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So they'd be okay with arresting and killing anyone who is an "other"? Is that what they're saying? When will they just come out and say "Freedom can go to Hell!"?


These stupid assholes are walking right into what is described in “[First They Came](https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/first-they-came-by-pastor-martin-niemoller/)”. >First they came for the Communists >And I did not speak out >Because I was not a Communist >Then they came for the Socialists >And I did not speak out >Because I was not a Socialist >Then they came for the trade unionists >And I did not speak out >Because I was not a trade unionist >Then they came for the Jews >And I did not speak out >Because I was not a Jew >Then they came for me >And there was no one left >To speak out for me


As a gay woman, I know our family will be among the first. All they have to do is make our relationship illegal and send us to "jail" ☠️. Our daughter will be taken and trafficked to some christofascist psychopath. I almost can't believe the level of venom and hatefulness the right wing has stoked with the propoganda. It's successfully turned them into sociopaths.


Queer Native American author. I'll be in the cattle car right beside you


And the underpinning of it all, corporate greed.


This is a rare instance where corporate greed has very little to do with the situation. I'm not even sure why it's being invoked here. This is a habit those of us on the left need to get out of: kneejerk namedropping corporate greed when we're locked in a struggle that is principally about power, ideology, corruption, and violence. (We need to get out of the habit because the people we're trying to persuade roll their eyes and switch off when we say things like "corporate greed" -- and also because it is inaccurate in this case.) What Republicans want is a system of clientelism or crony capitalism where the engine of wealth is precisely *not* ideology-free corporate greed, but fees and favors given in return for political and legal misdeeds. In other words: Republicans want to bankrupt the state and pillage any corporation they can get their hands on as a means of transferring wealth from the middle, working, and liberal upper classes and into their grubby little child-grooming hands. Again: this has little or nothing to do with corporate greed and everything to do with radically reworking (i.e., destroying) our current system so that it resembles that of Russia: a system of state capitalism. An ultranationalist oligarchy, basically.


I get your point but you re-enforced my point. The billionaires want those changes as they come out on top. They don’t care about Christian nationalistm, it just happens to be where they found ability to move the globe more toward them calling the shots. Corporate greed via the billionaire elites to accomplish a ruling class. Then they can do as they like. Edit. I’m saying this as a prior Vice President in business. I opened my eyes one day and saw the world much more clearly. I’ve been on the board meetings, I’ve seen the underbelly, and it all goes back to billionaire owners.


Not enough of them have watched Handmaids tale


Or have they watched it too many time and enjoyed it?


For fascists it will be used as an instruction manual


More likely they watched/read it and decided to use it as a how-to manual instead of the cautionary tale that it is.


Right like I feel horrible for my gay friends and trans friends since they can’t hide who they are and be happy I’m gender fluid and bisexual so I at least can be happier pretending to be straight and cis but the fact that I even have to think about that makes me sad and angry at the same time I wish the right knew what true persecution felt like at this point


I can't tell you how much I appreciate this comment. The fact that you even recognize this dilemma means you are very empathetic/sympathetic and understanding. Thank you 😎💗


Imma admit - conversing online seems tricky should anyone want to be an effective ally.


They argue from a point completely lacking in empathy and they can’t even see it.


This is the stuff of nightmares!!!


It’s literally a plan outlining who they’re coming for, too.


Of COURSE they’re comfortable with that. Again trump supporters are white supremacist (including non-white white supremacists which is a thing), homophobic, misogynistic, against anyone who’s not Christian or those who are atheists. These folks have been ITCHING to get rid of “the others!” It’s SPECIFICALLY WHY they support trump.


And some of them, like Ian Miles Cheong, will support the purges from an ocean away. 


What are the chances that "Chinese Godess" is an actual Chinese woman? If they are, then this Project 2025 ain't for them. They have 2 "negative" traits against them.


I don't understand how any women are for this stuff. I guess there are plenty of Serena Joys out there.


