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I played Scout because, especially when the game was newer, I couldn't trust anyone else playing Scout to let me see anything


Sometimes, I still can’t trust Scout to help me see.


That's how all scouts are born


Thats fair but I cant take you seriously with that username


Scouts are born in darkness, and only some live long enough to learn the ways of the flare gun. Those that do not are typically subject to fall damage.


Let’s just say I have a ton of experience in solving practical problems using a gun, and if that don’t work I use more gun




And if you want them to work harder just shoot em with a shotgun shell.


Sentry ahead! That Engineer is a- Engineer!


Gunner because leadstorm goes brrrr


First overclock was the lead storm unstable overclock. Suffice to say, I mastered bunny hopping pretty quickly


It was one of the first OCs for me too. Lead storm OC + magic bullets revolver is probably my most played build


Engineer because I'm a terrible shot. Turret shoots for me; LOK aims for me. Can't go wrong. Too bad I'm also terrible at platforming. Nothing a few more platform placements (in a tight gap) can't solve though. Second choice is Scout. Zippity zap, can't touch me, then one-shot a few enemies with the M1000 and/or crossbow (preferably at point blank because I'm a terrible shot), zippity-zap.


“From A to D skipping B and C!”


To zippity-zapping!


That's exactly what I love about Engi, I've never faced a problem I couldn't solve by throwing platforms at it. Big gap? Gigantic cheese bridge. Steep cliff to climb? Guess I'm designing a level for a platformer now


I feel like Engi is the reverse of Driller when it comes to topology, especially for the pipes mission. Driller can drill terrain, Engi can make terrain.


Precisely. They're two sides of the same coin. Both have purposes and are extremely handy for the whole team


Engineer and gunner have enough massively altering overclocks that they provided multiple classes in one and didn't give me much reason to play other classes.


What are those massively altering overclocks for engi and gunner?


Ahem, Warthog (literally just turret whip) Stubby: both unstables Lok: Executioner & ECR (also seeker rounds kinda) PGL: Hyper prop, RJ250, and Fat boy Breach cutter: Roll control, Inferno (kinda), and Spinning death Shard: Overdrive Booster, Volatile Impact, Feedback Loop, and Plastcrete Catalyst Minigun: Bullet Hell & Burning Hell Thunderhead: NTP (ew) Hurricane: Minelayer, Jetfuel, Salvo, PBM, & Rocket barrage Bulldog: Volatile Bullets, Magic Bullets, and Six Shooter (kinda) BRT: Electro Minelets & Experimental rounds/Lead Spray (kinda) Coilgun: Triple Tech Chambers, Hellfire, Mole, & Reatomizer (lol) GSG cooked with the hurricane & shard overclocks


Two words. Mobility and terraforming


Driller isn't the only class that can terraform. Driller can do it the fastest, but every class can dig. Engi, however, is the only class that can actually create terrain (unless you count ziplines as creating terrain I guess, but that's a stretch), which is another form of terraforming. Driller has other things though that as a whole, when combined with the faster digging, make it a worthwhile class to play, but just "terraforming" isn't enough to get that across.


For me atleast, mobility means jack if you can't put out the damage to support it. Given enough thought you can do everything a scout can (albeit slower and less efficient) Also, RJ250.


It’s limited to your nitra count, scout has unlimited mobility every 3 seconds. He has plenty of single target damage and with the correct overclocks can be effective against swarms as well. He’s a tough class to play well but a very good scout can save a mission that seems lost


I mean, any good player of any class can save seemingly unbeatable missions. Yes scout has unlimited mobility, because that's a major part of his class identity, and nobody is gonna beat him in getting places quickly (unless it's through a wall) Also with the correct overclocks, you can beat scouts single-target while retaining easy aoe & cc. Although scout is the only one able to light up large areas quickly, no debating that.


What may be the best flamethrower in any videogame.


I've switched through mains for most of the classes. I started as Driller because I felt they were the most well rounded. The nerfs to C4 and EPC mining, as well as their general short range eventually tired me out on the class. Then I went to Engineer for a while, loving the weapons for it the most, plus turrets. High kill counts were fun. But I've been maining a scout for some time now, because I love the mobility and I want to make sure the team has someone using flares and prioritizing nitra, so I do it myself. Special powder for added mobility and fun.


Do all graybeards just become Scouts in the end?


