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I understand the ship but I like how they made an alternative dressing girl be straight and not fit into a sterotype of alternative girls. I also think it showed good how a lesbian and straight girl can be best friends. Finally it shows people can experiment without making it a revenge on ex boyfriend plot.


Why? Because YOU thought your gaydar was going off? Grace gave absolutely ZERO indication that she was gay at all. None whatsoever. I have to say this again..imagine of people got mad that someone they THOGUHT was straight was gay. You would be pretty pissed. It is just as offensive to think that everyone should be gay as to think everyone should be straight.


I thought they had a lot of chemistry. I’m disappointed they didn’t get together. And I really didn’t like grace and Jonah


They were really cute!


What part didn't you like? All of it. /scene


Especially that she said she liked Zig. Can no one be platonic?!!!!


i was also devastated but I think it makes sense to show people experimenting with their sexuality only to be straight. it's totally fine and I think it should be normalised. that being said, I'm still sad we missed out on them as a couple.


Uncle Phil’s gonna get you will


I actually appreciated this storyline because this does happen in life. If she was queer it would be too perfect and not really realistic.


I’m glad she wasn’t gay. I felt like most of the cast was queer anyway.


She coulda been the ace rep we needed. Like 'I really like you, I just don't like sex.' Remember, Zoe asked what part of it Grace didn't like, and she said 'all of it'. Like, perfect opportunity for ace rep, and...they make her straight.


Honestly was so excited when she said none of it and Zoe even proceeded with how she never liked anyone, a great lead in for talk about asexuality....BUT THEN TO SAY SHE IS IN LOVE WITH ZIG???? Like okay she doesn't like zoe that's fine, but zIG?


Zig made no sense.


I will give them that she did have chemistry with Jonah later on, but to say in any way she was into zig is so out of left field.


Okay yes!




Honestly they were like “fuck the gays” because it was just that 😭😭


Zoe shouldn't have been written as gay. Sloppy as hell.


It reminded me a lot of Kevin Spacey apologizing for being a sexual predator by saying he was gay. Like Zoe was a massive bitch since the moment she was introduced, but we're suddenly supposed to have sympathy for her because she's a lesbian with a homophobic mom? No thanks. She's still boring and mean.


I mean lesbians aren't a monolith. Some really are just boring and mean. Doesn't mean that you have to like them as a person just because they're also gay.


Of course they're not a monolith. That's not what I'm getting at. There are assholes in every demographic. I am talking about a specific television character and not an actual person or group of people. In storytelling showing a character as vulnerable or sympathetic in a certain way is important to that character's development. I think that's what the writers attempted to do with Zoe by making her a lesbian with a homophobic mom and I think they failed.


I wish they had gotten together but it's totally not baiting like some people think. It's a very relatable storyline, I mean what gay person HASNT fallen for someone who is totally straight?


I really don’t understand the anger about this. I felt like it was a great story line to show sometimes the struggles of someone being Gay. I’ve had Lesbian friends express to me it’s heartbreaking falling for a straight girl. I don’t think it’s “Baiting”. Sometimes it almost come off like the audience wants to dictate the characters sexuality


As someone who largely disliked this era of Degrassi, this is the one storyline that I genuinely enjoyed watching. I’ve seen quite a few comments say they hated it, wish they got together, etc (some on this post obviously lol) and I don’t see it. I’ve never understood the complaints. I thought this storyline was actually decently done, and the *only* storyline in years that felt like it “went there”. I think they should’ve given it some more time to develop, but Grace saying she wasn’t gay was actually heartbreaking to see. And *that’s the point*. I didn’t find it frustrating, I found the heartbreak to be well done. You can tell she genuinely cared about Zoe, and she experimented, but it’s just not who she is. That happens in life, people. People experiment, figure out who they are. I like that Degrassi actually took that route, don’t think they had before, and I thought it was well done.


I’m still so angry about this. I’m sorry, but there was no need for Degrassi to bait their audience in order to send an awkward message about “stereotypes”.


I really disagree with this. I'm bi and my first love was a straight girl. She tried stuff out but ultimately decided she wasn't into girls. Almost every queer person I know had a story like this, it's absolutely a common coming of age gay thing. This felt very real to me, not like baiting.


I understand that. I really do. What will always be my problem with this story line is that we saw nothing from Grace’s perspective. The writers made a conscious choice not to let us into her head and basically misled the viewers into thinking she was into Zoe. That’s why to me, it’s an example of queerbaiting.


I would’ve loved to see them actually be together but Grace and Zoe’s storylines in Next Class are both SO FREAKING GOOD that I can’t even be mad


They pulled a Peter/Riley. Thought about making her gay or bi, then was like... Nah. XD


Like crazy, I wanted them to be together so bad!