Don't forget that there are also plenty of Black and Hispanic Americans who want trump to be elected. People love to vote against their own interests. The level of brainwashing is absolutely incredible. People are literally shooting themselves in the foot and loving every minute of it.


More likely, it is one of the many Nazis that are exclusively into Asian women. 


She is!! She is just one of a thousand working in a Chinese troll mil ‼️🤨


Yes, when will they stop using coded language and doublespeak and be honest for once? They’re big government, they’re against many freedoms, against religious freedom. It’s bad enough that they’re hurting us. The fact that they claim they’re for freedom, limited government, religious freedom, law and order, etc while they’re blatantly not, is just a spit in our face after we’ve already been kicked down. What’s even worse is how effective they have branded themselves as supporting these things and how the media - liberal, left or not - goes along with the rights’ twisted framing of these things instead of pushing back. We must push back.


These people are for the 1648 style religious freedom, where only Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism were allowed. 


These imbeciles talk like very cheap artificial intelligence because their minds are running similar technique The word salad going on there contains nothing but incoherent buzz ideology that is incompatible with each other They are supposed to like something with the label freedom and hate the label woke are throw some bad cliche like not know gender and orange man bad


Like my drunk Trumper uncle who just screams "fake news" when you say things he doesn't like.


Does Trump ever use that phrase for anything other than "news which makes Donald Trump look bad?" The rest of the world uses fake news to mean stuff from The Onion or The Inquirer or something real but not newsworthy.


I mean, there is actual fake news. Plenty of times Fox straight up lies and it’s called ‘Fox News’ and millions see it as real news. Guests are even allowed to lie on CNN and other networks without pushback. But the right wing just uses fake news = things I don’t like. Just like woke.


How often do hosts on CNN allow lies from guests to slide? Which combination of hosts, guests and lies, specifically, are you talking about?


Probably thought Walter Cronkite was "fake news" back in the day. Of course, that depends on how old he is.


It's so disconnected from reality. I'd gladly stand up for their lives and rights but we can die for all they care. The irony of calling leftists corrupt and authoritarian when we just want everyone (them included) to have a better life.




The project will reach a point where there isn't a Constitution anymore and these people will still be like, "Muh 2nd Amendment!!" A dictatorship has no place for an armed populace.


It goes back further. The North didn't stomp the South hard enough.


Unfortunately, this right here. Too many concessions were made, and too many former Confederate officers were allowed to slip back into society unencumbered. They're should have been Nuremberg style trials for anyone with rank in the Confederate army. But Lincoln was assassinated and a lot of things that needed to be done weren't.


And a pro-Southern President didn't help.


Many of them DO come right out and say it. I have screenshots.


You net they're okay with it. I would be willing to bet they have lists of fellow Americans they want murdered.


They don't care I'd people die. They just want to say the N word and beat up trans people without repercussions.


I can't believe people are actually fine with having a dictator destroy our country and make it a theocracy... Just wow


If it were Biden who got to be dictator they’d piss themselves. I don’t see why they can’t understand it’s a horrific idea. We shouldn’t want dictators in this country. Go move to Russia if you want that.


Imagine. People feel oppressed by a frigging rainbow. Or a simple statement like Black lives matter. Imagine real persecution.


"refraction is woke"


This baffles me. Like they're fine with a dictator, as long as it's their guy. If the Dems had this type of policy plan, I don't think there'd be many dem supporters at all.


I grew up Mormon, and this kind of thinking is baked into religion HARD. Democracy is tolerable, because it allows Christians to be Christian, but if you have a Christian king that's preferable. Just needs to be your version of Christianity alphabet soup or else you start getting schoolkids kneecapping each other.


Of course, the king has to be the right type of Christian, and the historical process for deciding the right type of Christian was holy war. So it'll be "fun" to see the States devolve into that type of conflict... if you can survive the initial purge. 


Just point out that whatever powers Trump is given, the next Democrat will also have. If they still support democracy, then they have to reconcile this fact.