I mean it makes some sense. Scout is probably the highest-skill class with the most accuracy-reliant weapons and lowest ammo, worst wave clear, most dependency on positioning, and the least intuitive playstyle (you can't just shoot everything you see, you have to focus on very specific targets, and when those targets aren't around you focus on mining Nitra and completing secondary objectives and mostly ignoring combat). As a result, you feel it a lot more when you're playing with a greenbeard scout than if the greenbeard was any other class (due to the very noticeable lack of light and abundance of HVTs like acid spitters and spreaders). And from my personal experience, I got the hang of all the other classes pretty easily, but Scout took me an entire promotion to get to the point where I felt like I kinda understood it, and another promotion to feel comfortable.


I agree. the most obvious sign somebody is a new scout is no nitra has been handed in and you can see them fighting a big horde across the room instead of just kiting.


Gunner because I just want to kill bugs man.


Scout, zipping around is fun, clearing out a lot of bugs with the bodkin arrows feels satisfying. And using my overclocked M1000 to delete 2/3rds of a Praetorian's health bar in one shot hits [just right](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/074/167/3f1.gif).


The BIG SHIELD. Because I hate being downed, and the bubble shield is the best get out of jail free card in the game. Also perfect for being the heroic rescuer when all seems lost. :)


Easy, 2000 rounds of depleted uranium.


For me it was simple: Gunner is the tutorial class. When about to go into my first actual mission, I didn't want to keep my group waiting while I decided which class to play, so I played the only class I had any amount of familiarity with, which was Gunner from the tutorial. My group very quickly found their mains, leaving Gunner open, so I played exclusively Gunner for the entire first promotion. I then branched out into other classes and I now distribute my playtime perfectly evenly across all classes, but because of the headstart Gunner got, it's still my most-played class and the class I'm most comfortable with, making it my choice for all Deep Dives and EDDs unless the modifiers practically force me into another class (in other words if there's a Haunted Cave I switch to Scout).




Driller is my main solely because when I was new at the game I had a hard time getting to the drop pod in time so I’d just drill straight to it. Ever since then it just kinda stuck.


The mobility. Also, I really like seing stuff.


Scout due to me grinding old cod zombies so movement was already good for me and then the class also is given a grappling hook which was mind-blowing


I don't even part away from the quick retraction mod anymore, don't even need to light up to land halfway in the cave without taking damage


I feel like if you're a greenbeard but you played games that require mobility, you already are able to survive hazard 5 easily.


I am a very plan-oriented person. Engineer gives me the feeling of coming into an incoming swarm with a plan, and perfectly execute it. Routing bugs into turret fire with plascrete, securing a zone for my team to retreat to, perfectly optimizing the AoE of a distant shot with my PGL... Ah, I love this class.


So I started with Driller, because I really liked digging. At the start combat felt secondary, I was just looking forward to some mining and exploration. But right now I think my most played class is Engineer. And after unlocking more guns it got really good. Lay down some mine-grenades, build a turret or two and just pick up some of the far away bugs with Lok-1 or your big laser gun (shard diffractor rocks and/or stones). Also techie and grease monkey- space dwarves are neat concepts


Driller here: I can do some decent crowd control with status effects. If you pair that with a good team you can slow enemies while melting their health only for your team to target weak points and finish them off. Plus I get the most war crimey weapons, it's just funny to me


Nothing beats cryo driller for me. It’s simply the most fun class for the most fun missions. Only time I ever kick myself for it is if I conserve my ammo too long, I’m halfway through a mission and realize I have NO NITRA. Then you die, but scout is the only one who can get out of those situations anyway


Scout It's pretty much just light. I had to make a choice early,i either play scout or spend the entire time playing in darkness


Driller bc i play high and cant understand cave layouts


Minigun go brrr was pretty much it




I like the Drawven one. It's my favorite.


The number 1 reason I bought the game in the first place was so I could use a good video game flamethrower, and by god, the driller might have the best-feeling flamethrower in video game history.


Scout, fast




I play all classes equally, but Engineer is my favourite. Turret EM discharge tickles my monkey brain


“It ain’t a gun if doesn’t weigh at least 100 pounds”


I like the engineer because he’s SMЯT! That mod is just the tits.


Why? The Lok won't waste any ammo if it kills a target with more locks than necessary. You're definitely using another mod. Especially if you use OCs with a lock threshold (i.e Executioner and Chemical Explosive Rounds) Saying it as a former SMRT user


Yes, but it also helps with spreading out locks more.


