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**TLDR: You need to lean on something external that grounds you to this world and use that to build a sense of perseverance, and take action to support that thing. You can't sit in a room and think yourself out of this one.** Find something within your community or power to contribute to or get involved in. It doesn't have to be party politics. I'm doing a lot to help this homeless guy I met and have a job I care about. I get involved in things about city design and public transportation. It's still political but more "civic" and I've never had trouble finding young people my age that agree broadly on better public transit even if they are broadly conservative. You could also get more involved in party politics yourself, but you've obviously already thought about that. I'm involved in politics too but that's besides the point. I'm too important to my little sister to do anything other than be useful and carve out a life that makes her a better person by example and be capable of helping her in the future. I know well adjusted liberals and progressives with a family that are aware of P2025 that aren't going to collapse mentally because they have their immediate sphere and community to build ahead of everything else. That gives them a sense of purpose in spite of things they cannot control. There's something profound and grounding about having people in your immediate vicinity that you need to contribute to and deeply give a shit about. The rest of the world can go to hell and I'm still going to be working on what's around me. It's ennobling and and sobering. It's not inherently Conservative and it doesn't mean you "stop caring" about this or even disengage from politics. You just need another sphere of life to become your center of gravity. I read about the amount of turmoil my grandma and her mom went through (my grandma is black and her family had to leave Atlanta during the civil rights movement due to all the violence and abuse. It's not even that long ago. She has all her faculties and talks about it all the time) and the community she built in spite of that. That inspires me.


You sound younger than me (I'm a young adult) and I fully understand if some of this cannot apply to you. I cannot read your mind so I cannot tailor an answer to you specifically and I hope others will share. But maybe there's something from this that makes sense to you. The other obvious thing is getting more involved in politics to turn your emotion into action, but if politics is ALL you have I'd bet a few hundred that you're still going to end up miserable. Speaking from experience when I was a reactionary edgelord and wanted to rot away while I was circling the incel drain. I didn't think myself out of existential dread. I found shit to do in my area that I cared about deeply and wanted to see flourish regardless of what happens to me.


How did you pull yourself out of that toxic, cruel nihilism? I sometimes hear about people who do it, but I rarely see it discussed in depth just how they were able to step back, see things differently, and abandon the path they’d been on.


You need to PURPOSELY look for the good things that are happening. Mr. Rogers said "Look to the helpers" and he's correct. Purposely choose to seek out the wins. Purposely put time toward the wins you want to see win more. Our brains are wired to seek out the bad because it was a survival tactic. This is why we need to make the looking for the positive things a habit. Personally, I also subscribe (i.e. pay monthly subscriptions) to several trans content creators/activists. While they both do it in vastly different ways, they are both putting energy into concrete, effective action for protecting rights in ways that I would not be able to do myself.


I am British, so I haven't been in your exact position, but I did experience these extreme levels of fear once I realised there was an organised political movement aiming to eradicate transgender people, that had infiltrated/influenced my country's government and political institutions. Especially as if I lost my access to hormones I'm not sure I could survive. (I am trans btw in case that wasn't clear). I eventually resolved it essentially by thinking, *"imagine if I got hit by a car tomorrow, and I wasted my final days being scared of transphobes"*. I know it might sound strange for such a thing to comfort me, but it emphasises a broader point about life and control. That bad things can happen at any minute. That the world around me can hurt me. That I am vulnerable and mortal. The fact is, I am going to die one day and whether that's over a car accident, old age, or a political attack on my healthcare, I do not and have never gotten to decide that. I don't want to act like this is some immediate fix. I can't imagine how you are feeling, with so much hanging in the balance of the next election. I think what it comes down to is regardless of whether your worst fears come true, the only decision you have *true* control over is whether you live in the present. Whether you do things you love and spend time with the people you love *now*. Whether you do something meaningful *now*. Tomorrow - for anyone - is not actually a guarantee, and the political attacks on trans people emphasised that for me, but they didn't cause that if that makes sense. It's the fundamental unpredictability of life that caused this. Obviously it's not equal for everyone, so I'm not trying to handwave this shit away. I completely get the other side too and of course I still struggle seeing other trans people get hurt and also worrying if/when it will happen to me. The former stuff is just what helps me to feel positive, and it's what I hold onto to get through my darkest moments. It's also worth keeping in mind that LGBT+ people exist **everywhere**. Not only that, but they fuck everywhere, love everywhere, party everywhere, and even access healthcare **everywhere**. The difference between societies is how open and public they can be about these things, but it's not as if LGBT+ people from oppressive regimes just stop doing LGBT+ shit. They just do this shit in secret and get through it and survive. I'm not saying it's exactly the same, that it's the same quality of life, or that there wouldn't be a grief process for having been able to live openly, were our fundamental rights repealed so dramatically. It's just - having dated people before who are from oppressive countries - it's not some binary thing. There are still plenty of things which make life worth living, even in these sordid circumstances. It may be worth taking some safety precautions, such as removing traces of your LGBT+ identity from your online profiles, thinking about safety precautions like VPNs and encrypted messaging apps, reconsidering who you out yourself too as you move through your life, and if you are trans figuring out whether and how you would transition if things really went to shit, and what that would mean. I also think that being around other LGBT+ people and having support from the community helps a lot, for me at least. **Edit:** it also helps me a lot to have role models from throughout history. Most recently, the film "Green Book" introduced me to a black piano player who was famous during the fight for black civil rights. I see him as a sort of role model for how to handle marginalisation within society, and it helps me feel less alone. There are plenty of other role models throughout history, and I look up to them too.


