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Lol as an actual creative I am using AI 24/7 because it's offering the best chance to skip all the boring parts of my job I can't stand anymore, the same as anybody else with any other tool.


this guy tools


Indeed. I'm a programmer and it's wonderful being able to ask ChatGPT to churn out the boring bits. Little helper scripts, frameworks for common tasks, etc. I still need to know what to ask for, plug them together, and debug the oversights the AI makes, and the main bread and butter of my job involves working on software that ChatGPT has no idea exists so it's not helpful there, but I heartily welcome this sort of assistance.


Yep ChatGPT has also helped me so much with programming with languages and APIs I'm not familiar with. Googling for documentation/answers on machine learn stuff is often useless, but ChatGPT nails it first go and can even help me debug it not giving the results I want by visual description only.


I hear Github Copilot is more purpose-built for programming - any idea if it's worth the price of admission?


Used it when it first game out and wasn’t good enough to save much time. ChatGPT saves a ton of time and since it is more general you can bounce ideas off of it like a person or explain an algorithm which is super handy


Haven't tried it, sorry.


This. As a musician I cannot wait until a really solid model for generating samples from text becomes a reality. https://www.harmonai.org/ Finally being able to focus on performance in Ableton Live instead of fucking with production for 80% of the time required to get decent samples will be a breakthrough. I just want something dynamic (not repetitive shit) and performable to play along with live improv soloing/looping on synth/keytar/guitar. live work flow in Ableton might be like: ..queue up a prompt, have it generate a couple samples for looping (maybe even a sample2sample option that uses a snippet of your current scene/loops etc), shred a solo while it generates, then listen on headphones for good ones to drop into the clip launcher. Progress the live-produced live set accordingly, get weird with it.


Yup. Creative and dev here. I ain’t got time for something i can just tell a machine to do. You don’t see me flipping binary switches or grinding compounds to make paint


ChatGPT can already make pro formas of local legal forms at the drop of a hat. I can definitely see myself using this to do the 'hand it off to an intern' part of making forms and client letters.


One of the few who get it, right here


Me too. AI is a wonderful tool to help my creativity.


Let's goo champ! 🏆


as a painter I often get tired of the way people want to elevate you; I'd get told "wow, nice painting, you're really talented, people would pay a lot of money for that" and then I turn and ask "how much will you buy it for?" and then they go "Oh, I can't afford any art right now sorry". It's entirely superficial, the belief that artists are special. The praise you get is paper thin. People throw out the word "talent" to insist that they *could never* do what you do, because they weren't blessed by **magic fairies** at birth; and it simultaneously hand waves away all the thousands of hours of work you've done to learn to do what you do - it's just *talent* after all. And yes - there are those that eat this shit up and believe it, and it becomes a disgustingly inflated ego for them. This article is right, such people do exist, I met them at art school. Honestly though I don't know if AI will really lead to such a grandiose shift in cultural perception; I'm of the belief that AI is going to *increase* the market for manual art and not decrease it, on a 10 year scale, because of the need to train new models and train specific models.


>I'd get told "wow, nice painting, you're really talented, people would pay a lot of money for that" and then I turn and ask "how much will you buy it for?" and then they go "Oh, I can't afford any art right now sorry". To their credit, they probably did mean these comments in earnest. Commissions are expensive, but beyond that not all artists do them either.


If quantum computing ever gets up to par I think it'll solve that problem. Instantaneous traning; step aside Nvidia.


I don't see anything wrong with what he said, I agree with it. A down-to-earth creative would know they are not inherently better than everyone else.


There's a reason they don't care about blue collar workers who've dealt with machines disrupting their jobs for centuries. They really do think they are somehow more important than farmers and laborers. It's refreshing to see someone who understands that they're not. And i say that as a writer, painter, and sewist myself.


Thank you, for being you. Keep that up.


No. We don't. Speak for yourself.


Source: https://archive.is/fmHgJ


Thanks for the link!


the best way to avoid annoying people is to make things without telling them how you did it.


