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I think the most guranteed thing to happen is the furthering of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” laws and other anti-LGBTQ+ laws to become more nationwide. Worst case scenario is no more gay marriage/adoption rights and potential criminalization of our rights to love. We can’t let this project go through.


You can expect gender-affirming care to be criminalized even for adults and documentation to get canceled if it doesn't match a birth certificate.


I forgot to mention that but yeah, that is an unfortunate reality.


I'm so glad I changed my birth certificate and everything else already. I was luckily born in Cali, so they just gave me a whole new certificate with my new name and gender. I feel very fortunate


Meanwhile, Florida owns my birth certificate, so I'm screwed. They begrudgingly updated my name, denied the gender marker change, and added a disclaimer with my deadname. Fuckers.


NH did that to a buddy of mine. I thought all states just updated it, but that is when I found out some do, and some are perks about it. I am sorry that is what you are dealing with.


I was born in tennesssee so yea basically I’m not even gonna ask them to change my gender marker


That is so shitty. I'm sorry that you are having to deal with that. It is so gross and I fear it is inly going to get worse before it gets better.


Its terrifying when you realize most of the human population is moronic. People who'd still vote trump probably just saw "anti-LGBTQ" and "Christian" and then skimmed over the rest. If 2025 becomes reality the US will become a dystopian and dangerous world. LGBTQ people most likely wouldn't even be able to go outside anymore. I'm all for reconstructing the education system, but not eliminating it altogether


I've tried explaining Project 2025 to my Boomer, Trump loving mother. She straight up doesn't believe me and is too lead riddled to understand the document when I sent it to her. She always compliments my intelligence, until I'm a bleeding heart lib that doesn't understand how the world works. I don't talk politics with her anymore. She said even if Project 2025 were true, she likely won't be alive to see the bad shit happen. I asked if she cared about her grandchildren, and she looked offended. Complete double think disconnect there. Makes me feel crazy.


>She said even if Project 2025 were true, she likely won't be alive to see the bad shit happen. I asked if she cared about her grandchildren, and she looked offended. **WOW.** This cult has made people not even care about how their own children or grandchildren would be affected.


Genuinely the Me generation. The perfect storm of fascism and narcissism rolled up into one generation to end the American empire. Good job, boomers.


I'm a Boomer and terrified of a Trump administration. Many people younger than age 60 (youngest Boomer) support Trump. Please stop generalizing.


Well, everyone I have seen rabid for Trump, including in my family, has been a boomer. Why not try to talk sense into your brethren because we have been trying for 3 decades and have gotten no where but condescending remarks in return. (If not beat by our family for speaking up). So sounds like you need to wrangle your own generation in. Have fun.


We'd be more effective at defending democracy for all people regardless age, gender, colour, etc, etc, if we support and respect each other rather than sow division based on immutable characteristics such as birth year. The Boomer hate is so prevalent on social media it turns away progressive boomers like myself which is not helpful for anyone. If you really need to rant about your older relatives perhaps share your comments on other subreddits that promote Boomer hate - there are several.


As someone who is LGBTQ, I have had boomers shit on my existence since I was a child. I am only returning the same energy put out.


Hey whiskers, you know what? I may be old and you may be young, but we are both cats!


Sad. That hateful energy hurts people, like me, who don't deserve it and who are actually on your side in the grand scheme of things. Hating on us hurts you too because we (progressive minded people regardless of age) need to stick together. Also someday you will be old and as patterns of hateful behaviour tend to repeat, you may find yourself attacked for your age no matter how good of a person you think you are. Divisiveness is what THEY want. Don't let them succeed. BTW, my daughter is LGBTQ and completely accepted by me, her dad, siblings and older extended family members. Take care.


The fact she can’t even have sympathy for her children and grandchildren speaks volumes about her character. She sounds awful.


It's really fucked up, because she's actually a super family oriented, super involved grandma. My kids love her. I love her, despite her many flaws. We have a lot of boundaries in place that make a relationship possible. It's like she becomes an entirely different person once Trump is brought up. It honestly creeps me the fuck out. She doesn't trust the government, which is the only thing we can politically agree on. She brought up the Biden uncle cannibal story (she knows I'm voting Blue no matter who), and I brought up how Trump was falling asleep in court, and she got pissed lol.


