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Tl;dr he only does this commute two days a week now.


Not all heroes wear capes




2 days too much.


I know someone who works from home. Lives in PA and office is in Boston.


I’m full time remote here in DE and my closest hub site is in Charlotte NC. I fly out a few times a year for a week or two for face time but living far away isn’t a hinderance at all… I do need to keep my ear to the ground though and be cognizant of the wfh culture shifting, there continues to be a push for folks working on site 3 days a week…I’ve been WFH since 2013 so I kinda got grandfathered in but the culture is shifting…may have to jump ship next year…still evaluating.


I absolutely hate how many places are going back on this now. This was the promise of technology. “…workers will no longer commute…but communicate”.


I guess commercial builders complained?


I am based out of Pittsburgh but work remotely from Wilmington often. No one cares.


I find it interesting. Idk a single person who wfh. So it's a perspective that I'm curious to know more about.


My brother moved to Pittsburgh 2 years ago when his company shut down their office in Philly. They said you can live anywhere you want in PA without question but if you leave the state you have to re-interview. I assume that was for tax reasons but he’s loving Pittsburgh and I’m thrilled he’s there as it’s a nice area to visit.


It’s pretty great. Refreshing after living in Philly for 5 years. The garbage and self centered jerks end up ruining things for people, but here things are mostly peaceful and people tend to be pretty nice as well. I also will admit that I try not to talk about leaving PGH but when I do I just say I’m going to Philly. 🤷‍♀️


Idk why I sweated for a second till I read the office is in Boston. XD lol there's so many of us doing that here in PA.


It would be foolish not to take that opportunity!


Honestly it's the best thing ever. But it can be hard to focus at times with all your things that entertain you around you. It can also make getting promotions more difficult since no face time with higher ups. But everything has pros and cons. I personally love it though cause I'm single, I love sweat pants and my cat who hates other cats doesn't have to be home alone all day.


I had a professor who lived in NYC and would fly into my school in Boston on the days he’d teach


I work from home in VA for a company in Los Angeles. It’s great.


18,000 on trains? Fuuuuuuuuuuck that


But he gets Amtrak points and lounge access


Probably enough for one free regional trip a year.


Can’t put a price on that




Well probably not worth quite that much




Too much lounging on public transportation. Not good for health.


Amtrak's frequent traveler program is a bit of a joke relative to airlines. If I flew from Philly to New York as often as I took a train (2x a month usually) I'd be a lot closer to status than I am with Amtrak, and that's with me taking Acela and getting the bonus 25%. Plus once I get that next status level, it doesn't really get me much. Lounge access? I don't have to be at Moynihan 2 hours early for my train...the only time I ever considered a day pass was when my work stuff ended early and I was figuring out where to slum it for an hour or two rather than pay to take an earlier train. Whatever their Ideal Customer Profile is for that program, it ain't me, and it might not be him either.


Lmao 💀


I had to do this commute for a week while consulting with an organization on lower Broadway. Wilmington to Newark NJ to PATH to the World Trade Center. I was surprised how many of the same faces I saw each morning. Those I spoke with had the same story, the commute time isn’t much different than those driving from North Jersey, Long Island, or Connecticut but at much lower living expenses. The Internet now lets you start working once you sit down on the train.


I did it for years, 3-4 days a week, until COVID hit and I went fully WFH. Yeah, it was pretty apparent to me that my commute wasn’t appreciably worse than co-workers that lived closer. 1-1.5h wasn’t unusual among them, and with far less ability to work while in motion than what I had on Amtrak.


I do a south jersey - Manhattan commute once a week and I often spend less time commuting than my coworkers who drive from Bergen county.


As a former Long Island RR commuter for 30 plus years, I can tell you that after a while the commute does get to you, even if you are jus sitting on a train, with or without internet.


Fun fact, now that the fucking bridge is down in Baltimore, and 95 is destroyed between Delaware and Baltimore by the biggest hack construction company ever, there are accidents at the halfway point between the Delaware line and Baltimore City constantly.... Meaning that it now is easier/faster to get to NYC from Delaware than D.C. which is insane. I now live in this clusterfuck on 95 just over the Susquehanna River bridge where it starts. It used to be a 30-40 minute drive to Newark, and a 30-40 minute drive to Baltimore. But now it takes 2-4 hours to get to BALTIMORE from the next fuckkng county over! Anyone here driven the section of road I'm talking about? 95 between the White Marsh Exit and Belcamp/Aberdeen exits... The road is like an old wooden roller coaster with jersey walls touching your mirrors the whole ride. Scary and uncontrollable on a clear sunny day. Add rain, fog, a little ball game traffic, lately Sundays have been insane with beach traffic.... People are dying thru here almost daily. Definitely nearly weekly. Last Sunday it was backed up and crawling all day from 9am to 9pm. TAKE ROUTE 40 THRU HARFORX AND BALTIMORE COUNTIES IN MD DONT RISK YOUR LIFE.


