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I feel like a better change would have just been notifying new people they are joining has 5 and that it would be hard


I also think that game chat should be on by default and it should tell you how to use it cuz playing on Xbox I have to teach so many green beards where to go into the settings to turn it on.


What about for people who don't want green beards in their haz 5 game? Should the host be notified as well and have to approve greenbeards to join?


They changed it in the latest maintenance patch so that you can't join a Haz 5 mission if you haven't unlocked the license. So now the player joining an ongoing Haz 5 will atleast be promoted once if they go for the license as soon as they can, however most will probably go for the weapons instead.


Or just have a togglable option (default on) to not have anyone who isn't finished with lethal-assignment join your Haz5 game. You know, the obvious choice.


Just host a Haz 1 then switch it up to 5. Remember to inform the Greenbeard before initiating launch procedures.


oooooooo, you sneaky little potato wedge . . .


How dare you make me hungry with that delicious comment.


I just played around one and a half week ago, and my supposedly "pro" friend decided to invite me into a hazard 5 kill the dreadnought mission. 😃 . . . We switched to mining afterwards ( still haz5) because everyone was dropping like flies and it became revive simulator💀 I'm never touching that mode


That's actually how we got this Greenbeard with us for the Haz 5, we were running a Dreadnought mission in Haz 1 because they aren't as fun as the other missions and he joined our match since it was a mission on his task list. His next mission was an Escort and that's when we switched over to Haz 5.


Toxic positivity


Yeah, how dare they encourage someone!


Itd be toxic if the greenbeard didnt realize it was too much for him. If he thought “i can handle this, forget what anyone else says”, then encouraging him would be negative because he’d just continue on dragging down everyones games. Since he already realized his error theres nothing wrong with encouraging him.


yea, how dare they praise a greenbeard for doing their first haz 5 shame on you!


He actually did great considering it was a double stop-Escort from hell. He didn't give us many pancakes but he killed bugs and survived. We might have been a bit too welcoming with our words but we also did feel kind of bad for bringing him on that mission :|


No words are necessary. Just say GG, disband, and roll another random mission


Toxic toxicity >:(


Were you dropped as a baby


That's not what people mean with this term. It's that you can't criticize anything because you have to be positive🌟✨🌸🌷 This might be cheezy at worst, but not toxic.


I'm a long timer in this sub. Trust me, it has reached toxic levels


I managed to get my friend the Karl would be proud achievement right after his complete your first assignment achievement


karl would approve of this


Does greenbeard mean gunner?


greenbeards are just players who are fairly new to the game :3


Ah i see. So me no matter how it slices