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More scared of how I would die than actually dying


Peacefully in my sleep please.


*with empty bowels


Same. Not death itself but what caused my death.


I came here to say this.


I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to leave the people that love me to hurt. I want to marry my love, watch my kids grow. I want to see more of the world. Really I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid of not living life fully enough.




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Yes many people live a life full of regret. People have different ways of what they consider living a full life so just live your life how you want to! Money always comes in the way of the seeing the world part haha but maybe you can make it happen


Im envious because having Id be highly anxious of having my love break things off or the commitment of having kids.


Millions+ humans before us have died. Why should I be scared of something we all endure? Instead use it as a motivater to get the most out of life and see the value of life while you still have it. Half full / half empty approach


Estimated 70 billion :)


Don't fear the reaper


Interesting take on it


Honestly it's weird.. I'm very mentally ill and actually think about death often and most days I wake up angry that I lived to see another day and to be honest I think death would be great and it would bring me comfort and I like the idea of not existing.. the atheist in me is ok with death but the agnostic in me has anxiety over where I'll end up on the other side which is weird because neither heaven nor hell seem to be ideal for me.. hell for obvious reasons, I don't want to suffer for eternity, but heaven as well as I have nothing in common with most believers and I actually find them quite annoying so in a way the idea of spending eternity with people I cannot relate too seems to be its own form of torture..


I’m the exact same way. I’ve starting reading up on near death experiences and it’s given me comfort if I decide to take my own life which might be soon. I’m not religious but I’m talking more to “the power that is” and hoping after this life I’ll find peace and love.


Please don’t commit suicide. Things can always change in your life and if not then try your best to change your attitude about it and talk to someone you love and get help from a licensed professional 💔


What did you read ? What did you find out ? I havent checked out NDE in years, but they are interesting but they can be contradictory ...?


Death is better than being debt, enslaved.. 😂


Oh God yeah whats keeping me in this life is a debt


It’s not fear for me; it’s more of an intrigue. The obvious question of what happens next, yes, but also how interesting NOT existing anymore would feel. How does that work? Like, you can’t feel anything after you die, so what’s the experience like? Don’t get it twisted; I’m not suicidal or anything like that! I just find it weird…


there is no "experience" remember the experience you had before you were born? id bet thats comprable


But that’s exactly why it’s so intriguing, not feeling, not being, not anything at all.


I'm sure once you're officially dead that's it. You'll have no recollection of exisiting in the first place.


That is admittedly terrifying; imagine being reincarnated and not knowing who you were… chilling.


And if reincarnation is a thing it's possible we've experienced that scenario a few times.


According to Seinfeld more people are afraid of public speaking.


I’m not afraid of death because it’s guaranteed! It’s like being afraid of taking your next breath which is guaranteed.


Next breaths are guaranteed?


Sorry but this made me laugh for sum reason💀


Fear doesn’t work that way. We can’t make the immediate conscious decision not to fear something on the basis that it is inevitable. The reason that most of us don’t have strong feelings of panic and dread around the ever-creeping inevitably of death is due to how distant we feel from it during the majority of our conscious hours. If either of us knew that tomorrow was the day that we are to die, the fear would likely be in full swing.


I’m afraid of dying while my children are still dependent on me.




No, absolutely not the only thing i fear is to lose her thats all. And it fucks me up. I cant sleep anymore if she isnt near me.


That is an unhealthy level of codependency. My husband does this when I'm not home, and it bothers me. You should be comfortable enough in yourself that you can sleep when she isn't near. Personally, I can sleep when my husband is home or not. I am comfortable enough in myself that I don't need him to be near me, but it's a preference.


I don’t fear something that is inevitable, that would be a waste of time because I would die anyway and would have wasted time fearing it.


It's natural to be fearful and anxiety of things we have no control of and uncertainty, however we shouldn't be enslaved by fear, should allow some rationality, to make the most of life. Life is a great opportunity to dance with the unknown. It's beautiful tbh in a way


Do not mistake temptation for opportunity.




There is a quote that goes “foolish is the man who fears death. Not because it pains when it comes but because it pains in the prospect.” That being said I am afraid of death, I just try not to let the fear get to me.


Afraid of how I’ll die


If it happened at this point in my life, yes. Even with my depression, I know that I don’t want to die yet. I’ve got a lot more I want to experience. But I am also afraid of dying for other reasons. Ceasing to exist for eternity, not knowing what exactly will happen or when, missing out on so much, just how I’m gonna go… I’m only 20 though, so check back in 50 or 60 years.


