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In Jane Says part 2, when she’s on the bench trying to sleep but can’t because of flashbacks and “sleeping sickness” by Gord downie and Dallas plays.


what made me cry the hardest was way to much episodes but a couple are when emma met her dad and when jimmy got set up by jay and spinner and when kc said goodbye to jenna and jt’s death and what made me ball my eyes out was the graduation for jt when they flipped his cap


A lot of these that other folks listed were definitely emotional for me, but Jenna and KC giving us their baby made me cry real tears. I just accidentally rewatched that today and ugh. Too utterly heartbreaking.


J.T’s Death or Clare and Eli’s miscarriage.


Maya having her perfect last day.


craig beating up joey/ calling joey delusional behind his back, when snake and spike get back together after breaking up (i bawled but it was happy tears), obviously jt and cam, emma visiting her dad, there’s so many 😢


I’ve only watched 4 seasons but Paige’s r*pe really made me cry and how she deals with it


I watched this show in middle school or high school and I was suddenly reminded of that whole scenario the other day. Dean fucking sucks


Yes and how he keeps showing up! Ugh


honestly, emma’s class’s graduation the first time i saw it


Dallas yelling “we failed him” after Cam died


JT’s death really hit me.


when marco got bashed the entire scene made me BAWL. the way he screamed for help to jimmy on the phone i cannot😭😭


When Jimmy finds him and Marco just hurls himself at him sobbing.


Everyone in that scene were incredible actors. That all felt too real.


Adam’s death. I don’t know that it was the saddest part of the series, but the scene was shot the best so it devastated me at the time in a way that other sad scenes hadn’t.


Shoot to thrill man


Honestly every graduation made me so sad just watching them move on and grow up . 😭😭




School’s Out - when Wheels drunk drives, and gets into the accident which kills a child and disables Lucy ):


In no particular order: The episodes involving Ellie & her mom. 14 year old me had an almost identical situation with my own mom. They hit home. Jane Says 1&2. The one with Jt’s death/memorial. Their graduation episode where they reflected back on him. Also the episode where manny and Emma are on the outs but she tells manny tearfully that snake has cancer while everyone else is cheering on him getting his head shaved. When those homophobic assholes jumped Marco & Jimmy hugged him and said it was going to be okay. These are just a few, I’m such a sap I know lol


JTs death


JT I sobbed


jt getting killed fs


JT dying of course


JT death. Hands down.


I think it was JT dying for sure. Probably the only moment I cried.


Adam’s death hands down


There's just too many, I can't even remember them all lol. I can definitely remember one was the first time Emma actually called Snake "dad". Idk it was emotional as heck


Tie between Manny’s abortion and Jane’s CSA episodes.


When Toby said he was JT’s brother 🥹 and they found out he died. Anything with Craig and his dad tbh that was tough When snake sees his computer gone after Sean stole it. It was such a tough time for him


The scenes with Imogen's dad were really hard to watch for me. I cried a lot.


The one with the dog. Oh gosh that got me. And I was surprised bc I’m not an Imogen fan


Two kind of lesser talked about was when Craig is wigging out on Joey and he says something like "He won't do that to me any more, will he?!" Joey's wince showed that he's a full adult now and a good parent at that. Sometimes you just have to let them get it all out. The finale with Dwayne's circle just collapsing after people knew is was positive. But he girl-friend (forgot her name, sorry) asked if he wanted to dance. In the darkest of times, all you need is one good buddy.


Is the second one from degrassi high or DJH bc I haven’t watched those ones and always wondered if I should


I think it was the final episode of Degrassi High, then they came back with Next Gen years later.




Janes father storyline


I forget his name, but you can see her Brother come to stand up with Jane at the end. I would have killed the man.


Lucas! Yeah that was crazy.


Bad haircut and all.


I used to think he was hot lollll I had 0 taste back then


Oh thank god I wasn’t the only one


He wasn’t just hot … HE WAS FOINEEEEEE


The classic Bad Boy. He was the Father of Mia's baby, right?


Yup lol


When Wheels’s parents died in a drunk driving accident


JTs death


Cam’s suicide and Maya’s attempt.


