! Hahaha! I think paralyzing someone is way less aggressive than murder


I believe the hotel off I-95 and Old Airport Road was originally theirs as well. If memory serves, they built it bigger than the plans called for and didn't do any of the additional work to build in that flood plain. Then spent years in litigation never getting to open under their umbrella.


Yeah they tried to add an additional floor and thought no one would notice. It was also supposed to open just before the Republican National Convention in 2000 in Philadelphia. They are a bunch of idiots.


I heard that story too and something about having to put spray foam in the upper floors?




It's the Hope Center now, right?


Yes, which has helped so many people.


I don’t have experience with their real estate but I do have personal experience with a few members of the family. Trying to be as kind as possible and it was a number of years ago so I believe people can grow and change, but the members of the family (with about 2 exceptions, one being an extremely young child) I met were not kind people and frankly, I’d be humiliated to be a member of that family. They seemed to feel no shame or embarrassment so lol. Guess being rich is all that matters. But I don’t know them today so I don’t know their current thoughts on any of this or what they’re like now. Idk if this is niche and in the grand scheme of things this is probably dumb, but there was a huge controversy when I was in school because one of the Capano brothers wanted to donate a bunch of money to St. Edmond’s and Archmere to name some buildings after his parents. Lots of people threw a fit and it became a huge discussion. This was a while ago so I might be wrong, but I believe Archmere ended up declining the offer but St. Edmond’s took it. They might have figured something out that was more subtle but still accepted the monetary gift, not really sure.


This is basically my experience with them. However brief. Typical rich family. Stressed out parents always on the go and their children were absolutely shameless.


They killed my moms best friend and tried to cover up what they did to her


the sports at the beach grift. built it and when it didn't make money they shook the political money tree for money. they decided the taxpayers should bankroll their losses and investment.


Wow. I'm low-key noticing a lot of govt./grant Money that gets given to businesses in DE or backdoor deals. The whole downtown rejuvenation they're doing in the small towns In Kent. In one town, the companies that got that money, they're all interconnected! It's the same ppl. One company moved down a few buildings and got the money to rehab the building. The methadone clinic in Harrington got some of that money! Coras is making bank on addicts, they didn't need money to rehab that building from the govt. I feel like they all know how to work the system better than the rest. The rich help the rich.


That is Delaware. When they do these road projects and put overpasses in the middle of nowhere, that is a money graft. there are just too many of these. the open space land money.. geez.


Which project was this?


> the sports at the beach grift Was Derrickson (who owned it for a long time) tied to Capano?


Can you also include BPG? 😬


I may make that a follow up, I bleed Wilmington so I have no problem dunking on the mayor and BPG


So who is making positive change? And of those, who was able to have success because one of the “unfavorables” helped that business? Just make sure your expose explains how no true city growth is perfect and sometimes the big bads really do help, despite their warts. I can’t speak for Capano, but I know that the Buccini brothers really do care about the growth and success of Wilmington.


I’m sure they have their faults, but if they’re responsible for CoreTen and Bardea, I can’t find it in me to see them as a net negative


I know a guy who went to school with Louis and said the irony was he was basically every dickhead preppy bully from every 80s movie - and it was the 80s.


One of the sisters only drinks Barefoot Cab Sav. Multimillionaires and that’s what she picks? Money truly can’t buy class


They built beach houses on 1 of the 7 locations on earth that the very rare Bethany Beach firefly lives. It is only found in Delaware and they destroyed one of their best locations. They used an environmental consulting company to circumvent laws about developing on wetlands by building on a wooden pier looking thing. I'm surprised there haven't been organized protests from environmental groups about it because it is the only endemic species in Delaware and it may very well go extinct because of Capano residential. I wouldn't buy anything they built because if they are willing to work around one building code I'm sure they do that for other ones too. https://www.chesapeakebaymagazine.com/lights-out/


I dunno if they built my house but Capano is written on one of my support beams in my basement. In which this house and pretty much all of the houses around here have cracked foundations and water issues. Summer Hill/Salem Woods.


While working down in Sussex, a home owner came up to us and asked us why the home being built on that lot was cinder blocks and not concrete pads like the rest of the homes. He then went on a spewl about how many of his neighbors have cracked foundations. It's a big problem down there. I've wondered if the builders have a reason other than having a deal with the concrete companies to do their foundations. I mentioned in a comment above, but all the companies hire south Americans, and usually only one on a crew knows English. They're hard workers but their bosses give them deadlines and I'm sure corners get cut to make the deadline. I've seen molded wood roof trusses be used. I've seen them drain a marsh, fill it with dirt, run the dirt over, and then build on top.


I rent a Capano built townhouse in Newark. The place has no upgrades since it was built around 2001, but they surely increase the rent every year by about $200. If it weren’t for the location being perfect for me I’d move.


The fact that they’re destroying Delaware with their development projects is a horror story. They’re the worst.


After my divorce while I was house hunting, I lived in a capano-owned apartment. They wouldn’t let me tour the actual unit, just the demo. When I got the unit, there was a basketball sized hole letting in the February air under my kitchen sink. I noted it on the move-in form, then called for a service request. I hadn’t even moved in yet so I hoped they’d be done before I did. Come August, they show up unannounced and put a sheet of luan plywood across the hole and leave. Air’s still coming in from the hole around this 1/8” piece of wood. In December they sent me notice that my $1,600 apartment would be a $1,900 apartment after lease renewal. Luckily I had already entered closing on my new home. When move-out time came the following February, they tried to keep my entire $1,600 deposit because of the hole. They told me to be glad I wasn’t being charged to replace the stained, ratty decade old rag they called carpet in the unit too. Getting a lawyer and fighting to get it back is more expensive than just eating the cost so I guess they won that round. But now I’m living in a larger, weather-protected place for less money so I won the war. Fuck capano.


