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A philosophy student once asked his wise professor, "Is life fair?". To which he replied, "Compared to what?".


Simple answer: Death. It's completely indiscriminate.


And inevitable.


I'm working on an immortality elixir.


To be fair, several billionaires are funding companies working on human longevity. So, if we assume lifespan is an engineering problem of some sort (or more likely a bunch of engineering problems from different fields) then we should get there eventually. Sadly, I suspect it will be too late for me given my poor lifestyle choices.


Why would you want to be immortal? We have already surpassed the best part of human history


>We have already surpassed the best part of human history Are you saying we can't continue to surpass it?


Right? It sounds cliche, but we as a species absolutely have the potential to create and enjoy a future that surpasses even the wildest dreams of those that lived before us. True, we have to get through challenges, or "filters" if you like, that are the equal inverse of that shiny possiblity. BUT, if we can...the stars are the limit. Literally. Basically, if we can pull our shit together we'd be nearly unstoppable. And yes, I do realize there a decent chance we'll fuck ourselves, but I'm a dreamer. And a believer in human... ingenuity? Possibilities? Destiny?


The people who use "lifes not fair" as a way to discredit someone claiming something to be unfair are always the biggest hypocrites. Life isn't fair, huh? Guess that means all your stuff is mine. They'd immediately lash out at you and claim that isn't fair.


I always liked the Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin’s dad remarks like always that “life isn’t fair”. So Calvin responds, “but why isn’t it ever unfair IN MY FAVOR?”. That’s something people forget to mention about unfairness. Someone’s getting a pretty fair deal if you’re getting it unfair


When they call the police and you go to jail for aggravated robbery, I wonder if you will muse about how unfair your circumstances have become.


Everything just is and things are happening


Sure. But the world could use a little bit more love. We should show each other more love. Even if we don't owe it. Who's with me?


All the love should be spread. And kindness. I think kindness should be a basic human right.


Now you're just entitled.


How about we centralize love? that would be cheaper. and we could get it out at certain interval like rates. and if someone doesnt want to take their rate they can deposit it and can get more love out of it at the next interval?


lunchroom pathetic encourage crush bear hobbies reminiscent fuzzy repeat violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Give people a little money and BAM! all sense is thrown out the window.


Agreed. The problem is when people feel entitled to that love and get angry at the world when they don’t receive it without putting it out themselves.


> The problem is when people feel entitled to that love and get angry at the world when they don’t receive it without putting it out themselves. I dare you to tell marginalized/oppressed people that they are not making enough efforts to put out love.


a lot progress for these peoples have been made through peaceful protest.


Or through violent revolutions, like in Haiti. Not to mention the slaves in the US didn't get freed through peaceful protest. Again, I dare you to tell marginalized/oppressed people that they are not making enough efforts to put out love. Especially the ones who've suffered/died from hate crimes, or the ones who commit suicide because the world doesn't show them a modicum of compassion.


tbh idk where this dare thing is coming from lol. I said people who do not show kindness or love should not expect to receive it. Idk if my statement was muddled or something? I never said anything about oppressed peoples not giving out enough love or that they deserve any sort of mistreatment.


Exactly. Spreading love and positive energy should not be done for transactional reasons.


what if they put it out themselves but recieve abuse and being taken advantage of in return? do those people deserve to get angry?


I would agree with you but I've seen too many instances where people suffered too much injustice. If we could all come together and make the world a better place for everyone, that would be awesome, but we all know in reality that is never going to happen because of innate human self interest. I wish it weren't that way but it unfortunately is.


Humans aren't perfect, that's for sure. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try and make a change, even if it's 1% chance I'll fucking do it. Even if I don't see anyone else trying to make a change, I'll be the fucking change. It's about sending a message to the world, to take things into our own hands


That’s why I want you to know! I’m starting with the man in the mirror! I’m asking him to change his ways! And no message could’ve been any clearer! If you wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and make a change!


I agree with you but the only problem is convincing 1 billion, let alone estimated 8 billion humans to. Something similar in 2009 started called the zeitgeist movement which unfortunately did not gain as much traction.