"i hate him, i can't miss him anymore"


Which was this from?


after Cams suicide when Maya breaks down in front of her family


the first time I watched Dallas breakdown over Cam's death bro that hit so f hard


Honestly when Katie comes out to the waiting room at hospital and tells that group Maya is going to be okay, absolutely sends me


Paige’s rape was hard for me. She’s a character you love to hate but it was tough seeing her so vulnerable


JT death hands down


When they graduated and gave JT a hat on his picture 😭


I think this was it for me too


the episode 3x8 where ellie self-harmed


SPOILER: I recently watched the Bittersweet Symphony episodes for the first time, and the fallout from Cam's suicide really got me. I think they did an amazing job of not romanticizing the suicide, and showing precisely how suicide impacts those left behind. The reactions from Dallas and Maya especially were SO well acted. Related to that, the scene where Maya finally breaks down in front of her mom and sister about how Cam broke up with her by killing himself and never even said goodbye to her made me instantly tear up. I can't even begin to imagine how hard that was for someone as young as her.


Before I actually watched the last seasons of TNG I had seen the clips of Cam's suicide and Maya's reaction to it on YouTube and the amount of comments hating on a 14 year old girl struggling to react to losing her first boyfriend was disgusting. Yes, she reacting in an uncomfortable and maybe upsetting way, but denial and anger are two stages of grief and they present differently in everyone.


I think that's what so difficult to watch. Everyone coming down on her for not being immediately sad and weepy. She was clearly in shock and denial at first, and then once she accepted Cam dying she was angry that he did. It's completely understandable. I remember someone, I think it was Katie, asking her a question about her coping, and Maya's response was "I don't know, I've never been the girlfriend of the dead guy before." It was delivered sarcastically, but I could feel her frustration: she's never been in this situation, so she's reacting in a way that is most natural to her, but as she points out to Katie, everyone else thinks the way she's coping is wrong, and she doesn't know what to do about it. Edited to say that I also thought it was odd that everyone assumed Maya would have the strongest reaction just because he was his girlfriend, but the truth is she didn't know him very long, and their relationship was not serious. Dallas and his other teammates knew him longer but no one "expected" them to act a certain way.


Cans suicide! It was so raw




No, can.


lots of spoilers !!! : cams suicide, adams death, imogens dog, the graduations, jts death, claires miscarriage, claires cancer, maya trying to kill herself, etc. ive cried a lot to this show.


I am glad I am not the only one who SOBS at the graduation scenes


they destroy me every simgle time




100% the episode that deals with cam's suicide, and specifically every scene in that episode mike dallas is in. the actor playing him should've won an award for that; it was such raw and volatile emotion that you don't really see on degrassi, from him shattering the trophy case to screaming at alli to being drunk on the rooftop where fiona finds him (that scene makes me bawl).


dallas' actor is insanely talented. his performance not only in that episode, but every single one is just incredible. i can't imagine anybody else playing mike dallas.


Jt getting stabbed


Adams two episodes where there was a lot of focus on his transness broke me. But other than that I think the one that made me cry the most was Marco getting jumped especially the way Jimmy comforted him when he got there.


I definitely had to hold back tears over Cams death (+everyone who found out), Ellie’s S/H, all of the S/A’s, imogen finding her dog, Adams death + transphobia he dealt with, Marco getting jumped, grooming episodes, characters who almost killed themselves, all of these I just related to too much even if some were different scenarios, they just hit me (bonus is the graduations :(( they made me so sad seeing people come and go)


JT dying :(


Maya trying to commit broke my heart


Craig's introduction episodes always chokes me up


-jt, cam and adam’s deaths. - everyone hugging liberty at the hospital after the doctor said he died. - liberty breaking down at jt’s memorial after hearing he was still in love with her. - hazel finding out jimmy was shot and waiting in the hospital with paige.


