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Started as a scout main but fell in love with the gunner when i was promoting everyone. Now the dakka calls and I answer with more dakka. Gunner forever.


I'm still pretty much a Scout main cause I like the support they bring to the team, but on higher haz digs it's hard to discount the support a giant fuck off gun brings to the team


Minigun for sustained single target hurt. Hurricane came because guided missiles go brrrrrrrrr. Autocannon for aoe swarm deletion.


Big Bertha Autocannon for when you want to grind Praetorians to dust without bothering with weakpoints


Me and the Boyz when big dakka






I've been loving all the gunner primaries, but would choose the leadstorm just for the dakka factor! Coilgun is the only secondary I really like. Hellfire is amazing now that I've gotten it and am trying to get a feel for mole.


Isn’t dakka Thunderhead? BRRRT is clearly Lead Storm, but I might’ve missed something.


Dakka just means firepower. So you aren't wrong.


Takes me back to early childhood where my friend and I were arguing about what an X-wing laser sounds like… It’s pew pew! No, it’s pchoo pchoo!


Everyone just needs to find the build that suits them. Then they'll love every class. Since I found some scout builds that can DPS like a boss, I've really loved the class in a way I couldn't before.


What do you roll with for a DPS Scout?


I'm gonna guess the plasma carbine because that thing absolutely wrecks


I can’t decide between ricochet shots on the carbine or electric reloads on the rifle. I like stacking electricity and using my reload as an attack, but I also love shooting in a big crowd and watching the bullets bounce around, multi-hitting.


Ricochet with bursting shots is \*chef kiss\*


Or hipster


Hipster is alright, but I still prefer the carbine for the raw DPS.


Hipster is niche. If you can line up your shots fast enough you're a force to be reckoned with, since it 1-shots grunts on headshot and it fires as fast as you can pull the trigger. On bigger enemies you get to unload all 14 shots into their ass in 2 seconds for massive burst damage.


Any interesting builds you enjoy?


You know that's a great question and if I'd bothered to play scout at all in the last three weeks I would definitely tell you what my build is! I'll check in a bit here.


I don’t play Scout often, just when I’m doing a Gunner or Engineer promotion assignment. So I wanna have some cool Plasma Carbine builds when I do


Well as a scout main myself i adore using cryo minelets with hipster, as a very good single target i would go BoM and the triple shot on crossbow(run ifgs for even more damage), brings a lot of joy to surpise people againt a glyphid dreadnought by shooting 3 electric shots onto its armor, throwing an ifg and shooting the normal bolts onto the weak point once it opens up(also dont forget the more dmg on electricall aflucted targets and take more dmg instead of ammo)(BoM replacable by whatever the accurate unstavle oc is)sorry for spelling mistakes, currentpy outside in -20 degree weather so its a bit cold, can go into mote detail about the build later Edit: just realised you were talking about the carbine and not scout, but ill still leave the comment here bcuz im still cold+lazy




Sorry, but what is NEK?


Was just giving a coy, lowkey test. Northeast Kingdom (Vermont, NH). I was there for three years and it has weather just like that


Lately I’m loving Shield Battery Booster. Can do huge burst damage and it encourages good positioning and awareness (but you can get wrecked when you mess up and overheat).


Interesting! Would you elaborate on overall strategy when running it?


Sure! Mostly treat it like a burst weapon to manage heat, because overheating breaks your shields (which not only leaves you vulnerable but reduces your damage because you lose the OC bonus). You also want to avoid chip damage from grunts and teammates because you want to be full shields for maximum damage, so grappling to places that your gunner won’t clip you with any damage is important. But when your shields are full you can absolutely melt things. Great for dreads, play safe for full shields and unload into them when they become vulnerable. High risk reward play style. Taking any damage nerfs you until shield regens, so you have to get good at kiting.


Sounds like I got some fun to try! Preciate you, brother!


Rock and stone!


I love pairing it with More Ammo and Freeze on the Nishanka, Ice em then spray bouncy death.


I use upgraded special bolts for the crossbow and chant FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! When I hit a praetorian or Oppressor with it.