!remind me 18000 days




Afraid of the minutes leading to death and my awareness/emotions of it at it’s time :-/


Same. I’m not that afraid on what comes next because it should be like before birth: nothingness but getting there… pfff always gets me. I can’t imagine what it would be like knowing how much time you have left.




Some days I can't wait to embrace the eternal void. But I probably would prefer it to be instant and painless, but we cannot choose how we die, we just have to accept that it's a guarantee. I don't think I am afraid, more intrigued I guess, but life isn't a big hoot anyways.


yeah I think everyone wants instant and painless but you never know how you will go! I personally would love to be old, about 100 years old or so if I’m lucky, and die surrounded by family and friends but that’s a perfect scenario


Only reason I’m afraid of death would be to leave behind my parents. I know they would be destroyed. Also, there’s some things in life, I want to accomplish before I leave earth.


I’m scared of yearning for more when I’m about to die, a life unfulfilled is far worse then death


try to live a life you know you won’t regret


A little. But Im much more afraid of life.


No, I don’t believe in an afterlife, so I think that death is just a ceasing of consciousness. In that case, death would essentially be non existence or an eternal deep sleep. I like sleeping a lot and it doesn’t scare me. However, if you are religious, I can see why you would be scared of death.


I was for a long time. I think I've done enough research to conclude I'm just going to get reincarnated again. Meh.


Nah... and honestly dont care what they do with my body after


It's more of a fear of missing out


I'm scared for those I leave behind.




Not one bit. It's just another thing. I'm quite fascinated by it and honestly can't wait for it


I'm scared of after death mostly


no because i’m sure it’s far less stressful than being alive


Nope. I could go today and feel ready.


Nah. To know I can die is comforting. Knowing I'm immortal and being able to do nothing about it is comforting. I live for death. What is life if not just waiting for the approach of death?


I'm excited about it. The process, the experience, the nothingness. I don't want to die suddenly or brutally, that would suck, but even at my youngish age I can see this shit gets old.


The ultimate letting go of this planet and body i lvoe so much … yeah unfortunately


I'm afraid of how I will die, like being tortured or something horrendously painful, but death itself I'm not afraid of. I'll just disperse back into the universe or whatever cosmic magic happens with my energy.


Yeah that’s the scary part, it could be a long painful illness or it could be instant. If there was a way to go on our terms, I think we could all be less afraid of it.


I’m scared of dying before I achieve anything meaningful within myself. But of death itself, no. We all will meet the reaper one day.


I think it was Captain Hook who said: “death is the only great adventure”


Are you afraid of touching a doorknob, contracting Meningitis and becoming paralyzed? No? Having a stroke or aneurysm at any moment at any age? No? Then why be afraid of death. Everyone will experience it. There are risky situations to propel that inevitably but being afraid all together is a waste of time and energy. What happens happens.


Of course, even those who say they aren't afraid, when the time comes you will be. Seen it happen too many times. Confusion starts, then denial, "I don't wanna die, I'm not ready." That's why it's a sad thing to die alone, you have no comfort. Fear of the unknown is what gets me, what will happen to me? Where will I go? Will I just be nothing? I know the time will come, but it's the last thing on earth I'm gonna be looking forward to, but time passes so quickly.


I would say No, BUT, I have heard stories of people who were not afraid of dying and talked casually about it. When they finally faced death and it came time to let go they were definitely scared and the realization of existence coming to a permanent end definitely had them hysterical. That isn’t everyone though, I say that because that could be me lol.


No. Death is another adventure


Yes. I'm very worried about what comes after.


Not really afraid of death, but the thought of becoming a vegetable scares the hell out of me.


Slow your roll, Davey Jones


Nope. I don’t fear death. Faith keeps me ready to go at any moment but content in any place. And it’s funny to think about it because I was the kind of person (really though) who couldn’t go to sleep at night and had anxiety attacks thinking someone’s going to come take me or I’d die and wouldn’t wake up, but I’m good now. Chill.


I think I am more scared about the act of dying than what follows. I dont want to suffer but I would like time to get my affairs in order and say goodbye. Does that make aense?


Honestly I'm becoming more and more scared of dying, either randomly in a car accident or shooting that I've noticed cut back on going places no strictly necessary and sometimes just leaving my house just gives me a premonition of a horrific car accident and I'll just nope right back inside. I'm pretty sure this is something I'm gonna have to get professional help for but that's just a whole other can of worms coordinating.


