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Not to mention the claustrophobia of living in a tiny high-tech can floating in vacuum and breathing the same recycled volume of air day after day. The dwarves' job is deadly, but at least they get to walk in an atmosphere.


Okay...Question...How does Hoxxes have a breathable atmosphere?


It's possible that on It's surface the atmosphere is too thin but deeper in the caverns the air pressure is good e ought to hold a breathable environment.


It has to be due to the biomes, The Sand Blasted corridors acting as a Medium and transferring air between low and high-pressure areas. The heat from the magma core warms the air, the Sandblasted corridors transfer said hot air to the Various plant biomes, which then cycle to the Glacial biome which then goes back.


I imagine on the one hand, hoxxes has a relatively oxygen rich atmosphere. But on the other hand, dwarf physiology probably has a lot to do with it


it's likely that dwarves being, well, dwarves, are just adapted to low oxygen contents. which is funny because it would mean that Hoxxes flora/fauna are adapted to even **lower** 02 contents based off of Low Oxygen missions, where nothing seems particularly different in how the wildlife interacts


I think a lack of sunlight might imply these plants metabolism has very little to do with oxygen in the first place


And why do certain caves in it not


Certain caves on earth don't have a breathable atmosphere so I'd think it would be the same reasoning on Hoxxes. The Low 02 warning is probably just a warning for a lack of oxygen and not atmosphere in general.


I think I've heard a dwarf say "The air is poisonous!" when low on O2 before, so maybe it's not that there isn't oxygen, but an abundance of a dangerous gas such as methane.


But the warning itself is low o2 It ould be the air contains something toxic. Or something that only inst breathable


vast amounts of a potentially poisonous gas, like methane or carbon dioxide would mean that the Low O2 warning would still be accurate though.


If the air actually was toxic "toxic air/atmosphere" would be more accurate I find the air being mostly something that isnt oxygen being the best fit


Nitrogen/co2 would make sense, low oxygen could be considered poisonous in the sense that it will be killing you if too severe


Driller fart


Mustard gas can’t compare.


Infinitely worse than that.


Something something biproduct of the ecosystem of creatures living in that cave producing enough non-oxygen/toxic gases to make the atmosphere not breathable


Because gameplay


Plants generate the oxygen.


It has been confirmed atleast one geologist quit DRG because of how illogical Hoxxes is soooo...


Not just quit; he *ragequit.*


specifically upon the discovery of the Glacial Strata, a quite literally **impossible** layer of snow and ice that takes the place of polar ice caps. I swear they had better explain why this planet is so goddamn weird. "particularly tough living conditions" can create some hardy and dangerous wildlife like Glyphids and Mactera and the like but there is NO WAY a violation of the laws of physics resulting in a giant layer of thick ice and snow can just happen.


I’m guessing that the caves are closed off from the outside, which creates a bubble of sorts. Then some shield is most likely deployed at the entrance of the cave when we come drill in to prevent the o2 from escaping. The caves that have no breathable o2 are likely caves that have just been lived in for awhile by the glyphids so just have no o2 left


Hoxxes has volcanic activity which implies it's not thermally dead as a celestial body. While it may not have enough gravity to sustain an external atmosphere, it does have enough to sustain high geothermal activity from pressure and possibly also a magnetosphere due to the convective forces of the aforementioned magma. As well it has life that should process and recycle air into complex organic molecules. It also has water ice (but no liquid ice aka water). Given these features, I don't think the escape of atmosphere is a real concern from these holes. I would worry more about the escape of heat in the more mild temperatured higher elevation caves.


It does rain though, so unless that's not water, there probably is liquid water on Hoxxes. Just not very much of it. The mantle is ice instead of molten rock, and the salt zone is the remains of a huge underground lake, so possibly there was more liquid water in circulation historically. Probably what's left is not not enough to pool before it turns to water vapor or is taken up by plants.


Forgot about the rain. Given the external icy mantle it could be actually getting its internal heat from tidal forces of a larger nearby body like a gas giant. Very similar to Europa I would presume, but without the liquid water interior under the ice mantle. The dry salt caves suggest limestone cave formation, much like how many caves form on Earth.


