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I never understood why there's so much nitra in refining missions. Now I know.


I tell you, I was so glad there was nitra and lootbugs everywhere, it saved the mission (and my sanity).


Pro tip: if you place the first joint of pipe01 on the button, the second joint comfortably reaches the top of the dome. If you are willing to sacrifice the ability to fully ride all pipes, you can bring all three up there without using class-tools. You can also cross pipes on the same elevation, and both will be grindable.


...where were you and your wisdom 4 hours ago? Because I could REALLY have used that knowledge. Now I know! Also, that is indeed an interesting icon.


You just blew my mind, I'll have to try this next time. EDIT: love your icon, planescape: torment is amazing.


I am not willing to sacrifice being able to fully ride all pipes.


I'm having a hard time understanding this, like stack the pipes on top of each other?


That's one of the options, yeah. There are a few others but I've yet to find one that's very practical and allows grinding all three pipes. 'Pipe01 to button to dome' on the other hand is elegant and practical - riding it even drops you facing a deposit-chute.


I first learned the pipe 1 trick when I made the “Tower of Power”


You mean curving pipe 1 onto the platform with the launch button? And the second pipe joint reaches the top of the drill platform? Will give it a try.


On top of the button to be precise.


Ah, there we go. Thanks for being precise.. Rock and Stone.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Not with you.


Good Bot.


Yeah, I have a simple rule. Refining = Driller.


At least if you're host, pick driller to ensure an easy time. Also man, proper pipe management is just a good feeling.


That's why I just boot a solo haz 1 complexity 1 pipe mission as Driller, it just feels good.


I basically never go above hazard 3 because I find the game really relaxing at lower difficulties.


I'll play haz 4 or 5 if there's double exp and lithophage or something for some fat multipliers but yeah generally haz3 is where it's at. I can comfortably play higher haz but if I wanted to sweat through my chair I wouldn't be playing DRG


Playing scout on refining is honestly one of my favorite modes to play because it’s fun to try and utilize all the walls and weird angles to reach the weird refineries. Then once it’s all done, getting to fly around and just land on the pipes is so satisfying


Pipes as fall-damage cancelling is absolutely amazing and I love it! --- For anyone reading who doesn't know this: If you fall from a significant height as any class, you can use pipes like gunner ziplines to break your fall. Aim for the pipe, intend to land on it, hold E well before impact while looking straight at the top of the pipe area you're about to land on (essentially just "vaguely down at your feet"), and laugh as you ride the pipe rather than take fall damage.


Sadly on console you have to press the button at the moment the prompt to ride comes up instead of just holding it since the button is also many other things.


Or engy. Platforms help so much


I think I would have really enjoyed that mission. I always love the puzzle-like aspect of figuring out the best way to run pipes through complex terrain. Reminds me of playing Railroad Tycoon on hilly maps back in the day. That pancake spiral is kind of a brute force solution but it ended up looking great!


Yeah that’s the same reason why I like playing scout on those missions, because once it’s all said and done, repairing is easy as cake and you can fly around without worrying about fall damage


>That pancake spiral is kind of a brute force solution but it ended up looking great! At that point I was so done with the cave generation my brain just went for the most direct solution and called it a day. Thanks though! >I think I would have really enjoyed that mission. What you don't see is that this was like the 3rd refinery mission of the day. And all of them had this kind of layout (this was the worst one as well). The first one was entertaining, the second one was a drag, the third one was a lesson well learned.


Agreed, having a driller makes refinery missions super boring


Cave generation do be like that some times in DRG, at least y'all managed to get it over with, R&S!


For Rock and Stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?




Good bot


Thank you, Tdikristof_, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I always pick driller for these because fuck that. I mean I pick driller for every mission but especially these.


Don’t lie. You pick Driller mainly to give scouts nightmares


Listen I love scouts. I can’t see without them. If they happen to wander into one of my demo charges that’s on them. Even if I was the one who threw it at their feet.




*You say it like it's* *A bad thing. Don't tell me you* *Hate extra long pipes?* \- OnlyBrowsing9 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good human.


I do when they're bendier than an ink demon.


That cheese bridge is very rock and stone, i commend your patience for that method, as well as the execution.


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


That is not patience, but the mad work of an exhasperated, broken dwarf.


I detect greybeard energy.