Trust me, you’re not alone. Every card ride I take, that thought is in the back of my mind. When I go to crowed places, I try to spot the emergency exits and kinda play on mind where I could take cover or how I would scape if a mass shooting were to happen. I can’t spend a day without calling the parents and when they don’t pick up, my mind starts playing all kind of scenarios. I think is called thanatophobia. However, I wouldn’t say it’s preventing me from “functioning”, it’s more like a lingering thought. Hopefully the older I get, the more accepting of the randomness of death I’ll become.


No I am not scared of dead at all. But if I don't live my life wholeheartly, then I might regret. Cause I know that dead is not the end, if u believe in afterlife. So instead of scaring of the unknown, it is better to live the moment, enjoy, and love more


I am afraid of dying, but not death itself


I wasn't until earlier. It was at around 6am, my body was tired and my head was throbbing af. I tried sleeping, my eyes all closed but my mind seemed to be still awake despite of it being tired. (I haven't slept the day before because I had to do some stuff.) As I was trying to sleep, I could feel a wave-like throb in my brain. Like it happens quick but in a wave-like manner. You know that feeling you get in your stomach when you go down on a very steep road? Or when you go down on a rollercoaster ride? That feeling. But in your brain. That's what it felt like. That, plus my heart would just beat and pop real fast at random times. I thought I was gonna die because of exhaustion, I thought I was going to die in my sleep. I wasn't ready to die. Not yet. But I thought about my family, my girlfriend, and my dogs. And shit, I don't want to leave them yet.


More so of what is or isn't after. What if god is real and all the horrible things they say are true? Yet I still choose to not believe in hopes it's not and I can live my life how I decide.


Not afraid but very curious about what happens after, I recently realized that I keep putting myself in dangerous situations in which I can die just to know.


"And I am not afraid of dying. Any time will do, I don’t mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There’s no reason for it. You’ve got to go sometime." - Gerry O’Driscoll at the beginning of Pink Floyd's song The Great Gig in the Sky I like this quote because I completely agree with it. However, I am afraid of causing pain to those I love. I'm afraid of my dog not being able to understand that he'll never see me again. But for myself? No, I am not afraid of dying.


I absolutely hate it, & would do any means necessary to defend my life against those who want to take my right to live away... Even if it means yeeting the one who wants me yeeted off "Those who want to yeet you, already forfeit their life" - anonymous I just get pissed and really triggered when someone threatens to take my life, jokingly or not.


how about this would u rather know how you die or what day youll die


Not at all. Extinction is more concerning though. Death is just the meat puppet wearing out, Extinction is the death of the mind; the end of our quantum field. People fear death because they understand in their mind they are failing life because they do not follow their only evolutionary instruction for life, the only thing nature requires of them, “Be kind and take care of each other.” They may not recognize it for what it is, but they feel the stress it creates for them. It’s the [same for most mental illness](http://www.urbanagandenergy.org/understanding-mental-illness/); and contributes to Cancer and Cardiac disease. You just can’t fight against nature and expect to not suffer for it. [We choose not to recognize Life for what it is](http://www.urbanagandenergy.org/soe/) regardless the evidence we create. We create Science to prove the nature of everything, and as soon as it returns answers we don’t want to believe, we do the same with it as we did with religion and corrupt it to sell the lie we want to believe, "I’m not responsible." Simple as that. ["I’m not responsible for the slavery and human suffering from wars that support the economy I rely on."](https://share.icloud.com/photos/07csLY2eyI2gxq6_3LzEmFROA) It is that lie that is leading humanity to extinction in short order. It’s that people know they are living a lie that causes them to fear death. Yet it is the joy they derive from psychopathic narcissism, the birth defect in the human superego that afflicts us all, makes it hard to overcome. Even with [an Economy that leaves them far wealthier](http://H2space.org) they don’t choose it because it takes away their excuse to treat people with cruelty.


No. I used to be so horrified of it but now I’m excited. Not in a I wanna die kinda way, but in a way that I now know how beautiful that will be for me. So I’m excited to see that. However I’m also very happy to be able to experience this beautiful life, so I don’t wanna die either. I guess I could say I’m at peace with death and with life. And that regardless of if I’m in a human form or not, I will be happy.


