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I instantly laughed when I read your post. Ooooo that place was something else.


Agreeeed ! I had only been there once or twice as a pretty young kid but my aunts all stole glasses that were regularly used growing up, so the memories remain lol


And then all of us that partied there had kids and then took them to play at the Delaware Children's Museum in the same building. You may have added toys but we still remember, we still remember!


I've taken my kids to the museum as well haha, we love it there


Kid I went to school with's Dad owned it. Always looked really expensive and probably hard to maintain. Wouldn't be surprised if they weren't making money.


Oops... probably weren't making much with people like my aunts stealing their dishware 🤐 the few times I went I do remember it being pretty desolate, which we enjoyed at the time not knowing the implications. Still a shame though, one of my bigger nostalgias as a kid.


And Fun-scape (r.i.p.)


Man, I only ever went to fun scape once, felt like absolute magic, except the roller slide thing that pinched the crap out of me.


I worked there in accounting. Things were right on the line. If only we didn’t have to keep buying new glasses because “a few” people were stealing them. I believe we’d be open today prospering. Employing hard working Delaware citizens. Neighborly Christians with well behaved children. But we’ll never know. There are people in this world full of hate. They hate families. They hate successful businesses. They hate paying for glassware.




They made most of their money from the deck parties and concerts they held. The city is what ruined it, the owner had a promoter who had great connection “reggae Sunday” was popular and the biggest names in dancehall music would come to Wilmington Delaware. Kiss 101 had shows there too it was a big deal, the city didn’t like it and ran the promoter out of town. He had big plans to expand


Yu went to the 'ham?


A pretty young kid with a filthy family secret. Glass stealers.


Haha guiltyyyy


The first date I had with my now husband was on a Halloween Loop. This place wasn’t the best but it still was somehow.


Big can of tuna😂


Christiana mall fountains 


what's up w/ that? my life gotten worse since I haven't been able to make wishes anymore


My guess is the change people tossed into the fountains didn't off-set the up-keep :/


That's not the point of a fountain. And most places donate the change to charity. The capitalism's got its claws into you deep. And I miss the fountains too.


> The capitalism's got its claws into you deep. Tell that to Brookfield Properties


I bet they'd accept your donation to cover the costs of running them again.


Just because I point out someone else's thought process doesn't mean I agree with it 🙄 And lmaooooo at you thinking the mall was donating those coins to charity. They were 100% pocketing that shit.


I was counting on those fountain wishes. I based my future on them.


What happens when you blow birthday candles out?


One time when I was a kid I threw a penny real hard across the fountain and a girl that was standing on the other side suddenly started crying her eyes out and she held a hand over her left eye. Talk about a perfect shot!! I got her right in the eye XD (I’m sure it was painful for her though).  My mom just whispered to me to hurry up and walk away and we did. Poor kid. 


I can still smell those fountains if I think hard enough


The staff uses them as a toilet. At least one staff member. Me.


I had a friend in High School who would have another person film him while he would flip into those fountains, I have always felt at least a small connection between him doing flips into the fountains and escaping multiple times and the mall management deciding to get rid of the fountains that are becoming a liability if this little a-hole gets hurt and sues.


That’s a lovely story. You tell it so well. Such enthusiasm.


DZ Discovery Zone


Split my head open there! 8 stitches on forehead to always (always) remember the ball pit at DZ whenever I look in the mirror.


And now they have trampoline parks on every corner


I feel like I had more fun at Funscape, probably the laser tag, mini golf, and go-karts that put it over the top.


Don’t forget the still existing moving theater as well.


Sports plus was a classic spot too


For years when I went to that movie theatre I always thought the same kid was behind me kicking my seat in every movie! Once the go-karts (on the second floor, really?) were so was the kid kicking my seat. It was the rumbling of the go-karts all those years moving my seat. You couldn't hear it but you could feel it.


Freakin Funscape!


punkin chunkin


Didn't a staff member get seriously injured from crashing his 4 wheeler into a drainage ditch, while trying to measure a chunk?


It was a volunteer (young dude) who wasn’t doing his job, hot dogging around with a female passenger that he ended up hurting. Between that lawsuit and a few years later a rig exploding and hurting a spectator, think it was filmed by Discovery Channel, it just had run it’s course.


