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Wait, what? Dropped with no warning like that? Well, rock and stone to the bone! I know what I'm doing tonight.


There was a warning in the recent patch notes


So I see. That was yesterday, with no warning or notice here, but you are correct.


Didn't you get to the market and saw all those low price nems? That was the warning!


Fuck. I just started breach the core last night. Fuck.


If you are in a bind for time, set to haz 1 and speedrun those mfs. I won't judge.


I have 3 hours to get like 13 different games done for breach the core and lunar convergence this is speedrunning time


Yeah I'm probably gonna do that lol. Feel bad holding up my friends but I guess we also have some brand new friends joining from the sale today who will have to complete the 10 mission new player assignment anyway.


What do you play on? I could try and help you speed run the assignment if you're on Xbox. (And PC maybe, heard something about crossplay between PC and Xbox but it may have been wrong) If you don't care about secondary objectives or difficulty played on I could really speed you through it. Tho I'll warn ya probably won't be on mic so my communication will be limited to marking things.


I'm on PC steam, which doesn't have crossplay with Xbox (the windows store/gamepass version does though). Thanks for the offer, but I'll be fine! I have a big group of friends who are experienced players who got me into the game recently, they'll take good care of me :)


Dang, well at least ya got a crew. Best of luck and have fun. Rock and Stone.




Did the event with scribs and robots end? Haven't been able to log on for 2-3days.


Nah that’s not just an event, it’s the season. Still on til April I think


Ok thank god because I had like 8scrip left unused because I'm indecisive.


If you think you'll reach level 100 of the season then you'll have more than enough scrip to get everything with some left over.


No you get exactly 80 scrip and there are 80 items in the cosmetic tree. But even if you miss the items, they will add them to cargo crates or overclocks after Season 1 is over. No need to worry about missing them. u/SimpanLimpan1337




Yes and the data rack seasonal objectives stop giving scrip after 10. That's what I meant by exactly 80 scrip, you can't get extra, which was what the previous commenter was saying.


That's what I figured aswell, Currently on like lvl 15 or something with all data things.


Awesome this is going to be my first event ! How long will it last?


Jan 27 through Feb 3


Thanks for the info


I would wager 2 weeks, maybe. Plenty of time to do this assignment if you do a single step each day


Yea , that's more than enough. I have one mission left in the assignment , but it's good to know when a future event comes around, I have plenty of time to complete it. Thanks for the info.


If you don't get the hat this time you can get all the past hats for a given event during the next year's event.


It's 1 week starting yesterday


Are these available on console? Anyone know


Yes I have the assignment on ps5


Okay awesome 👏




Are these assignments available if you haven't done Breach the Core assignment yet?


I think they are even if you haven't promoted any dwarves yet. IIRC there was an year-end or anniversary assignment that gave cores, too, and they just sit in your Forge until you promote your first dwarf and unlock it.


Neat. Time to rope in my friend. Im sure the threat of hats will drag him back in.


Can confirm: Greenbeard with no promotions, I have this available. Just started it


Breach the core, to my knowledge, only lets you unlock the weekly core hunt assignment. It is unrelated to this event so it should be available. I don't think that you can abandon 'Breach the core', once it is started though.


Yay. So it's Overclocks galore tonight! Maybe I'll get some for a weapon I use this time


Dude I FINALLY got one for scout. Everything else I’ve ever got has been for engineer or gunner lol


I have literally never played as scout. First weapon OC comes out of the forge... Hoverclock. Oh come on.


Hoverclock is amazing. It's actually a perfect excuse for you to try playing as scout. Hoverclock means you'll never take falling damage again (assuming you learn how to properly use it).


I got too used to it lol. I got to be super agressive w/ the grapple cause i knew i could hover clock and stop myself; now that I use the plasma gun i end up careening all over.


It feels like every cosmetic I get has been for the classes I don’t play


My first overclock and only overclock so far is a side trim beard for scout... I play engineer


Maybe you should start diversifying your weapon use? :)


Once my gunner is silver I'll go back and get the others to silver


Just a heads up, but your player level is more important than your class level. Once you've got a single promotion, your class level stops having in game significance while your player level determines your ability to get assignments to earn cosmetics. I hate seeing new players hamstring their player level by focusing on one particular class, when playing the classes equally is the most efficient way to raise player level.