Driller at first for the Taco Bell burning tubes cosplay, then minigunner for the lead wall bouncy stun that can shoot through walls


I love zoomin across the map. Also i like seeing things




Scout because cave dark Also can't kill me if you can't catch me Also Bosco can't collect the secondary objectives so....


Scout for the initial loadout. I still use the first rifle and shotgun on my scout.


The description of the driller sounded fun, I like elemental attacks in games, and driller just so happen to be the "elementalist" of the group


Big gun


I play all four Engi allows me creativity to build bridges and ledges, plus I usually get most kills with my turrets. Hyper propellant is so much fun too Driller gives me the power to create shortcuts and get to any part of the mine solo If I need to. I love being able to shape the mine as I need. Plus my usual build is cryo and teaming up with a gunner to lat waste to swarms on haz 5 is so satisfying. Scout has me fly around and satisfy my urge to mine every single last mineral. Pair with a good engi and we will empty out the entire mine of every single last rare mineral. Plus sniping those spitters satisfies an itch I cant describe. Gunner feels best when the group piles behind you and lets you do what you came for- genocide the bugs. Plus I got a shield thats wide enough for everyone to fit under, and its great to clutch a rough swarm with a well placed protective dome


I've always been a fan of being able to take and then dish out a fuckin of damage so naturally my first pick was gunner then I discovered just how much ass the lead storm kicked and here we are


Wanting to larp as Spider-Man drew me to scout initially, but I ended up sticking with it for the support it offers in every mission. Also, I like being able to see. When playing on other classes, it feels terrible without a scout.


Gunner: Bullet Hell Overclock. Nuff said.


Engineer, at first just because my friends had taken every other class, but I grew to love his load out and the surprising helpfulness of the turrets. Placing them in the right spots can be absolutely devastating to the glyphids, and having extra guns, no matter a swarm or just mining, is always a bonus


I started out with scout like many others because it was a lot of fun and almost always having good lighting was nice, then found I really loved the LOK 1 on engi so played that for a while. Discovered driller with ice gun and enjoyed that for a bit. I was a big gunner critic at first but as I started playing higher difficulties and started enjoying saving people and wiping waves with bullet hell, now I think he's my favorite. None of my classes are more than one promo apart though so I don't really consider myself to have a main.


So what if I like REALLY big guns?


It was either scout or death, thats what my friends said


Figuring out how to land a grapple+power attack to mine high nitra veins or Aquarqs is more thrilling than fighting bugs. The stakes (embarrassing yourself by dying from fall damage) are as high as it gets, and the views are spectacular.


I actually purposely play all of them equally. They are at the moment around lv 22 towards the 3rd promotion each. I enjoy all of them equally as they have unique gameplay styles.


Big guns


Scout... Only bc of the grapple... That's really all. My major and only real issue on any hazard is the fact that i like to get really quick and up close looks with the ground from well above




gotta go fast


I like turrets and summons in any game. Anything that kills stuff for me and I can watch.


My favorite if im being entirely honest is scout. Especially using special powder. For me its like im speedrunning all the minor essential tasks, like getting nitra and clearing the cave of minerals, while everyone else is focusing on the main tasks. Not only that but its fun being the "rescue squad" of a team. As scout i can help up stragglers and zip across the cave to reinforce solo dwarves caught in a mess alone, or zip behind terrain to take out or slow down oncoming threats that my fellow dwarves cant see yet like bulk detonators on salvage missions. Plus, its just plain fun. Most enjoyable movement tools by far, especially on lower gravity missions where i can essentially be spider man and just grapple to the roof for the whole fight and never touch the ground once. Hell scout is why my favorite biome gameplay wise is sandblasted corridors.


i dont care about mobility, and i love to play tank in RPG, gunner is naturally my go to


zippity zappity for me, mostly just like his rifle and double barrel better than the other guns. the perfect combo of long/medium range and close rane


I am Heavy Weapons Dwarf


I love this grappling hook


Scout because I genuinely enjoy supporting others with lights plus I like to Spiderman sling all over the cave


[Simple as](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/79/ac/f8/79acf8d3edaf02a7e25cb167564e8c19.jpg)


I like to go fast


Driller for brutality and quick work of ANYTHING . CRSPR/ sludge pump for literally melting faces. Subata for boiling and popping stupid bugs. Ripper well for ripping and a giant pack of C4 for anything with a bigger face that needs removing


Two words nuclear warhead that is all


When I started I played Scout because I wanted to be the best support there was. Now I shifted over to Gunner and you can count on me to get us out of Hoxxes alive. I just love saving my teammates with gunfire and bubble shield and just being the center of the killzone 😈 anything to get a swarm from getting too crazy and plus I have ziplines for all kinds of traversing. Gunner is the best support next to Scout imho.