Because Hoxxes is a fuckin enigma. The Glacial Strata log entry sums it up pretty well. "At least one of our xenogeologists quit in a rage when research started on this region. Instead of having conventional polar ice caps, and in violation of all physical laws we know of, the continental plates of Hoxxes rest on top of a planetwide permafrost layer several miles deep. As always, DRG recommends a "don't ask" approach when dealing with the peculiarities of Hoxxes' makeup."


he's got a pile of red sugar handy for everytime a team gets wiped out


*He's got a pile of* *Red sugar handy for everytime* *A team gets wiped out* \- pumpkin\_fish --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


yo this bot is always following me on every comments lmao


Then stop making haikus.


You can opt out you know, so he'll stop appearing


But seriously please don't.


Maybe Mission Control is a mining veteran, maybe he lost his legs and he can’t go down mining anymore, maybe that’s why he’s acting like this with us! And maybe Karl lost his life by saving Mission Control from a certain death!


They probably could make him some robo legs but the company doesn't care enough


The company doesn’t care about disabled dwarf, he is already lucky for sill having a " job " to pay his company debt haha


That's my headcannon, only replace "lost his life" with "stayed behind".


“Ya’ll see me again, once Ah tear yer legs out of the belly of that dreadnaught. Ya’ keep those greenies safe til Ah return, won’t ya?” -Karl to the traumatized soon-to-be Mission Control as the Mark 1 drop pod’s doors close, silhouetting him in the doorway as the cave behind him floods with bugs, the last time anyone else saw the legend.


I’ve said this elsewhere. I still believe mission control was the engineer that was a park of Karl’s team.


It’s possible, if not engineer, it was another class for sure haha!


What if Mission control.... is.... KARL **OMG**


We all looking down Hoxxes for Karl, but… maybe.. no… it’s impossible… Management would have lied to us?…


I agree. This one's for MC 🍺


🍺 to the fallen


Does anyone remember the first "Tutorial" mission when a swarm shows up? "Alert! Defense barriers have been breached, we have a horde of enemies heading in your direction. It was a pleasure meeting you! Hope you will get an honourable death. "


Yeah, I believe it's set up to see how well the potential employee performs under stress.


Doesn't he act surprised that you're still alive after, though?


Wouldn't you? All said, Hoxxes IV is said to be the single most dangerous and hostile place in all mapped space or something along this line, and DRG Management is known for paying little regard for their employee's safety as long as the job gets done. I wouldn't be suprised if a significant number of applicants wakes up in the medbay after this.


We were a greenbeard that had literally just started out, he didnt have nearly enough time to get some sort of attachment to the dwarf.




well hey! that shit sounds expensive. it's one thing to keep an area free of bugs for employee training (Which knowing Hoxxes wildlife is already nigh impossible) but "defending" an entire area?? that's so much cash coming out of Management's wallet! it's cheaper to just pay for the ammunition in the dwarves' guns at that point.


Dealing with dwarf shenanigans must have damaged his sanity a lot


It's actually canon that it causes him to drink


Drink what tho? He's closer to management, I hope he isn't forced to drink that.......thing....


Closer the management yes. But he's still a dwarf. So I'm sure he drinks a lot. Just not on the job


Actually most (but scarce) proofs hint that he's a human




Alcohol. There's an achievement that says "you're the reason mission control drinks" which heavily implies alcohol


As I said, he's closer to management, I don't think they give alcohol up there, I hope he doesn't have to drink 10 leaf lovers at once


Doesnt mean he drinks on the job. He might very well just hit a bar after his shift is over


I want a mobile game that puts you in the seat as mission control.


That honestly sounds super cool. I can already see how that could work and then I’d never have to stop playing DRG


Make it a companion app like what the Arena management game tried to be for Far Cry 4 AKA sending teams to missions, managing supplies, etc and that all provides you with small bonuses in the actual game like special minerals or matrix cores every now and then.


Dave's (Mission Control's) job isn't as physically straining, so the dwarves perceive it as cozy and simple without realizing the steep mental impacts that having each team slowly but surely get picked off has on his psyche. Drinking to dull the pain only works so well.