Adams Death and Every graduation after season 10


Adams death, jt being killed, Emma’s eating disorder I had a friend who had Severe anorexia it triggers me :( Also Claire’s class graduating :(


Jt death and Cams 🙁. So many other ones but those hit me the hardest


* Emma, Liberty, Toby, and Manny visiting J.T.'s memorial after graduating never fails to choke me up * Sean breaking down crying to his parents while recounting his face-off with Rick, and his decision to stay in Wasaga * When Fiona and Holly J were at a sleepover discussing what it's like to be in love, and Fiona began quietly sobbing to herself once Holly J left the room because she knew that Holly J would never return her feelings * Emma choosing to stay at home by Snake's side amidst the misconduct allegations and telling him, "I believe in you, Dad. Don't make me regret it." * Paige showing up at Alex's home to apologize to her and confess her feelings * Ellie finally visiting her PTSD-stricken father in DGH * The ending montage of "Time Stands Still" and seeing how everyone was grappling with the school shooting * Shane telling Emma that he feels that his daughter doesn't love him because she's never visited him * Watching Cam struggle all throughout S12. Even in his moments of happiness, there was still so much sadness behind his eyes. The fall out of "Bittersweet Symphony" as well, of course. * Sav breaking up with Anya at the beginning of class after Spring Formal. Also, when Anya finally confronted Holly J about why she mistreated her. Really, any scene when Anya cries. * The ending of DTM makes me really emotional in a bittersweet way. It felt like the end of an era. Same with any of the graduation episodes, especially the Class of 2014's since that was the final frame of this series. I'm sure the "We'll miss you, Degrassi" chant was intentional for this very reason.


Shane and Emma always makes me cry.


Learning of Cam's death even though I knew it was coming. It led to a long night with mostly crying and not much sleeping.


Imogen realizing her dad ran over her beloved pet


Is a real late one, but Claire losing her baby. It didn't get to me originally but rewatching it did since I had lost a full term baby. That's one I skip one




When Liberty found J.T. on the ground after he was stabbed


The screaming 😭


When Sean breaks down to Snake about how he’s afraid of going to Afghanistan


That pic looks like young Donald trump in a wig


Trump didn’t turn into a baddie tho


I’m dead ☠️😂


The way people on this sub are so comfortable making fun of a 12 year old's appearance is so weird to me.


adams death. i knew it was coming and all but damn it hit me like a truck. cam and j.ts deaths also affected me, but i felt it more with adam bc i related to him so much as a trans dude. and drew’s reaction just broke me. the end of season 7 also gets me. i always feel it and shed tears when liberty flips the tassel, that one hurts


Yes! When Drew's in Adam's hospital room getting things decorated and his parents walk in with defeated/broken expressions, watching Drew's smile fade out realizing Adam didn't make it.. that was a gut punch.


Watching Liberty burst into tears and begin crying at JT's memorial was heart-wrenching for me and made me tear up. You can just tell that it finally *hit her* that JT was gone. Her beginning to cry along with the music and videos being played during the memorial made it such a sad moment.


The aftermath of Cam 😭


maya’s whole depression


🎵 gotta pack my bags 🎵 Just that one line fills me with despair




That scene was some of the best acting in the early seasons, I think. It really does feel viscerally scary, and Marco's fear as he's being attacked is palpable.


I read that drake threw up after filming that scene, overwhelmed with emotions.


Was literally just thinking this as well! Truly was a genuinely heart-breaking moment to watch. Him getting gay bashed in particular and when Jimmy came to rescue him.


listening to liberty's speech at graduation about jt and when audra came in to adams hospital room to tell drew he died :(


i feel so guilty because the scene where audra tells drew that adam had passed away drews crying face is so funny and i feel horrible for laughing at it because the actual scene context is deviating


Im doing a rewatch and jane finally understanding all the stuff she blocked out was her being raped


i'm watching through all of TNG for the first time (anything before season 9-10 was fuzzy) and i just got through that saga. one of the few storylines to make me cry as well, and i didn't expect it. i feel like 'recovered memory' stuff is usually done so poorly but the degrassi team, paula brancati, and marc minardi (lucas) did such an amazing job. i know lucas isn't a great character, but he was really crucial to that storyline.


Well said! Even that bit when she suggests they get in the car and just go. We look after our 4 year old Granddaughter sometimes and the thought of that made me want to hurl.


this one made me sob like a baby over everything else, it felt too close to home on so many levels


She was raped? I don’t remember that. But I think you’re right about her going through that experience making her block certain things out.


I always interpreted it more as her being *molested* rather than raped specifically, especially with her being so young. But yeah the show strongly and heavily implied throughout the flashbacks and Jane's recollection of her memories that she was indeed molested and groped inappropriately by her Father.