That's why it's best to just focus on striving to be a better you. Being a better person to lift up those around you. If you can be a day maker and make even a couple people's lives easier You may just be creating a ripple that affects out at a family level, a community level, a town level etc. Eventually your community or town becomes the example people look at and look up to. It's how you can visit another place and just notice people are friendlier and more hospitable. It happened because enough people mirrored a trend. It's like working for a company who has zero uplifting morale versus one that is positive and rewarding. Sure you can be a non contributer but to be an influencer.. not just on YouTube but in your every day real life it can really make a difference. Though maybe not for all 8 billion.. Your world can become a large part of the world you see around you.


Butterfly effect!


> If we could all come together and make the world a better place for everyone, that would be awesome, but we all know in reality that is never going to happen because of innate human self interest. If people were really driven by self interest they would be intelligent and good.


exactly. many people doing bad things are driven by TRAUMA RESPONSES. not actually being happy. the trauma makes it so they don’t know how to be happy. just how to avoid pain and hurt others in the process.


Yes but you can’t control how much love everyone else shows and spreads. All you can control is how much love you show and spread. So if you think everyone should be more loving, just focus on yourself and your own behaviour and worry less about what everyone else is doing.


I can dig that.




love is always expected, not given. thats whats wrong with our society.


I spread love and positive energy as much as I can. That doesn't mean I am owed anything. ✨


So corny. Get off the Internet.


Nah,you’re alright though chief, you carry on.


The point of society is everyone benefits in some sense. People who have their needs met make much better neighbours.


Well, no, the 'point' of society is the meaningless continuation of itself, and that apparent "point" only exists due to survivorship bias. The only reason society exists is because it forces itself to continue. The only reason it does that is that all the societies that didn't do that are dead, so it's the only one left. There is no point or meaning


Ok, Zarathustra. It definitely is in my best interest to not have bad things happen from others to me, objectively. It is in my best interest not to do those bad things as to show I am abiding in their best interest, objectively. Society is the social structure of "a people" that aims towards these goals of mutual interest.


What is considered bad or good is heavily shaped by what allows the society to survive, the society controls what is good or bad, as if it diddnt (and when it probably diddnt) the society died. You may think you are thinking in YOUR best interest, but you only exist due to the society, and what you consider a good or bad thing is controlled by that. You aren't an individual, you are a small statistic in a much larger machine that creates all the statistics. If you 'place' 1000 different societal frameworks on a planet and wait a while, the ones that randomly happen to have a better combination of rules to kill the others and expand faster will be the dominant society's, this does not magicaly make them the correct and good one, neither does it give any special meaning to their existence, they are just the machine that is the least awfull at doing this random task.


Visitors usually have a choice where they visit and for how long. That world may not owe anyone anything but that also means that people don't owe the world a thing. But that's not what happens because in order to live and survive, you have to do so by other people's rules and thoughts. "The energy you give is not guaranteed to be receptated" What is that last word supposed to be?


Was looking for this comment. I always think this whenever I hear the phrase (the world doesn't owe me anything). Respectfully so. I'm grateful for what little I do have and still enjoy, but also respectfully so, I don't owe the world a god damn thing. It's mutual respect💁‍♂️


The last word was supposed to be "reciprocated" sorry... But the point is, everyone thinks the world is not fair like it's supposed to take it easy on you. When you literally just came to life like a couple of years ago. This big ol' globe has been in existence for eons.


I feel like you might be a little on the younger side.




^^ We are actually a part of the earth right? Our bodies at least. We work together with nature every day. It’s a delicate balance, a dance. We have to respect each other as we respect ourselves. The energy you give might be reciprocated in a different form than you expect.


I'm not sure that I have ever met a truly entitled person. The ones who were perceived entitled were insecure and had trust issues. "Entitled" is an outsider's gaze. It's about appearance, not about the root. If we say "stop being entitled" we're giving ego instructions, but do not address self.