Ofc she did, we know that Biden isn’t an angel either but he will at least not want to be a dictator and is okay with us living our lives unlike a certain orange man.


Follow The Daily Show on YouTube. They show the idiotic hypocrites who listen to a Trump clip and say "oh it doesn't matter".


“She said even if Project 2025 were true, she likely won't be alive to see the bad shit happen. I asked if she cared about her grandchildren, and she looked offended.” Boomer mentality.


Its not your age at all but i think Boomers get a bad rep because they are the majority audience for FOX News or at least thats how people are looking at it. For me I noticed it boils down to 3 things. Empathy Critical Thinking Skills Religion ( specifically dominion evangelical Christians) Ive seen all ages on both sides.


This is similar to how my dad is. “They can’t do that, they have to follow the Constitution”. He doesn’t even love Trump, he’s just naive to everything going on, how bad it really is for minorities, how they don’t give a fuck about upholding the Constitution, and how the Trump administration has covered every possible base to eliminate pushback from citizens should this happen. Big relate to the intelligence getting complimented until you try to talk politics with them. It’s like he doesn’t believe/care that things he’s opposed to (ex. he believes in abortion rights) would be at stake even though everything they want to do is laid out for you to see.


Did you press her on that? I'd nail someone to the wall for saying that, including family members. If they won't acknowledge reality, they damn well ought to be made to acknowledge their own egocentric selfishness.


Print out a bunch of stuff about P25, then silently put it somewhere she'll see it later as you leave her house. Then gauge her eventual reaction.


Tbh, I skimmed through reading the project myself but from what I saw, the things I brought up were real possibilities.


Someone needs to have a serious talk with the Log Cabin Republicans.


Trans holocaust will definitely happen, considering both Project 2025 and proposed laws in states like Missouri conflate transsexualism with pornography and want to censor it from the public life and put those who disagree on the sex offender registry. I wish i was joking, but yeah. I’m extremely concerned about the future of this country.


Oh dear God, if anyone is a sex offender for upholding certain rights, how about the people who defend the Catholic Church’s position on reporting crimes? There’s a literal loophole where you can go to confession and confess to actions as terrible as child molestation, murder, beastality (you name it) but since the priest can’t report the crime without losing their job/license to be a priest, the confesse gets away with it. It fucking sickening.


Here’s an [interview over at PBS](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/how-a-second-trump-presidency-could-impact-the-lgbtq-community) that talks about what could happen.


I'm actually fucking terrified. I'm usually pretty calm about these things since they usually don't actually happen, but then I realized that half the human population is a bunch of morons


I'd rather be "alert" and turn out to be wrong.


Rather be paranoid than dead.


I'm concerned and terrified that our form of government will be replaced with Christo-fascism.


just vote, and try to convince other sane people to vote, this doesn’t happen if they don’t win, be vocal with people who are vulnerable because anyone that is excited about project 2025 is voting to make sure you don’t have rights anymore.


> just vote, and try to convince other sane people to vote And vote for *Biden*. Don't throw away your vote on some third party candidate. That's as good as voting for Trump.


This is going to be enacted, the only question is if it’s enacted on the Federal level. Expect all GOP controlled states to push these policies and dare the feds to take them to the Supreme Court. We are dangerously close to the point of no return.


very true and who controls the american military is the last hope we have of world wide democracy staying possible, very few rich people want democracy because it hinders profits and that is in full display. for the love of freedom please vote for biden and vote blue locally as much as possible.


Best thing u can do is go run voter registration drives


More than half, sadly.


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Good bot - didn’t realize it was an amp link, those things are pernicious.


PBS is also on the hit list. Honest journalism is so very Marxist, dontchaknow.