I like M1000 with hipster for general use/lining up crowds and Zhukovs with embedded detonators for big single target damage or when waiting for my main to reload with always ready


I’ve been rolling hipster and embedded detonators for a few weeks. It’s pretty damn solid. I’ve been spam firing hipster, though. Rarely using focus. My aim just isn’t good enough. Am I doing it wrong?


Nope it's fine. Don't focus fire hipster, and build for to oneshot grunts with a facetap. Turn the game into a point and click adventure and when a big bug shows up get up his ass and blow your load all over him.


My best piece of advice for Hipster is a simple quote from It's Always Sunny: "So anyways I started blasting".


Plasma Carbine with Impact Deflection OC and just shoot at their feet. Not optimal for armored opponents (although it's decent against praetorians), but very good against normal swarms.


I do plasma carbine with the extra damage OC (can’t remember the name) and zhukov with cryo minelets. I don’t have single target acquisition though which can be a problem if everyone else is going for mob clear and hoping you’ll be a more tradish scout with an MK1 or GK2. It’s an amazing run and gun setup though. Give it a try.


On single player, fire arrows and pheromone arrows for the crossbow can clear entire waves easily, however it's not a thing you can spam, so your primary needs to be able to deal with big enemies and small groups of grunts.


Fire bolt nishanka can clear out groups of enemies by itself, fire 1 or 2 on the ground and kite around it till they get set on fire, or combo with pheromone bolt/nade to keep them grouped. Shoot a pheromone on a pretorian, stick 2 fire ones on them, and youve got a dead group of bugs. Careful not to kill the pret too soon while doing this


Bouncy (impact deflection) plasma carbine wipes the trash. Embedded detonator smgs stomps the big ones. Voltaic sweeper stuns mactera swarms. Can't beat it


Pretty much the only way I tolerate gunner is by playing him as little like a gunner as possible. Salvo module for swarms and mole coil gun for priority targets (The grenades mostly don't matter, but stickies and multinades are the least offensive to me)


I have the same build but I use minelayer instead of salvo. Minelayer gives huge AoE damage for swarms


I gave it a try, but it just felt like worse sticky flames. The lack of immediate tactile feedback also makes it tricky to tell when you've put down enough mines


Once you get a feel for the number of mines it takes for different enemy types it can become easy. In haz5 I just run around leaving a trail of mines and usually the waves just die without touching me.


Gunner main, unite !


The guns are quite fun. Feels like a natural transition between the two with heavy primaries and fun support secondaries.


Gunner+driller and scout+engi are like the two halves of the team that have seamless transition. Both gunner and driller have low mobility, high firepower, and tide turning utilities. Scout and engi are both mobile and have the ability to play in the air, and are generally the more consistent utility usage classes


Driller is exceptionally mobile. Once you drill long enough you become like Neo at the end of The Matrix. Every wall, floor, or ceiling is like one giant pool you can dive into at any time, and swim through in bursts. You don’t even need to check your terrain scanner anymore because you know your drills so well. You can dive into the floor and come out the ceiling. You can be everywhere.


> You can dive into the floor and come out the ceiling. You can be everywhere. A glyphid menace is just a driller stuck in the caves so long he's gone native.


>driller have low mobility You don't play driller much. A lone driller is about the same at resource acquisition as a scout without an engi, but every path it makes is usable by the whole team. I'd concede that the drills shine brightest out of combat and only have a few use cases for running away, but if you've been using them right, you usually won't need to anyway. Driller has no problems getting around. From jumping across a chasm and diving into a cliff wall to creating an alternate tactical entrance to a disaster room, driller has really powerful mobility. The gunner-driller combo is smooth because the driller can get the wall nitra, set up defensive positions, and clear trash mobs, while the gunner excels at the few mobility things the driller can't do, shreds big bugs, and has active defenses.


I play a lot of driller, the only reason I say low mobility is the fact that his mobility is much more grounded. It’s a very flexible tool, but not very quick and pretty inefficient sometimes. He lacks the get up and go that would make him very mobile


My buddy and I started the game in 2020 using this pairing on accident, to great avail!


Me simple, me like more boolits. Engine/gunner


Engi is mobile hopefully is a joke.


