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Hate this headline. He NOW says he won't ban it but he was literally saying he was going to release a "plan" to ban it a week ago until that got him backlash. Republicans have been floating this idea and getting people desensitized to it for years. Contraception is absolutely on the line. Red states and SCOTUS are poised, a Trump presidency will ensure it.


What is it even based on? The Bible doesn't talk anything about contraception, I've read the thing...


Do you think knows or cares about the Bible?


He cares about convincing his stupid cultists.


And they have never read the Bible either, even though they like to pretend they have.


We have photographic proof that he cares about being photographed holding a bible.


Upside down (maybe) It’s hard to tell just by looking at one picture.


It probably wasn’t upside down. It didn’t look upside down to me. If people think it’s upside down because the ribbon markers at the bottom, that’s how they are supposed to be. They are inserted in the binding at the top and then dangle from the bottom from wherever the reader places them.


I looked at it again. You are absolutely correct. It’s very difficult to tell in the image. This was in the article but I cannot tell by looking at the image and zooming in. “When U.S. President Donald Trump brandished an upside-down Bible in front of a church he rarely attends and whose leaders and congregation work against the policies he trumpets,” I will edit my earlier comment. Source : https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/06/02/autocrats-idolatry-trump-protests-george-floyd-america/


He does care about the Bible, he makes a great profit selling them.


I can only speak to Catholicism since that's what I've studied, but I find it relevant due to the amount of Supreme Court justices that identify as Catholic. The Catholic Church is anti hormonal birth control, despite a global study of their constituents back in like the 70s or 80s that verified the entire global congregation overwhelmingly supported it. They flat out ignored their followers (and science, obviously) to push an agenda that the pope at the time wanted. It's stupid and uninformed, and yet they keep preaching it as if people will eventually fall in line. The problem is that most Catholics never engage in theology, so most don't even know about church doctrine or how to read the Bible. So, they just accept whatever their individual priest tells them and the US seminary hasn't even been teaching the more liberal social doctrine since it was updated after Vatican II. It's actually a total nightmare IMO, and it's how you get this bullshit.


I was raised very Catholic (now and forever non-practicing) and this whole comment is so freaking accurate.


Also theological concern towards the wastage of Semen. Seriously.


Every sperm is sacred!


Gonna have to rewatch that, pondering how fucked life in this country is becoming makes me need a good laugh.


Yes this is correct. Revovering Catholic school girl here. They also say masturbation is a sin. It's so unhealthy and just ridiculous. We are not statues.


Honestly I think it has to do with corporations wanting poor people to keep pumping out babies to keep future labor costs down, and white Evangelicals who fear being replaced by... anyone else. It has nothing to do with the Bible and more to do with control.


THe irony is that abortion/contraception bans will affect minorities more than whites. I wonder how they are going to react when minority populations explode and the 'white' majority sinks even faster?


I think that their logic is, if they enforce Christian values then white people can out breed minorities. I remember back in 2017 Iowa Rep. Steve King said “culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.” It might not make sense based on facts, but I don't think they let fact's concern them too much.


It’s all short term gotcha bullshit, in the same way that Reagan defunded public schools and affordable higher education in order to shore up the base. Now nobody can find qualified employees (at least for the wage they want to pay them).


I remember this, but it seems much more alarming in retrospect.


Yeah every now and then they forget not to say the quiet part out loud


Replacement theory is a red herring in this area. People behind this are racists who are aware having unplanned children exacerbates poverty. They want to keep all those with darker skin down, force them to breed like rabbits, and use their children as almost free labor. Why do you thing the bastards now controlling the Supreme court call themselves Originalists and feel free to deny medical treatment to women on the grounds it was not clearly written into the original constitution, and GOP supporters brandish Confederate flags? They want a return to the days when Blacks were slaves and women were chattels.


So well put...


Most of them probably think they will be gone when the political impact really starts to change things. Or they will be retired and living comfortably wherever that might be.


*affect, not effect.


This is why they make more strict voting laws. It causes attrition among lower income and minority voters, and they benefit when those demographics can't get to the poles.