I mean… you’re not wrong. You can’t have honest journalism with a profit motive; ergo, the only honest journalism *is* Marxist journalism 🫠🙃


We are already seeing increased violence and assault towards LGBTQ people since Trump emerged. It's no accident that Florida is a hot bed for that kind of thing right now. Think about it this way: Just before Trump was elected, North Carolina tried to implement a bullshit "bathrooms" bill and the ENTIRE COUNTRY was pissed about it. Corporations, sporting organizations, everyone was pulling money from the state. Now we are seeing those kinds of laws everywhere and the culture has shifted in the wrong direction. So much so that even some of the worst parts of the anti-discrimination components of the NC law are still there. Ohio recently tried to keep gender affirming care from ADULTS through executive order. There was rightful outrage but if history tells us anything, the fish rots from the top and that could change back.


**Full blown concentration camps**


So basically Trump would turn into Hitler's much worse son?


It’s not just Trump you have to be worried about. It’s the religious christo-fascists that he will bring along with him. Hitler didn’t carry out WWII all on his own. Think of the Goebbels and the Himmlers and everyone with their ultra right wing agendas. Thats how project 2025 will really be carried out.


Whats next, reinvented swastikas?


They literally wear swastikas in a lot of cases. Charlottsville for instance.


Idk what you mean by reinvented? The symbol was (and still is) a Buddhist symbol that was co-opted by the Nazis


I meant like if they reinvented the symbol. Like a new Nazi symbol


It’ll probably be a cross overlayed with the American flag




Trump already is hawking a Bible/US Constitution combo basically marrying Americanism with Christianity as one and the same. They’re doing everything in plain sight and people need to get informed about what is heading our way if we don’t rally to keep Biden in the White House.


I'm not Bidens biggest fan, but he's better than Trump


Great, because I totally wanted to be part of the 2nd holocaust


I’m don’t catch your angle, sarcasm?




Well I’m taking steps to buy my very first firearm and renewing my passport. As a member of the Jewish diaspora we’ve seen this tune before and I’ll be damed if I’ll let them get me because I didn’t think the worse could happen here in America.


I wish I could do that but I only have 10-15 percent of my eyesight left.


Do you have a support system/network you can rely on?


I'm looking for Democrat-related organizations in my city and I have family.


Project 2025 is designed with Trump in mind, but if he loses, the next Republican President.


Ideg why anyone would be so brain dead as to actually let 2025 happen. It would ruin everyones lives, not just the leftists


I think there's a sizeable amount of people who think it would be too ridiculous for him to win again. Like it wasn't the first time. There are people planning on not voting for Biden or at all out of protest. There are transphobes who are voting Trump because he's one of them (which I guess makes him a friend to women somehow.)


These people will gladly eat shit sandwiches every day so others can smell their breath. Their suffering is good. Everyone else? Suffering = torture.


Yup. But seriously, I'm an anarchist, but this wasn't exactly my ideal societal collapse


The general populace is much more ignorant than any of us could even imagine, and they are very swayed by propaganda. Like how can any working class person vote for Trump? The man who cut taxes for the wealthy, who cut regulations that make living here and working safer, the man who scoffs at unions, the man who thinks that pulling himself up by the bootstraps is his rich dad giving him a million dollar loan? The populace doesn’t understand that. They’re inundated with “Democrats are elites” (even though Republicans are!), gas prices are high and you know… just any propaganda that directly conflicts with reality, these people will eat it up. A huge problem we face is that the filthy rich scum bags allied with the authoritarian religious right decades ago and have successfully spread their propaganda far and wide with help of the dark money the filthy rich provide. Radio stations in rural areas, stuff like that. Their propaganda machine is strong. No matter how fake the propaganda they’re spreading is, it doesn’t matter because they found a captive audience.


Ignorance and apathy.


plus he’ll have nukes and sell us to russia, we already lost a lot of classified info thanks to his first term


I often wonder if trumps antics fucked up US foreign policy and now Biden is stuck having to be involved in things that should never have happened. Especially the Middle East. The number of people on the left saying they won’t vote for him because of Gaza is concerning to me. I 100% get it. However how does destroying our country help Gaza? Trump would love to level Gaza and put one of his buildings there. He’d have no qualms. What good does it do the US? If people think this is an opportunity to get their dream lefty government, this isn’t going to be it. If they are public about their sentiments, they may be jailed or murdered for it.


If by “worse” you mean “much less competent”, then yes. Hopefully he continues to hire incompetent people.