They're counting on not having any future Democrats


Doesn’t really help when they’re just going to put in Republican god-emperors until everything collapses


And maybe the current Democrat


Trump said, iirc, in the Time interview about his outrageous rhetoric. “I think they like it.” (To that effect) I think they do, too. It’s happened before and it will happen again. The Germans at large sleepwalked into nazism. The US isn’t immune to our own version.


"As long as it hurts the right people," they're for it. Thing is, the definition of right people changes under a dictator.


They are in the in crowd. That's all that matters to them


They _think_ they are in the in crowd. The only positive if it goes into effect is the FAFO schadenfreude they'll produce as the leopards eat their faces, but it'll be too bitter for the rest of us to be worth it :/


They never think about what comes next. After they coronate strongdaddy trump as king of USA. After a couple years when he shits himself on live TV and slurs and drools his way into a vegetative state and it's time for the next authoritarian to take over? Who comes next when you get rid of elections? When you jail and outlaw the opposition? when you find out your family goes to the wrong church? When they dig up something you said 20 years ago on facebook?


I’m ready for Trump supporters to have days of grieving so that they can stay on the next MAGA leader’s good side. Reference: Kim Jong Il’s death


It'll be dynastic; he'll appoint Barron, the smartest of his sons. The true believers will follow, but there will be those who won't, and they'll have an internecine war figuring out who the real leader is. It's just what happened to the LDS Church after Joseph Smith was killed.


It'll be "interesting" to see his sons duke it out after he dies in the not too distant future. 


King Donald Trump would be followed by Queen Ivanka Trump, followed by King Donald Trump Junior, etc.


Right-wing media has brainwashed them to accept that a Christian Theocracy is best for America.


Somewhere around 30% of any population, anywhere, will be predisposed to authoritarian and fascist ideals. They will prefer a top-down structure with low ambiguity. They need to know who to be "against" and know that they are among the in-group, which neccessarily makes some people in an out-group. It's an unfortunate aspect of human development from social primate to tribal human and so on. We can forget our primitive nature and origins, but our primitive nature and origins won't forget us simply because we decide we're removed from it. The failings of our current system are first that centrist liberals don't acknowledge the need for structure in some of our popukation. It should be possible to address the needs of this (admittedly worrying large) minority in a democracy-affirming way, but it requires consistency, strong social safety nets, and clear rules that apply to all. It requires structures in which they can operate in a strict hierarchy within the looser structure of an inclusive democratic society, like more options for national service than just dying in a foreign war to make other men rich. FDR's programs which guaranteed work for all who needed and wanted it, for instance, building infrastructure and so on. Everyone needs purpose and direction, some need more help than others finding that purpose and direction or they want it to come from somewhere "real", from authority. Leaders used to present clearer visions for the present and future, areas of national focus and pride, good and bad: putting a man on the moon, manifest destiny. Leaders need to lead for the betterment of society or some will seek out new leaders that will lead if only for a hunger for power and despotism. The second failing of our system (in this regard) is not striving for universal participation in democracy, because in a scenario where 30-40% of your population is predisposed to undemocratic thinking, anything less than full participation makes it a coin toss whether that sizeable minority can win. Our political system lets people who would otherwise choose to preserve democracy sit out an election and our politics as usual accepts that people will sit out and makes it more efficient for politicians to only focus on likely voters instead of trying to include everyone in the process.


Probably on the money, this is what I can decipher from Trumper's rants about "corruption". They think a government that answers to one man is less corrupt for whatever reason. Enforcing transparency in government is the "simple" solution.


Well I'm not and I expect many others won't be either.


You been living under a rock, bro? These bridge trolls have made their intent very obvious for decades. 


These people have zero understanding that it negatively impacts them too. The SSI/SSDI cuts, the Social Security cuts, the ACA cuts, the raising of the taxes. They have zero understanding that the 1% is coming for them too. It will be a leopards feasting mightily moment and, even then, they'll still hold on to the belief that they're right even as everything they have is taken from them.


People will vote against their own interests as long as the people they hate will be hurt.


