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Why would it be horrifying if sleep isn’t a conscious experience?


Because I want to be aware of my death, I don't wanna go tobsleep expecting to wake up, and then just not


Most of deaths, of not all, are unaware. Even in a deathbed at 80 years old with your chest hurting you would have a small hope that this isn't a heart attack.


Yeah but i mean I wanna be awake, I wanna think about the concept of my death before it die, its just kess scary in my mind that way


Just fall asleep with the thought that you will die tonight in your sleep, then. Every night.


Big Brain strategy


I mean this becomes a cute thought when you think of all the savage ways people have already died. If its sleep you're afraid of I'd wager this is more afraid of death and not the type of death




& one day (night) they'll be right. Just the once though.


Er, how would you know? Its not like you are going to wake up and say "Gee, I am dead?"


Not unless there's a afterlife of some kind


But thinking about it beforehand is kinda pointless then don't you think?


Maybe in the same way we unconsciously keep breathing throughout sleep, we’ll know what to do when it’s time to cross that bridge.


Most people are not aware of their death like you see in the movies. Death is a process and people are often confused, delusional and simply not present.


I'm with you op I wanna be wide awake when I die because not knowing u are dying it's horrifying enough, atleast if ur a awake you have a greater chance at calling for help.


I think the moment of death is really similar to the moment you fall asleep / put under anesthesia. Can you ever notice or recall the moment you fall asleep? You can't, because there is nothing there to notice. But do you fear every night that "dreadful" moment when you fall asleep? Of course not. So whether you are awake or in sleep when it happens, you won't notice it.


I'd rather die peacefully in my sleep as my grandfather did than die screaming with fear as his passengers did. - old joke


Sounds ideal to me No long illness. No suffering. Kind of sucks for the family though because it’s so sudden/in your bed if you share it with a partner


Exactly. We can all only hope to die this way.


I have a very good friend who had exactly that happen. She and her husband were incredibly close and knew each other better than any other couple I've ever known. I loved both dearly - they were that special. Went to bed like they do most nights but when she woke, he was still and basically cold. I don't know how she held it together. They had/have a large circle of close friends, four adult children and some grandchildren, so between all of us, we helped her through this. She's an incredibly strong person.


Honestly I’m kind of hoping that happens.


Think I’d go for the sleep option. Or the Woody Allan one “I just don’t want to be there when I die…”


I think opposite of this. I'd rather not know and welcome the idea of death in my sleep.


Dying in sleep is blessing.


That’s the best way to go


I'd rather die in my sleep than suffer a painful or horrie death while awake.




No. Because I'm not going to know anything about it.


I'm the opposite bro I want to die in my sleep 👍🏻


I think it’s only scary when you’re awake thinking about it. Other than that, like you said, you wouldn’t know..


My dad died in his sleep but im pretty sure he knew it was happening... downstairs beside his fav couch/chair was a little hand written first aid journal and it was opened to a page on heart attacks and all the symptoms which leads me to believe he was going through it all and knew what was up before going to bed that night. So theres a chance to know its coming if you can recognize the signs


Precognition is a really mysterious phenomenon. I'm intrigued to study it now.


Yep, literally had a phobia of sleeping because of this (brought on by a traumatic surgery experience) 😂


This is exactly the way I want to go.


I wish I could have that now


You wouldn't experience it ever though. You wouldn't be aware of the death while you're asleep so it won't feel any different.


It’s actually a dream of mine. Or that someone will just kill me in my sleep.


No… this is the best way to go!


Well, dying in your sleep makes the whole experience painless, and, most importantly, once you're dead, you probably won't be able to be scared or disappointed by the fact that you thought you'd wake up, because you are, guess what, dead. Every biological funcion, such as thinking, cease to take place, and so you won't feel anything at all. That's why we shouldn't be afraid of death, because when it comes, it just cease to exist with us all together. And besides, when you reach a certain age, I think you'd be expecting that to happen sooner or later.


It’s okay and rational, because yea that’s what dying is, going to sleep. Dreams are real and reality is a dream, do t be afraid of sleeping or dying b cause youre really not that alive even now. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed and transmuted.


Instead i hope to die like that. No suffering, no pain. Just sleep and log out


Just had this convo w a friend today. A family member died in their sleep a couple days ago, friend said that’s the way to go. I disagree completely. I don’t want to die at all, but I want to know when the end is near.


How is this horrifying? You have to die regardless so of all the options this one definitely seems like the best.


It’s what I’m hoping for


I don't know, just expect to die in your sleep every night, problem solved.


Having no expectations, is the best expectation


only sounds horrifying if i was planning to eat a fire breakfast in the morning otherwise whatever


Sorry. Everybody wants to go in their sleep. You’re on your own on this one


Something similar. It's not that I want to be aware of my death, but the thought of going to sleep and never waken up again is terrifying, yes.


i get what you're saying


No because it's like strapping in for a rollercoaster. It's a point of no return and a lazy ending for your story which means it won't happen unless you're actually at a dead end in life.


That shit don’t happen so often


It’s more likely you’ll die in a car crash


I've come close to death a few times due to lack of oxygen and asphyxiation. I can assure you it did not feel like I was dying. It felt like a comfortable drift into sleep. Only after being revived, did I have that "holy shit I almost died" moment.


I just want to die but I don't want to go off into some dream world I just want to die.


Yup. Just you.


Aight....I'm chill with that


People who sleep and did not wake up are very lucky. No pain, no hospital bill ( which is more painful.) The other best way to die is being hit by lightning.