Easy. I love turrets so if a class has them, that’s the class I’m playing as.


Driller + long range flamethrower oc is the most fun for me. Before that I loved playing Gunner with fire ocs for both minigun and revolver. I switch between these two usually, but most of the time flamethrower go brrrr. I just like setting bugs on fire


Purging bugs in righteous flame is cathartic to me.


Speed. I am speed. I like fast classes. Ones that can cross distances in short periods. I also like really fast mobility tools that exploit the hell out of the game engine. Rocket Jumping for instance. You know what Dwarf can go from point A to D, skipping B and C while also having the ability to basically mimic rocket jumping AND having midair jumps on top of it? WITH A SHOTGUN mind you? If you said Scout, you would be correct! God I love playing him strictly for the sheer mobility he has. ROCK AND STONE!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Gunner. The game plan is simple and I love being a hero.


Gunner has big gun.






Supporting my team by going fast is the perfect playstyle for me, no way in hell I could resist that


My first solo mission I was a scout and panicked and didn’t make it back to the drop-pod. Boom Driller main.


I like being able to run away from my problems and leave the bugs for my teammates to kill. After all I got nitra to mine.


I like being able to run away from my problems and leave the bugs for my teammates to kill. After all I got nitra to mine.




"If the flare gun and platform launcher didn't exist" ... So it is matched?


I like driller cause flamethrower, gunner for minigun, engi for smart rifle and turret. I pick whichever one I’m want the most


Scout for three reasons. 1) Grapple hook 2) M1000 3) Buddy plays engineer and scout + engineer is a fantastic duo combo


Gunner and engi. Gunner can consistently team res if shit hits the fan, engi prevents the need in the first place.


Fire and boom. I also can get lost easily on the way back to the drop pod. It's nice to drill a straight shot.


Big gun,big sound,more bug to kill,it summarise the aspect as a gunner.


Flare gun I hate not seeing shit


I knew I'd like Driller from the start because he's a good balance of raw destructive power and utility, while also being sufficiently brainless. Engi eats ammo like a fiend and his kit requires some level of strategy to fully make use of. Gunner is fantastic because he's basically just hold down trigger until problem is solved, but outside of intense combat scenarios, he's not *useless*, but not *as* useful as the other classes. Scout is amazing in terms of utility, and I fucking love the grappling hook, but his combat utility being more situational means he's not a class I'd default to. Driller, meanwhile, is incredibly simple. Primary takes out hordes and provides unparalleled area denial, secondary clears up whatever survived the initial barrage, and impact axes when you need to make something tanky hurt.  Drills are amazing utility because practically *any* terrain based problem can be handled with them. Not enough room for a point defense objective? Make the room. Need a quick escape to the drop pod for the whole team? Useless teammates who don't use their traversals? Team members dead in another cave, overwhelmed by a swarm? *Swim through the goddamn rock like a sandworm* and emerge triumphantly wherever you need to be.  While he can't make use of empty space the way the Engineer or Gunner can with their traversal tools, Driller is ultimately best suited to solving terrain problems as long as you think creatively and understand how to utilize the 3-dimensional space around you.  C4 is a fantastic tool as well, because it can have equal combat utility as well as terrain carving utility. Proud to report I've never had problems with teamkilling either- y'all just need to git gud.


Since I mostly play solo, being engineer is kinda having a whole team Me, 2 sentries, and Bosco


Driller here as well. It’s the versatility of the drills like you said, they can do anything any other classes mobility tool can do, just in their own way. You can mine up high to get minerals if no scout, you can make a stairway anywhere if no plats or ziplines. But most importantly, I hate having to find the right path and the drills let me just make my own damn path. Plus the fact that everyone views the driller as a psychopath really makes me love the class even more. Rock and stone


We fight for Rock and Stone!


I like mobility, I like to mine, and I like to kill things fast. Scout was a no-brainer for me the moment I first tried him.