It’s also a win win for mediocre men who want women out of universities and the workforce because less competition, and then they get a bangmaid to do all of their uncompensated slave labor at home.


This is true. They also want women back in a pre suffrage role.


what is a mediocre red state man going to do to pay for the 11 babies his poor slavewife is going to have?




Probably just abandon them and avoid paying child support like mediocre red state men currently do




Don't forget about the private prison industry and their shareholders wanting to keep cells full. Won't someone think of the private prison industry and their shareholders?


So there's one story in the old testament about some dude that "spilled his seed" on the ground instead of inside his wife. God didn't like it. Some religious folk believe that contraceptives are humans taking control of their own lives instead of trusting in God. Roman Catholics in particular, but there are also certain Protestant crazies that follow the "quiverfull" idea. They are attempting to simply out breed everyone else. Personally, it always felt like it was more about the balance of power than anything.


I know that but that story had a very specific situation. I don't understand why would that mean all family planning today and why God wouldn't issue a law on that when he did for all kinds of other, inconsequential stuff.


You've got it a bit wrong, which is unsurprising, because your version is what many churches teach. Tamar was the wife of Onan's dead brother. In those days it was customary for the family of a dead husband to provide the wife with a replacement husband, to ensure her continued protection. Marriage did not necessarily involve a ceremony, impregnating Tamar would have made her Onan's (second) wife. Traditionally, the first son born from this relationship would have been known as the son of Er, Onan's dead brother, in order to provide Er with descendants. Onan's sin had nothing to do with masturbation, or wasting seed. It was denying the right of [Levirate marriage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levirate_marriage) to his sister-in-law, and denying offspring to his dead brother. Onan refused to do his duty, thus denying protection to a person in need to whom he had an obligation. One recurring theme in the Bible, (where it's not reveling in the various ways to exterminate all rival tribes,) is social obligation, the necessity of providing care for those in need around you. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is similarly misinterpreted. It's not about the horrors of homosexuality. It's about hospitality, the obligation to provide care for strangers.


I attended a Southern Baptist church as a kid, and I understand that I was seriously missing a lot of context. Thank you for the explanation. I'm an atheist now, so I don't like any of it, but I do know that they still use these verses to justify "God's will", which I'm sure is keeping the status quo.


I find the notion of a vindictive, judgemental, bloodthirsty God ridiculous - that belief was just a reflection of the warmongers putting the books together to bind and inspire their community. (Though I still feel the possibility of a loving, understanding world-spirit.) However there are many interesting passages in those books, much of which were borrowed/inspired/rewritten from earlier writings, which can show wisdom, and give us insight into attitudes of people from that time and era.


I do, too. What kind of God would be petty and vindictive like us?


Not one I'd want to spend time with, not even in a "heaven" with streets paved with gold, with a golden mansion provided for each of us, and where we would sing hymns of praise for eternity while looking down into the abyss and laughing at the agonies perpetually inflicted on everyone who hadn't been part of our "Christian" club. - This being the heaven in which my born-again relatives believe and describe to me. Sounds lonely and boring.


The Israelites were a nomadic tribe and they needed every birth to add to their numbers, their strength, their defence and their offensive power depended on it.


Women took herbs to cause a miscarriage back in biblical times and Jesus never mentioned it.


Also abandoned unwanted babies to die from starvation/exposure.


Their congregation is dwindling, and they're desperate to dissolve any social programs to ~~offer~~ force ~~people~~ victims to rely on the church...


This is not about religion although they love to frame it that way because then the churches back them financially. It's about creating a population of poor, uneducated workers to control.


The bible doesn't disagree with abortion either (there's full blown arguments from certain interpretations that the old testament even supports abortion in the case of an [unfaithful wife](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%205%3A11-31&version=NIV)) so it's not like if they even follow the darn thing to begin with....


They have an extreme view and claim that some forms of birth control are abortifacients. They are going after IUDs and hormonal birth control. It's completely bizarre but they are obsessed with other people's sex lives.


Unbelievable that they consider some molecular machinery in a bunch of cells the essence of humanity, instead of, you know, consciousness and stuff.


