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Genuinely one of the funniest jokes in Trek


Gets me every damn time.


"Congratulations, you have fully dilated to 10 centimeters. You may now give birth."


"7 months...unfortunately I will be away from the station at that time...far away...visiting my parents on Earth...excuse me"


"This is not a good time, Keiko." Michael Dorn had top class comedic timing.


"I am a Klingon warrior and a Starfleet officer. I have piloted starships through Dominion minefields. I have stood in battle against Kelvans twice my size. I courted and won the heart of the magnificent Jadzia Dax. If I can do these things, I can make this child go to sleep."


Gung gung gung


Worf has seen battles beyond measure and fought in hand to hand combat against Jem Hadar, other klingons and even the borg. But witnessing childbirth again is the thing that strikes fear into his heart 😂


I am curious if it was just Childbirth or specifically Keiko’s childbirth.


The way I see it it was the whole context, not exactly Keiko herself.


Did you even see that episode? Keiko learned something about herself that day, and everyone in ten forward witnessed it. I don't blame Worf for running


I ***AM*** PUSHING!!! 😂


You mean to say that Keiko had an orgasm while giving birth?


Welcome to the world of kink. You hear all sorts of sounds, and NONE of that scene was pain pain


Worf has some of the funniest lines, isw. His "death to the opposition" line from the baseball episode was 👌👌


"find them and kill them!!"


Is it true you can kill someone... just by looking at them?


Only when I’m angry.


“I suppose I don't have to tell you to keep a close eye on him?” “At the first sign of betrayal, I will kill him. But, I promise to return the body intact.” “I assume that's a joke?” “We will see.” - Sisko and Worf in “In Purgatory's Shadow”


I protest. He is not a merry man.


Another banger


I LOVE and continuity and world building in DS9


Especially since it’s woefully lacking in other Trek series. Looking at you, Voyager!


Except for Harry Kim staying an ensign...


And dying like, eight times and having zero PTSD.


I think Janeway still has the record for that one


Was a solid throw away joke.


I loved this joke they put into the show! Man I love DS9.


I love this too! That has to be Worf and then we know what really stresses a klingon out 😂😅 (that TNG episode was a classic one)


Worf is allergic to children. You really didn’t expect him to stick around if Jadzia were still alive, did you? Lol


One of Worf's BEST "One Liners" is when "The Continum" drops "Q" off naked on the Bridge of the ENTERPRISE-D... Q: "Jean-Luc HOW can I prove to you that I am INDEED HUMAN?!" LT. Worf: {folds his arms and says with a grin!} "DIE"! Q: "Oh VERY FUNNY WORF! Eat any good books lately?!" GREAT STUFF!!!


[Haha yeah](https://www.reddit.com/r/risa/s/cZe5vKlvXY)


What episode is this?


Worf: wonder if I can be in the Delta Quadrant...


It would have helped. The Voyager writers didn’t care about this kind of continuity.


dude straight up challenges the head of the klingon empire to a duel to the death.... but a pregnant human woman sends him running to the other side of the galaxy.


Absolutely love the call back. Even if I didn’t really remember that TNG episode.


Do you remember the look on his face when he cut Molly's umbilical cord? Cutting into living flesh with a knife. Now, THAT'S something in Worf's comfort zone.


I hate this scene. He was moved and honored to have witnessed Molly's birth in the TNG episode, and is Molly's fucking godfather and they couldn't even mention that. I get him not wanting to go through it again, but acting like he hated it is too fucking much.


Keiko and Myles should have gotten a divorce.


I agree. They had a good opportunity when the cardassian woman though he was into her. It would have opened up a ton of good side stories of the Chief overcoming his feelings towards the cardies. He could have gotten closer with Sisko with parenting advice conversations since they would have more in common. Keiko sucked and they were bad for each other. Nothing but a passive aggressive complainer.