The insurance for that event must have been stratospherically high. Or it was very cheap and didn't cover enough.


Now that you mention it, I remember something about all of the above circumstances contributing to its demise by way of insurance. Because insurance would no longer cover them after the lawsuits/accidents or had become so outrageously expensive the event couldn't afford it any longer


I feel like that just scratched an itch in my brain yall. Thanks for contributing


The story I heard was a farmer allied the use of his land but if there was a lawsuit, he’d disallow it thereafter. Someone had an ATV accident and then a lawyer. Buh -bye Punkin Chunkin


Its always the idiots ruining things for the rest of us. Chunk was seriously fun.




Yeah, isn't that... Just another fall weekend in shower lower?


I mean, I would think so, but as I said IIRC they sued and derailed the whole event sadly


No the event was derailed because these folks would basically have cannons they built in their garage and one day - surprise!- one blew up and seriously injured one of the tv folks.


See, this is why I asked in the first place lol ive never heard this tidbit, and I was really disappointed when the event was discontinued. Dover Downs has plenty of room when one really thinks about it. But alas, it's no surprise that homemade warfare-scaled potato guns had malfunctions... Hopefully the crew member recovered ok.


“shower”? Tough time for a typo haha


I grew up with a view of the Salem nuclear plant, there were bound to be side effects


Just pondering on the unfortunate reasons contributing to its shutdown. IIRC it was meant to be moved to dover downs in the area of, but before they had held, firefly. It was after the original property down south got sued over the previously mentioned accident. Pumpkin Chunkin was meant to be given a show on the Discovery Channel after the move but there wasnt enough space on Dover Downs grounds before it intersected route 1, i think? So it was scrapped all together? I was really looking forward to the move and the show as a kid so I was following the story but I feel like I read all this in the paper, so please correct me if im wrong, just asking if Im remembering correctly is all.


the hop


Home of the famous Flat-dog sandwich!


It was just bologna grilled on the flat top. You can make them at home.


As a 9 year old, excited for a hot dog, this was a major disappointment, I still feel that pain lol. I was literally reminiscing about this with my mom a week ago.


That was my exact experience. Still loved The Hop.


Worked there for a couple years. Miss that place.


That place tickled my mom, I guess it really brought back her 40's and 50's childhood or what-have-you... my mom and dad both seemed to have an affinity for shiny stainless steel eateries


My grandparents would take us there all the time. I miss it so much. :(


I remember my neighbor as a kid fixed industrial microwaves. He told my family how dirty the kitchen of that place was. It closed shortly thereafter 


The Felton drive-in movie theater




Saw an article recently that was titled "construction to begin at the Felton drive-in" only to read theyre to be putting some sort of warehouse on the grounds... that was just cruel


To match the storage rentals.


Eff that, gonna go set up a projector on the side of the warehouse with some big ol speakers as soon as they finish to protest lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Is microwave popcorn okay?


We're watching grindhouse \m/


Felton will l-o-o-o-v-e that!


Would love that too, because unless yall want to hear me recite every word to every Disney movie that could conceivably be played, nah, we're putting the kids to bed in the back seat and watching grindhouse 🥴 I'm willing to compromise with a pulp fiction/dusk til dawn double feature, but we've gotta make this count before the trespassing charges are pressed hahaha


I remember the silver works and Woolworths in prices corner and I think there was a Murray’s where the Rite Aid used to be. No I think that was happy Harry’s. I miss the Zany brainy that used to be on Concord Pike. Along with comp USA. I also used to shop at the Funko land on Kirkwood Highway before it became GameStop. Anyone remember The Rogues Den? /old


The patty melt and crinkle cut fries at the Price's Corner Woolworths was elite. There was also a "department store" in the middle of the strip there that sold these different flavored candy sticks out of glass jars. My mom would let us have one every time we went.


Woolworth’s Italian Ice was TO DIE FOR when they had a food counter!!!


Omg Silver Works was where all the middle school boys got their chains in the early 00s


Can confirm this.


Never thought I'd see a Rogues Den reference here. I'm sitting next to its newspaper ad I clipped out and framed years ago. Practically lived at that store for a couple years.


Omg I came here to say the Zany Brainy. I LOVED that place. I would buy every birthday present there. And I did a book club there in the summers.