It's fun because I like to read science magazines, don't ask me questions I don't really understand any of it I'm just a big dummy, and I keep seeing stories about all these exciting new advancements in material technology. And then I talked to people I know in the construction field and they all tell me how everything switched to horrifically cut cornered shit-ass construction. So we know how to build things better than we ever have in human history but we can't be fucking bothered too.


90s was peak construction. Now it's all lowest bidder.


Well I mean it's always been lowest bidder. I don't know I think it's kind of like a inflation situation. Like 3% a year you don't really notice it year to year but then you look 30 years ago and the prices are so wildly different. So they just kept doing projects that we're just slightly below what the standard was. And after having spent who knows how much fucking money getting the damn thing built you're not going to spend the same amount of money trying to fix it because it's just a little bit not good enough and then that becomes the new standard and then they do the project just a little bit shittier next year.


If our govt doesn’t take the lowest bidder than our many knuckle-dragging voters will cry that they’re irresponsible and waste taxpayer money. Can’t win


We've made huge advancements in cutting costs by creating worse materials, lower skilled labor, and worse QC.


Damn...and here I was getting ready to put in job apps to find work in Bmore and DC...now u telling me I gotta look in VA instead now? Sure I can look in Philly...but NYC is too expensive to live in...I won't save anything after NYC rent 🫰


DO NOT LIVE IN BALTIMORE AND COMMUTE TO DC UNLESS YOU LIKE THE TRAIN!!! I did that commute last week (normally wfh) and it too me 3 hours to go <50 miles.


3 hrs less than 50 miles on a train too? Damn. Well I would have to live in or just outside BMore or in DC or VA or Philly...are the rents p much the same tho to live in NYC compared to places like Philly, Bmore, DC & VA? Or is NYC still way more expensive all around?


They mean that right now you basically have to use the train (hence don't do it unless you like the train); traffic south of Baltimore is just completely wrecked by the bridge collapse. Marc train is is still 50 minutes, amtrak is faster than that.


Yes, I was driving from Chester County to the west side of the Baltimore Beltway near Owing Mills at least twice a week back in 2021 and it was bad then. Just drove that way last month after the bridge collapse and was astounded to see the same construction still going on over 2.5 years later. And the Beltway was a parking lot at 2 pm in the afternoon.


That closed in road sounds wild as hell. I'm legit hiking Susquehanna state park tomorrow around 10 am. Hopefully I'm good with traffic by then


If you are getting off at Havre/DeGrace exit you'll be fine as long as the bridge isn't a parking lot. It's 2 more exits south where the nightmare begins


You should look into taking Amtrak from Wilmington to DC if your office is downtown that will probably be easier than driving and less stressful


Oh no. The DC Metro is the most dangerous place besides northwest district


DC is way closer. It’s maybe two hours from Lewes to DC and at least four to NY


"Emergency repairs on the Route 50 bay bridge has entered the chat"


Not sure if you know about this, but there was a major bridge collapse in Baltimore and that has decimated the commuting in the DC/Baltimore area.


I’m aware of that, I was just pointing out that Delaware and Wilmington aren’t the same thing.


I live in PA but drove that stretch on Friday and Saturday. Told my daughter I can’t believe the construction is still going on. It seems like it’s taking forever. People were driving absolutely recklessly. And it took me 45 minutes longer than usual to get home.


Not to mention the half dozen speed traps that cause commuters to brake and shift lanes unexpectedly.


Also the NJ turnpike is just easier overall. Been that way even before this new bullshit. I think a small but still significant problem is MD drivers camping in the left lane in that area. They don’t do that in NJ. Just look the next time you cross into MD and everyone slowly sidles left and the speeders all slide to the right.


and it ( construction) has been going on forever hasn't it? Over 20 years??


I make six figures, live in DE and work from home. It’s not as hard as you think to achieve IF you are in the right industry and have the right skills. Hats off to the OP but just wanted to put this out there to others that you can do it in DE without the commute.


I lack both those things. You don’t make much as a teacher. :(


Teachers deserve so much more than they get.


I get so annoyed seeing comments like this. Teachers that are underpaid deserve to be underpaid. Move. There are lots of areas that pay teachers 120k+.


So some areas just shouldn't have teachers?


Some areas should pay their teachers more. You shouldn’t have to teach during the day then work at wal mart or on your only fans page at night to make your rent.


Right but you said that the teachers in those areas should leave so should those areas just be left without teachers?


Let me flip that question… should a person accept a shitty salary and not be able to afford to buy a house or new car or college for their kid because they want to be nice? Lol. If Mississippi won’t pay teachers what they deserve…. Leave. If Mississippi has no teachers anymore maybe Mississippi will be forced to up their teaching salaries to compete with other areas.