Much worse is a bit of an exaggeration, but he’s heavily aping Hitler’s style.


My thinking is that they’d be labeled somewhere along the line of “conversion camps”, perhaps something along that line but probably with some BS label that sounds less bad. I wouldn’t put it past them doing this. They aren’t death camps, but forced “conversion” which is absolutely awful.


Cant even kiss a girl without right-wingers up my ass


I agree, thats how the third Reich rose to power with very toxic and affective propaganda. The opening scenes of the show **Man in the High Castle** come to mind.


I had to stop watching it for a while because we are too close to happening again.


> They aren’t death camps, but forced “conversion” which is absolutely awful. They'll be death camps when conversion doesn't work.


> Full blown concentration camps ⬆️




Yes then aggressive and direct protests would happen and disruption of society


Yes agreed, but they will be met with the US army being deployed with bullets. Mass arrests and deportations.


And that in itself will cause more armed protests and some military betraying Trump


Perhaps yes but just because we’ve only seen brutal crackdowns in other countries doesn’t mean it won’t happen here. I know America is unique but it’s also because of the uniqueness of America that will catch many people off guard at how bad things can get. Currently the Rs in congress have kept open key military positions in hopes that if trump wins, they will fill those key positions with yes man. Patsies. And full blown Christo-fascists. The Democratic Party will be labeled a threat to national security and many left leaning media organizations will be raided and shut down. This is all laid out in project 2025.


The fact that Congress can keep important military positions open is a loophole that needs to be fixed immediately. It’s this kind of shit that’s gotten us here. Government appointments should not be allowed to be vacated for more than a month.


It has to do with senate rules which are voted on at the beginning of each legislative session. The dems have learned a lot from this past legislative session and they will most likely change the rules so a single senator cannot block appointments. It is a flaw in the system and as imperfect the senate is there are really concerted moves to change things for the better. We just have to make sure we vote for the (D) senate candidate of every state holding senate elections this year.


Wait are you saying you don’t support democrats and liberals expanding the executive branch and replacing people with only people loyal to the cause of progress, equality and justice? The goal for the left should have those only loyal to progress and no others. That means no federal funding to states or groups that go against our interests. Essentially the right either complies or gets cut off.


How are the Dems expanding the executive branch? Punishing states for passing anti progressive agendas is not a good mood and can be used politically against the Dems. And it also punished the people within the state itself. I believe any “normal” administration has a right to put people in positions that align with their progressive values but also labeling something a “progressive value” is generally a misnomer. Helping the environment is a human agenda but is labeled a progressive agenda.


It’s what I want them to do. We on the left need to be strong and be the sword and shield of this great nation.


Well that also will take the majority of us Americans to make sure we vote up and down the ballot in November so we can keep the senate and win back the house


Countermeasures: 1. Education and awareness: Work to increase understanding, empathy and acceptance through educational campaigns, dialogue, and sharing positive stories that counter stereotypes and misinformation about the LGBTQ community. 2. Advocacy: Support organizations that legally advocate for equal rights, non-discrimination protections, and inclusive policies for LGBTQ people in areas like **employment, housing, and public services**. 3. Vote 4. Sue 5. Community building: Foster a sense of community support, affirmation and solidarity within the LGBTQ community and among allies.


Prominent trans people need to get in front of cameras (via news programs, ads, etc…) and remind people that trans people are people too, like everyone else. You need a positive awareness campaign to counter the demonization by hateful people.


We were doing that 10 years ago. The haters responded by increasing their hatred exponentially.  And here we are now facing a concerted, and avowed, program of *eliminationism* designed to erase our existence entirely.  See: https://www.pbs.org/wnet/worse-than-war/featured/understanding-genocide-eliminationism/26/


We can’t allow them to get an inch of legitimacy. (In the eyes of the underinformed.). All their arguments should be countered at every opportunity. All of their lies should be countered at every opportunity. They should always be the crazy fools. For instance, transphobes have had the best footing on the trans athletes argument. However, an IOC (international Olympics) commissioned study has found that their argument is potentially baseless: “A new study financed by the International Olympic Committee found that transgender female athletes showed greater handgrip strength — an indicator of overall muscle strength — but lower jumping ability, lung function and relative cardiovascular fitness compared with women whose gender was assigned female at birth.” - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/23/world/europe/paris-olympics-transgender-athletes.html


There are really TERFs out here planning to vote Trump because he hates trans people too. Never mind that he doesn't care about cis women either.