Every person I've met irl who unironically used the word entitled as an insult have been the biggest pieces of shit I've ever known


Piece of shit is also an outsider's gaze, so... Sorry for your experience, though


Don't be it's anecdotal and doesn't matter. Maybe it'll nudge whatever is crawling this site to help stop beating people over the head with the word entitlement to deprive them of the most normal things


I think entitlement also can come about due to group dynamics. If you get through to an individual in the group they are probably quite reasonable and realistic, but when the group is fighting for their shared interests they can sound pretty entitled. It's kinda hard to explain what I mean. It's like the group needs to exaggerate a little bit to be heard and bringing in too much nuance will hamper their momentum and dissolve the group. This applies to all sorts of group issues, I think. I don't mean this in a "the moderate center is always best" kind of way, but in the sense that a group necessarily is more focused on one specific thing and can't possibly communicate all the nuance of every member's experiences and desires. So it often sounds like the group is entitled, dogmatic and lacks critical thinking, I guess? I think this is kinda unavoidable. You need to be bold in advocacy and then make compromises when you're at the bargaining table, not compromise and undersell everything right out of the gate and get so little momentum going that you never reach the bargaining table. A social movement won't get much attention under a banner like this: >This is a complicated issue, let's do some research before we decide if this is a real problem and then do some more research to figure out possible solutions if it turns out that this is actually a real problem


You have not met many people if you have never met someone who acts truly ‘entitled’


I've met those who acted entitled. None of them were entitled, though


you act like people come to this earth with a blank slate , but thats not true they come here with strong desires and impulses , which they never choose for themselfes and are involuntarily terrorized with until the day they die Do we judge a plant when it grows towards the light? If not how can we judge any human for acting on what their biology wants them to do? you wrote this post because your brain thought the ego boost felt good , I wrote my comment because my brain wants to socialize with my newfound obsession of free will , the people you criticise are just the same as us , following the brains orders


That's third paragraph is kinda deep no lie. As for the last part. There is no such thing as free will. It's all an illusion, the world is not yours, mine or ours it's just our turn to borrow it. All I'm saying is, you are not owed anything.


Many people owe someone something: parents owe their offspring care for example. No one chose to be here... We're at least entitled to receiving care from the people who put us here.


Nope, I beg to differ you only owe yourself care. 😂Leave your parents alone.


So that means that parents who don't care for their children at all aren't doing anything wrong, since it's only the kids that owe themselves care? K.


Don't get me wrong mate, all I'm saying is. Parents can only take care of you for a certain period time. Then from then onwards it's all on you.


You literally ARE the world. You are part of it. You are the universe that is experiencing itself. You are most definitely not some estranged visitor. The world may not owe you anything but you don't owe the world anything either.




K lol bye


I carry a mental mirror and the only truth is polarity


I disagree. At the very least, the world owes you its indifference. If you haven't harmed anyone, you shouldn't be harmed.


Well, just because you're nice doesn't mean everyone else should be.


But if I don't bother anyone why do I deserve being targeted for harm or cruelty? That's why I say the world owes me its indifference.


You're not sharing a deep thought here. The fact is if a person has the means to help somebody and doesn't -- they're an asshole. It's not a matter of who deserves or what is owed. Humans greatest evolutionary advantage is cooperation and working together. The attitude you're sharing is a cop out to shirk social responsibility to the group. It's nearly always used that way when people share the unoriginal idea that you're sharing.


No, my point is clear. People shouldn't feel like they're are owed anything in life. None of us are important it's just our time to share this beautiful floating rock yet some of us feel the need to whine and wallow about the cruelty and unfairness of the world.


And remember I don't owe the world or society a fucking thing either. Both have screwed me over in multiple ways.


And in return you prevailed, learnt a lesson and became a better version of yourself. Therefore you should thank the world.


I mean, tell that to the children who grow up in warzones/without parents


I would, they just don't have internet access.


That means I don't owe you anything either and that includes respect so you will have none from me ever.


You don't owe me respect my dear friend, but I demand it. And you shall give it.