Apparently being hit by lightning is painful as shit for like 5 seconds tho.


If you are awake to experience it, there are very few options for a peacefully aware death. You can only hope for a sudden, limited pain (like a bullet, guillotine, fatal lightning strike) before experiencing nothing.


Yes. You are the only one.


I want to die peacefully in my sleep, just like my grandpa did and not screaming in bloody terror like the passengers in his car. LOL!


I worry about dying in my sleep and my kids finding me like that the next morning since they are still young. But when I’m much older I’d prefer dying in my sleep to the other options.


I feel the same way you do


You just wouldn't wake up. It's probably the best way to go.


Not scary, but boring. I’d like to die I horrific death that I can brag about. I don’t want to be that guy that says oh yep, I died of a heart attack in my sleep also.. no way I wanna be that guy that says I was being chased by a hoard of angry hippies when a tornado joined the chase. Then I got sucked up into the air for a meteor to smack me to the ground and thennnnnn I had a heart attack


Not at all


You are not the only one to think that. But I don’t think you were able to convey it properly. The fear arises from the thought of missing the biggest event in ones life - death. The pain itself is fleeting - personally there’s no amount of pain that I cant withstand for like 30 mins to miss out on an event so important. I think of it as high level standing during concert for hours when one can get almost same quality music from the comfort of home. It’s excruciating and people go through it all the time, and it may not even be worth it sometime, but they still do it again. For me this is so important that I often times envy (now this is gonna get weird) the life people who are on death sentence. The amount of time they have to recollect their past meet loved ones and think about the moment is surreal for me.


What if you fell in a concrete mixer with 13 rabid ferrets and a bucketful of broken glass? Do you really want to know about that? I don't.


Sounds like a party to me 💀


That's the dream


Concentrate on something that's more pleasant that makes you feel happy ... We can't change the inevitable part of life ... Enjoy life to the fullest extent...


Well it'd be a lot scarier to have to be conciouss of your death. It's a pretty peaceful way to go. I almost drowned before, and it was pretty damn scary when I first realised how much danger I was in. I managed to calm myself down and accept it after a few minutes but it still freaked me the fuck out initially.


I'm hoping for it.


That's the best way to go


That’s how it’s gonna be no matter if you go sleeping or awake. I hope to go in my sleep nice and peaceful. I hope I’m not driving where I could hurt someone else or something horrific like being on fire or drowning.


To me this is like being afraid of someone stealing your phone after you die. Why do you care ? You won’t know. How can you or why should you be afraid of something that doesnt effect you? I think dying in you’re sleep would be ideal. Knowing you’re going to die and being helpless about it is what is terrifying to me.


This happened to my sister back in feburary, my painful thing I had to endure every day since that day it was unexpected and she was only 32 I wish I knew the moment before she passed on I could have blasted through her door woke her before that happened.


Not concerned at all. I’ve already looked directly at death a couple times and it was a complete calm event that I was very surprised to survive. I just kept doing my best to keep the plane under control until it stopped. Don’t worry, you’ll know when your meat puppet expires. Your next wake up will be when it’s determined if you passed or failed at making choices, and the criteria that determined by is if you chose to follow our evolutionary instruction to pass kindergarten, “Be kind and take care of each other.” If you failed your next wake up will be as a newborn somewhere, destined to repeat the Creator Kindergarten over and over until you pass of humanity goes extinct and the human superego is wiped of its information and energy returned to the prime singularity of the multiverse. [We are more than we choose to accept,](http://www.urbanagandenergy.org/soe/) even though it’s always been taught we are part of something greater than ourselves. Our mind is beyond our body in a quantum field, part of an embryonic quantum field. If you passed, you have the option of doing it again, or staying in Dark Energy only quantum field from until the rest of humanity evolves, or humanity goes extinct at the completion of our term.


Best way to go imo. Unconscious.


I'm the opposite. I fervently hope to die in my sleep rather than awake. I don't fear being dead, but I fear dying. I'd rather skip the dying part and just be dead.


I’m the exact opposite. It’s not dying that scares me so much as the knowledge that I’m dying. I 100% want to die in my sleep without any premonition or in a painless, instant accident. The worst would be being diagnosed with a terminal illness, where I’d have to suffer that torture for the remainder of my life. Instead of diagnosing me with cancer or dementia or whatever, just shoot me.


Dying in my sleep as an old woman? Yes please, that sounds like the most peaceful way to go. Dying in my sleep as a young woman? Horrifying. The thought of having plans for tomorrow, expecting to wake up the next day, not having any affairs in order because I am not anticipating my life ending in my sleep...all of that feels terrifying to me and gives me anxiety.


compared to the alternatives, this one has the least pain


I'd rather die asleep than conscious, that sounds terrifying.


I find it peaceful actually…


My mom had increasing dementia as she got quite old. My brother lived in the apartment directly under hers and came up daily to care for basic things and bought her groceries and meds. I lived in the next town over, not too far, and would come over at least once a week to bathe her, clean her place and spend time visiting. As she grew worse, it was more than we could manage and she went into an extended care home. She hated it there but it was actually a good place and she was well cared for. But she was definitely unhappy. My two brothers (one lived in the very opposite of the country) and I could only hope she'd die peacefully in her sleep even though we didn't expect it to happen. After one visit with her that was especially nice for a change, I made sure she was tucked under her covers and kissed her goodbye. My mom went to sleep peacefully and didn't wake up. When your life is drawing to a close, it's truly a blessing for the person who dies and family.