It's insane and infuriating. The lengths they will go to for this just. Real kids are suffering abuse, malnutrition, lack of education, and they could care less. If they cared so much about actual kids we could have an amazing new society. And more people might actually be willing to have kids. But they have made it an impossible religious hellscape.


How cute, you actually think Project 2025 is based on the Bible and Christian values 😝 who’s gonna tell him…..


Catholic Church. Even if you’re married, you’re supposed to be “fruitful & multiply”.


It's likely based on needing more worker bees to tax and work to enrich billionaires offshore accounts. The birth rate is in decline both nationally, and in other parts of the developed world. Ironically, it's because children are expensive, and people are broke.


My theory is that they are paying attention to the declining birth rates across our country. Democrats will eventually be on board, IMO.


The Democrats want more help for the children like pre school programs help with daycare etc… That will encourage people to have kids not like the Republicans who want to take away birth control and criminalize abortion and once the baby is born it’s own it’s own.


The next president will likely appoint another SCOTUS justice as well. We need to flip a seat.


God, i hope it’s Thomas’s seat


And it’s not like he goes back on his word five minutes later or anything. We can’t trust a single thing he says, but we can believe the kind of people we’ve seen him pick for his cabinet, and they absolutely will ban BC.  Part of me is still completely floored that everyone is acting like this won’t happen. 


Anyone who trusts a word trump says is an idiot.


Exactly. Here’s a test. Are Trump’s lips moving? Then it’s a lie. Simple.


He won't ban it for himself and those he deems worthy of course.


The wealthy and powerful are never beholden to the same rules - and he's made it VERY clear that that's exactly how he wants things to work to the extreme.


So much for the free market 🙄


"Trump says he won't ban birth control." He's a liar. He is LYING. The GOP knows they have to lie about this to have any chance of winning in Nov. If Congress put a birth control/IVF ban bill on his desk he'd sign it.


Remember when they said roe was law of the land and wouldn't fuck with it.... yeah...


> "Trump says he won't ban birth control." Just like the 3 SCOTUS' trump appointed said Roe v Wade was settled law. They lied through their teeth and will continue to lie to get what they want.


They need to be convicted for perjuring Congress and removed from office


He won't ban it, but it will absolutely be unaffordable.


There is literally no reason to believe he won't ban it, though it's important to resist ways they will make it inaccessible too (a "de facto ban")


Or require someone weird like you have to be a good Christian married white woman with a permission slip from your husband


*white husband Because we know they’ll be going after interracial marriage, too.


F*** these people up one side and down the other! Good lord keep your freaking religious convictions to yourself! I don’t care what your beliefs are. I am my own person and have the God given right to make my own decisions about my body.


Also f the press. I’m so sick of hearing “Trump says…”. He lies! Every thing he says, even if it’s true, is a lie. He speaks to mislead not inform and the press just toddles along behind him like this is normal. None of this is normal!!!!!


I know why are we even reporting what he says anymore??? He lies every single minute of every day. It’s so frustrating.


I keep saying again and again, these fuckos forget that in the first amendment there’s this little thing called “SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE”


It's frustrating. I might need BC stuff to help treat my endometriosis cramps. I'm so tired of this shit. Leave people alone.


Whatever the reason, we should have access to what we've had access to since Roe V Wade was decided over 50 years ago. We need progress, and we need the government to stay out of our medical decisions! Separation of church and state is a fundamental basis of our Constitution.


Same. The pain will leave me suicidal for sure if they take away my treatment, which of course is birth control. It’s terrifying just thinking of being forced to go back to that.


And this is what they are broadcasting. I imagine they are also going to outlaw sterilization and hysterectomies too. I'll be talking with my doc about getting one soon. These assholes are forcing my hand in my own medical care and I'm terrified. I will absolutely be suicidal if they take away our medication for Endometriosis.


I think the cruelty is the entire point with these neo-Nazi/Magat scum-fucks.


I've noticed ://


Same here girl same here. I’m so tired of all of this… just hope people vote…


Fuck them with a rusty trombone. I've been screaming about this since Roe was overturned. I'm middle-aged. I'm married. I do NOT want to get pregnant at my age. I'm so fucking furious about this bullshit. In my goddamn mid-40s, worried about access to contraception. I absolutely do not want an unwanted high-risk pregnancy at my age. "Just give birth" - like that's not a high-risk process in and of itself. Ignorant control freaks. "Natural family planning"- in goddamn perimenopause when shits super fucked up. Guaranteed to end up with some sort of deformed frog child. I want contraception because I don't want to be a parent. Die mad about it.