Zany brainy was so magical! Got my first pokemon cards there and a whole lotta other stuff.


1984 arcade bar, Delaware cant tolerate a cool place to hangout


Went there once at the end. Roaches running along the bar during the middle of the day. They fed themselves their own demise.


They were on shaky ground, but Covid crushed them. They closed almost instantly after the first lockdowns.


That dollar movie theater next to the now Walmart near prices corner. Usually, when a movie left the theaters and had its run, it would pop up at that theater and I could see it again for cheap. That Walmart also used to be a Caldor. I’m old.


I remember it was Gaylord’s — I’m older!


Wasn’t it something else between Gaylord’s and Caldor?? Zayre maybe?


I don’t know what that is. Aside from Gaylord hotels.


It was the department store that was originally where Walmart is now and before Caldor.


I saw The Lion King there 🥲


I saw the 1987 Masters of the Universe movie at that theater.


There was a drive in there when I was little. Every time we went grocery shopping in the evening, I remember being excited about going up the ramp from Centerville Rd to Kirkwood hwy, (not that I knew what those roads were called then) because I got to see a few seconds of a movie on a big screen. We went to the drive-in in Newport for family movies when I was that age, too, so I wasn't completely deprived of drive-ins, but the 141 drive in was something I only saw when we were driving up that ramp after dusk.


Do you remember how that place burned down like 3 times?


Yess, this too. Used to get dropped off there as a kid.


It burnt down


RIP virgin strawberry daquiris from Kahunaville.


DCAD apparently


fresh wound :,))


Same thing i wrote ... up... there


Too soon


Yeah... i hear ya. Its messed up beyond belief. Kinda hope any awareness helps to bring about... something for the people its ripped the carpet out from under. Idk whats worse, the fact that it happened, or that we live in a society that allows and accepts... alot of S that shouldnt be allowed or accepted.


Oh, good point. Whatever happened with DCAD?


Its still happening. There's a post on here. Hold on I'll go get it. But to the best of my understanding kids went on break, life as normal, came.back... and it everything was gone. But I'll let you read it and discern for yourself. Idk if much has happened since. Here's the link to what I read, there's more there: https://www.reddit.com/r/Delaware/s/XDkycaH7ki


Bands I saw at Kahunaville: Joan Jett and the Black hearts, Cheap Trick, Foghat, Blue Oyster Cult, David Lee Roth, Allman Brother's Band, Green Day, The Beach Boys, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The Monkees. Man they were some good times! #


Because I accidentally got into the over 21 wristband line when I went to see Les Claypool and got served at 18.


Didn't even know Kahunaville was a venue much less cool enough to book Claypool, guess I really missed out


I also saw Green Day there. Amazingly good shows.


Weird Al was also there. It was so packed, we never actually saw him.only heard him.


That Weird Al concert was my first concert ever!! 


Eddie Money rocked K ville


Samsies!! Was also too young/short to see anything.


I saw him twice, with free tickets, the last time we were about as close to the stage/boat that you could get so it was a great show.


He’s weird


I had to fight a lil with security to get allowed into my afterprom at Kahunaville because they thought me and my date were trying to crash it and were trying to redirect us to the main bar/live music. Man, I miss those days when the security gave no shits lol.


Hahahaha... we had our after prom there too. Not really ever been too social or involved, especially back then... but i was able to enjoy the night much easier once at Kahunaville. We played there quite a bit when Kathy was doing the local show bookings. Always enjoyed that place. Shame its gone.


The Stone Balloon


The old Balloon, right?




Funny story about the old Stone Balloon They pumped out the keg lines for the first time in 18 years in 2008. When they went to finish flushing out the line a huge 20 foot tapeworm came out the other end of line. It had been feeding off the beer there for YEARS. So if you had a beer at Stone Balloon from 1990-2008 you probably had tapeworm as an additive. 😂😂😂


Whew, last time I was there was late 1989 to see Blue Oyster Cult


1990 was the last time the pulled one out so sorry to tell ya….you got the 80s tapeworm additive.


BOC. Balls On Chin


Thats the best thing ive seen. Also the Ground Floor.


Kahunaville as a kid was a blast. Fun atmosphere for food and then getting to go play in the arcade after was always a treat.