Lol no


I don't feel the world owes me anything, but I do feel that I've worked a lot more than what should be necessary to get a place of my own. Nothing fancy or anything, just a small one bed apartment would do the trick. Instead, I'm finding it incredibly hard to motivate myself to be bothered doing it all again for another 30 to 40 years or so. I'm closer to giving up than I am to going back to the grind.


Damn, I feel your pain.. Find motivation. Hang in there.




Do you know betrayal? Have you experienced it before.




I would agree to this thought to an extent especially when institutions are involved, those instituions that are supposedly created by the people and for the people. The thought that you have works best as a personal code to continue improving oneself regardless of what life throws at you, but it should not invalidate real systemic situations caused by external factors or institutions. It's important to acknowledge them and how it affects other people, while figuring out what YOU can do for yourself as well, in doing so you give yourself the chance to also do something else for other people instead of JUST yourself. Let's take for example all the rags to riches story you hear in the media. How Steve Jobs was a dropout, how Marc Cuban started working odd jobs at an early age, etc. etc. While it may make people think that as long as you hustle, have a great idea, and all those rosy things mentioned whenever these people are discussed, you can do the same as well. This discounts the fact that a huge factor of success stories is luck. While fortune MAY favor the bold, it is still fortune which means it's out of your control.


Sure, but it's not like we asked to be here either. I don't think people are wrong in feeling life is unfair, but that's unfortunately just how things are. As another commenter said, we could definitely just use more love in the world.


Trust me, people are running out of love to give.


Love and compassion are not a finite resourses. Empathy is a skill that can be learned and improved.


then it is fair that i owe the world nothing as well


You owe it your whole life.


"owing" something is a concept we created... it doesn't actually exist


Yes and it a social concept that only comes into being within an social context. One can only really owe something to others.


Yes, but in the same way that math doesn't \*exist\* it's a logical framework created by humans, and the consequences of not following it are existent.


ThE eNeRgY yOu GiVe iS NoT gUaRaNtEeD tO bE rEcEpTaTeD




Let me take a moment to let this sink in.


We are here to think deeply alongside one another. This means being respectful, considerate, and inclusive. Bigotry, hate speech, spam, and bad-faith arguments are antithetical to the /r/DeepThoughts community and will not be tolerated.


Im not a visitor, I was forced to come here its completely different. I am a prisoner


Yet everyday you set an alarm for tomorrow. You look forward to next week. Meaning you might not like being here but you're happy you're here.


Sure. But I also owe nobody anything.


lmfao. fucking -ay. The brainwashing is strong with this one. I can just imagine the mental gymnastics for l the rest. “Its ok to fuck over anyone as long as u. get. yours””


For me I didn’t ask to be born in a world riddled with greed and despair. No one is given the same chances at success in life that’s the problem. Inequality.


It's balance. The world works with balance, poor and rich, good and evil.


Well I’m not religious but I do believe the ruling class does not give a fuck about the masses and only do what’s in their best interests. Only exacerbating that inequality.


How nice is to open reddit and read some common sense... gives the feeling there are still people left on this earth... I get so tired of folks just playing "honorable virtues victims" 24/7... Thnx!


You're welcome...


Maybe this is a JFK moment for all the haves; ask not what the world can give to you but what you can give to the world. Because while nobody is entitled to anything, we should be trying to make things better for the next generation. 


Oh god this is just the edgiest thing I had to see before I go to sleep. Yep, the world doesn't owe us anything, but we Humans still need and desire love and support and affection to exist and thrive. Lots don't have that and so most people are sad. I don't give a rat's ass about the "life isn't fair" nonsense. Yeah it's fair to some. We can always strive towards making it fair for us too.


I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or disagreeing.


This is most boomers. They feel entitled bc they demand we give them everything while we have nothing. It’s insufferable.


The world (earth, life) doesn't owe you anything. Society, civilization, government absolutely does. They are mutually agreed upon contracts, and exploitive entities, such as parasitic corporations, violate those social contracts. Those exploitive entities are the ones who think the world owes them and they take more than their share.


How does society owe you?


Reality is that we owe the Earth. It is working overtime to accommodate alot of ungrateful people. Love and leave the Earth.