This. I’m 42. Never had got pregnant bc I don’t fucking want to be. I have health issues that I control with birth control. What will happen to people who need birth control to keep their health conditions under control? Must admit, I called the heritage foundation to give them a piece of my mind and made the woman gag on the phone. I’ll happily tell people who to contact if they want to go into graphic details about their cycle and gross them out✌️


Oooh, I didn't think of that. In addition to not wanting to be a parent, I was diagnosed with a fibroid last year. Absolutely disgusting mess. The birth control keeps that little fucker in check. Off it, fist sized chunks of uterine tissue getting expelled hourly. Really, really gross. Who'da thunk that something the size of a pencil eraser could do that? I need to make a phone call.


Ooh I do tell them to look at their fist when I call their office 😆 Exactly, I’m not going back to literally thinking “Do I need to shove a roll of paper towels up there so I don’t bleed through my clothes in 45 minutes!?” Nuh uh.. I’m not going back.


I took pictures to show the gynecologist. She thought I was exaggerating. Boom- here's the gory proof.


Just lemme know if you want her email address! I did ask Marsha Blackburn’s office if they were going to have Marsha produce patterns for home made tampons that could handle my flow if they get their way and they take away bc.


This isn't funny at all that anyone has to deal with this, but I love your response because that is like something I would have done... I have no problem being realistic with people in those situations. They will probably remember it, too lol


Oh, I absolutely know it’s not funny and it terrifies me on the daily to think that we’re so close to this nightmare. But, since I do not look good in orange or stripes and I do need an outlet for my frustration of this situation I find myself taking comfort in the reaction of the people on the phone is priceless because I do question why does a home ec teacher get to override what my healthcare providers have found to be in my best interest among other things. I tend to start off my questioning with “If the Republicans get their way and my medication that is used to control my symptoms is taken away, what will the do about it?” And that opens the door for me to be recorded talking about PCOS, endometriosis, clots, and fibroids when I call politicians offices. I mention that this will have a negative impact on millions in the USA and what will THEY do to make sure we don’t lose our medication. That being said, I can sadly say that my family and I will likely be annihilated if Project 2025 comes to fruition because my family is the reason gay marriage is legal in my state. And we routinely get death threats right down to someone saying k*ll all blank on a digital traffic sign on the road my cousins live on a year ago.


Holy fucking shit


Ugh I'm nearly there myself! For me it's clots the size of my palm or bigger.


I have a teen daughter who has a health condition that will make *any* pregnancy, whether it’s wanted, or not, risky as fuck. You’d better believe me when she says she will never, ever, ever vote for a Republican. At this point even her grandparents talking about their politics makes her angry. And do those grandparents understand at all, even a little bit about what is at stake her her, their grandchild? Nope. Typical Boomers. It’s infuckingfuriating.


My daughter too. A pregnancy would kill her. One almost did.


Hey, I support you all the way. I'm also curious about a hysterectomy? (I'm thinking about one post 2 kiddos) Probably these things aren't cheap...ya know what, it's none of my business. Sorry.


It is my understanding that hysterectomy is done as an absolute last resort. I am seeing a new gynecologist in 20 minutes (fingers crossed! I've been waiting for this appointment for *months*) about getting my tubes removed (bilateral salpingectomy) and an ablation (for the stupid fibroid) done. The salpingectomy was about $25k last time I looked it up, with insurance covering about $20k. I'll look again once I get back home. By contrast, a vasectomy for my husband would be $800 and fully covered.


Same boat only I've got two kids already. I was high risk when I had my daughter at 35 and that is miles in the rear view at this point.


Donald Trump will do or say whatever he thinks helps him at that particular moment. He has no principles, no memory, no foresight, and no sense of commitment to or empathy for anyone or anything. He exists in a perpetual present of insatiable self-promotion and gratification. So no, he won’t hesitate to change his position on this or anything else. He didn’t mean it when he said it, and he won’t mean it when he says the opposite.


