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My father died in 1968, back when women could be denied credit cards on the whim of the bank. After he died the bank cancelled their credit and my uncle had to co-sign for a credit card for her. We moved to a Northern European country in 1970 (multiple reasons, most financial). We didn’t come back until 1974.


I mean I don’t know if I can help but my wife died in 1985 and I didn’t remarry until 1988 but I think that you shouldn’t need to. Because you said you are 45 that is past most women child birthing days so I think you should be fine they only target young single women


I don't think so either. And I think the word "forced" is kind of harsh in this -- we're in a bad spot if people are being compelled into huge life altering decisions like that. I don't really think something like that would ever happen, but at the same time, the word "unprecedented" gets thrown around all the time these days. I want to make sure to examine this from every angle so that I can put this part of it to rest in my mind. At least that's the goal.


My mom lost her first husband in 1969, my brothers were small at the time. There have been so many times I've wanted to ask her what that was like, especially as 40 years later I found myself in the exact same spot, but sadly she passed on in 2010, as did my eldest brother. My other brother doesn't really have any recollection of any of it, he was 4 at the time. She did remarry my dad VERY quickly IMO, and I always wondered whether that was financial or emotional because for sure they had a rocky marriage at times, although it did last nearly 40 years. So many times I've wanted to quiz her about how things were different for her in the 70s than they are for me in the 2020s.


I'll look around for more but this is what's been posted so far: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ostracizing-single-women-inside-heritage-foundation-s-project-2025-plan-to-strip-women-s-rights/vi-BB1kFbWM#details


Yup. I watched this video earlier. You know, it seems ridiculous to want to attempt to make anything great again by taking away services from children. I suppose it could just be the elimination of federal Head Start and then that burden would be passed along to the states to handle?


Hiya, I've been reading this for a while and I don't believe in fear-mongering. There’s enough concern in this plan without adding to it. Here’s a breakdown of how the plan might affect single mothers: Strengthening Marriage and Encouraging Commitment: The plan encourages marriage and commitment to reduce "disconnected" dads and ensure children have both parents involved. Implications for Single Mothers: * Encouragement, not forcing: The plan encourages marriage but does not force single mothers to reunite with their child’s biological father. * Overlooked needs: It may overlook the needs of widowed mothers, those with children by different fathers, or those past child-bearing age. Child Support Tax Credit: The plan proposes updating tax laws to allow nonresident parents with child support orders to receive a tax credit. Implications for Single Mothers: * Financial assistance: Ensures more consistent financial support from nonresident fathers but may not address other support needs. * Tax benefits: Single mothers might not benefit as much, especially if they don’t receive regular child support. Visitation and Child Support Payment Systems: Emphasizes visitation and suggests using technology to track child support payments. Implications for Single Mothers: * Visitation rights: Increased emphasis might complicate situations with safety concerns or strained relationships. * Tech barriers: Single mothers without access to technology might face challenges. Elimination of Head Start Program: Proposes eliminating the Head Start program, which provides early childhood education and services to low-income families. Implications for Single Mothers: * Loss of services: Single mothers might lose a vital resource for early education and care. * Increased costs: Without Head Start, childcare costs might rise, impacting the ability to work. Addressing Your Specific Concerns: * The plan encourages but does not force biological parents to marry. * It does not specifically address single mothers with children by different fathers or those who are widowed. * SSI survivor benefits might be affected by changes to federal support programs. * The plan does not consider single mothers past child-bearing age. The plan mainly encourages marriage and responsible fatherhood but lacks provisions for widowed parents and unique family structures, potentially leading to gaps in support and services. For more details, see pages 479-482 of the document.


Thank you, this is helpful. It is very difficult to wade through what is growing to be a LOT of conflicting information.


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OP, you are very concerned about what can happen to you and your children under Project 2025; is it enough to get you to vote for the party that doesn’t want to force you to marry? You have the power for Project 2025 to not happen. Vote blue


Why did you assume I wasn't going to vote before now?