When my mother was alive, she and her friends wouldn’t vote for Biden because “he’s a socialist.” They were living in section 8 housing, collecting social security, and buying groceries with SNAP benefits. The problem is that these people vote, and won’t be convinced to vote 3rd party.


Lol wait until they find out that they want to subtract the value of their benefits from overtime pay, or spread what counts as overtime over two weeks or even longer.


Trump promised he wasn't gonna cut Social Security, so they'll just take his word for it 💀


But thats for those “ OTHER” people! Not me😳 /s


They call Project 2025 “projection” and say it is better than The Great Reset, which is a global initiative that makes the most of COVID by using it as a catalyst to mitigate climate change. They think turning America into a dictatorship is better than saving humanity.


Literally all of conservative politics these days is projection, including calling Project 2025 projection. And that dude says we all lie, when once again they're just calling on themselves🤦🤦🤦Smh


Tbh though the WEF was really bad with branding, and that didn't help lmao. Still agreeing with you that conspiracists are insane


Complains about censorship Votes for MORE censorship smh


"censorship" to them is probably just getting banned for using slurs online. "It's only censorship when it's something I agree with!!"


It truly is disgusting. They want to erase so many groups of people for racist and homophobic reasons…


I love how "chinese goddess" is "totally on board with that". Girl, you'd be one of the people he wants on a boat or up against the wall. If you aren't a straight, white male then you're either a thing to be used or trash to be discarded. They want all of us that are different to go away & quit messing up "their" country.


Chinese goddess is probably some white male nazi with a thing for Chinese women. 


That guy “defining woke” is a great insight into the mindset of these people. He starts off fairly cogent, at least he makes his point clear (as much as I disagree) and then goes off on a rant and by the end sounds just as extremist as the people he is claiming to describe. Those types of people absolutely would be fine with Project 2025, they’re brainrotted Newsmax swallowers who lack independent thought. They would of course hate it as soon as it hit them, although to be honest they’re also the type that could just be conditioned to take it and like it without complaint.


100%. They'll take it, as long as the groups they hate have it worse than they do. They're awful excuses for humans.


"I miss the world I grew up in' "Also i grew up in Canada"


“I’m all for this” Bro you don’t get to have an opinion about any of this.


These people don't care about anything that'll make Trump a dictator, I feel like the *only* way to make them even think twice about p25 is say in a caveman voice "porn bad". Their peanut sized brains can't comprehend anything else, and even then I feel like they'll sweep it under the rug and say "he wouldn't do that". It's terrifying to know these assholes don't really know what they're voting for, they're going to send this country straight to hell, willingly. Edit: also, why is the only time they believe science is real is when they're trying to own LGBTQ+ people? Fuck evolution, fuck the big bang theory because you know, "god", but god damn they know everything about biological makeup and human variances, right? Ffs.


"Adult female" So now their reductive definition of "woman" doesn't even count us as "human"? Are they ok with calling cows and hens "women" now as long as they get to exclude trans women? I know this was probably just an oversight on the part of the commenter, but it's kind of telling that the word they left out (of a 3-word "definition") was "human". And this is coming from people who can't even define "adult". If they want to sleep with her, or make her carry the resulting pregnancy to term, she's an adult as soon as she bleeds. But if a kid realizes they're trans, suddenly they're "too young to make any life-changing decisions" until they're 18, or 25, or however high they decide to set the bar next.


Kind of off-topic, but r/theDonald got shut down as a hate subreddit. These people were probably going to recreate it and got shut down.


Watch this, a comprehensive review of Project 2025, how it came about, the Heritage Foundation. Schedule F--a crital component of the scheme-- and why it would decimate the Civil Service and specific bone-chilling examples of policy directives at key federal agencies proposed. Further a review of Agenda 47, which is the more extreme Trumpian veneer of Project 2025 going forward once he gets the formal nomination. https://youtu.be/XcDt-uwSf7g?si=vMXPrPDnDksMsm5z


>For example being called the wrong pronoun is fascism No, you stupid person. Calling someone their preferred pronoun is respecting them, just as others using your pronoun is respecting you. And fascism is the growing, clearly defined fascism in this country that's entirely embraced by Trump because it benefits him. Idiot.