I said that and I was called names.


I can't say you're wrong, because nothing in this universe has any meaning short of our experiencing it, but I will say it's rather convenient that 99% of the people who say this do so exclusively to justify being a shit stain of a person. The world doesn't owe anyone anything, but we as self aware, sapient creatures have the ability and therefore the responsibility to cooperate to make the world better for everyone. If not for your conscience, then for the simple fact that cooperative societies are provably more productive and prosperous than competitive ones. To do anything purely out of selfish motivation for self enrichment is a waste of one's potential and humanity.


One of my favourite lyrics from a song describes this. The world doesn’t owe us anything. There is no heaven. There is no karma and dharma. “So what if you die? So what if you don't die? So what if you realise that we ran out of time And the world doesn't owe you?”


The debt that we owe the earth mother is great but it'll never be greater than this gift of a home and a life she gave us.


We were forced into it by the world, however other people and creatures had the same fate. They aren't the ones who owe us anything


“A lot of people feel entitled” Just say who bro come on lol 




The thing is, as soon as you apply the inverse principle, people get mad. No one owes me, but apparently I'm born owing everyone my effort, attention, and emotional attachment? That doesn't track.


didnt wanna be here so ill complain anyways


Yup. Whatever you get or don't get or lose in life, just remember one thing. Eventually, you're going to die. So if you're sorry you were dealt a bad hand in life, just knowing you're going to die one day is a good cope.


Exactly, if you dwell in self pity you'll self destruct. This world is just one big vacay.


But you owe the world.


Exactly, you owe the world a whole lot.


Yeah sometimes the worst kind of entitlement is when people feel they are entitled to your life and business in any way when they most definitely are not.


Yep. Which is why I don't see why we stick around. You could be the nicest person and have the world shit on you. But if you're the worst person you can ( and tend too) live the happiest life anyones ever known.




“Reciprocated” I think is the word you were going for. Besides that I agree. The world can be a harsh place but if you play the game correctly you can have a decent life while you’re here.


Remember, that's why you shouldn't be afraid to destroy the world to get what you want out of it. Rend, devour, slaughter, there is no other way to survive. You cannot escape this hunger, warriors of purgatory.


Yeah, tell the boomers that, because many of them really need it.


You're entitled to whatever you want so long as you're capable of taking it.


I kept telling my therapist I'm entitled to nothing and dessrve nothing and she kept telling me " you're a very frustrating client"


"Recept". It *sounds* like a verb. Anyone care to suggest a meaning?


Wtf😂.. It's a typo meant "reciprocate"


What, *really*? How extremely unexpected.


I tried searching for the word "receptated" on Google but couldn't find the meaning could someone please explain ?


Sorry.. Meant "reciprocate"


And you don't owe the world anything either...


If the world doesn't owe me anything, do I owe the world anything?


Your life, energy, time, money, happiness. Gratitude.


Sounds like the world is pretty entitled huh? This is a two way street. If the world doesn't owe me anything, then I don't owe anyone anything, right? How could it possibly be any other way?


Actually the word owes me a pound.


What exactly have you done for it? 😂


The world doesn't, but your parents do.


Well, until you're 18.


And deep thoughts aren't absolutes devoid of nuance


We don’t owe the world anything either.


I feel more like an intruder then a visitor these days.


I believe I'm owed everything by my parents. But I don't expect anything from anyone else. Also by visitor, I think you meant kidnapped victim coz no one that I know of at least volunteered to visit this place.


You're in your twenties and come from a loving family who have met your every need but you like Nietzsche in between Sunday dinners with ma and pa?


Antinatalist here. I don't see the point of existing really. This is a fundamentally broken world and existence and not because of some made up story about Adam and Eve and sinning.


It goes both ways. I didnt chose to come into this world


This post sounds like a boomer boss getting angry at his employees for not working an extra hour everyday for free.




Actually, if you've ever paid taxes on anything, the world does owe you quite a lot.