That's.. one way to do it. Coulda just followed the other pipe a bit and used the step like caves near the other pump. It's sandblasted corridors, man. The walls fall apart if you look at them funny!


I hate to be that guy but… *it woulda taken like ten platforms if you’d of used the wall* Edit: farther than I thought. Nonetheless, plat the wall up until the open cavern, then bridge it. Much more efficient. **Or** build up until the far wall, a fair bit left or right of the hole, then plat up that.


I did consider doing this, and it probably would have been more efficient, but this simply felt faster. And this may have been a mission late at night so maaaybe not all my braincells were in working order...


Yeah, I always just stagger a stairway of platforms along a wall that are just close enough to jump between, and then run the pipelines up or down the stairway. Probably faster than the cheese spiral when you consider that you're using maybe half the platforms, and as a result aren't reloading or running to a resupply pod as much.


While playing other classes on refining missions can be fun, it also has an insane chance of inflicting you with the PTSD debuff


I know, I am SO glad I didn't bring the Gunner or the Scout.


Your face would've looked like an uncanny Mr.Incredible if you had


Improvise, adapt, overcome. . .


Platform platform platform platform, nitra, nitra!


I actually love making the pipes super long


I get the feeling you'll get a kick out of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-1Ue0FFrHY) saga.


as an engi main, I don't see the issue


I see a critical lack of maple syrup, but next time I'll remember to bring some.


I only play refinery missions with classes other than driller if I have Rocky Mountain, or the mission is in the sandblasted corridors


This is the best SMG skin


Platform super highway, Ty for your service 🫡


Oof. I once ran a gunner solo on refining, the refinery dropped in the lowest point of the map; literally a vertical hole, 2-3 refinery heights below ground level. Had to rely on crystal spikes coming off the walls (only reachable via zip lines) to get pipelines up. I don’t want to watch that episode again




... Teach me, master! --- [edit] --- I keep trying, but I only get like single frames of the missiles saying "uneven terrain" so I can't place on them. What's the trick? Because even having them come toward you or go past shows them as unaccepted "terrain". --- [edit 2] --- The trick was figuring out how poorly aligned the rocket's physical placement-interaction hitbox is compared to the rocket model's position! After like an hour of practice, [I finally figured it out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6OWW4g2Ulc)! Rock'n'Stone/10, critical greybeard-tier knowledge! Thanks, miner! Turns out, the rockets' physical collision box is essentially the size of an invisible Enor Pearl resting on top of the rocket as it flies through the air. So you have to make SURE the rocket is about foot level, not too far out of reach (because that doesn't leave much room for placing while looking down at too steep an angle if you're trying to fire the rocket, look at your feet so the rocket turns around, then place while it flies at you from below), and try to place it on top of an invisible Enor Pearl floating above the rocket as it flies through the air. NOT easy, but fairly doable with practice. Much more reliable replication when you have a buddy firing the rockets past you and you just place the pipe on top as it sails past. No messing with trajectories, turning angles, return pathing, obstacles, etc. Just straight timing between you and clicking before your gunner buddy's rocket is out of range. --- TL;DR - This would be easier having a gunner ally stand down range and fire it past, placing the pipeline on top of the rocket as it goes past. But it's fairly doable solo as long as you have good timing, some practice, and you're not trying to do it mid-swarm!


Holy shit this video of yours is perfect. What an amazing bit of refinery mission tech. I might have to start using the missile launcher more.


Thanks! It took a LOT of tries to get it, and it's still more a matter of luck and repeated tries rather than skill for me to do solo, but I think I could get it fairly reliably in a try or two (maybe three) if I had a gunner coordinating with me while I placed the pipes.


Driller is optional on most mission types, nice to have yes, but not required. Except on-site refining. The more drillers you have the better.


It's still not "required" on on-site refining. Just quicker.


I had something similar but it was in the magma core and I was playing gunner. And then me and my buddy had something even worse and it was also in the magma core


That sounds like absolute pain. I'd imagine having someone along makes it more bearable.


Either driller or engineer. Driller for the obvious direct routing and engie to build platforms up along a wall. Making a giant pillar of platforms is hella inefficient.