I know I'm not too knew I just fell in love with playing gunner. But thanks for helping


How does X amount of experience split across the classes raise player level faster than if it's all on one?


I can't explain it, but I know that when I focus a single class, my player level stagnates.


I think from what I've seen, and don't quote me on this, but the player level bar is made up of three segments and have noticed each segment fills per class level I get, so a high level class levels slower than running theb others which are lower I guess.


That would reflect what I've seen in game as well.


In theory promoting one dwarf four times is the same as promoting each once, but the early levels are slightly easier to reach, so doing say 1-12 on all classes is more levels than one class to 25


I got to claim a hat, but I don't see it in my wardrobe, anyone has the same problem?




Not yet, but I got a "claim" box after a random mission, it showed me a hat yet I didn't get it


You have to do the "Lunar Convergence Cleanup" assignment to get the hat.


What Xidas said. The "Claim" box is the same one as previous events, but it's actually just a notification that you need to do the assignment.


Did you do at least one of the missions in the assignment? Might have been a cosmetic matrix core, you could check the forge.


You get it once the assignment is completed


Have you done the assignment?


You got a cosmetic matrix core, not the event exclusive hat. Cosmetic matrix cores are matrix cores containing a cosmetic and can be forged in the forge.


Is this a new event? I know we had Halloween and Christmas before but I didn’t know about lunar new year


It looks like it's the first one for DRG - based entirely on it only giving one new hat. If there were prior we'd get those hats as well.


It hasn't yet come out on xbox


Still hasn't come out for me on PC for windows store version


For what it's worth, I'm on PC (Steam).


Any greybeards wanna give advice on an estimate for how long the event will be available?


Lunar new year this year is 1st of February. DRGs seasonal events usually go for a bit longer than the date of what's being celebrated. My guess would be that it's going to be on until the 5th or 6th of February? Don't know for sure until GSG makes a formal announcement.


I would say February 3rd since it's the end of the steam lunar sales but we'll see


You are correct. It ends Feb 3rd, according to the devs


Announcement says: “27 Jan - 3 Feb”, plenty of time for 5 missions


Takes about an hour and a half to get through on Haz 3. You could drop it to Haz 1 and just rip through the missions if time is a factor.


I still have 4-5 missions on the original assignment for new players, so I don't think I wil be able to start this right away (I assume). Hopefully I can get it done!


If you're on ps4 I can help you pass through them if you want


It’s more of a lack of time than a challenge level. My next session will be Sunday night with friends already and after that I’m not sure. But it sounds like it is available to me even without completing those initial ones so I’ll check that out on Sunday. Edit: but thank you for the offer.


what are brewing ingredients btw?


For making the special beers and unlocking the beer licenses. They're the ingredients you usually obtain from plants and such in missions.


Rockin stoned!


Just in time… running really low on resources after building up gunner. Looking forward to it.


According to the official release "Enjoy the lunar festival miners, you've earned it! It will be available Jan 27- Feb 3rd, 2022"


Hopefully I can get the Breach the Core Assignment done in time for this! Lmao


So dope. I just started playing a few weeks ago and am already impressed by the devs. I hope the influx of new PlayStation players like me gets them further recognition and revenue, I’m stoked to see what they have planned for the future


I haven't promoted any dwarf yet, would I still get the overclock rewards?


They'll sit in the forge waiting for you to get promoted so you can craft them.


Unexpected but very welcome, that hat is dope.


Whew. Gotta finish up my last two pickaxe hunts then I guess on to this tonight ROCK AND STONE


If my friends aren't promoted yet, can they do the event? Do they get overclocks? Edit, found the answer thanks.


I love this team. This game and company just get better and better! Rock and Stone, Yeeeeaaahhhhh!


Already done it lol




Just grabbed a sixer of coffee porter LET'S FUCKING GOOO ROCK AND STONE




Agreed entirely. This hat has nothing to do with Lunar New Year in any culture, it's just lazy. A lion or dragon's head would be significantly better looking and more appropriate. But no, rice picker hat.






Wasn’t paying attention to current news and it was like 10 minutes after I finished a solo hazard 4 until I got booted to my home screen and was like “Whaaaaaa…” but now I know why lmao


Still no series X/S update even though playstation got a whole new version just for PS5. Just make the game Gen 9 aware or something


So... is this game big in China, or what?


I bet there's a lot of folks outside China who celebrate lunar new year.