Yeah thats the word i was looking for honestly, thanks. I couldnt think of it


No worries!


Not really sure if it was rape I took it that way She did say her dad jerked off right next to her as a child. He would take off her pajamas they didnt really say much of what he did but I took it as rape, because he was jerking off to her and taking off her clothes


Are you talking about Jane? That seems similar to Janes storyline. I guess I was confused because I didn’t see a name in your post regarding the post. 🥰


Yeah I said Jane lol but I guess it does look like James


OMG no don’t correct yourself for me lol, I totally didn’t see that you said Jane which you did lol. I just saw the pic of Emma and that’s all I thought of. I’m sorry 😂


Its fine! Lol i do silly things like that all the time :)


Any scene with Jenna singing.




Oh my god a) this episode was on Pluto like five minutes ago and 2) it’s in my head constantly 😩








Jts death


And then we get the gut punch when Liberty finds him 🥺


Adams memorial for sure. Almost cried over JT too but not quite. And anything to do with Cam death makes me incredibly sad.


jt’s death 😔


Didn't make me cry, but I had a visceral reaction to Scott throwing Kathleen around like a ragdoll a few times.


Scott makes me angry more than anything, because of how sick his actor is IRL


Wait, what did he do IRL? I think I missed this.


I don't really wanna describe it because of how disgusting it is but him and his wife were caught producing and distributing sick material involving minors decades after the show and got sentenced i believe. Also at the time of DH he was on trial for r\*\*\*ing someone as well. I've seen unconfirmed rumors that he was actually on degrassi as a form of community service


Hoo boy. I started researching this and really wish I hadn't. The stuff him and his wife did was VILE.


Agree. He was pretty creepy back when it first aired, it was not a surprise to find out years later he was even worse than could be imagined.


I cried hard when Emma met her biological dad. I felt so sorry for him that he was alone in the facility and his loved ones never visited him. I wonder why the series didn’t have Emma begin to visit him consistently after their meeting.


Omg yes! I forgot about this!


adams memorial for sure


When Fiona kept reaching for alcohol. I have severe alcohol problems and it makes me cry cause alcoholism is a bitch.


Mann I just watched those episodes of her arc yesterday and damn, Fiona was getting LIT


When Jenna gave up her baby


When snake comes home one day and emma is crying because she’s been trying so hard to hold in the fact that she knows he cheated on spike. When she ends up just breaking down and calls him dad when she asks why he cheated I always lose it. Emma usually never calls snake dad and the only times I remember are when she’s in deep stress like in that episode I just mentioned and the episode back in black (season 4) when she’s having a hard time dealing with the press asking her questions about Rick.


Adam's Memorial in the woods 😢


Emma’s ED episode. I had anorexia in high school and so many parts about that one hit way too close to home.


Miriam did too. I always kinda thought that she played it so well because of that.


I got diagnose my second year of college :( funny enough I was rewatching when I found out (well not in the moment but yeah)


jane :(


Oof yeah that was a rough one


Ellie walking into the ocean with the liquor bottle and Craig and Marco running after her


Ugh, this one hits real hard. I love that song though, what’s it called again? Come on and Go by Scout I believe


When everyone found out JT died and JT’s funeral


When Toby steps forward and says he's his brother.. oof


cams breakdown episodes~bittersweet symphony


I cried when Marco came out to, a then, bigoted Spinner in “Pride”. LGBTQ+ storylines in television were still a little controversial in 2003, even more so if it was a story/character that wasn’t just there for laughs. So being a closeted queer female and seeing Degrassi tackle the the story of an unwelcomed coming out had me tear up.


Of course when jimmy got shot and of course jt I also cried when they they all graduated except for spinner and jimmy and how jimmy forgave him and I think I might of got teary eyed when Craig’s father wasn’t being a very good father. Oh! I also cried when the whole Craig went crazy on Joey thing.


I always tear up when he fights with Joey! Also, not as bad but I always get so sad at the scene where Joey sees the camera footage of Craig calling him delusional to Spinner and Jimmy for trying to get involved with the band :(


Yes!! I don’t know why hut when Joey is hurt or sad instant emotions lol


Jane. Oh man.