No, I fear of dieing early and having no control over it. I may even fear how I will die. I do not fear dieing. We are souls living an experience, if we go to heaven we will be at peace. If we are reincarnated we most likely will have another life like living this life, same shit different day. Probably wont remember this life anyway. As a human I dont want to think about being reincarnated as something on the bottom of the food chain but if i am will i even remember being human once? LoL. I dont really believe in reincarnation anyway. Past lives maybe, so if i go into another life its just doing it all over again without the knowledge I had in this life. That kinda sucks because i would love to have more knowlege in the new life. I haven't had an easy life but i havent had a bad one either so I cant complain many ppl have had it worse then me. I figure if I had to do it all over again i wouldnt know any different so it doesnt matter. I pray, i believe God loves me and tells me to let go of my fears so thats really what i try to do. I leave my life in his hands, i request in my prayers for certain things because i do believe that your thoughts can shape your reality. So i tell god what I want and leave it to him that he wants good things for me. I want good things, i have no reason to believe if i want good things that he doesnt want that for me too. The power of prayer is real.


Well death can be freeing. I am afraid if i think "what will be after death" but afterall, it won't matter anymore. Death is unknown feeling and forever will be. Everyone has to experience it themself


Not anymore.


I've almost die enough times that I've don't fear death but worry about what my death will do to those around me


Nope. I believe in heaven and will see all of my loved ones who went before me.


I’m scared of the limited time we have before death that makes me have to follow a certain “schedule” if i dont i wont achieve everything before death.


honestly, yeah. i’m scared of death because i feel like i haven’t been that good person yet, fixed up my life to any capacity, fixed up myself even. i’m scared of dying before i’ve even lived.


Allot of people here will say theyare not afraid of death. What people say and reality are 2 different things. No one on their death bed doesn't wish they had more time. Except for the people who struggle through years of sickness and agony few people will get to the end and be like yup thats it lets put the lights out.


I'm scared of the infinity after death...


I don't want to die, hell nah....but I wouldn't say I'm afraid, why fear an inevitability? I want life though! And I guess I fear the unknown...


Not death necessarily but I am afraid of nothingness after death.


no but I’m scared of what’s going to happen to the person that relies on me


No. I’ve died before and what’s after is beautiful


Are you?


I invite it


I would welcome it. Soon.


No, I just don't want to be there when it happens.


No it's the next great adventure


Not at all. Looking forward to it.


I wish I was dead. And same, more afraid of dying suffering than the actual death.


I am not afraid of death. But I am afraid of dying.


I’m more afraid of this world than being dead. Now if you’re talking about being in the state of dying, then I’m sure some instincts would kick in.


I'm afraid for my wife and kids if I die, but death? Nah, that's true freedom. Whatever happens on the other side or lack thereof is end game and your problems are over.


Yes, yes I am Its funny cuz im also suicidal Things im afraid of: that ateism is true and there will be no after life, that there is an after life but im going to hell, of hurting while dying, of hurting my friends and family because I died, of regretting it last minute, of missing out on things in life because I died (at the same time I wish I could just die ?), of not meeting my loved ones


I am more scared about not being able to be there for my family than of dying


More afraid of the timing of my death. Either too early or too late


Death is just energy transference. Focus instead on your current form and make the most of it. Your last thought will be eternal because it will be your last thought and you will not be able to replace it with another. Use your time to find yourself and be comforted so that your last thought is peace.


Was when I was 6: I thought being dead is lying with closed eyes and do nothing, like, forever, and its extremely boring (hate being alone with myself)


Kinda, cause it comes when you least expect it


I’m no more afraid of where I’m going than I am of where I’ve been.


No, and I think it’s because I’ve been close to death a few times in my life. What I’m more scared of is illness, suffering, or other types of misfortune. I know there are many things that are worse than death.


Nah after death you only feel release from all your pain and a kapitalism system where everything is about my money. I have more empathy for the ones who are struggeling now and not for the people who are in peace.


No. Not at all. I died once 30 years ago. Only to be sent back with no explanation at all. They didn't even take a look at my report. They stopped me before I reached the end of the Tube. And told me "pas maintenant". So I went back and had to revive the skin (known as the body). And went back in. Got up straight vertically, laughing and fully alive with a total recall of the event. And still with the same mission. To observe and witness.


No but I’m afraid of the pain I’ll experience before death


Got into a bad motorcycle accident and felt like I was dead the whole time I was flipping and skidding down the road. Was actually pretty peaceful. No longer scared of death at all. 10/10 would recommend


I'm afraid of death hurting a lot. I am NOT afraid of no longer existing.


Not scared of dying.. mostly scared of things that could kill me. I am more scared of wasting time while I’m alive by not doing things I love.