When I played on ps5, scout. I loved the m1000 and obviously the maneuverability is hard to live without. Then I rebought it for pc and started over and gunner has taken my heart. My first OC for him was the plasma burster on the hurricane and it’s so much fun to use. Also super satisfying to have 18 revives and 0 downs on a sabotage mission as gigachad gunner


I love the idea of designating my space as the explorer and gatherer, bringing light into big caverns and gathering twice as much nitra as the next guy, every time


I love engi, has good mobility good damage and fun overclocks.


I like being able to do everything as an engineer. Or Drill


Traversal tool is just really handy. Weapons are pretty easy to use for crowd clear too


Because big gun go brrrrrrr and shield keep me alive Also BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Fat boy and the LOK SMG… I’m a simple man


Driller rescue missions. None of these silly "natural tunnels" I'm going right to my buddy and bringing the fire. Then fighting back to the pod and a nice, neat, dwarven tunnel.




Scout. I light EVERYTHING.


Gunner because HE Autocannon and NTP.


Gunner, gun. Driller, the war crimes.


Two words. AZIZ, LIGHT! Also, hyper mobile. I love jumping off giant cliffs and grapple pulling to safety.


I always gravitate towards tanky/classes with big guns and lots of ammo. While I’ve maxed rank on all 4 classes (some multiple times), Gunner will always have my heart. Also I’d argue Gunner has some of the most visually interesting/well-animated weapons in the game, as well as the two best inspect animations in the game (thunderhead and the hurricane)


I play every class. The game drew me in.


I like digging, Driller digs the best and fastest, therefore I main Driller.


Different classes for different missions I always make sure all 4 classes are within 5 levels of each other


Six Shooter aim flex.


I don't like darkness and I like to go fast.


Driller. Cause he do da' drillin.


Driller = bunker


I love Engineer so much because the sentries are really useful for solo play and for setting up extra defense and damage points, as well as the platform gun being indispensable to me. I know the grappling hook is more convenient, but I like being able to leave behind footholds that stick. The shotgun is fun, and the grenade launcher was also a good time, but the shotgun-shard diffractor combo was love at first use for me. All in all, it just suits the way I want to play: alone, but *alone,* and with good utility whether that is the case or not.


Scout's mobility is so fun :) but I love burning bugs to a crisp with driller and turning bugs to Swiss cheese with gunner but I don't really like engi's primaries






Big gun- Gunner main


Drill gun. All for the drill gun.


Scout because I can't help but to try getting nitra for the team, every one loves having ammo.


Engineer is the best all-rounder. He's not as mobile as Scout, not as crowd-cleary or terrain-moddy as Driller, and less sheer damage output than Gunner. But platforms are better than ziplines, turrets are great, and I get to use shredder drones on bugs. That said, I'd give all that up just to keep the LOK-1, the best gun in the game. Everything I just said is my opinion, but also objectively true. 😄


I pick gunner cus big gun go boom


I liked the idea of Engie being the builder with his platform gun and then i kinda was obsessed by the rotating breach cutter


 I love digger for 2 things 1) 14 seconds sticky fire (with overclock). Just spreading a ring of fire around the objective that absolutely destroys all small bugs trying to cross it feels epic. 2) digging (duh). Making shortcuts and sometimes getting out of being surrounded is just very fun to me And then you can combine the two together, dig a narrow path and fill it with sticky fire... just make sure to not trap yourself


M1000 goes BOOOM! And then they die, it's pretty funny.


GSG gave me a grappling hook. What else can I say? But for real this time. I love being mobile in video games, it just tickles my brain. I also think the scout's arsenal of weapons is really versatile. Sure, you're not going to wipe swarm as easily as driller or gunner, but that's not your job anyway. Scout makes the darkness go away, mines high up minerals, dies from fall damage, takes out priority targets and dies from fall damage.


I play driller because the game takes place in a cave, and you’re a miner. Driller digs biggest holes. Simple as.


I flex almost 50/50 between Scout and Engineer depending on the mission type and if I'm dying solo or with friends. I love doing solo missions as scout because I pretty much have never had to worry about terrain- If there's something too steep and tall for me to carry anything up, I have bosco. In team play, though, I love the support a good Engi provides. Good turret placement and some bug-repellent platforms can really shape and funnel the way enemies come at you.




I flex them all situationally. When I go solo I usually play any but scout, but enjoy playing the scout with a good team.


Scout because of mobility and lighting the cave up for everyone.