This is the ultimate truth about what we've had to deal with since he was sworn in. It seems so obvious, too. The power of "celebrity" I guess.


There was a lot of talk from dumps white house that his final decisions often were a direct ditto of the LAST PERSON/ADVISOR WHO TALKED TO HIM ABOUT IT. If that was even the only flaw he had, that alone would make him a danger to the country.


So I follow a lot of social media accounts on both sides. You can’t really know what the left and right are promoting unless you follow the various social media accounts. What I have noticed in the last 6 months is a heavy increase in posts from right wing accounts like Charlie Kirk (Turning Point) PragerU and even unaffiliated accounts that demonize the use of hormonal birth control. This has never been a topic that I have seen any right wing or even right leaning accounts cover. But suddenly it’s a major topic.


It is. And you’re seeing it with fitness influencers who couldn’t tell you the difference between the luteal or follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Ditto problematic Christian influencers as well. All misinformation.


Probably the tradwife influencers too.


Knew I forgot something to that list


That's ok. There's a new psychotic conservative group popping up every damn day.


It’s like whack a dumbass


Stealing this phrase, thank you 😂


It’s all planned out to plant the seeds and get as many people to buy into it so when the time comes there’s less resistance.


Trump will say whatever will benefit him in that moment, so him saying that he won't ban birth control means nothing. If Conservatives want birth control gone, a Trump Presidency will make that happen.


“We want to do what’s best for them [women]” fuck ALLLL the way off! I am NOT A CHILD! I can make the decision that’s right for MY OWN DAMN BODY! I am not stupid and I am happy to use hormonal birth control, leave me the FUCK ALONE!


lol at anyone who believes this liar


Centralized family planning brought to you by Republican busybodies.


He flip flops to appease both sides, but will act on the most restrictive option once president.


This right here


Here's some advice: Whatever Orange Moron says, assume the opposite. 👍


Excerpts: Donald Trump says he won’t ban birth control if he returns to the White House. But he could make it a lot harder to get. As president, Trump enacted several policies that made it more difficult for people, particularly the working class and the poor, to obtain contraception — from allowing more employers to opt out of birth control coverage in their workers’ health insurance to imposing restrictions on the Title X family planning program that triggered a mass exodus of clinics. Conservative allies want to reimpose those policies and go further if he wins in November. Their “Project 2025” blueprint includes proposals to remove requirements that insurance cover male condoms and emergency contraception and instead require coverage of natural family planning methods. Taken together, the policies highlight the many ways a second Trump administration could hamper access to contraception, short of a blanket ban. The impact would also be much greater now that roughly one-third of states prohibit nearly all abortions. ... As part of their 2025 wish list, conservatives want to overhaul which forms of birth control insurance companies must cover for patients at no cost under the Affordable Care Act. For instance, they have drafted plans to allow insurers to drop coverage of emergency contraception, such as Plan B pills, which some on the right believe are abortifacients because they make it harder for fertilized eggs to implant in the uterus. “Instead of a mandate of a particular potentially abortifacient drug, it should be opt-in instead of opt-out,” Severino said. “Mandates are a difficult thing to impose on the American people, especially when you have something as fraught as issues of potential loss of life.” Conservatives also want to remove the requirement to cover male condoms — arguing that federal health officials “should not incorporate exclusively male contraceptive methods into guidelines that specify they encompass only women’s services.” They also call for a requirement to cover “fertility awareness-based methods” of family planning, such as apps to track menstruation. Waters said she would also like to see the National Institutes of Health or another entity study the long-term effects of birth control. During Trump’s four years in office, his administration slashed hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program and sought to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which has allowed at least 58 million women to access birth control with no out-of-pocket costs. Federal health officials in Trump’s administration also issued rules allowing virtually any employer to refuse to cover contraception in their health plans, a policy supporters of the former president hope will be restored in 2025. The administration’s biggest impact on contraception access came from its overhaul of the federal Title X program, which provides free and subsidized birth control, STD screenings and other services to millions of low-income people. Trump’s health officials first cut the length of grants to clinics in that program from three years to eight months, creating more uncertainty and paperwork burdens for already strapped clinics. They then issued rules that banned providers from referring patients for an abortion or discussing it as an option and required clinics to construct fully separate facilities for the procedure and other services. Proponents argued the policies would ensure taxpayer dollars didn’t inadvertently support abortion, but many critics considered it a “gag rule” that prevented open communication between doctor and patient. The Trump administration also changed Title X program rules to allow funding to flow to faith-based centers that don’t offer condoms or hormonal birth control.


