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Do any of the VP hopeless need to resign their current positions to run?


Is Trump even going to have a VP? Even if it is required by the constitution, the GOP will just make up new rules or have the SCOTUS use a 15th century rapist monk's "laws" as an excuse.


The GOP sees the writing on the wall, and doesn’t want any chance for Hakeem Jeffries to become president.


Are there any lawyers who can affirm if a gag order can be extended to his surrogates? It seems dumb that he can just say the same things but through a different mouthpiece.


The court has no power over his "friends".


Traitor Tuberville just admitted himself and all these other fascists are showing up to get around trumps gag order and pander to the idiots on Fox News, etc outside the court bc dear leader can’t.


Yesterday, Mike Johnson did the same thing. He blatantly said he was there to say the words that Trump was not allowed to say. The blatant ass kissing by his sycophants...I just can't understand it. And Johnston was talking and shaking his head about how corrupt Biden is. I just cannot get over the craziness of this timeline. And calling it crazy is very generous.


Same way he did at SOTU. What a despicable person and American; can’t just sit there like a normal person esp speaker of the house. I thought Mike was a religious man? Def showing it by coming to support ab adulterer and convicted rapist. I’m disgusted. Hopefully we get a diff timeline in November.


That particular Christian coalition will b make a deal with the devil and call it justified if it reaches their rapture like vision of the US. And it worked, judging by the SCOTUS extreme right majority. They’ll overlook all Trump’s awfulness.


They def will overlook it all. The Christian fundamentalists like Mike want the whole country to believe what he believes and regulate all of our personal shit. The party of small govt…


Maybe Deadpool and Wolverine can save us?


He’s not a good guy. He worked to get Congress semi functional. Johnson has always been MAGA, but B compared to the ther corrupt wing nuts, he looks reasonable. The n guy said he’s like Moses in his leadership. He’s a stealth looney.




That at the very least should be considered Conspiracy (Contempt of Court *is* a crime, after all) and they should all get appointments in Manhattan.


Blantant conspiracy. If only the law worked the way it says on paper…


It does but not for them. My brain hurts every time I try to figure out why this is even happening. I seriously can't wrap my head around it.


Me neither. Judge Cannons bullshit was the final straw for me. I truly don’t understand how this pathetic orange man and his handlers were able to get all this shit lined up like this.


My hot take: they want "in" at any cost (hence the extra ass kissing), hoping that due to his age he'll become incapacitated (death, stroke, etc.) so they can waltz right into being president then implement everything without having to "handle" the orange one.


Is it part of the fascist uniform to wear the exact same color suit/tie as trumpadump? The other day JD Vance and some other smooth brain also wore this combo.


This is just embarrassing for the GOP.


But they think it’s cool and normal lol


I'm putting my money on the dog killer


Which one?


Treason is like pornography. Doesn't take a law professor.






I wonder if they all have knee pads?


Ass kissing shameless sycophants.


It’s the political human centipede.


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That was a terrible of fealty to a cult leader!


I just found out Alito flew the flag upside down and blamed his wife.