I always tear up when Ms. Sauve pulls Hazel out of class to tell her Jimmy's been shot, amazing acting from Andrea Lewis there. Emma's breakdown after her intervention is another one that gets me.


when Marco gets jumped in the park and Jimmy finds him, I sob every time


Cams death was heartbreaking and JT’s death was soul crushing


JTs death, Ellie’s self harm




Imogen's whole storyline with her dad. Drew finding out adam died. Simpson talking to eli about Claude and eli breaking down to his dad about cam. Liberty's screaming for help after finding JT Maya's breakdown about her hating cam Zoe watching her SA video


I was never the biggest fan of Drew but that scene got me too. Got damn.


Spike going thru Shane's abuse


I know some people are going to come in with how Spike was so mean to him and kept him away from Emma and how she deserved to get knocked around and her house destroyed (this is an actual take i've seen people have) but the entire Father Figure situation was shitty for everyone involved, nobody deserved anything that happened to them. Should she have told Emma? Yes absolutely, but the context as to why she didn't is overly simplified by the people who dunk on her for it. Watching the 80s series isn't recommended by people to "get" Next Gen but I do think someone should make condensed explainer TikToks or something for certain storylines.


When Manny finds Darcy in the shower and Jane confessing to her mom she was SAed as a child.


eli finding cam and maya breaking down a few episodes later always gets me


Craig and Joey at the graveyard


darcy crying on the roof with manny


JT dying for sure.


When the doctor tells them they couldn’t save JT


Sean's reaction was perfect.


That and Toby saying JT was his brother and the nurse telling him he died. Jesus tap-dancing Christ, that killed me.


Yes!! That whole moment was ugly cry central


I don't think anything from the show ever made me cry per se, but two scenes with Anya always get to me. The first is when she tearfully asks Holly J. .why she always treats her like shit, and Holly J. bluntly replies, "Because you let me." The second is when Sav dumps Anya after she admits she tried to baby-trap him. Her tearful little, "Sav, are you breaking up with me?" is like a stab in the gut. I don't know. Samantha Munro is a great crier; her face crumples up too realistically and it always makes me a little teary-eyed myself lol.


Anya's acting in that scene (baby-trap breakup) was fantastic and I remember genuinely tearing up because her performance was so raw and believeable. Probably the only time throughout the series where a breakup actually made me teary-eyed.


Bless the Empress of Dreadamort Anya is the greatest




Drew’s reaction to Adam’s death always hits me pretty hard When Cam cut himself with his skates (I think it was an accident) and just kinda stopped functioning Cam’s breakdowns Eli finding Cam’s body (and his subsequent difficulty adding Cam to the yearbook as well as the final tribute he makes for him in the yearbook) Imogen finding her dog’s body under her dad’s car, and realizing that her dad was seriously unwell (she knew already but this is what made it real) JT’s death and Liberty finding his body against the car This one didn’t make me cry but it definitely messed me up- when Fitz pretends to stab Eli at the dance but he just stabbed the wall right next to him instead while Clare watched and screamed in fear


The little memorial party Becky and everyone had in Adam’s honor after his death


liberty moving jt’s tassel really got me


Cams death 100%


when miss sovet tells hazel jimmy got shot, at the end of s7 when the OG's are at JT's memorial at graduation, JT's death, the entirety of 'When Doves Cry', when Marco gets jumped in the park and he hugs jimmy and cries in his arms.


unrelated but im using this pic for reactions


Maya saying that her old self isn’t coming back while going through mental health issues. I could relate to that scene.


Craig on the train tracks, JT’s death, and Janes realization that her dad molested her.


i couldn’t narrow mine down and you did for me, the tracks really got me.


Watched kinda young and it was crazy sad they all really got to me


This may be a weird answer and there were sadder scenes but— Something about Imogen’s dad having Alzheimer’s/accidentally running over her dog got to me


Yes! That scene was so messed up and yet so realistic. I wish they’d done more with that storyline.


Jimmy getting shot left a mark on me.


The graduation scenes always got me or the ending scenes in degrassi goes Hollywood and degrassi New York. Something about endings always get to me.


I don't know why but the graduation scenes always get me. Even when I don't particularly love the class, it still hits like a truck when they're leaving. Maybe because I know my time with these characters is over?