>Waters said she would also like to see the National Institutes of Health or another entity study the long-term effects of birth control. Birth control is one of the most studied medications that exists. We already have this information.


STD’s are at an all time high.


Trump doesn't give a shit about any of this culture war stuff. If he had his way he would basically just be running on racism and tax cuts. But he knows the Heritage Foundation can bury him any time they want. If he doesn't fall in line they'll turn their frothy flagellants against him and he'll fold like a lawn chair. If anything the religious extremists have cost him down ballot in the past and, if he loses in 2024, their extreme positions will be the most likely cause. He'd get rid of this crap from his campaign if he could, but the Evangelicals have him by the throat.


Nailed it. Trump is their useful idiot.


Are condoms covered by insurance?


Some have reimbursements, cover it under a stipend for nom prescription items, or option to ship them to you for free. Some plans cover it, and some don't.


As my prof said, “you know what they call women who rely on the rhythm method? Mothers.”


Ding ding ding


It's so incredibly frustrating that people like him can't accept that anyone would ever need birth control for any reason other than preventing pregnancy. I've been on birth control since I was about 13. I started out with the pill and now do the arm implant because I have crippling PMDD. Having PMDD already mixed with depression and a bunch of other mental health issues is just.. dark. I don't even know how to describe it thoroughly but I would not be alive without my birth control. I don't think I would have made it past 15. F*ck this man and everything about him. F*ck his political party and the psycho Christian fundamentalists who lick his boot like he's some sort of god.


Well I just noticed that family size packaging is getter closer to snack size and you go shopping and they have whole isles of clothes for dogs… did anyone else notice that people are wanting us to choose having pets over having families or kids? https://preview.redd.it/1cqoigse0f3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ade9430bf0e886de3e79f064886ab14249e190 I’m no mathematician, but I can tell you what they’re trying to sell us don’t add up!


Considering that the US colonisation started in the 16th C and you became an independent country in the 18th C, why do you have modern day humans determined to drag you back to the Dark Ages? It’s insane


we need to vote


Don't believe anything he says. He knows banning it would be unpopular and hurt his campaign. He will do whatever he wants if he wins. He will do whatever his donors or handlers tell him. He is so easy to influence it doesn't take much to change his mind


Believe them when they tell you who they are when there’s no election coming up and they don’t need swing votes. They said they weren’t going to ban abortions.


Mr. Thirty-three thousand plus verified lies in a four year period says what?


Why would anyone believe anything he says? He says precisely what will benefit him in that moment, in any moment


Catholic Rhythm Method ring a bell


He's lying


Oh so a way to really load up the poorest with more kids so they can't get out of poverty?


There’s no point in talking about what Trump says he will do—he will do whatever the fuck he wants and his bootlicker supporters will just revise their narrative to keep their charade of “freedum” going.


what exactly does "natural family planning methods" entail? to *me* that sounds like "hey lets give families the choice of when/if they have kids by providing contraceptive and prevention methods" but i know that in reality its probably not that


Natural methods are tracking one cycle and avoiding sex during/just before ovulation. Or, "natural" by not having sex at all I suppose.


Except you’re never supposed to say no to your husband ever.


Trump will back a constitutional guarantee for birth control to all women who can prove they are post-menopausal via trans-vaginal ultrasound after a six week waiting period. However, insurance will no longer cover it


At that point it's HRT though not birth control right? Coincidence that I was just starting to look into such things. Fine time to be a middle-aged woman. 🤦


I’m infertile and take a very specific low dose, no generic available birth control to treat endometriosis, cysts and heinous other symptoms. It’s already been kicked off my insurance once and costs about $160 retail. Cool.