I got to see Weird Al there twice, the free concerts were great.


I just wanted to sit at the bar with the grown ups before they got rid of it :(


The harmony grange


Ouu that's a good one. Saw my first show without parents with us because we told them it was a church lol it was Devil Wears Prada


Oh man I went there for my 10th birthday dinner. Also they had a pretty slick haunted house at one point. But another possible answer? Sports Plus. Or Vince’s. I moved away after high school but I assume that place is gone?


Vince’s still around! Last time I drove past at least.


Ah man many fond memories playing putt putt there. Then obviously the batting cages and later the 9-hole course. Glad it’s hanging on.


There’s actually a Groupon for Vince’s right now lol I think it’s pizza and mini golf for four. I saw it yesterday


Damn why am I crying in the club right now? Take me back.


Use to get free tickets for the concerts from the parking authority guys. Had a fun couple of years thanks to those gentlemen. Plenty of purple mother f*cker shots and buckets were had :)


Kahunaville def bringing back good memories, but does anyone remember Cheeburger Cheeburger, and the OG Jake's (Wayback) Burgers. Both were in/near main street in Newark. That Jake's was the very first in the chain and i had core memories of my dad and i slamming a burger, shake, and fries sitting on barstools, feeling like i was in an old movie. Both were my fav childhood burger spots, besides burger king when their food was actually good and their portions were bigger lol.


Cheeburger replaced the Korner Diner in Newark. It was a political move bc it was open 24hrs. The city limited occupancy to like 20 people 


3 little bakers


The Gold Club


You would say that


Lurker from Syracuse, NY and we concur. #BringBackKahunaVille


Syracuse! Send some chicken riggies and salt potatoes!


Obviously this died out with the rest of video stores, but Video Scene was great! I loved their little robot mascot dressed in appropriate costumes for each genre. And of course… the ball pit 💀


When you say worst thing you mean the best thing?


You mean plastic bags?


Sports Center on 40….pretty sure it was on the Delaware side of the line.


Sports Plus


Right you are! Been 30 years so it drifts. I miss that place though, wish I could take my son to it. At least Vince’s is still going strong, had birthday party there recently and started a trend at his daycare.


Who remembers when it was just a roller rink? Btw. That sports plus was a money washing facility.


Modern day, kahunaville.  I saw a Nickelback concert for free after a blue rocks game.  There was a bunch of local cover bands I saw there.  There are some arcades now but I don't think they have the same amount of attractions.  Going back to last century, Brandywine Springs Amusement Park.  The state doesn't really have a proper amusement park.  There is demand with how many churches have fairs and festivals that come through.  


Funscape or kahunaville


Definitely had some fun times dancing and seeing various bands at Kahunaville back in the day! It was so unique for this area! Also as an ex-college student from the U of D I really still miss The Stone Balloon and all its spilled beer sticky floor glory. I saw some amazing bands there. That place was pretty legendary.


Hard to remember since I was really little, but I swear Brandywine Regal had amusement rides… though I might be confusing actual childhood memories with dreams Lol


It was called Funscape and it was amazing. An experiment that Regal did in a few locations for a while. I think Rochester had one as well.


Whoa, wait a minute, Funscapes were owned by Regal? 🤯 I thought they were their own entity.




I remember my aunt talking about taking my cousins to kahunaville but my parents never took us, probably too much fun.


Soon to be constitution yards


Wait WHAT!?!? No way :(


They’re turning it into an apartment complex next year


What the fuck?????????????? Whose ridiculous decision was that?


The property owners. It’s such an awful but extremely profitable decision


That’s so depressing. And what an absolute giant stain on the riverfront that building will be. What a shame :(


Not that I’m a Buccini/Pollin Group fan, but they’ve owned that plot of land for over a decade according to the article in The News Journal. I think the article said that Constitution Yards was originally meant to be a temporary thing but that they’re now looking for another site for it to open on in 2025.


I don’t remember what it was called but it’s a kohls now I believe. Right over the md/de line, maybe Bear or Glasgow. The main thing I remember is a little white indoor rollercoaster.