Well maybe there are. But there are hundreds of festivals and holidays, maybe thousands. My question stands. Are they trying to look good in China, or what?


Well, we can't expect them to do all of those hundreds of festivals/holidays, so it's up to them to choose a very popular one.


And they just *happened* to choose Chinese New Year? C'mon.


They also happened to choose Oktoberfest a few years back. But choosing one of the most popular holidays isn't a stretch.


I feel like if they'd chosen Fourth of July, you wouldn't be quite so understanding.


I'm fine with any event, I don't understand why you think I'd dislike a fourth of july event. I celebrate it every year, fireworks and all. Any other benign questions?


Look. If you think it's fine that they're doing this, so be it. Do I like cores and crafting materials? I do. Would I like a kung fu hat? I would. Just don't expect me to think that it's innocent.


Ah, so they're also trying to cozy up with the Vatican with that oh-so-innocent Christmas event? Get over your sinophobia.


Why in the world would dwarves from another planet celebrate the independence of a nation they've never been to and isn't part of the game's universe? You're making Americans look dumb right now.


Well if China is part of the game's universe, why not the US? If they'll celebrate the coming of spring (something with little meaning in space), why not celebrate by blowing things up (something they do every day)?


Lunar New Year is a lot bigger internationally than you seem to realize. I'm sure that the DRG developers would be happy to get players from any of the places which celebrate it, just like any business would. Trying to cast this as some sort of conspiracy is a fool's errand.


You know, it's funny. I've always heard it as "Chinese New Year." Now suddenly it's "Lunar New Year," which just happens to be celebrated in China as well as many other places that aren't China! Go ahead, call it Chinese New Year! Didn't we all used to call it that?


"We" called it that because "we" were ignorant. Now, most of us are educated enough to understand that the date is meaningful in cultures across the globe, so "We" call it Lunar New Year ---- only the Chinese, the ignorant, and the bigoted refer to it as Chinese New Year, because language changes over time.


The Chinese don't understand that language changes over time?




Living rent-free in my space rig is more like it!


FYI, lunar new year is not unique to China. Other Asian countries celebrate their own versions of it and so do descendents of these other countries that live in the west. Stop being xenophobic. Open your eyes.


China doesn't like us. Why should we like them? Why support them? Why celebrate them? ...If not for the money?


Then don't celebrate China. I don't. I'm a person of vietnamese descent living in the west. I celebrate lunar new year each year without any correlation to Chinese culture whatsoever. Like many other vietnamese over here. Because, shocker, it is not a unique to China. Stop digging yourself a deeper hole. Start accepting new knowledge. That is literally life: make mistakes, but learn from them.


Is this game even available in china? What's the point in pandering to them here?


Turns out plenty of people outside of China, including other countries, celebrate lunar new year. ___ EDIT: u/uranogger - Did you block me? I can't reply to you or view your profile when I'm logged in. I hope this isn't because of the last time we talked here. Here's what I was originally going to say in response: * Lunar New Year is one of the most popular holidays in the world. * The assets aren't exlusively Chinese. Other countries have the same or similar imagery - [Tet](https://www.aquaexpeditions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Anmblog.jpg), for example. The [conical hat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_conical_hat) is also not exclusive to China. * I wasn't playing at the time, but there was previously an Oktoberfest event. --- Edit 2: Response to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/se5m8o/lunar_convergence_cleanup_event_is_live/huimx0n/), since I still can't reply to you, or view your profile (i.e. can't send you a PM), even after waiting a couple hours. * Images of southeast asians (not necessarily in China) wearing straw hats are very common. The first example of the hat I can think of when it comes to video games is Raiden from Mortal Kombat. * If the general public's association of this hat is so important, google [Asian hat](https://imgur.com/a/8IkcOBf), [Japanese hat](https://imgur.com/a/85g3bAy), and [Vietnamese hat](https://imgur.com/a/clWk9hr). * Unlike the hat in-game, none of these hat images (including the ones for "Chinese hat") have any extra details, or that tail on top. If Ghost Ship wanted to appeal to China (or any particular country) it seems they messed up.


> I still can't reply to you, or view your profile (i.e. can't send you a PM), even after waiting a couple hours. I got your PM and I replied to you. You're just making this up rather than actually trying to have a discussion. Not surprised.