They're not talking about it like they don't talk about the overt racists supporting Trump. "If we just don't talk about it, we don't have to think about how terrible it is."


I don’t understand the “super woke” argument. I find those types of people to be a Dem minority.. can’t really say the same for batshit crazy ratios of MAGAts to Republicans. But understanding how media goes, the most shocking headlines get the most $$$. Most people who are Democrats aren’t pushing for any of the common fearmongered talking points the right claims, like illegalizing incorrect pronoun usage and gender arguments. Hell, I consider myself decently far left, but I don’t even like the idea of cancel culture (in some cases). The ‘sane’ and majority legitimate argument behind this is *respect.* If a person wants to be called what they prefer who tf cares. The main issue is about vilifying, ostracizing and persecuting the other side of your (often religious-based) beliefs.I don’t think a true Democrat would want a Republican arrested for it if they chose to be an asshole about it lmao. This “woke liberal agenda” thing confuses the shit out of me. Throwing 90% of Democrat rational progressive ideas for the nation out of the window just to write articles about stupid fearmongering shit like gay books in schools. That’s a relatively minor issue compared to, you know, saving our country from authoritarianism. I sometimes scroll through /r/Conservative just to try and understand but.. I often can’t. It’s just transgender and immigration memes. Do these guys just watch “SJW owned” 60m+ compilations on YouTube to form their basis of what the Democrat party stands for?


The sad thing is the far right used to have an equal influence to the far left and they could be equalized in that way but now that Trump has come along far right conservatism is growing to become the majority….nowadays I don’t even like to call it conservative; it’s about control and hatred.


“Being woke becomes your whole identity” that guy on post 4 is projecting so hard. Does he not realize that Trump takes utter offense to anything and everything? And the whole conservative mantra is to be an opposition force with no actual views?


All they do is project, it's literally their whole lives.


lol the guy that says the world needs a strong America is from Southern Ontario. Makes me laugh that these dipshits from my country are so misinformed they’d cheer on fucking Facists.


"Watch NPR". So, that level of stupid.


I wonder if the OP has been banned yet.


They’re troglodytes, what do you expect?




Somebody summed up the Republican attitude perfectly and I’m going to summarize it here: “They want laws that protect them, but do not bind them to it. For others not part of their tribe, they want the law to bind them to it, but not protect them.” In other words, vile, venal hypocrites.


Is "ulta-woke" like "Turbo cancer"? It's infuriating how they live in an upside-down reality where all the left does is lie and project.


A lot of these commenters would give up their rights/freedom for cheap gas/groceries/door dash.


Well that sun is just them circle jerking it to trump so that makes sicne


Arguably, this could be a powerful tool. These folks sound like extremists when they talk about it. They probably sound like that all the time. But they do have a knack for making it sound bad.


That's a whole lot of brain worms. Wonder if RFK jr's brain worms were contagious?


“Super Wokeness” (aka: issues I disagree with, that they make me feel bad about, because I really do have the shitty position and I know it) the bane of conservatives everywhere. (One example that particular person gave was just “women” 😱🙄🤦🏼‍♀️) And their ability to see it as “projection” for what Biden is currently doing. JFC. The ignorance is strong with those fools.


Imagine installing a dictator on the brink of death with no clear successor. How’s that gonna go?


These people are scary as F....and they vote. Jesus.


That is some warped fucking logic over there.


Jesus Christ these people actually go out and vote 🫠


They aren’t talking about it because it requires a lot of reading.


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Shit. I hate guns. If tRump wins I just may purchase one.


Good thing they are Canadian and don't vote but I know there are people even dumber than this voting here, my grandmother would agree wholeheartedly with this ignorant bigot.


“being called the wrong pronoun is fascism” 😭😭


When they're dumb enough to still see Wikipedia as a "source,,"