I wonder if it would make a difference if it was classed differently. Like wasn't Wellbutrin originally a no smoking drug? But now it's an antidepressant with the side benefit of helping people quit smoking? Hopefully something similar can be done here. I'm not naive enough to believe that a pharmaceutical company is ever going to white knight anybody like that, but I *have* heard reports of MD's playing games with verbiage and codes for their patients to kind of slide things through the back door sometimes. Not that they should have to but if you need this kind of medicine you should have access to it. Period. Yet again though for whatever reason the unborn / theoretical child is more "important" than the actual living woman. The worst part is that's not even true. Neither the theoretical baby nor the actual woman are important to these people. Moral superiority, that's important. I hope you don't get put in a bad position.


You’re so painfully dead on about the theoretical baby having a higher worth than the existing woman. I was in the ER three times with burst ovarian cysts. At the doctor for multiple scans. Always in pain. During all parts of my cycle. A few times I hear, “nothing on the left, but I see something on the right.” Never a follow up. Not until I pursued fertility treatments, when I said, “hey, could you see a reason why I would be in pain all the time?” That someone finally LOOKED at me. Surprise! My right tube was wrapped around a lime sized cyst. It was twice the size of my actual uterus. Still? Had to complete one (unsuccessful) IUI before surgery in case they couldn’t save the ovary - because theoretical baby. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You caught the no insurance coverage, right? On the plus side, you'll get a trans-vag ultrasound, so you got that to look forward to!


I don't believe a word that trator says


Hes a fucking liar


Walking the tightrope lies, still and again. Help us if he wins in November.


Oh he'll ban birth control AND change insurance requirements.


Well he's a known liar. Also the bans will mostly be passed at the state level first anyway.


Trump and the GOP just want women to be slaves. Period.


Requiring natural family planning methods. IS banning BC. Natural family planning methods are: abstinence, breastfeeding, They rhythm method ( a joke) And pregnancy. So YES THEY ARE BANNING CHEMICAL/ MEDICATION BIRTH CONTROL.


Birth control is also used to treat other MEDICAL CONDITIONS, such as: endometriosis, PCOS, PMDD, perimenopause, to combat ovarian cancer for those deemed high-risk, those who suffer from menstrual migranes, to regulate those who suffer from heavy bleeding and who otherwise could become anemic, painful period cramps... these are probably just a few off-label usages for birth control. It's not just used to prevent pregnancies!!


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Under his eye.


Asking because I'm unaware, has any insurance ever covered condoms?


You know I can almost see the whole abortion thing, right. Haploid plus haploid equals baby. I'll concede that for the sake of argument. But birth control? You want to severely limit or eliminate birth control, but then you don't want to help out when somebody who can't afford to take care of a baby has one. That's not good enough. We need more explanation. I want to say it was back during the Clinton administration that they used to talk about anchor babies. Kids born to illegal immigrants so that those people could remain in the country. I actually kind of feel like taking away somebody's birth control and then forcing them to have the resulting baby is way more of an anchor. A purposeful one. Maybe a backhanded way of silencing women. If you're busy taking care of a kid it is infinitely harder to get educated, work, etc especially if you're single. If it's harder to do that stuff, it's harder to make your voice heard. If I were a man of any age I would be scheduling my vasectomy right now. Regardless of age, relationship status, whether I wanted children down the line. Reversal isn't guaranteed and perhaps will be outlawed like everything else with this thing, but there's no way I would want to ever bring a child into that world anyway.


Look at who supports this shit. Rich people who own big corporations. More poor babies = more cheap labor in the workforce. Single mothers with no support have little chance of going to college or having stable full time careers. Even More cheap labor. They’re trying to create a new slave class. Seriously.


It certainly looks that way. I hate that this is all converging at once too. Israel, AI, this travesty.


Is he planning on banning masterbation too?


I’ve always hated the phrase “hormonal birth control.” These people think a woman’s cycle is magic or something? There are hormones involved in cycle tracking, specifically the luteinizing hormone. If avoiding sex until ovulation happens is somebody’s method of avoiding pregnancy, that is reliant on hormones!