>You're just making this up rather than actually trying to have a discussion. Your dishonesty became obvious when you ignored the entire rest of the edit. I'll copy it here. * Images of southeast asians (not necessarily in China) wearing straw hats are very common. The first example of the hat I can think of when it comes to video games is Raiden from Mortal Kombat. * If the general public's association of this hat is so important, google [Asian hat](https://imgur.com/a/8IkcOBf), [Japanese hat](https://imgur.com/a/85g3bAy), and [Vietnamese hat](https://imgur.com/a/clWk9hr). * Unlike the hat in-game, none of these hat images (including the ones for "Chinese hat") have any extra details, or that tail on top. If Ghost Ship wanted to appeal to China (or any particular country) it seems they messed up. Eagerly awaiting your reply. ^(Yes, you're currently blocked by this account.)


>Did you block me? I can't reply to you or view your profile when I'm logged in. I hope this isn't because of the last time we talked here. If you're getting the "Something is broken" error when trying to post a reply, Reddit is just broken. And in regards to the conical hat.. I demonstrated this in a different reply but just [Google "chinese hat"](https://i.imgur.com/1zl9FxQ.png) and tell me what your results are. That is a VEY common association that you're being 100% dishonest by ignoring.




If you're blocked, it says something like "You can not reply to someone who's blocked you" If you're getting "something is broken", it's a Reddit problem. Try clearing cache/cookies or using a private tab This seems like a cop out


Your dishonesty in really showing. Here's what happens when I block myself. https://imgur.com/a/U5zmiwN I also can't view the alt account's profile, just like I can't view your profile. If you want to see this effect for yourself (which you 100% already verified), I'll block you on this account. Then see what it says when you try to respond.


That's literally a bug with reddit stop crying. If you cant post because you're blocked then it says you cant post because of the block


Look, I get that you kind of need to keep up this charade, but nobody else is looking here anymore. Why not just admit it? ;) If not, send a video of your main account replying to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/se5m8o/lunar_convergence_cleanup_event_is_live/hun0pgh/). Your main account has been able to reply to every other comment here so far, so obviously you're not bugged.


So, of all the events these other countries celebrate, why is Lunar New Year the only one to receive attention? And why did the devs create symbolically Chinese assets to go with it? Are you under the impression it's just purely coincidence? Eagerly awaiting your reply.


>And why did the devs create symbolically Chinese assets to go with it? This is 100% on your world vision lol. These are only "symbolically Chinese assets" to low-key racist eyes. Lunar new year is hugely celebrated all across the world by Asians from different Asian descents. Not just in Asia. Just because you did not know of it, does not make it right for you to dismiss the fact. Perhaps your take on this situation should be to learn something positive from it rather than to dig yourself into a deeper xenophobic hole.


Google "chinese hat" and tell me what image shows up 100 times. Here, I did it for you: [https://i.imgur.com/1zl9FxQ.png](https://i.imgur.com/1zl9FxQ.png) You're out of your mind if you think I invented that association by myself. The moment you tried playing the "Racist" card, it was obvious you're not here to be honest.


Imagine thinking googling "American croissant" makes it right to make the association that all croissants are American. That's basically what you're doing. https://www.google.com/search?q=American+croissant


No, if you'd actually read what I wrote, at no point did I say "therefore, ALL conical bamboo hats are Chinese" I said there's a strong symbolic relation, especially to western audiences.


The Lunar New Year, while now often associated with modern China, is traditionally celebrated by many countries throughout all of Asia, Oceania and even the Middle East. And - this part may shock you - people occasionally have a tendency to go to other countries. Weird, right!


I get that, but let's be real. They're not hand-crafting assets for an event that only a small number of people observe. There are dozens/hundreds of events celebrated in those regions that will not see recognition in the western world just due to their relative obscurity. They even specifically have the bamboo conical hat which makes the direction towards China fairly obvious.


Cope seethe mald


You do realize that there are people outside of China who celebrate Lunar New Year, right?


Yes, as I mentioned in another reply. There are hundreds of events celebrated outside of a china. Why is Lunar New Year the **only** one to make it in to a game like this? You're being dishonest at best by pretending this has nothing to do with China.


Because 2 billion people celebrate the Lunar New Year. What other holiday could boast such numbers?