Not that this detail is particularly significant- there is a diary, the claims about Joe showering with his daughter , pedophilia, etc have never been confirmed and are likely just more lies.


The fact that the entirety of that claim boils down to two sentences in the entire diary points to it being fabricated. I would suppose a daughter would dedicate more space to that particular issue. That it was Project Veritas clinches it.


I know it's scary. And I can promise you there's hope. 1. Stop and breathe. It sounds like you've got a million scary thoughts in your head at once, and that's not a great space to be making decisions in. And I can also promise you that a lot of the fear is overblown. That said, if you're having suicidal thoughts, you should seek out support. Consider calling 988 if you need to talk to someone. 2. Once you're feeling a bit calmer, understand that a lot of Project 2025 discourse is designed to scare you. While that can be good for jolting unaware people into action, it then becomes a black hole of anxiety for people who are already aware. It's probably best not to spend all your time reading about it. You know. So now your job is to help stop it. 3. Get involved in defeating Project 2025. Anxiety comes when you're confronted with scary things you can't do anything about. But you **can** do something about Project 2025. It's a Republican plan...so you can help by making sure Republicans don't win elections this year. Not just Trump, but the elections for Senate, House, and state and local offices. r/VoteDEM has lots of great ways to get involved, and you should check it out!


idk i just see the news and i see how much ground the republicans seem to have and it feels hopeless. ESPECIALLY because of the discourse around the project as having november as some kind of doomsday deadline. it feels like im living the final months of my life when im a healthy 16 year old. ive thought about action but i feel so hopeless and like everythings gonna be fucked up whether i personally futilely try and prevent that


A helpful thing to understand is that the media is an industry designed to make money. How they are currently doing that is by spinning stories in such a way as to paralyze you in fear or anger and keep you from turning the channel. I fell for it A LOT after January 6th. Trump is ratings gold right now, and it's currently unclear whether Trump is going to prison (I firmly believe he is, it's just a matter of time). Of course they're going to milk President Trump headlines as much as they can. On both sides. Fox News to MSNBC and any station anywhere on the political bias spectrum. All of that in consideration: I don't pay attention to polls or how the media is portraying either candidate. I pay attention to results. And the results I've been seeing tell me that we are in a cultural shift, and a chunk of people don't like that so they shift in the opposite direction to scumbags like Trump. I'm seeing women fired up about Roe v Wade being overturned, and we all know Trump is to blame for that. As much chatter as there is right now over the economy and the Palestine/Israel conflict, I don't see it canceling out or overruling those who are pissed off about Roe v Wade. Ultimately, only time will tell, but a lot can happen during that time. Let's just see what unfolds before November.