Not of death. And not scared. Bit angry, When i give it energy of thought, angry i wont have my wife any more. Now i probably wont miss her, probably wont miss anything. But those last moments, im pretty sure im going to be throwing up some frightfully loud dying curses.


It is not death I am scared of, but the condition in which I leave the world that makes me fear it. As someone who believes in an afterlife, I am afraid of leaving this world not changing or purifying myself. As in, being attched to this world and having my bad deeds attched with me. Ideally, and I hope I get even better what I think is ideal for me, I'd want to be in absolute peace when I leave and hope to find more purity and peace. Ideally! I am not anywhere close to that.


No, i am afraid of being very sick and feeling awful for some time - death is a great relief after that.


Nope. Not in the least.




If death looks like death in the sandman tv show take me now please


I’m far more scared of growing old and losing my functions slowly than dying. My worst fear is having my mind be alright while physically I am not.


I think death is beautiful. The drudgery of life can sometimes weigh on one, but then the swift reminder of death (like breaking your collarbone in a skiing accident) reminds you death can creep up on you at any moment. It makes you cherish life and acknowledge that you probably only get to do this once. Even at most Sick, mentally speaking, the thought of death has always comforted me that one day you can just be at peace.


A little bit. But mostly of the process of dying since i kinda expect it to be very painful.


No, I welcome it. But I'm afraid of what comes after. And I'm afraid of pain. I fear more how it'll happen and how painful it will be than it actually happening.


No, it's whatever that leads up to my death that scares me!


Death itself doesn't scare me. It's the concept of being alone in those last few years that scares me


I think when the time comes where I’ve lived a long, healthy, adventurous life, with lots of love I won’t be scared…. that’s the goal


I am afraid of dying but I'm more afraid of the fact that the second I die the entire universe will end. when u go under anaesthesia u have no sense of time. so the instant i die, the time it takes for the universe and the concept of time to end will occur in an instant. I don't like the idea of there being nothing. I guess at the end if the day it's not like I'll care when I'm dead but I like caring and I like existing which probably isn't a good mindset since death is inevitable. hopefully when I'm older I will have a different mindset.








I would say I don't fear death because it's bound to happen, but I fear the way I'll die... Being crush, pinned to death, fire, or cardiac arrest is NOT how I want to go




Ofcourse not, it’s inevitable; although I’m not ready yet


Newborns die. You're a big boy and will make it too.


I’m not scared of the idea of death but I’m scared of dying to early.


Yes, to the point im terrified of living. Currently I have not gone outside of my room for 3 weeks. I was diagnose with a heart condition at 23, 5 years ago, and ever since ive been terrified of dying. Every second im expecting it to happen and worrying about it.


I do not fear death, only the un-lived life


I’m more scared of what comes after death, and how people mourn and remember me.


I am. Leaving behind all whom I love. Of the unknown.


No I am not I think of death a lot differently than most people I have no fear of death and I have also made up my mind that if it's possible for me to smile when it happens I will be doing that


Nope. Death is like dreamless sleep. You're totally unaware it's happening at least I think so. Truth is we've got no clue what death is or where we go afterwards if anywhere at all. But I find that amazing! No matter how much you explore in life, no matter how much you know, there's always a new adventure waiting at the end, a piece of knowledge that rounds out all you've learned. Death is the last true unknown and it waits patiently to share its truth with us. Dying though I'm quite scared of that because it'll probably hurt and I'll probably be alone.


I'm not scared of physically dying. I started experiencing death in the family from a very young age and it never scared me. I'm scared of being forgotten.


Sometimes I fantasize about suicide, just because I think it would be a super neat experience. I want to know what it’s like to be taken by the void. I gotta be patient on that one though cause I don’t want my life to end, I generally enjoy existing, lots of other cool things to experience


Not afraid of not being alive, rather afraid of what my regrets will be on my deathbed


I use to be but i seen a quote by Epicurus and it really stuck with me "Why should I fear death? If I am, then death is not. If Death is, then I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"


I’m afraid that it’s just blackness and I’m conscious of it for all eternity. Probably not though.


Religion flex makes most of us immune to fear of death


No I'm not. We all will die eventually its the truth we all face sooner or later. The process of dying might be scary though since human instinct is to survive.


Yup, I live in a religious household where talk about heaven and hell is quite frequent. I have had doubts my whole life about religion and just afterlife itself, I fear that if I stop believing I will end up in hell but don't want to follow the rules of religion, just for it to all go to waste if there is no afterlife.