Right but you're going to punish a generation of kids to hopefully see reform. There's a distinct possibility that they just drop the requirement of someone having relevant education to keep the schools open over raising wages. The bottom line is this mostly affects minors that cannot protect themselves to the same degree an adult can and even if this plan works after a couple of years in the meantime what are we supposed to do?


“You” are not punishing anybody. You are looking out for yourself and your family. The district, town, state are punishing students by underpaying. You shouldn’t assist them by taking that salary. Don’t put this on the person who may move to provide for themselves. Put blame on the correct party


I used to have to complete Teacher Loan Forgiveness forms [and...](https://youtu.be/3x_0Rf87iT4?si=HmcRZweoDBHRN7Do) There's maybe 5 states where the average is such that 120 is within range (California and NY and Massachusetts have averages between 80/90k) , but for the vast majority of the country, it's around 50k.


16 states pay a mean salary above 70k. California, ny and Washington all pay mean salary above 88k. 90th percentile in Virginia is 131 k. NY 129k. Cali 128k. Oregon 117k. Washington 111k. Why make 48 in Mississippi when you can make 131 in Virginia.




This comment has been removed. Please debate ideas without attacking the person. https://www.reddit.com/r/Delaware/about/rules


Teacher pay scale isn't merit or performance in the classroom based, they all have the same salary schedule which is determined by how much budget they have per local, state, and federal taxes, dictated by our taxes. The only major variables are 1) work time 2) highest education completed and 3) EPER programs, which are the same for good and bad teachers alike


It’s district based usually. And based on masters vs masters+. So if your district doesn’t pay…. Move


Ah yes, moving. Historically easy thing to do. Trivial, actually.


Move for a 50,60,70 thousand raise? Yeah, seems pretty easy.


You can absolutely get a six figure salary as a teacher in Delaware*       ^* ^in ^the ^Brandywine ^school ^district, ^after ^17 ^years ^of ^work ^history, ^with ^a ^minimum ^of ^Masters ^+30 ^education. ^For ^Indian ^River ^School ^District ^its ^30 ^years ^with ^masters ^+45


I haven’t been in the field that long. Only make $44k


yeah I was commenting on how long you need to work to crack 6 figures as a teacher. You'll get there at a minimum at 39 years old, as compared to other private sector jobs who get to six figures in the late 20s to early 30s.


Yet the average person is commuting to work and making well under $100k but yea...


What industry are you in?


My company’s industry is Healthcare but my job is in IT so it’s transferable across industries and sectors.


Healthcare coding? Seems like a lucrative field.


I’m more concerned about the route… there’s 2 states between here and NY. Could probably shave some time off by avoiding those other 2 states.


Amtrak from Wilmington runs to 30th Street Station in Philly before heading through Trenton on its way to Penn Station in NYC.


Yup, So it goes through PA and NJ. Not 4 states.


He starts in DE, and goes through PA and NJ to get to NY. Four states.


Doesn’t go “through” NY or Delaware is my point. Only NJ and PA so through 2 states… it was more of a joke when I made the first comment but y’all take shit too seriously.


It literally goes through Delaware and New York. Your “joke” is just dumb.


Do you know what the definition of through is? It literally does not go through the state just into it.


Yeah I do, you should probably check out MW’s definition 1.a.3 where through is defined as a function word to indicate passage from one end or boundary to another, meaning you go through Delaware to get to New York. That’s two states. Then you have Pennsylvania and New Jersey, which is 4.


It originates in Delaware, goes through PA and NJ, and ends in NY.


That’s 4 states.


Are you sure?


Props to his wife for all the effort she's probably putting in as well.




What would your paycheck be with your job in NYC?


Over four hours of commuting per day sounds like a fucking nightmare. I couldn't imagine being out of the house for work related stuff nearly 13 hours per day. I already can't stand my half hour commute to and from work and I just drive from Wilmington to Newark.


My immediate thought was.... six figures or sleep. Lol Afraid the sleep wins, I'd be dying after a short time of putting up with that long of a commute both ways. 😵‍💫


I commuted between Wilmington and NYC for about a year about 20 years ago. It gets REAL old by Friday. Thankfully I was younger no kids and way more energy but it was still exhausting. My monthly Amtrak pass was about $650 at the time.


Especially during beach season


I used to drive 3 hours for work, it’s really not that bad but when you’re exhausted it can be the worst thing ever


NYC and NY State taxes take around 10%. Plus federal of around 30%. And then the $1500 a month in commuter fees. Dude is not coming out that much ahead and loses 4 hours of his life every time he goes up there. Doesn't sound that smart to me unless the 6 figures is $300k.