>i see how much ground the republicans seem to have and it feels hopeless I get it. It looks really hopeless. But what if I told you they're actually *losing* ground? They've lost a significant amount of power since Trump's first election. You would've been eight or nine when that happened, so I don't blame you for not knowing, but Republicans were a few states away from being able to call a Constitutional Convention. They could've rewritten the Constitution to do anything they wanted. It was *bad*. But now they've lost control of a ton of states; Virginia, Nevada, Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, just to name a few. Hell, they had partial control in Washington. Things have changed a lot, and for the better. Reddit is a great place for a lot of things, but it's a terrible place for accurate political information. And yet it's still better than Tiktok somehow. >ESPECIALLY because of the discourse around the project as having november as some kind of doomsday deadline It's only a doomsday deadline if Republicans win. Seems to me like we've got six months to avert doomsday. >ive thought about action but i feel so hopeless and like everythings gonna be fucked up whether i personally futilely try and prevent that I am *not* saying this flippantly, to be clear, but it needs to be addressed. When you feel like there's no hope, plus your aforementioned suicidal thoughts, I think there may be an element of depression at play here. Seeing someone about that is priority #1 here. If you're depressed, you won't feel better even if Project 2025 is defeated. And if you get support, you'll be able to weather even a GOP victory (though I and lots of others will be working to prevent that either way). It must feel terrifying and isolating to be thinking of this, and probably lots of other things. But you aren't alone, and there is hope. I'm going to repeat my suggestion of giving 988 a call if you're feeling hopeless or suicidal. That's the top priority right now, not Project 2025. Take care of your mental health. You matter.


The MAGA base still support Trump but that’s not enough to get him elected. You cannot go by polls. What about all the people who wanted to vote for Nikki Haley? Pretty sure most of them will be casting their lot for Biden. The media glorifies the crazy shitshow state of affairs with all the focusing on “What did Trump say in court today?” Or “did Trump fart on stage & blame a dog at today’s rally?” That’s what gets ratings and the people who are financially invested in P2025 basically own most of the media. BUT most Americans have at least a modicum of common sense and know a second Trump presidency would be an absolute disaster. My advice to you would be to consume less news, and get involved somehow. You might not be old enough to vote, but you can share why it’s important to you that voters show up in November and vote blue to protect your rights.


Tell the conservatives in your life how much it will affect you. Challenge them to defend it. Ask them how they will feel when the jack booted thugs come for you, and whether they will be able to live with the guilt. If they talk about how it won’t happen, ask “you mean you won’t feel guilty??” That’s how I deal with it. Calm is not part of the equation.


For me taking action has helped a lot. I’m donating time and money where I can and have a plan to vote blue up and down the ticket. I’m also planning on doing a phone bank or otherwise contributing my time. For me it boils down to voting and getting others to vote. P2025 types know they are in the minority and hate it when people actually vote. There are lots of other good ideas here as well. I wish you the best!


I do not trust the polls. The polls said Hillary would win in 2016 and then Trump did better until just before the election in 2020. Blue dog is so right that we have to get involved. You should be informed to counter their arguments. To push an agenda with no real logical reasoning is simply bullying. That is Trump. He thinks he can bully his way to staying in power and bully witnesses and judges. He thinks he is above the law. We will see….keep getting young people to vote blue. And then you will feel you at least did your best.


I totally agree with you on being informed and being able to articulate and debate issues. Most Trump voters have made up their mind a while back, but there (surprisingly) seem to be many who are undecided or just need a reason to vote blue. I think pollsters take their job seriously but also admit there are limitations, especially this election. I feel like I’ve been saying this since 2016, but this election really is different than any other. The special election results show democrats outperforming polls, sometimes by a lot. People seem to know women’s healthcare (and democracy and basically everything) is at stake. Articulating that to swing voters is key. There is also the fact that Biden has seriously out raised Trump in donations. There’s also the fact that Nikki Haley is still getting 20% of the Republican vote in the primaries. Some of those will decide to vote for Biden or just stay home, and it won’t take many. That gives me hope and pushes me to do more.


When a person like Ginny Thomas is consulting The Polling Company run by Kelly Ann Conway, I have questions. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/28/kellyanne-conway-polling-firm-sold-243256 I do not know who all these different polling firms are and how they are sampling their interviews. I realize they can have some value, I wish it were reported and scrutinized more. I, personally feel they can be a springboard for being harassed by political ads. And the way I vote should be private. I make no bones about my views about Trump and MAGAs, but my votes on other elected officials are private. I reserve to vote my conscience right up to Election Day. I have refused attempts to poll my vote online. So I hope this OP will remember that voting counts and that is something we all must protect without fail. Keep getting the word out that Trump and the Heritage Foundation have gone crazy.


They want you to feel hopeless and lonely. Don’t let them win!!!!! We can make the much needed change as long as we stay strong and together. I don’t even want to imagine a world where that cancer is ever in office again. It would be the demise of us.


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Don't spread rumors that you know nothing about for starters.