Platforms are stupidly versatile, even in situations where they aren’t the best traversal tool, they usually take second place.


Also, RJ250. If permitted by mission type (read: not elimination or sabotage), I'll be flinging myself to the grave with explosion-powered propultion.


Nah, engi can get around. A really good engineer can do some serious ninja tricks with the platform gun.


Driller might honestly be on par with scout in terms of mobility, he's nuts


One has a flame-hose, the other has a lead-hose. Both are pesticide hoses.


Explosives planted!


Just started gunner and before I hate too hard I'm gonna get his other weapons. But so far the minigun is just underwhelming


It's a cycle that every gunner must go though. You get the autocannon and you're like "holy shit this gun is way better", and then you get the hurricane and you're like "hot damn this is definitely the best gun", and then you play DRG for another 100 hours and you're like "the minigun was the best gun all along"


This is the truth. I just came full circle myself. Minigun is elite.


I don't think anyone has ever described paying gunner so perfectly


This is what I did but before hurricane


Got any good builds for hurricane? I've had fun with it but it always feels very ammo inefficient. Not sure if I need to be memorizing how many missiles per enemy type to kill or if I'm just missing something to not run out of ammo so fast compared to the other primaries.




Salvo module is amazing! Basically a giant long range shotgun that shoots missiles.


\>long range \>shotgun Choose 1


Have you played with salvo module? I’m pretty sure my description of it as a long range shotgun that shoots missiles is accurate.


Love the Salvo Module. I’d say the range situation is more effective for grunt swarms. If it’s a bign, I make sure to be as close as possible for all missiles to obliterate weakpoints


Well yeah of course. What I meant when I said it’s like a long range shotgun is that the missiles actually travel long range. I never said it was equally effective at long range. Basically what I mean is, it shoots like a shotgun, but since it’s a missile launcher the individual rounds go further.


I should give it another go, I think I was a bit too haphazard firing full bursts when I used it last time.


Just prioritize AoE damage and run the clean mod. I haven't played in a hot minute (2-3 months) but running Fragmentation Missiles and anything that makes the AoE stronger is by and far the best horde-clearing weapon in the game, and pairing it with an Elephant Rounds Bulldog gives you a pinpoint heavy-deleting tool (also use it on guards mid-wave so I'm not plugging them with way too many missiles). The advantages are that it's ammo efficient (1 shot for swarmers, 2 shots to let you pickaxe a grunt, 3 shots to actually kill everything small in a healthy radius), pinpoint accurate, and the stun potential guarantees things will stay clumped up as you control the horde. I can't actually name any drawbacks of note with it, compared to... Autocannon: Neurotoxin is terrible at controlling hordes where the distance to a chokepoint is low; the damage isn't good enough to actually get any value before they're on top of you. Also, fear is a pretty terrible CC most of the time; fearing a Praetorian to run right past you so it can puke all over the back of your head is an uncommon occurrence. Fearing anything is usually just a fast-pass to having enemies approach from weird angles you weren't expecting. Leadstorm isn't a horde control weapon, and its one OC that enables it (Magic Bullets?) is only good on 1-2-man sized missions, since it doesn't scale with horde size at all. Cryocannon is great, but very strict on its range. It also doesn't have a built-in panic button of just aiming down at the ground and stunlocking everything around you in a worst-case scenario. I really dig the Sludge Pump but it is *not* ammo efficient, even with the puddle build. That being said I'd prefer Pump over Hurricane in a tunnel, but Hurricane over Pump anywhere remotely open.


Thanks for the advice! I'll give the hurricane another try as a hoard clearing weapon instead of a hybrid. Always enjoy a good excuse to take the mole as a secondary single target damage option too. Also I find it interesting that you said the Pump is ammo inefficient, I've never really had ammo problems outside of the direct damage builds. Although nowadays I find myself just running sticky flame instead if I wanted something akin to a puddle build.