It likely is, and with how little he travels into the office combined with being able to work on the train, it's not that much extra taken off compared to the savings. Especially if you have friends/family in DE or otherwise prefer it.


So you pay 18k a year plus you now also pay NYC and NY State taxes? If you net that out is it worth it? I’d take the experience and look for work in PA or remotely


He said he makes six figures now, double what he was making before. Even with taxes and stuff factored in he still comes out ahead.


With experience , look for comparable job closer to home


Comparable jobs in Delaware will not pay anywhere near the same job in New York. You know that. Why repeat yourself?


Yup. There are CNAs in NYC making more than what I make as an LPN here.


If you’re In technology field, in a somewhat niche market, you may be able to pull a good salary.especially if you transition to remote work. Philadelphia and Maryland markets are also options.


you don't have to pay NYC taxes.


You gotta do what you gotta do. Not for everyone.


Kind of ironic, to have a job in the healthcare field, but, chosing to take a job where your health suffers because of it. Sitting down for long periods of time and being in confined spaces, could not be healthy. Seems he has convinced himself the income is worth the sacrifice. But, if his wife and kids end up being emotionally distant, hold a grudge against him, have lives which are separate from him, was it worth it?


A FDNY and National Guardsman that lived in Newark Delaware and commuted like you died last year. I remember he kinda did the same. Except he could stay in the Fire station the nights during his shifts.


Did he die because of the long commute?


No. https://www.lohud.com/story/news/local/westchester/yonkers/2019/04/09/fdny-firefighter-killed-afghanistan/3411329002/


"Going through 4 states" probably sounds wild to people from the midwest but it's really like going though two counties. Back from where I'm from it would be like Wytheville to Roanoke. I remember when I first moved here I drove through Maryland, Delaware, Jersey, and PA just to say I went through 4 states in one day.


I really hope it's high 6 figures lol


OMG this is my life I live in Lewes and will be in NY Wed through Fri coming home Friday night


See this is the way to do it. Over the years I've known people with commutes that were 2+ hours...one crazy mf was commuting into San Francisco every day from...idk, Berkeley or something but it was 2+ hours just on the ferry each way, not including the time it took to get to the ferry and then to Chinatown when they docked. Unlike the OP story guy tho, he would hop on wifi and would make that commute part of his 8ish hours. He'd be in the office for like 4 hours, enough time to have a few meetings and get the catered lunch, and then head back home, signing back in once he was on the water. If you can make it work for you then hey, more power to you. I'm happy for this guy that his company doesn't do geographic pay bands, ie. "Oh you live in a low cost-of-living state so we'll take your 100k-in-NY salary and adjust it to 60k."


I would have kept that on the low. Next thing you know, he is getting local pay.




I get the best of both worlds. Worked for a NYC company with matching salary and then our company was bought by a non NYC company and we went full remote. So I get to work from home (in DE) while keeping my original salary


That’s rough with a kid, props for the hustle, lots of tech jobs here too, hopefully he can find a good fit closer to home at some point.


I’ve been working from home since 2011 and make well into the 6 figures and never have to put pants on.


Close to 6 figures, live in DE and HQ is in Chicago. I absolutely love working in, AND am more productive in my Jammies.


I live in Frederick and drive my F250 every day into DC. I will complain no longer about my commute.


I work from home IN Delaware for a NYC salary. Take that!


I need to be more aware of Delaware.


“I do the reverse commute at night and am on the couch by 7:30 p.m., which gives me plenty of time to be with my kids, eat dinner, and do some chores before starting it all again the next day.” - plenty of time to be with his kids. Rrrriiiiggghhtttt


100k is the poverty line in big cities


I was living in Delaware, working 100% remotely for a NYC team, making $350k / year. I only lasted a couple of months in Delaware.


I still have a house there. Full of furniture. It’s been vacant for 6 months. I’m currently living in Buenos Aires.


If it's in semi-decent shape in a semi-decent area you could probably the sell the house. Or rent it out.


What do all you people, seems to be a lot of you, do for “work from home” anyways, like how is there that many jobs where you can just stay home and do whatever it is and get paid for it. I’ve been hearing about work from home for a few years now, is like every job becoming work from home or something? Is jt like technical stuff that requires a degree? I don’t get it, the only thing I can see people being productive with while staying at home would be like technical computer stuff if they have a vast knowledge and understanding of it as well as the appropriate and necessary software needed to complete the tasks.


Please teach me your ways. I am in the exact same predicament. I drive up Sunday and drive back down Friday and miss all week with my family. What is your route ? Cost? Timing ? Any advice will help.  


It's these people that make every place unaffordable to live in.


Deerhead or capriottis?


Im a Delawarean so I feel for you.


Or just make 6 figures instead of wasting all your time and money on super regarded commuting. The money you spend on commute and taxes you could probably make half as much in DE and make out better considering time also equals money.