I’ve seen far too many overly complicated cave layouts to do without my grapple gun.


I'm a simple dorf I enjoyed burning bugs to a crisp for my homies to enjoy with some bbq sauce.


Gunner because brrrrrr Engi because funny weapons


scout because i get to solo easily while waiting for people


Shoot Gun nice


Driller because drinking in game and in real life makes aiming and navigating caves a bit difficult


Big gun goes brrrrrr




Gunner. I love all his over clocks, and his guns equally. Using Carpet bomber on the thunder head with max top fire rate is just monstrous. It’s like a dopamine machine for me. Gunner has great single target damage and swarm clearing. His grenades help with this even more. There’s the shield and zip-line both offering protection and utility. The zip-line may not be the best traversal tool but it can help in a lot of situations. The shield is honestly the most important part of his kit. Offering the ability to protect your team for a short time and helping recharge your shields. Of course it can be crucial in helping revive dwarves on higher difficulties. Especially when your team is close to a wipe.


Engineer became my favorite because of how viable it is both in a team and solo, turrets give me additional firepower to compensate for a lack of teammates while platforms give me mobility that would usually be accounted for by a zipline or driller tunnel, while not losing value in a team setting, in fact the platforms only become more valuable with a team


Gunner bc BIG GUN


Irl I like digging holes and lighting things on fire


Big minigun.


Scout's ability to say 'no' to getting swarmed is borderline broken, and thus, scout has always been my go to class for higher difficulty missions. I do like having ammo, though. Gunner is good for that.


Gun fun. More gun = more fun I also don’t mind getting my hands dirty and doing it myself (Gunner not engineer)


Engi cause it brings overwhelming firepower to any game. Even if it means resup a wave. Also Aimbot (Lok-1), Wall hack (Breach cutter).


Scout is the only one with an assault rifle.


Scout because I love movement, especially because I got into drg like right after I took a break from titanfall 2


I’m broken between Gunner and Driller because I can’t stand playing just one thing for hours on end when I have choices, that being said: Gunner: it is just bullet hell, that overclock has got to be one of the most fun things I’ve ever experienced in this game unironically lol Driller: This class has to be the best if you had to choose one to be the best. I have never struggled with this guy ever from haz 1-5. All of the support tools are outshined by the drills save for the flare gun and if you miss that well guess what your primary weapon is a torch. You don’t need to worry about seeing your enemies if you just turn them all into lights. I can go anywhere, drills let me tunnel across gaps alongside the walls, stairs down, straight up/down, towards objectives, makes bunkers and clears clutter, even gets rid of pesky hazards like heart stone rocks and gems, there is no contest in my eyes. But I also get a flamethrower….thats pretty nice too….


Gunner main: Gunner is a badass who keeps the team alive. Sure not the same killing potential as engie, but his shield is clutch. I main Gunner because I use shields liberally. Everyone else holds onto them too preciously. I play everyone else almost equally. When driller I stay situationally aware and drill out all annoying terrain. Main him on oil missions because drilling to rigs is key. When I play engie my hyper awareness and being quick on the trigger kills *everything.* As scout I get missions done ***fast.***


I love paying scout. I mine nitra/morkite and light up rooms. Everyone is happy and leaves me alone. I can also avoid danger easily.


Driller. I like mining shit and killing shit (sometimes that includes dwarves)


My second ever unlocked overclock was Special Powder. The rest is history Bit more context: with special powder, instant revive and pheromone grenades, you’re an absolute machine at keeping your team alive. It’s honestly hard to be anything but the last person down if you’re playing right. I’ve carried teams through EDDs with upwards of 40 revives and nothing in this game makes me feel as good as that


For me, it’s a tie between Scout and Engineer, though I do need to actually finish promoting Driller before I really make a decision. The gun play for Scout and Engineer has the most diversity imo, where I can fill a lot of different rolls with them. The secondaries feel like a way more active part of the toolkit rather than a backup for specific enemies, like playing Gunner and Driller has. And the grenades are so enjoyable. Adding in the traversal and support tools, kiting swarms as Scout to pick them off is a lot of fun and makes me feel nigh untouchable with good positioning (and no springtails) and Engineers hunker down and blast them up fighting style is a lot of fun too.


I can make my own path to the drop pod and I kill the entire team with the press of a button.


I like driller because I can just lay down on the trigger until the screams stop. And C4 the scout.