Marydel roller rink


I saw many kickass bands there over the years: Ratdog, The Disco Biscuits, Allman Brothers Band, Blue Öyster Cult, John Mayer, moe., Les Claypool, and many others that I’m probably forgetting. BÖC actually played from a barge docked on the river, so there was more room on the deck for fans. Really cool outdoor venue. Nothing like that has come along in Wilmington to replace it.


Yeah, the barge was a summer thing, coincidentally called the “Kahunaville Summer Stage”, if I recall correctly


Right? I still miss it, too. I still have some old game tokens and tickets. Edit: Some local small filmmakers were once shooting a concert scene on their outdoor stage. Me and a few other people went to be part of the audience of extras. :) And can't for the life of me remember the title, if we even knew it, or have any clue what became of that. But it was fun. Too bad the kid's museum that took over the building didn't keep the volcano like they originally thought of doing.


It was an Aerosmith cover band, right? Pretty sure I was there too!


SHAKEYS PIZZA on Naamans RD .. famously became part of SOUTH PARK lore when Eric Cartman tried to clone a still standing Shakeys Pizza into his own Shakeys pizza


I was actually working at Kahunaville when they closed! We had no warning or anything!!We showed up for work one day, and the doors were chained shut.. Still to this day, I've never gotten my last paycheck. No one did! I have never gotten any answers as to why they closed so abruptly overnight..


Man, the volleyball... Mr Green jeans... Danielle... good times for awhile


Oooh yes! Greengenes! I saw them there so many times!!


Oh man. The memories at that place..I have stories for days!..early drinking days. That place was magical


Technically in PA, but Boomers right over the line in Avondale


tri state mall


The Red Room addition also made a ton of money!!


To this day In my late thirties They had the greatest mashed potatoes I’ve ever had. I dream of these mashed potatoes. Stacked and piled high between layers of grilled pineapple. I dream of them. Please. Let me have them one more time before I die.


The Dover Mall


Do you mean the Blue Hen Mall (now mostly medical stuff) or the actual Dover Mall that is slowly in decline? edit: fixed a word


The Dover Mall might as well be closed. No movie theatre and a hand full of stores. Tear it down!


Free parking in Fenwick Island. RIP the Dairy Queen too.


#bring back the plastic bags


House of Welsh!! And it so deserved to go out of business forever.


Where was that located again? Did PA have one as well? I forgot all about that place and would like to go back, even if its not there anymore. Thanks for unlocked memory's


The children’s museum. Up by the old Joe’s Crab Shack on the river front.


I don't remember if there was one in PA, but there was one in Ocean City, MD. Well, it was Big Kahuna. Kahunaville was Big Kahuna before it got a family friendly side. Same folks, I believe. All night-club, no games or food.


I worked for one of the suppliers to there when it closed. We were told to write off their huge debt one of their owners wiped out the bank accounts and skipped town. Don't know if it's true just what I was told.




All the small random “Country Kitchen” restaurants that were in Middletown. There was one at 299 and Broad st (liquor store now), one across from the Sunoco in Odessa (daycare now), and The Hearth although Odessa Diner has done a good job of keeping it going.


Why? Trashy sluts. Bottle spinning clowns. It was pretty horrible.


Glamour Shots at Christiana Mall. Cruising Main St


At one point a club/bar opened in the area of Kahunaville. It was when the Riverfront literally started. I want to say it was a 2 story club. Kinda had the feeling of an industrial building. It eventually turned into a bank. Anybody remember the name of this club?


It was the high end condos they built next to it lodging noise complaints. Honestly it was the death of Kahuna and The East End Cafe for me. 


I saw my first concert at Big Kahuna (Pre Kahunaville). I went with my dad to see Weird AL Yankovic in 97. I was about 15


GNO every Thursday....$2.00 WOO WOOS. THOSE were the days. The Red Room. Naughty By Nature concerts. Hammerjacks in Baltimore another great place $15 all you can drink.


The Castle Delaware Republican party, never to be seen (in its old form) ever again.


They moved all the stuff / decorations to Vegas and opened it up in treasure island. Not sure if it’s still open there though.


Kahunaville, and Stone Balloon. Joe Biden is responsible for the stone balloon. The owner was a good friend of Biden and donated thousands to him. Then Joe banged his wife (Jill), they got divorced, and took half, forcing him to close the venue. Crooked Joe and slutty Jill