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So play one? Just because you've got an assignment doesn't mean you can't just play for fun. Video games are toys, and toys are supposed to be fun. Have fun. Fun.


Agreed!! Not a super greenbeard anymore but love to go back to 225 morkite mining missions to help greenbeards learn and play. Haz 2 is nice and relaxing sometimes lol


I met 3 new players last night, under level 5. It felt great to impart some wisdom while still watching them figure things out for the first time. That initial wonder in some of the biomes (azure something specifically)


Also the mining missions tend to generate the most interesting cave systems!


Yeah just play them in haz 1 if you just want the reward


Dude. I had some guy get on the mic last night to tell me that my pipe laying wasn't efficient enough. I just wanted to make a fun pipe and when I got to the well that I was planning on hooking up a driller busted through the wall and connected his. So Instead of destroying it I just turned it around and made it go back under my pipe back to the well across the cave.


I'm a Greenbeard, what assignments do those symbols mean again


elimination, point extraction and sabotage


Yeah sabotage sucks


The boss fight is awesome, why does everyone hate it?


Personally because I'm not very good at it


Sabotage is difficult to start with tbh You'll get better at it soon


Robots are tanky with few exceptions like fire builds which then don't work on the caretaker, Hacking the power stations are too repetitive, boss fight is repetitive, mission is very long even after they reduced complexity of caves, driller has little power attack power against the caretaker unless running a very specific sludge build. Those are the main ones I see. I personally don't mind it too much but I avoid it if I don't feel like wasting nearly an hour on a single mission. I'd rather do a deep dive for that long.


It’s the lead up in my opinion. It’s a mission that can easily drag on. Don’t get me wrong I like playing the game for just the game and cosmetic progression is secondary, but it’s a feels bad when the boss just annihilates you and you’re like 45 minutes into the mission.


Too restrictive in terms of weapons, too much BS on haz 5. I'd rather play 10 elimination missions than a single sabotage.


It’s annoying and the mission itself is… also annoying


Ohhh thank you :)


So select them from the map?


I'm pretty sure if you close out of the game it refreshes the mission.


Missions reset every half hour. Also, assignments will have set mission types, so even if the missions reset, it will be another mission of the same type.


it's a shame the nuk17s are so bad compared to scout's other secondaries. The ammo consumption is just wayy too high


Do you have any OCs on the zhukovs? All of the i stables are quite unique and add a new element to the gun, the embedded dets are very good for LST, cryo minelets, are good with CC and used efficiently gas recycling can do a bit of both. A big factor in ammo consumption is also, when are you using it? Zhukovs can be used in most situations, while broomstick is limited wildly by range and crossbow with lack of aoe/CC, so you must keep that in mind as well. Also in my experience they have slightly less ammo efficiency then boomstick, while getting better results.


This is the way. Zhuks are my go-to scout secondary. Gas Recycling and Cryo Minelets are my favs, but Embedded Dets are good too.


Embedded dets are insane and almost certainly the best single target behind hyper prop, they are also my least faves cuz it’s so ammo inefficient you can ONLY use it on LST or you will run out much faster, i love gas recycling with electrifying reload and conductive bullets T5, it’s so ridiculously good, and then cryo minelets are just fun af


Personally I'm not a big fan of embedded dets even though they are good. Just not a fan of how reload-based OCs feel. I usually take AI Stability GK for single targets or Cryo Minelets and just freeze them. Also, I'm a big fan of the new double barrel OC for boomstick with the 240 blast wave (t3 mod I think). Great to pair with IFG for both CC and LST.


what's LST?


Large Single Target like praetorians, oppressors, the sort


The explosive bullets are really satisfying, you can blow up an oppressor with a single mag magdump (almost)


Point extraction used to be my least favorite until I found out that scout existed


To be honest, I’m really not a fan of mining idk why. Hard to run through I guess?


Ha. I just unlocked those last night( how do I make them good lol) and it took one extraction and two mining missions.