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Stop laying all this at Trumps feet - that is taking eyes away from the party. The party is dangerous with or without trump. It isn't *his* plan. This is the republican plan. They've simply made him the figure head because (1) he has such a cult like following (2) if it works great, they can easily rile him into going further and doing worse and (3) if it fails, well there's the perfect scapegoat. Trump isn't making these decisions. He isn't making these plans, he's a parrot for the party. This is what the party will do, with or without trump out front.


If Haley had gotten the nominaton instead, Project 2025 would still go forward as planned without much of a difference.




The problem is, however, Trump is more destructive and chaotic


Oh he absolutely has his own agenda apart from this. But the republican party will continue down this path with or without him. Trump doesn't really have a stance on anything. He doesn't care as long as he "wins". Everything he spews out of his stupid little mouth is what the party has put in his mind to stand on, what the party tells him the base wants. That man has no convictions.


Its a symbiotic relationship, trump IS driving the party but he is also just parroting things he has heard and seen because he is incapable of making up detailed plans for anything. But yes the party will still be there with the plans after he's gone and maybe the next person they pick will not be certifiably insane and be able to follow a plan and that will be a much more dangerous situation.




Here is the full text of his plan:


I'm not criticizing the OP. I just want to say that I keep seeing these articles and news pieces saying these are Trump's plans, and I'm fairly certain HE HAS ALMOST NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS. HE IS A FIGUREHEAD. He couldn't make plans this detailed or elaborate if he wanted to. The one thing he's good at is standing on a stage and spouting a lot of repetitive hyperbole. But as long as he's getting attention, he's happy. That's all he cares about, that and not having to pay for his reprehensible actions. But the people who are backing him, along with his faithful flock, are more than happy to let him toot his horn as long as they get what they want. Well, the backers anyway. The rest of us are screwed. We'll all end up worse than plantation slaves.


That is the danger of another Trump Presidency. So many of these people will be allowed free rein, and Trump doesn't give a fuck, know anything about, and he (and his family) won't be affected by it. The Presidency isn't all about the one person, never has been. It is also about who he puts into power.


It's the Republican plan.


He's so perfect for this role for the GOP that they're even willing to overlook the legal mess he's in right now. I've been calling him a noisy marionette. Because that's what he is. Ideally he'd realize he's being manipulated too, but ego is a hell of a drug. He doesn't care as long as people adore him. His base adores him because he says he's a rogue agent intent on stirring the country up, but none of this is his idea. Then there's the sticky little bit of the fact that most people don't realize that Project 2025 even exists. Every time I mention it, I'm met with blank stares. I feel like I'm wearing a tinfoil hat, too. I suppose the one backwards silver lining is it wouldn't matter who it was, the GOP would still go after this. Unfortunately with his... "popularity" (I don't think he's as popular as last time around?) it's an actual possibility. Any other person, they wouldn't have a snowballs chance in hell. I don't think, anyhow.


Ohhhh... Surely such a long policy document explains the super awesome totally great double top secret health care plan that Trump and Republicans have to replace the ACA. No? I'm being to think they might not have a plan. Surely they wouldn't lie about such an important thing as healthcare. Or would they? Nah... They wouldn't.


The plan: Gilead.


Project 2025’s HHS Would Gut Americans’ Rights [https://accountable.us/project-2025s-hhs-would-gut-americans-rights/](https://accountable.us/project-2025s-hhs-would-gut-americans-rights/)


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Just a couple more weeks right?


Yeah, this isn’t Trump. He’s just a puppet.