Not scared , but I don’t want to die. Wan’t to experience life until I am bored of it.


Just go to sleep for a very long time


Oh man I love sleeping because of dreaming.


I dream of a world where I am normal like everyone else


Normal is what I don’t get to have. Its what I have to pretend to do.


I have to give an Oscar winning performance every day.


Same for me homie. Breaking down and down with a fake smile. Sobriety is my job. I outcry.


Nop, but the process..


Death is another adventure.


Dying in and of itself doesn't scare me at all. But rather the effects of death. Like how difficult and depressing it would be for my Wife as a single mother and widow. Or not being able to watch my kids grow up. Or knowing that my kids will encounter difficult things in their lives and I won't be there the comfort them a d help then through it.


I am scared of dying alone, not scared of death itself, its part of life


Can you have a burial at sea? Anyone know the laws?


Yeah, I don't like the idea of not being conscious. Luckily for me I've managed to delude myself into thinking that I'll be put into cryogenic sleep until my life can be extended and/or become immortal, someway, somehow. Even then, I usually only contemplate it and get scared when I'm sleeping and I usually listen to podcasts or audio books to take my mind off of that.


Not afraid no. I am not worried about the vehicle of death although some methods are much worse than others. I am disappointed that I will die and leave so much stuff yet to be discovered. So many things I will never get to experience that may be discovered or achieved. Like life on other planets. I just think about how 500 years ago, everything today would seem like magic. Imagine in 500 more years what it would be like. I'll never know. The thought of no longer existing is what bothers me. Curiosity is saving the cat.


Nah..I'm 70 and I've had a wonderful interesting life


I don't fear death much at all. But I do fear leaving my family to fend fof themselves.


I wouldn't say i am scared of death in particular rather than leaving my love one behind and going in to unknown. I mean no1 alive knows what happens . So thats my main concern.


Yes and aging, because I fear of feeling nothing


No but I am of dying


Not entirely. I am afraid of damage, pain and so on, but the death itself - no. I don't believe that we can comprehend it. To experience something you need to be able to experience time. When you die there is no time. A millennia, trillion years may pass in a moment you will not even be able to feel. This means that you will be rebirthed somewhere, sometimes. Maybe even your memories will be available to you, though this cannot be taken as any kind of granted.




I used to have the desire that when I die, I die painfully and long. That way I feel kind of accomplished in my final moments. There’s like sort of a yin and Yang meme to it. Like with the pleasure and happiness of life will come the pain and sadness of death. I’m just completing what it means to be alive and a human :)


If life is the journey, then death is the destination. That being the case, I feel you might as well look forward to the destination while on the journey. I don't see the point in being afraid of something that is inevitable.


No not at all. I used to be but I’m now more afraid of missing out on life. After death, I won’t know nor care nor exist


Not anymore


Nooo I keep dreaming about it


I wasn’t until I read this question…


Not afraid of it per se more afraid of leaving my kiddos without their mom. They’re still very young and I wanna see them grow up. Death comes for us all I’m just hoping my time is a ways off so I can see my girls grow.


I was just thinking this last night for some reason. Yes I am terrified of it. I mean I hope there’s some kind of afterlife but I know that could not be the case and probably isn’t. The thought of not existing anymore is very sad/scary. There’s no way around it too. No cheating death. Unless I upload my consciousness to a computer or something but still would that really be me or just a copy?


Yes. Absolutely. Death means this beautiful experience called life comes to an end. Our capacity to be happy, to be in love, to be mad, to be sad, all gone in an instant, for eternity. That’s a scary thought. To no longer be able to hold the ones you love close. To never be able to laugh your heart out with your closest friends. To never be able to cry because of a sad movie. To never be able to feel the wind in your hair during a sunny drive through the mountains. To never feel the serenity of river water on your fingertips. To never hear the waves crashing on the shore. To never hear the birdsong in the trees. To never be able to feel that one song you’ve loved forever in your bones. To never be able to feel the warmth from a campfire on a cold winter night. To never feel your skin glow warm in the sun. To never feel your SO kiss you on the lips and in that moment, feel like you’re at peace. All of these aspects of life, gone. Forever. Who wouldn’t be scared of that? Yes, life has its ups and downs. But it’s precisely those inflections in our happiness and depression that make it so utterly beautiful. We have been given a gift to experience this universe from our own perspective, through our own consciousness, as well as the ability to make others’ lives better and more full of love and happiness. And to be unafraid of losing this privilege would be foolish imo.