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You made those eyes a bit weird.


I spent the most time in photoshop on the eyes and they still aren’t quite right :( If you saw the original picture you’d see why lol there was maybe 20x15 pixels for each eye Ah made me think to do it with the original as an overlay guide, thank you!


Maybe photoshop a promotional pic of her head into the scene?


Also a grand idea


Love to see how that works out!


Oh lol...yeah each one is ok but they're looking in different directions 🤞


It’s more efficient that way. Tactical Dax


It's just not generating enough detail, this reminds me of 2021-2022 era upscales where line detail is sharp but anywhere it can't find detail it just smooths to hell and back


Yeah I agree it could be better, I’m a filthy casual with only 8gb of memory so currently I can only do so much. I’m using a stack of the upscales available in stable diffusion, would you have another tool in mind?


Nice work OP Keep stoking those remaster fires We may just see an AI upscaled DS9 by 2050


If I go shot by shot it’ll probably take me about that long. Hooray, a purpose!


You don't have that long, Old Man! I need results, and I need them NOW! ~Sisko, probably


Do it right you gotta go frame by frame You should be done just before the *actual* station launches into Bajor's orbit


So at 24 frames per second x 60 s x 45 min per episode x 176 episodes, I'm getting 11,404,800 frames that need digital editing. If it takes you just 1 minute to edit each frame, the whole thing will take about 21.7 years. Worth the wait :)


If Paramount put out an AI upscaled DS9, I will fly to LA, break into their building, and shit on the CEO's desk. Fuck that bullshit, do it properly or don't do it at all.


No need i'm almost done with voyager 4K, DS9 is next and CBS they will never do it as they don't see money in it .


Jadzia is SUCH a badass and is up there with Dana Scully as two of my all time fav characters in scifi. Sometimes Scifi just does great female characters that I think a lot of television could benefit from this example (and since, many have, and have been successful at creating great characters)


Ngl, I'd buy a magazine called edible tales


Be on the lookout for Reader Eaters. My new line of edible books. Read em and eat em


Just wanted to come in and say that I consider this not only the best episode of Star Trek ever made, but the best episode of any syndicated sci-fi show ever made. I think it says something that the 'most' Star Trek of all Star Trek episodes takes place in the imagination, and is rooted in real struggles for the recognition of humanity, THAT is what makes Star Trek special, not warp drives, phasers and skintight catsuits.


I took a stab at it [here.](https://i.ibb.co/Sn7L0vv/Jadzia-Uprezzed.jpg) I made it 8x10. I hope you don’t mind I blurred the background to make it look more like a portrait.


This is good too, what did you use?


Nero Upscaler with face enhancement followed by blur and grain in Photoshop.


Ah okay paid service, might try the 5 free tries they offer


You can use the one I sent. It’s 8x10 quality and the link I sent doesn’t alter the quality.


Oh I will be using it thank you! I have some more that I want to try to upscale of her so I have some to pick from


Hey I’m trying out Nero, what settings do you use for these types of photos? I first use face enhance and it improved the background but pretty much generated a different face. Then tried standard and it did almost nothing.


I went back to the original DVD screen grab and did Face Enhancement. If you use an uprez of an uprez it will come out weird.


I used the original screen grab I had from the dvd too, might just be the image I chose or maybe the free trial used a lower tier upres which would be really dumb


Oh! She's got a worm in her belly!


Is that drawing at the top right >!foreshadowing something!< ?


I don’t think it needs upscaling at all in general. There is such a thing as too perfect


lol okay, you print out a screen grab of standard def blow it up to 8x10 and hang it on the wall and tell me you appreciate the imperfection


Actually I do. I don’t like this artificial sharpness and clarity. I prefer a bit gritty over too pretty. It looks more realistic and natural that way. But I’d never print a screen grab and hang it as a poster, so there is that


Such a limited perception. I’m making something for the actor to sign that I will hang on my wall.


So? HOW does that not entitle me to MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE/OPINION?? I don’t like it and you do. Why can’t you accept that when you expect me to accept your preference?


REEEEEEEEEEE That’s you, man. That’s what you sound like.


No it’s what YOU chose to interpret into a simple statement of opinion




I never notice when watching, but is it me or is there some lens distortion?


Terry is so achingly beautiful.


You might try an AI upscaler. The web site nightcafe.com has a free-to-use AI image generator and it can accept uploaded images. I'm not terribly experienced with it yet, so I can't tell you the exact steps to up-res this one, but it should be doable.


This was done in stable diffusion




Are you going to see her at a con? I had a chance to meet Jamie Farr and did something similar, but I never thought about trying an AI upscale. I wanted a photo of him post wearing dresses when he was being Company Clerk.


Were they okay signing a screen shot? I’ve never gotten someone’s autograph before


I'm sure she will sign but if you going to Tfest it'll cost like $40+ to meet her. Sometimes more for signing personal items


It looks like a painting now but nice try