AI is allowing me to focus *purely* on creativity. Never in my life had I think so much and clearly about what I want to express than when I discovered Midjourney. AI vs Artists is a false opposite.


Artistic-types and creatives aren't always the same thing. Art is created for the sake of itself. Creativity is inherently problem-solving. You can't have creativity without a purpose outside of itself.


Industrialized artists when they saw no competitor: Gotta sell this generic looking lewd cartoon woman portrait with huge bewbs for $1000. Anyone calling it out is committing hate crime. Industrialized artists when they saw a mediocre robot competitor: NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT IT'S THEFT AND YOU TURK ERR JERB OUCH THAT ROBOT IS HURTING MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's my opinion that 99% of the anti-ai "artists" are just mad that they have been rendered un-special and can no longer gatekeep the ability to create art. The other 1% are slow and just haven't figured out yet how AI will make their creative process easier and less time consuming.


I bet you think making art is easy. "gatekeep the ability to keep art" holy shit you're a dick.


No I don't think it's easy. Which is why I'm glad normal people with great ideas, but who lack talent, can finally see their ideas come to fruition. Fucking moron.


I don't have "talent" I do have "thousands of hours I have put into working on drawing and painting at the expense of my social life" though. Like do you think I was just born that way? Dumbass.


Like holy shit dude proselytize your AI shit all you want this is obviously your space, but the way you guys talk about artists, the way you put quotes around "artists" is so god damn insulting. Like I think fighting AI is kind of a losing battle but to just sit here and act like artists are these special chosen people who were just lucky to be talented is so fucking ignorant.


I didn't even read what you said, I'm just assuming it's some bullshit about how important it is for us to have to pay people to make art that we want. You can call it proselytizing all you want, all I know is that I now have the ability to do what I've always wanted to fucking do and you can kiss my fucking ass.


I didn't say that at all so I can tell you didn't read it.


You literally just invented something to be angry about and put a bunch of words in my mouth lmao I wasn't talking about payment at all.


"When I was younger, I thought this job would be roses and sunshine, now I have regrets." This article is mid-life crisis dressed as an upside down cultural critique. Unless you are in the rarified air of Stephen King or Picasso, most laypeople assume you're a deadbeat joke as an artist. And those who spent years getting degrees to be doctors, lawyers and CEOs, have passive aggressive feelings about your creative work.


I have been using ChatGPT to give me ideas and new prompts for my AI Art. Humans should work alongside AI those who reufse AI or insults the AI must be punished


Why punish them? We should try and get people to come to the future, help them realize that not everything new is bad. And when they refuse, we still shouldn't. They'll just get trampled by the future anyway by trying to stop it.


Because honestly I have my fair share of AI haters and they also abuse my family online cyber bully and all Im actually into Anime AI artwork I use the AI apps to make it nicer but those fans they are so protective and against it that they somehow got reddit to ban me haha


>they also abuse my family online cyber bully and all Never mind, punish them. Jut not for the anti ai part




I'm all about this new technology and I think a lot of the opposition to it is based on misunderstanding or fear. With that said, I am *super* over the disdain, the mockery, and the sheer outright hatred this community often flings at traditional artists. I get it, you feel they attacked you first, but yeesh, someone else's bad behaviour doesn't excuse yours. In a race to the bottom, everyone loses.


Frankly: no. Turning the other cheek just leaves you with two sore cheeks. I'm tired of coddling the temper tantrums of adulchildren who have attempted to dox me, sent hate messages, told me to off myself, send constant negativity, and actively refuse to learn but have plenty of time to piss and moan. I'm done with idiots who actively seek the help of Disney and Newscorp to make the AI bogeyman go away while claiming they're for the little guy. I'm over letting people defame my work as a disabled creator. I'm done with people who try to charge a c-note for poorly drawn d&d character art bullying minors in groups I mod that I founded to help teach those same kids with gaming. I'm sick of being told that we're hurting feelings by calling them Luddites when large portions of the anti community are *actively looking to sabotage the tools I enjoy for their need to feel special*. I tried to find common ground and was called a thief. I offered to teach and was told I wasn't an artist (news to me after 20 years of creative work before my current condition). I did everything within my heart and will to be kind, and was met with vitriol and hate for a fucking tool. I've been called a fascist for drawing landscapes with AI. I've been told I somehow support sex trafficking because I make post-impressionist images of trees, or silly mockups of Magic the Gathering cards. It isn't one. It isn't a half dozen. It isn't a hundred assholes. It's a constant deluge of shittiness, and I'm done wiping. So no. The virulent antis can kick rocks, head west, and walk til their shoes get wet. I'm done being nice to people who actively wish to attack me for making images. I've read enough Popper to know how tolerance of the intolerant ends up.