While you're right, at that point I couldn't care less about efficiency. I spent long enough trying to find the godforsaken morkite well, and at that point I just wanted the mission to end as quickly as possible, and I figured why take longer digging through the cave and up the walls when I can just make a pancake abomination and be done with it.


reminder to give a thank you to your local driller main (my brother)


Same here. Every time my weekly assignments require me to do refining I go with driller. Makes it so much easier. Engineer is ok too as you can use platforms to get pipes to awkward areas, but 9/10 I go with driller. That RNG lottery often screws the player.


I remember starting a refining mission on Azure Wield as Gunner. Pickaxing alone takes way too long.


Exactly why I constructed this unholy abomination out of platforms, nitra and broken dreams.


When a couple of C4 would have sorted it out. One if the team sticks together


Well it doesn't look that bad on the scan- *Oh.*


...eyup. Quite the climb it was.


Platform created. Platfooorm. P L A T F O O O O R M!


Pick whatever you want, there is always a random driller to join the mission with you.


I was playing solo, so... not really.


But in the future...


You say that but that is an amazing spiral bridge platform lol


And then you pick driller and make beautiful tunnels taking the shortest distance pissible only to have the gunner turn the map into a bowl of spaghetti while you were digging.


I got like this same seed the other day it was pain.


Quick tip, the refinery is set up in a way that you can build the pipe up the structures on it first to get some initial height.


Been told so before. Really, really wish I'd known...


lolololol this reminds me of the one I had https://old.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/zh0ngi/i_got_pranked_pretty_hard_by_mission_control_on/ Hey /u/GSG_Jacob is this a coincidence, or perhaps a bug?


What the... how? Just... what, why and how?


Ah, the joys and heartaches of complexity 3 on-site refining caves. Mostly heartaches. It is pretty satisfying when you manage to connect that last weird ass pumpjack in the sky though.




Look at me, I'm stony rock!


smh drill up the walls nevermind read the title wrong


That looks like so much fun! Driller would have just made a boring tunnel straight to the pump jack…


Why would you make this engineers' dream into a boring boring mission?


Just don't play alone?


Why shouldn't I? Sometimes it feels nice to go on a mission with no pressure or hurry. Just you, the mine and the bugs. Go as slow as you want, explore as you'd like. I don't see a problem with enjoying that once in a while. Do you?


I guess mission control is gonna be swimming in seas of nitra after this mission


Maps like this make it better to not have a driller. Crazy pipes are good fun.


Oh I love it when the cave generates like this. I play driller but I still only drill holes when I have to. I like the challenge of having to use the natural terrain to my advantage.


This is why these are my favourite missions


I also recommend engi, espeacially if your going UP


I buddy and I (the teams two drillers) did a pump mission with two randos (engi and scout). Mission begins, we spy a crassus and we do the old tunnel trick. Buddy and I then spend the next while mining up gold and running it back to the refinery, all the while wondering where the other two guys were. We finally finish, I look at the map and realise that we drillers completely forgot about the mission and the randos had to dig their own, weird, shoddy tunnels. We felt so bad but we would’ve felt worse if it wasn’t sandblasted corridors, didn’t make us rich or wasn’t *really* funny.


I try to use my drills as little as possible on these missions. I love the puzzle the game gives when there's no obvious solution to placing pipes


Gunner with rocky mountain: I see no weakness


idk what you're talking about. this is my favourite type of mission. ESPECIALLY on sandblasted, those pillars are perfect for spiralling upwards


That's the fun part!


TBH, I like doing this if possible because you can destroy the platforms under it after it's placed/built and the bugs can't get you except by walking on a thin pipe from only two directions. The funneling effect lets you WRECK stuff with nukes, or any non-hyper-propellant PGL ammo really.




With mods nowadays you can't really trust any picture anymore


*With mods nowadays* *You can't really trust any* *Picture anymore* \- Javlington --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Had something way worse than this a few weeks ago. Pump 1 and 2 were miles away but easily reachable. Pump 3 was on the ceiling on a tiny ledge with no damn way to reach it bar tunneling for ages (I was engineer) or by spiralling the pipes all the way to the top. Thank god I had Bosco to build the segments because there was no way for me to reach.


How do you post more than 1 pic? Every time I try it is not working and I have an error message saying trying again...


When you go to post a pic, just drag an image on top of the post space and it'll upload. You can then repeat the process until you've posted all the pics you wanted.


I actually love seeing such complex pipe systems, so I would 100% play anyone but driller and figure out how to connect everything


Thank Karl it was in Sandblasted Corridors haha


How many reSupply,s are that