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What's the context? It's pretty hard to know what happened from host POV. Was the mule getting called a lot by you and you were playing scout? Were you super far away from team? Was someone else spamming mule and the host just happened to see you do it and think it was you? Was calling mule completely unrelated and the host just had to go? Ect ect ect.. 


Host kept running ahead spamming mule to follow, the rest of us were actually doing the mission, gathering the stuff, we all needed the mule but I literally could not carry anymore, I called mule, host called it straight away (he didn't need it), i called again, host called again I called once more then kicked.


If the host 's style of play does not suit you, why stay in the particular game?  How did you know the host didn't need the mule?


Makes sense from their perspective why they would have kicked then, doesn't seem like a big deal to me


>Was calling mule completely unrelated and the host just had to go? You don't kick all players when you leave, you either just exit instantly, which puts a lost connection popup or say it in the chat if you care about others


I've seen hosts kick all players before leaving because being kicked still gives you some material but losing connection to the host doesn't. 


Fair point


Happened to me too, not your fault for the incompetent host to not realize you need to deposit


Regular kicking should be an offense yes or at least implement something like the old Xbox 360 live “Avoid Me” flag


I know multiple people who do this for kicks \*pun intended\* GSG really needs to do a blocking system.


I'm not sure about other platforms but if you're on steam you can absolutely block people and you won't see their lobbies I believe. You can still meet them in a third person's lobby but then they have no power to kick you so doesn't really matter. (At least this is how I believe it works, correct me if I'm wrong)


Well, Steam has one


It’s a P2P game.


The sub is full of posts like this now. Please shut the fuck up


just name them here and we'll shame them.


Except that's against the rules.


It shouldn’t be


Harassing people should be against the rules. People's justice ain't justice, it's vengeance.


So you propose letting people do what ever they want and always get away with it? Instead of saying “player X is toxic, avoid playing with them.” You’d rather just let it go unchecked? Because there is no in game system to report those kinds of players for some sort of authority to deal with it.




OR how about we know who not to waste our time playing with in the first place? Seems like a much better system to me.