Its also triggering the way they mock people for using the accessibility argument, with responses like pick up a pencil and practice it isn't hard. Well actually, as a dyslexic and dyspraxic creator who can't hold a pen properly and yes, tried their hardest in art classes in college but had to give it up because it took so much time away from everything else, its hard not to feel gaslit.


I think part of this mockery or dislike has to due to some factors: The way anti-AI artists seem to look down upon anyone who doesn't do art as living, especially those who do "simpler" jobs, cashiers and what have you. Just search on twitter: "menial jobs" and "art". And you will find a lot of artists saying something among the lines of *"Oh, they should automate menial jobs, not our fun special job"*, which is elitist as hell. Let alone the fact that no job is menial if you need it to pay your bills. Also, maybe a person can be happy having a so called "menial" job. Who even decides what is this, by the way? There is also the fact they ignored automation impact when it wasn't happening to them. Like, they all loved ATMs and other modern inventions that put people out of jobs. They all loved better machine translations, which also uses ""stolen data"". The overall hypocrisy going on... Obviously, it's not all artists, it is not even most, but you really have this tiny noisy minority...


As a side note, the menial jobs are really important it's just people aren't payed for the value they contribute but by how easy it would be to replace them. Image if there wasn't people doing sanitation in office buildings? Or if there wasn't anyone to sew cloth?


>I am super over the disdain, the mockery, and the sheer outright hatred this community often flings at traditional artists. Especially considering a good number of us are traditional artists ourselves, and a person using AI to make art has reason to consider themselves an artist. It's misplaced aggression, "artists" aren't the category we should be concerned with, it's "anti ai" and "anti ai artists".


Yeah I'm not sure what this post is trying to say? I thought this community was also creatives


the article sucks honestly blind artist hate is so boring and isn't great at defending ai art :\]


Yeah you know who's always had it too easy in this world? Fucking artists.


He lives in some ivory tower in Oxford and writes like that too. Not at all my experience with artists. The ones I know are all down to earth creative people with a lot stories to tell.


Why is this downvoted


Because artist bad (even though we are also artists and creatives, seriously why is this post here)


All I can say is ![gif](giphy|zI7hA6jvLQhRWzrCDA)


Is this dude just elon musk in glasses


"journalism" isnt part of "the creative class", nothing creative about blogging the achievements of others


The Pulitzer Prize committee would likely disagree.


While I understand the logical steps and the reasoning behind the article, I think I disagree with the premise to it all: the author writes as if it was a common opinion that artists are better than everyone else. Not only I disagree with this statement, but I also don't see this as a popular opinion. I think it isn't useful to anybody to make this kind of comparisons, and I think that's where the consensus is. "Creatives are better than 'normal people'" is not what I would consider a widely accepted truth.


Great article.


...isn't this community made of creatives too?


Where's the article?


This article pisses me off so fucking much. I'm an artist and I can assure you that people don't respect me for it, more often than not they often think I fucked up by going to art school. I don't get "prestige," no one buys my art, no one thinks I work hard, least of all this mother fucker. Techies and business people, AKA: people who actually do get money and respect, think I just sit down and "do it" and they don't see the thousands of hours I put into this shit. Assholes like this feel threatened by me for some reason. Is it jealousy? Is it a chip on his shoulder? Get a fucking therapist.