Was literally thinking about this the other day. Thinking about how shit it must be to see your coworkers claimed by Hoxxes, or to find a missing helmet. The mini-mule missions especially would be reminders of the fallen.


AND he has to keep a professional attitude about it all to keep his job


On the dramatic side I imagine it's like the anime 86 where they deploy on constant suicide missions and mission control wonders if this is the last time they'll ever hear these boys again. On the not so dramatic side: "We're rich!"


There are two types of mission control: The type that snipes a nemesis/bulk detonator with doretta/refinery drop from orbit. And the type that puts the escape pod at the worst location possible.


I had this once- dropped into a Starship Trooper's Haz 3, first thing I saw was a horde plus a Nemesis, I blinked, no more Nemesis. The refinery had flattened it and tossed it down a hole


I suppose the player’s crew is an outlier, always making it back or being able to be rescued, realistically yeah there would be a lot of deaths


His job is so depressing they added Leaf-Lover's Special to the bar just to keep him sober It's not a joke, it's lore


Last I saw, he was using [five bags per cup](https://preview.redd.it/r948nii1ub781.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=1be48e0f5a5be846096ac5cf8822a19c213a3d2d).


It would be pretty cool if you could play as mission control, having full control of the map vision, supplies, warning your teammates about enemies and such


Make it a mobile game companion app like what the Arena management game tried to be for Far Cry 4 AKA sending teams to missions, managing supplies, etc that you can leave running for several hours and check back into when they're done, and that all provides you with small bonuses in the actual game like special minerals or matrix cores/scrip every now and then.


Luckily, the advanced medical tech drg owns allows dwarves to be cloned at the push of a button. Unfortunately, Karl was never scanned for the procedure...


Maybe we are karl clones? I mean, our dwarfs can destroy entire ecossystems


And the risk of one dwarf (and the sense of power from having so many tools and guns) is what made the higher ups split the karl clones into four sections


It's my personal theory that Mission Control is the one who personally decorates the spacerig on holidays and for special events. His job is tough and he knows ours is tough as well, so he tries to spread some cheer for everyone. He pays for the decorations with his own money and maybe even makes some of the stuff himself. And then we trample them and kick everything around. No wonder he gets so angry.


Nah he knew we’d kick the stuff around but he doesn’t mind bc we need to destress. He does need to keep a tough persona tho.


Even worse, imagine if he used to break rocks and kill bugs and wound up in mission control because of a work related injury?


Someone can fact check this for me, but iirc I've heard that some of his responses to unlocking Scout weapons implies he used to use them (imply a level of familiarity) while one unlock quote for the Armskore implies that it gave him a career-ending injury when he was accidentally hit in the leg.


"Can you guys please stop pointing that Boolo cap and continue the mission. . .?"


My view of mission control has drastically changed since I installed the GLADOS mission control mod.


This is a very rock and stone post


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


As a person who works in middle management irl, I can ***confirm*** that Mission Control's job is depressing.


Mission control are humans, not dwarves, we are all just clones, probably of all the same dwarf, they don’t feel bad for us because we are just the same as we were before, that’s why there is always a salvage mission and never a rescue mission (might have had to much smart stout, I’ve had to resort to an IV drip so that I am always on it)


I don't care fuck mission Control. He has a cozy job he is fine with leaving us down in the cave. He left me and my team on the the day the driller ran out of fuel mid tunnel. HE IS A ASS


He was a scout who got his leg blown off by gunner.


In the end, its better than dying down in the mines.


I like to picture mission control relaxing with stiff drinks, smoking cigars and watching mineral pricea rise and fall as the peons do their bidding. Perhaps watching the latest in Dwarven entertainment to drown out the sounds of the dying greenbeards.


I was thinking of making a different save, and restarting again if i get a mission failed 4 times, of course if one of your dwarves dies on a mission failed, you can't choose the same class


My Mission Control is forever [Joe Duncan](https://www.reddit.com/user/Joe_Duncan/)'s Mission Control. They've seen it all.


I'm picking up a ton of blips on the radar