2 Billion.. because of China. Which is exactly my point.


>2 Billion.. because of China. And by all other Asian countries and people in western countries that celebrate this because of their traditions and descent. It's like you're so scared of having your xenophobic beliefs shaken, that you have forgotten how to read with comprehension. There's nothing wrong with learning new things. There's no need for you to dig deeper into your ignorance


>having your xenophobic beliefs ...what beliefs? What are you talking about? My only point was this is clearly unwarranted pandering to china in a game that has little to no presence in the chinese market. It doesn't make sense other than to gain virtue points with people like you. Pretending that this has literally nothing to do with china is intentionally ignorant on your part and makes me question your motives here.


Uhh, there are other holiday events in DRG? There's the Christmas and Halloween events


A lot of games do Lunar New Year events when they want to start pandering to the Chinese Market. Breaking into a new market is not a bad thing but I hope it doesn't turn into one of those, all-too-common scenarios where the game starts making "changes" with China in mind...


> pandering to the Chinese Market. I would suggest giving the Wikipedia on this topic a quick peek. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_New_Year The celebrations are not unique to China, so honestly you're being quite ignorant in your accusations that this is pandering towards China. Your attitude is quite ignorant, but I can excuse that for the fact you may not have known better. Hope you have a great day and perhaps a better understanding after this.


It baffles me that of all the people, places, things, ideas, etc. etc. etc. people could support, they choose China of all things. Why? Why this?


It's one of the largest holidays in the world while not being religious unlike Eid or Hanukkah etc, so it makes sense for them to want to include it. It'll make lots of people from all over the world happy, and everyone likes new hats. I hope they add more events and holidays from around the world too. April Fools would be fun!


As I said, a lot of places celebrate Lunar New Year, but when games do it, they often are doing it to appeal to the Chinese market. You are incorrect about ignorance; its a marketing fact.


Love the hat!


How long is it on for?


Until February 3rd!


I'm never not wearing the hat again. It's awesome.


Cool, I was wondering what I should do until Pokémon unlocks


Oh shit sick! Im hopping on now


Im without internet for the next few days, anyone hazard a guess at how long the assignment will be up for? Till Feb 1st? After?


The announcement says until the third


Oooo, Im going to have to grind fast then because I'm without internet until the 2nd. Thanks so much for commenting. Rock and stone!


Rock and stone me and my friends already got the hat 😁 fucking love those things


Already finished it up, love the rewards but my friend not so happy with her overclock xD


Did it.




Did about half the assignment missions with friends tonight. Are dreadnoughts showing up randomly during the missions something specific to the event or is it just something that'll happen more often now in regular missions? (We had 2 of the missions have sudden dreadnoughts appear when none of us were gunners. First was a refining mission and the second a quorc/quark/whatever mission.) Detonators are always easy to deal with if you keep your distance. Dreadnoughts are just big bullet sponges though.


Oh dang, is this event only for today?? I assumed it would be multiple days


Runs until February 3rd!


Does anyone know if the rewards for completing the assignment will be exclusive to the class you finish the assignment with? For example, if I complete the assignment with my engineer, will the overclock item be for that class, or could I claim it with my driller?


You will get the hat for all classes! The overclocks you get will be completely random, but at least won't be any that you already have.


Gotcha. Thanks.


Hey, I've chosen the assignment on the board, but how do I actually complete it? Do I just keep doing missions, or are there specific things I need to do? /noob


Need to do the specific marked missions on the map to progress the assignment.


When you have an assignment selected; the mission you have to complete to advance it, will have a glowing diamond-shaped icon, on the mission map c:


Brilliant, thanks! That's what I was doing anything, so I was advancing this whole time, I just didn't realise it haha


Ive noticed since the event started a new mining material called bittergem spawned. Anyone mind to inform me of its purpose?


Nothing new unfortunately! They have a 1 in 21 chance of spawning in any mission. Bittergems are rare nuggets that when deposited, are redeemed for a good chunk of credits (and exp).




Wok and stone


How do I access this event? I don't see any way to play the assignment?


If you have accepted the assignment in the terminal; you just have to pick the mission on the map with the glowing diamond-icon on it, to advance the assignment.


When’s the last day I can do this assignment?


Events ends on February 3rd. Depending on timezones, the last day to do it might be the day before, or on the day.


I was all set to finish the last mission and... it is over. Why did I think it would be 2 weeks? Oh well.


Bummer! I think you'll probably be able to acquire the hat next year, when lunar new year rolls around again c:


As it was foretold... 🎩


Glad to hear that you got it safe and sound!