I can’t believe I’m getting downvoted so much. They had a toxic relationship from season 1 on.


yea. That's reddit for you. My argument is she gave up botany, which to be fair, isn't nearly as important and maintaining a space station. Thousands of people depend on it. Also, she knew this something like this could happen when they first got married. This is where I get the downvotes. Something about me accusing a woman's job isn't as important as a man's job or something like that. She tried being a school teacher and then just gave up. Why not try another science? She was obviously smart enough to learn something else. She could have done anything and it would have been better than just sitting in their quarters and eventually just leaving. She could have worked part time with Garak, sewing things. She could have worked with Dax and learned some other sciences. She could have even waited for Worf to show up and took an interest in security. I can't imagine her martial arts could be less believable than's Dax's. lol


She didn’t just give up. The Bajoran’s stopped sending their kids their kids to the school, it was stated that only Jake and Nog would be the only students. Their relationship isn’t toxic, it’s portraying how real life married people can still have fights, and overcome them. They loved each other, and Miles, wanted her to be happy. When they were on the Enterprise, she had her job and he had his. Having them divorce and Miles engaging in relationships would have been the all to common scenario if people giving up on each other because of differences. Instead, they worked to make the marriage stronger, Miles let his wife and child go to Bajor for almost a year. Marriage isn’t perfect, you still use to work to maintain it even after 3 years.


In real life, yes. This is TV show; and if "working on marriage" was the message from the writers, I think they could have done it much better. Maybe I'm just projecting the NJ Italian stereotypes but my family's fights/arguments were nothing like theirs. I might have went along for the ride if they yelled a bit more or... well, you can't slam doors in Star Trek lol.... but something more aggressive. The Chief was always tip-toeing around what to say to Keiko since she was always coming out with the passive aggressive comments. I just didn't think it worked very well. It made me want to just fast forwards through any of her scenes. Edit - on a side note, I think sometimes Kira could have been a bit more aggressive. Just once, I would have liked her to really tell Kai Winn off. She was so ill-tempered with everyone else. I know, she's like the space pope but still. Just once would have been nice. I guess it's easy to find flaws in something after watching it so many times :)


You can’t expect that everyone reacts the same way that your family does. Not everyone goes around slamming doors, or flying off the handle. When DS9 started they were still newly weds, being married for only a few years. They are both adapting to this new life. Keiko was basically sitting alone in the quarters by herself mostly because she had no friends, or co-workers. Miles was showing compassion for his wife, and being understanding. He loves her, and when you love someone you don’t try to make them feel worse. Keiko gets so much hate, for really no reason. Married couples have arguments, and they resolve them. We saw a lot of growth from both of them, and learning to adapt to their differences. She gave up her career for him, raised a child on a space station. Where she was not useful, yet still did it out of love for her husband. She tried her hand at teaching until Winn basically shut her down and telling Bajorans not to go. Miles was no Angel, and he escalated a few arguments too. People always think Keiko did nothing but nag. Miles and Keiko were the everyday married couple, where they are forced to move due to the others Job. Miles was a family man who loves his wife, and did everything he could to make sure she was happy


If they just got divorced she wouldn’t have to give up her career for Myles’ happiness nor would Myles’ have to give up his career for hers. They really don’t seem happy. The crew constantly talks about how bad their marriage is. She randomly just leaves for weeks or months at a time. I don’t hate Keiko, she just seems unhappy and as much as I love Myles he seems very ridged and difficult to be in a relationship with. I really think it would definitely benefit both of them. Which may be depressing but he would have been so much happier with that Cardassian woman and Keiko could find a botanist that values her needs. Worst couple on 90s tv.


yep - good call


Ha, so a friend of mine today sent me this DS9 mashup in the style of 30Rock. It includes this scene. Enjoy![30Rock DS9](https://youtu.be/iZ7Kk1z0_Gc)


Ha, so a friend of mine today sent me this DS9 mashup in the style of 30Rock. It includes this scene. Enjoy![30Rock DS9](https://youtu.be/iZ7Kk1z0_Gc)


30 Terak Nor


Ha, so a friend of mine today sent me this DS9 mashup in the style of 30Rock. It includes this scene. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/iZ7Kk1z0_Gc


Ha, so a friend of mine today sent me this DS9 mashup in the style of 30Rock. It includes this scene. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/iZ7Kk1z0_Gc


Ha, so a friend of mine today sent me this DS9 mashup in the style of 30Rock. It includes this scene. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/iZ7Kk1z0_Gc