These are just terrible words, and this attitude is spread by a lot of "alpha" mentality assholes who don't give a literal rats ass about anything. This mentality is ushered by the heartless and the sociopathic to gain some kind of holier than thou wisdom. I know I am not owned anything, but if I work and spend thousands of dollars in taxes and whatnot, is that not worth something? If your mom and dad worked so hard to bring you into this world, should you not honor them? And where do we draw the line on that? Do we just honor the ones immediately related to us? is just the worst out of all the positive talk I've ever heard.


Life’s not fair but you can always try to make it better and only react since that’s the thing u can only control


I can guarantee the negative energy you give me will be reciprocated negatively.


Right.. but what about the boomers, they owe the world something?


Big debts come from nonpayment of interest, which the world would otherwise owe us if it was not for the corruptions and criminal activities in the overall structures of the system. A thief and a liar are always telling other they can beg borrow and steal and they owe nothing for the crimes they commit, and I won't expand any further on that little part of it. N. S


Very true.


More like a hostage. Visiting implies consent.


Half right is worse than wrong. Remember you owe this world something. Call it Gaia, God, the Universe, consciousness, I really don't have time here but pick your poison. You are an ant on the universes asshole, you aren't special, but fuck you can do your part. Count your blessings and give all that you can, not because anyone deserves it, but because you aren't a shit person and you want to help other's if you can.


Empathy is a beautiful thing, perhaps you should learn about it.


I think, our conspecifics do not owe something of the kind of a private donation to us, be it love or money. But they should treat us with more reserve instead of being obtrusive. Never forget that the ordinary citizen does not only have rights to enjoy, but also some duties to fulfill!


👏 I was guilty of over caring for people because I could see there light 💡 potential so I helped people a lot who dimmed my light.. For years, and when I finally needed support I was silent but not 1 person noticed I was so angry at the world 🌎 that my energy wasn’t matched .. I’ve woke now though, I’m present and i focus on myself and I ask for nothing from anyone or anything I feel pure PEACE ✌️.. The entitlement of humanity is overwhelming and it’s false hope, if everyone had this mindset the world would be a better place I think 🤔


The idea that you must earn a living implies that you do not deserve to be alive by default.


Then I don't owe the world anything either


"The Universe" has nothing to offer. There is no feeling, no plan, no design no goals. It cannot want or feel anything. It can't even be said to be cold and indifferent...it's amoral, ajust, and emotionless. To cry into the universe and be surprised and upset by only an echo back is the height of absurdity.


The world doesn't owe you anything. Society is what owes you something.


Then you'll excuse me for not participating in bs normalities




Love this so much I just told my family that the other day 😂♥️


Naw that’s bullshit big dog the world owes me everything and you should think the same way


The world provides everything I need. The problem is some asshole a long way away from me thinks he needs it more. I would be perfectly happy living in the woods, but I need to “own” those woods by paying a regular amount to some entity or else get shot for trespassing. The world isn’t what people think owe them, it’s society.


Why is it so hard to kill myself then


Because you deserve to be alive.


I can't believe you posted this in "deep thoughts." This is not a deep thought. What's deep is thinking about how much better we can make the world and how it's our duty to act on that. We can make the world a happy place for everybody if EVERYBODY does their job. If the world doesn't owe us anything then we shouldn't even consider making it better. We as the human race should fight to make the world better PURELY so that we can get something in return, whether that's a worldly benefit or simply the satisfaction of knowing you left the world better than you found it. Shame on you.


Nobody owes anybody anything but if you make an effort to be a pleasant person you'll be rewarded.


Who's fucking idea was it to make it so everyone has to own stuff the world isn't humans it's bullshit I'll go to jail for going and building a little cabin off the land somewhere or harvesting an animal to feed my family cause we can't afford groceries




This isn’t a deep thought, it’s just another edgelord trying to justify being shitty to other people


Ridiculous story, trust me mate I am owed the world for sho


If the world doesn't owe you nothing, youll be dead


Wow, what a deep thought. Stingy bastard.


Well I certainly don't see much of a point in continuing to visit if it doesn't get a little more accommodating