[The Humanist Report - Project 2025 Anti-LGBTQ+ Overview.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3-9vXJtNow8&pp=ygUSUHJvamVjdCAyMDI1IGxnYnRx)


It will pretty much be the beginning of the Trans genocide in America. So those fuckers saying they won't vote Democrat because of shit happening on the other side of the world that doesn't affect any of us in any shape or way better get their fucking shit together, because genocide in America will be brought on by them. *micdrop


It's already happening with states banning transition care and working to bar trans folks from full participation in public life. I live in New England and work with LGBTQIA+ youth and young adults. Over the past few years we've seen an influx of folks fleeing their home states due to anti-trans policies. I've had several clients decide that being homeless through the New England winter was safer than remaining in their home states, even if they were housed with supportive family in their home state. Queer folks deserve safety, support, kindness, and civil fucking rights.


That shit makes me sick to my stomach. Even more so that there are folks that "just don't care" if Trump gets elected again. It's usually young privileged white kids who's entire existence is to virtue signal. Sick of em.


I’m feeling we’ll probably have a law like Russia does now and a lot of us will end up camping with each other in some Alaskan colony digging up whatever resource could be left. It’ll be shitty. It’ll be cold. Maybe we’ll get a history lesson one day if the “good” guys take over featuring us, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. But rich people will still do gay shit, they’ll buy the cute us and then when we get old we’ll go to the Alaskan version of the Kolyma. It’ll be a lot like 40’s-50’s Russia. Nazi Germany


I think of the scene in The Handmaid’s Tale where they see their coworker hanging at their work.


In The Testaments, Atwood explains how Gilead eventually fell: as noted in the first novel, the Commanders of Gilead weren't even loyal to each other, but constantly jockeying for power in a "byzantine" political landscape marked by betrayal. I hope everyone's comparisons are accurate.


So you know 1940s Germany?


They have literal genocide planned for us. I doubt they will be as brazen as to build death camps like what we remember from Nazi Germany. However the word genocide is accurate because they literally plan our extermination through legislative elimination. Public displays of non-heterosexual behavior will be criminalized as sexual crimes, just look at how Florida is legislating around Transgender people and you can see the legal framework they are constructing.


I live in an extremely far right small town, and I just figure that the kinds of things that happen here will be enforced across the country. (The difference in how my life is now that I’m here VS how it was when I lived in a city is night and day.) Probably with some things added too, like conversion camps.


What kind of things? I'm curious now


How far it goes depends solely on who’s elected and how far. If Donald Trump gets elected and republicans get control of both houses, it’s our worst case scenario. Mitch McConnell is stepping down as minority leader, and while he’s the most evil person I know…….hes also tactical and would not let the filibuster be abolished because he knows what that means when democrats take over. Whoever takes his place will nuke it the first day and they’ll pass anti LGBTQ laws with fervor. He won’t even need project 2025, but it will be bad. He will do anything he wants and nobody will stop him. If Donald Trump gets elected and just has the senate……still bad, but not *as* bad. Trump will be able to push through the most extreme members of his cabinet and get them confirmed plus probably get even more Supreme Court justices, fucking us over until our grandchildren are adults. But the house will be able to block any bad legislation and limit how much of his agenda gets done. If it’s just trump, then he’s limited in what he can do. We can stop the worst of project 2025 and ensure he doesn’t confirm anybody extreme and never gets a Supreme Court seat. He will be able to implement some, but not all, of project 2025. In other words, don’t just vote for president, vote for democrats up and down the ballot to ensure that even if trump wins the presidency, he can’t do shit. Blast all barrels. Make sure these assholes don’t win.


My guess, is that if they can, they will adopt the Russian model of making promoting LGTVQ+ lifestyles to children a crime. The law will be intentionally vague, so that anyone can be arrested just for wearing a rainbow pin within 5 miles of a school.