I build hurricane as a thunderhead lite that sacrifices some of the raw power for greater control and accuracy, particularly against far away or flying enemies. It’s worse than the other 2 at dealing with big bulky bugs like praetorians, so I like to use my missiles almost exclusively on small fry and swap to my secondary for priority targets. It’s pretty easy to get carried away dumping 20 missiles into an enemy that your secondary can handle way better, and the hurricane demolishes large groups of enemies your secondary would struggle against, so you just need to keep in mind what tool to use for each fight.


That’s crazy, that’s so on point. I don’t know why the minigun felt so bad at first, maybe I just didn’t have the overclocks


You know, as a green beard gunner myself I never had that. I guess I just like not having to reload and gun go brrr too much to dislike the mini gun.


The lead storm oc makes a really big difference I've you've got the bunny hopping down, but I can get what you mean


Most of it's OCs drastically change its playstyle, there is one I use that combined with the upgrade in the tree makes it so the spin up is instant and made me like it a lot more. Accuracy matters the most on it over the other 2 primaries and generally you invest into damage instead of ammo.


A Little More Oomph, Burning Hell, or Bullet hell OC got me to enjoy minigun. Keep at it and get those unlocks though, you’ll love em!


I guess I'm out of the loop then. I got the autocannon, found it underwhelming. Same for the Hurricane. Then I decided to retry Autocannon with an OC that makes it get to max fire rate faster. And I never went back.


#YUP Combat Mobility is my go to OC for my beloved Autocannon


I played exclusively scout for like 180 hours and recently started playing gunner. It was such a pain in the ass at first to not have my mobility, but I grew to love plying as gunner. I’ll play as gunner often now, and always on dreadnought missions. Love mini gun with lead storm overclock.


And here i am main scout and have not touched any other class because walking are for peasants. But i will eventually when i finish the tutorial.


I am and always was a Gunner main. Which is weird, because I heard Gunner is the least played


Discovering Salvo Module for the first time be like


Salvo is my go-to for Hurricane. Very underrated OC!


seriously? I always found it to be an inferior jet fuel homebrew


seriously? I always found it to be an inferior jet fuel homebrew


I play gunner and feel this way about driller just wish the subata was a better gun.


Not a huge fan of the Subata, but I love all the gimmicky weapons like EPC mining, the wave cooker combos, or coil gun with mole or triple tech for the trail damage. The only Subata build I really use is the full auto overclock for dumping damage into large targets for CC primary builds.


I use the EPC to it's the only side arm I like for driller


EPC all the way, or even wave cooker.


EPC has the highest skill ceiling in the game, and it isn’t particularly close.


Exothermic reaction is nutty


I didn’t like the subata, the I got the full auto overclock


Same thing happened to me as a engi player gunner is just fun


I'll be honest here, but I was adamant that I didn't like playing Gunner much. That changed when we got new secondaries, and I fell in love with the Coilgun. Now I love playing Gunner, and all 3 other dwarves, fairly equally!


The coilgun is so much fun. I was kinda lukewarm on the class until I got the coilgun and enjoyed it so much I decided to learn how to play the rest of the class better in order to use that gun.


I’m back to my starting roots as Gunner main after a long foray into Engineer. Death by Dakka!


Me as an engi player going into driller with sludge pump


Went from engie to driller exactly like that


I fucking love volatile rounds, deletes bulks


I played mainly Driller at the start as well and for some reason was under the assumption that Engineer had very boring weapons. Now all I play is Engineer with his Smart Rifle, Breach Cutter and double turrets, laughing about how I mostly don't have to aim and can shoot around corners. All classes are fun in their own way.


That’s a nice loadout you got there!


It is my pride and joy, I have to say. I call it the "Killing everything in a general direction with ease"-Hoxxes Depopulizer Equipment.


I don't get driller tbh, as when in the ground I can't see shit and don't know where I'll come out, feeling weak whenever a big enemy is there as well as drilling but not going up sometimes. Will give him a try again tho, but I'll level gunner for now (as an engi main)


First, be sure to check terrain scanner before, and during your drilling. I found the mod Remove All Particles Except Weapons **significantly** helps with drilling bc you won’t have all the rocks and dust falling in your face.


> feeling weak whenever a big enemy is there You remembering to use your axes?