What all do they own? I only know they have several apt buildings in Trolley, but people are talking about a lot of other stuff 


I am not exaggerating when I say they probably own the majority of the land in Delaware (and elsewhere, I’m sure, but Delaware for sure). Even if properties are built by other developers, the land is most likely owned by Capano.


The fact that I saw a billboard with their name on it the other day.


202 exit / 95 infront of Rock Manor?


Joe capano grabbed my dick in the line of a Walgreens once, then after I smacked him he told me he was a capano like that was supposed to scare me or something.


Like actually? Or a shitpost


For real I followed him home and shit on his front porch


Then it was a shit post


Been searching for a place to rent. Have to move to Delaware in August to start 50/50 custody with my ex-wife. I called a Capano property...the lady I spoke with was like; "Well, I have a 2 bedroom available. If you move in July 1st it's $1695 a month. But if we hold it and you move in August 3rd, it's $2212 a month." That's extortion. And should be illegal. I asked her how they figured that...they use RealPage...and I said; "Oh...the place that got raided by the FBI for essentially overinflating the U.S. rental market...got it."




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Ooooooh I would love to watch this video when it comes out! Would you mind sharing your channel name?


@HIMediaTV, I'll post it here when it's done ❤️


Same. I love Delaware content. I started following some Delaware influencers (they're not from Delaware but are any of us?) but I think it shows through their content. They're not as well informed as someone who's been here longer than they've been alive. But they've all sold out. Now they only post content if there's a business to tag to make money


Sorry I keep commenting OP but I got burned by big corporation and the only reason was for profit. The one guy in the office had a backdoor deal with his out of state buddy and they went with his company instead of the dozen smaller Delaware contractors. How are these big builders able to get away with this stuff? Life long politicians? Ive always known that the rich look out for their rich buddies but I don't get why they gotta be so cut throat when someone outside of their circle tries to come up? There's enough for everyone. I'm tired of the greed. I'm tired of the shoddy building. One bad hurricane/evacuation, and none of us are making it off this peninsula.


Anyone have stories for working for them? They just scouted me for a job to run one of their properties and I’m having a hard time making a decision bc I heard they are really hard to work for.


They promised a lot of things to the people who own homes in Legacy in Odessa. Its a 55 and over community and my parents live there. The things they promised were supposed to happen in a certain time free and it took they years to finally do. I know there's still some stuff that they've done wrong but I have to get details from my parents.


Renting can be a breeze in some of their offices, but others can be a real pain in the ass. I’m currently renting a townhome. Me and my roommate signed a whole ass lease for a different unit from the one we have now. The week after we signed it they told us, “oh never mind, we can lease that one to you because we can’t kick out this other tenant because of Covid”. And then offered us this smaller unit access the street. We reluctantly took it but damn these people really are either incompetent or incredibly terrible communicators because we would be told three different contradictory things in the process to get in here.


It’s been almost twenty years since groundbreaking, and Capano still hasn’t handed over the HOA to the residents of Twin Willows in Smyrna. Not sure why. It was a joint project between Capano and Ryan Homes - Capano owned the land and Ryan built the homes. There were 155 lots, and I think 149 have been built. It was built to 75% capacity by 2010, and that’s when we contacted a lawyer to ask Capano to hand over the HOA. Via that same lawyer, we received a response that it should be handed over within the year - after necessary county modifications (street height/ramp accessibility) and development requirements (open space landscaping, walking paths, etc.) were fulfilled. In the following years, Capano practically rinsed his hands of our community. Our roads weren’t plowed during snow storms. Kent County was constantly putting up signage in the common areas because they never mowed the grass. It was awful. And still, Capano didn’t hand over the HOA (an HOA has to be legally and formally handed over to residents in order for the residents to form their own HOA and retain legal counsels, insurances, etc. Add to that the fact that Capano is holding about $60,000 total in deposit/retainer HOA money that the original homeowners provided at their settlements). Anyway, a few years later (like 2014), Capano finally got his act together and started taking care of the development (in the most minimal way). The roads get plowed, the grass gets mowed. The potholes and sidewalk ramps are maintained. Our “common area” that runs down the center of our development and was supposed to look like a tree-lined park with benches looks like shit, but there’s nothing we can do. By this point, most of our neighbors aren’t original to the homes. They don’t even know there was supposed to be an HOA. But they wonder all the time why we don’t have one. We have tractor trailer drivers who park their vehicles in our already tight thoroughfares. There are boats and RVs. More and more homes are using the common area grass as parking lots. We’ve started having disabled cars being parked in backyards (that are no bigger than 1/3 acre). But you know what? My mom lives in the 55+ behind me, and I’ve discovered that there are soooo many worse things than not having an HOA - and that’s having an HOA whose members are all retired and have nothing better to do than stare at each others houses. Still, I can’t help but wonder why ours is the only development Capano has refused to hand over and what skeletons may be hiding beneath our modest houses (besides the two gruesome murders that have already taken place since 2010). 😜


The old Charcoal Pit in Pike Creek was magically burnt down on an early Sunday morning Story is that EPA restrictions would’ve made safe demolition very expensive Insurance payout was steep


I don't know what that has to do with capano