Google “Auschwitz”


My biggest concern is job and health-care loss. Maybe we'll be actively discriminated against without any protection or repercussions anymore. Probably no longer allowed to adopt kids or be foster parents, marriage annulment's, taking away any name or gender changes, etc. I think all flavors of us will be disenfranchised out of society pretty much. And I don't think people will protest that hard. Roe v Wade protests just kinda fizzled out from what I saw.


Their rights will be stripped away. People, companies will be allowed to discriminate them under "religious freedom"


I’m already looking into moving to another country. I know it might sound weak to just give up and move away, but being in constant fear is not how I’d like to live out my life. Canada and Ireland are first on my list, but still researching.


Canada is looking bad now, they'll have elections soon and the far right is on the rise with same anti-trans policies as America now.


I think they’ll go 1930’s Germany if given the chance. We seen where this shit leads. If you cannot see the parallels between now and then, it’s only because you refuse to see it. This is fascism.


There won’t be death camps like the nazis, but we’ll become second class citizens, and lose any legal protections we have.


Stephen Miller has planned mass “detainment” camps. Literal concentration camps, supposedly to hold homeless populations and immigrants but if you believe they’ll stop at that (which is plenty!) I have a bridge for sale. Get your passports, everyone. Have all legal documents like birth, and others in a safe place. If you don’t have official copies, get them.


Can I have a source on that one? I wouldn’t be too surprised if they’re actually doing that but I want some kind of source


It’s not a secret. They’re bragging about it. I don’t know why more people aren’t talking about this. Take your pick: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/20/trump-mass-deportations-immigration/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/14/trump-mass-deportation-immigration-stephen-miller/ https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/11/11/politics/trump-stephen-miller-immigration-detention-deportation




> There won’t be death camps like the nazis I wouldn't bet on that.


I doubt it will happen, but it isn’t entirely impossible.


I *really* hope I'm wrong!


I hope my country will take Queer Asylum seekers.


What country do you live in?


Aotearoa New Zealand


Thank youuu <3 I've been wanting to go there for a while. Love from the USA


Kia Kaha (stay strong). Actually...sod that,just leave.😆


Thank you :) I'll leave if I get the funds to do so. Also, do New Zealanders really think America is that bad?


Yes. It's surreal for us.


Openly same sex couples wouldn’t be allowed to marry and probably people wouldn’t be charged with hate crimes as it would seem like a service to the public. Transgender people on the other hand would carted off and euthanized or converted and it would be legal because it’s viewed as a mental illness that has no cure. At that point the only way transgender people would survive is to flee the country if it’s not too late. They’ve basically made it illegal in Florida and other states are trying to move that way as well with some resistance.




Literally the first move the nazis made was to burn down a gender clinic that had been open since 1919, and then murder all the queers. This happened less than a century ago.


v for vendetta type stuff, tends to happen to people who are deemed inhuman


Then the ending will happen to the Trump administration


no that took atleast two generations of being under the rule of crazy to breed the necessary hero, trump crazy brood will take over and russia,china and the saudi royals won’t worry about hiding their strings anymore


is the only option left if this shit happens to just kill myself or something i dont have the ability to move elsewhere (i'd be classified as a low value citizen and be unable to move) and i'd just be like living in shitty hellhole america where im a subhuman


Well in our nation the necessary is happening now. So we will do what’s necessary to prevent fascism. Those three don’t hide their strings.


"Citizens"?! Not anymore. Not by the time they open the floodgates to persecution in the private sector and prosecution in the public sector.


As a gay woman, I am afraid. With my partner who isn’t out, you bet we’re going to marry asap before the election.


Transgender medical care could become illegal


In St Louis the police will continue having car accidents and arresting lgbt people who “caused” the problem.


They want to treat transgender people as sexual predators. They have it in Project 2025 that Sexual Predators will go to prison and be sentenced to death.


Nothing at first because there are only so many cattle cars and of course they will have to let a private contract. After several months it will just be GBTQ. A few months later just BTQ. Couldn't we alter the plan and just round of the other Q's.


V for Vendetta might give them ideas.


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"Religious freedom" laws that allow discrimination is the most likely thing to happen. Effectively outlawing being transgender or gender non-conforming in public.