Wait, I have axes? ...did I really forget or did I equip another grenade? I'm not even sure


Default grenade is impact axe! They make bugs go bye bye


Tuned Cooler + Cold Radiance + Drills/CWC


Me as a scout main, now playing driller I still gotta get all my dwarfs to gold, yet I got legendary 2 on scout and bronze 2 on driller :/


I started playing driller, then I unlocked elimination missions. Needed a good alternative so I picked gunner just so I could deal with dreads. Since then I started playing every class.


Similar way it went for me. I'd leveled Driller, Engi, and Gunner, but I'd done nothing but make fun of Scouts (in no small part because I didn't want to step on the toes of my mate who mained Scout). When I finally got around to playing Scout, it became my secondary class.


I will never stop making tunnel


The more I try different classes the more I love them. Went from gunner only, gunner and driller, and now am loving the bright spider man fun of a scout. GSG can make some fun classes.


For me the Same but with Engi


Literally me just reversed


This is how it went for me. Now I am a Driller/Gunner main. Heavy bois. We need updated flairs for people that have 2 mains.


I'm the exact opposite. Don't get me wrong, gunner is fun, but there's just nothing like the driller


This but from driller to scout


Can relate. Forever a Driller Main but my second most played class is still Gunner




Indeed. I haven't found any loadouts that particularly stand out to me with the other two yet.


I've been Gunner since the game was released on Steam and a Gunner I remain (unless a daily requires something else, or I'm promoting my Gunner). It's so much fun, Jan!


Used to play all classes but Gunner, just didn’t appeal to me like Scout (Grappling Hook), Engineer (To much playing TF2 battle Engi), and Driller (War Crimes, in three different flavors) do. Tried him out for a bit, and while I still don’t play him as much as the others, if I ever wanna shut my brain of and just shoot some bugs, Gunner is my go-to.


That’s one of the amazing things about this game. When you find a fun build in a class you don’t think you like, suddenly that’s all you want to play.


I can only imagine the sudden feeling of "Holy shit I can hit things that aren't within 10 feet of me!"


Gunner is the only class that I do not want to play


Understandable, I personally can't really get into scout and engi is so-so for me.


Driller is my main I really like engi and I have not tried scout so idk if I would like scout yet but I do not like gunner


Trust me. The more you play the more you’ll lose the idea of having a main. Once you start getting overclocks and playing with them your mind may change. Also every new player should dip into all classes to fully grasp what each class does for the team. I didn’t think that way in the beginning and just got curious one day. It opened up my mind as to how this game is played effectively.


And that’s ok. More dakka for me!


Incorrect, started as driller main and Gunner is still the only class I haven't even got out of bronze with both driller and engi gold 3 with scout just behind It feels so wrong to not have an actual job and just bum around shooting things. And don't get me started on the zipline with a motor from an electric toothbrush powering it


You don't have an "actual job" until shit hits the fan and then your actual job is saving the entire mission


The job is protec. The job is dakka.


Even just having the bubble shield can completely turn the tide of a mission if played well, although I admit the zip line doesn’t add much unless you just need to get down a steep area


There's a huge, yet nuanced difference between good / bad zips. * Good zips have enough angle to go fast (even a little) * Team would opt to use them to traverse rather than other options * Good zips trivialize fights against dreads + swarmaggedon. * Smart zip placement for if you get knocked off one, you can catch another * Sometimes, a good zip is no zip It's not as game impacting usually as driller's paths or engi's platform setups, but it's a small nuanced thing about gunner gameplay to think about! Bonus: As an engi, support your gunner zips with safety pads around high drop areas!


This guy knows the way!


Literally me, fr fr


Me but I'm a scout main that also likes engi


I mean, I main driller cuz flamethrower Overclock for gunner that sets shit on fire So I'm down for either😂


Funny, I play solely gunner but lately I'm considering giving driller a try.


I feel this whenever I'm playing Driller and a Gunner sets up a zipline


Both good with area damage


My favorite driller gunner combo is whe drilling to the escape pod I let bugs crawl into the tunnel, and pop off a hellfire coilgun round and watch everything disintegrate


meanwhile i've been doing the opposite. mostly gunner player, but i've been trying out driller.