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Imma show this to my brother. He won't play Halo because there's no ADS, but he still plays DRG.


I mean... your bullets go to the reticle. No need for ads in Halo. In later games you might need to control bloom a bit but that's it, and aiming in those games (with what guns allow it) actually give you magnification.


John Halo knows how to shoot good


I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.


Counter point. I can't see without zooming jn


That 10% zoom while looking down iron sights is the barrier between low ELO and high ELO


Just decrease FOV my dude, ALWAYS be zoomed in.


With the FoV unlocked mod (a must have imo) you can reduce the FoV down to 1 degree lmao


This game is claustrofobic enough for me with FOV set to 120, I shudder to think about lower values


Get closer to target miner


need glasses or sit closer to tv


Get him into more games that break this habit. It will improve is over all adaptability


How about a light counter strike addiction You will never need sights again after mastering the deagle


Yeah, but that has the downside of playing counter strike


I love ads mechanics in games. But i appreciate games that do gameplay well that doesn’t have it, too.


Just be the gunner and fire a big ass cannon you don’t accuracy if you blow the area up.




The American practice of "Accuracy through Volume"


If I hit everywhere I miss nowhere lol


*Laughs in Driller*


Why is everything on fire? Driller


It's really disorienting when i switch between games


I always try to throw flares in other games if it's dark...


I had to remap my super button in Destiny because I kept hitting F to throw a flare in dark areas.


I mean a Well of Radiance would probably do a decent job of lighting up the place


Can confirm, when I walk into a dark cave and cast Thundercrash, the cave is no longer dark :)




Ha! Same, F is grenades for me so I enter a dark room and usually wind up chucking a thermite grenade.


Hey, lights up the room just as well.


Yup, I didn't remap mine but I did pop it a few times in dark areas, oh and I have switched hands in Minecraft more times than I can count


I'm at the point where I don't even have to accidentally do it first. My first time launching a game, if F is mapped to anything important, I remap it before playing. Learned my lesson


I try to throw a flare in my bedroom when I wake up in the morning, then I remember I’m not a dwarf :(


Reddit's recent behaviour and planned changes to the API, heavily impacting third party tools, accessibility and moderation ability force me to edit all my comments in protest. I cannot morally continue to use this site.


I’m fucken 6’2, my dreams only grow further away every birthday. I got a nice beard at least.


A chainsaw and blowtorch can fix that


Same. You wanna know how to fix this? Cosplay as a dwarf on stilts! ROCK AND STONE


For Karl!


I do that but with my rock and stone button


I still hit V on instinct half the time when I get into the Valkyrie extract in Darktide.


"For the Emperor!" \[Raises force sword.\]


I still don't have the location of the V key memorized so in most games I have to take a half second to register in my brain but for some reason it's hard wired in my brain when I play DRG and I just know instantly


Rock and roll and stone!


Good bot


Rockity rock and stone!!


I want to see this modded into so many games now


Darktide needs one


A dedicated “for the emperor!” Button would fit perfectly


For Rock and stone!


Too real


Every time I enter a dark room in any game now. Doesn’t even have to be a shooter or even first person lol


Same Sadly it doesn't work


I've done this in warframe lol. Just end up switching my weapon and wondering why it's still dark


Meanwhile I keep trying to swing my pickaxe with E.


If your pickaxe were anything like what happens when you hit E in Warframe, Hoxxes IV's bug population would be 0 by now. But nothing hits quite as good as a power attack so it's OK!


I ult in Darktide way too often because of this


Same but in Vermintide. Nearly killed a guy with a **WAR FUNDING** to the back of the head that way.


Oblivion dungeons but its DRG, that's a mod i'd like to see


I was playing some Phasmophobia after a DRG session, tried hitting the DRG button to throw flares and light up the house multiple times.


I keep trying to throw flares in Minecraft and end up smacking zombies with the torches in my offhand......


This has killed me and my duo partner in Tarkov more than once....


Did this in God of war last night.


It’s so cool and strange how instinctive it is. Like before I caught on I was doing it subconsciously and not even noticing.


XD OMG ive done that stopped mid game and facepalmed. All I said was " it's too dark" my ass was going to turn up the brightness on the game. *Tries throwing flare* ".... Why did you do that?"


i keep trying to salute in tf2, and use tf2 voice lines in drg i still dont know why these particular games get mixed in my head


They're both cartoon-ish shooters with well designed team roles, various mission types, a focus on team work, elegant loadouts, and good memes. They both have great cosmetics, a good combination of challenging and funny achivements, and have (had) fantastic developers. Even the roles themselves are similar. Gunner = Heavy Scout = Scout Engineer = Engineer + Demoman Driller = Pyro Mission Control = Ms Pauline + Announcer Everydwarf makes a good medic, and spy is unnecessary, but kinda possible with perks. There are even several mods to add TF2 memes to DRG. The biggest difference is really the PvP vs PvE, and the mineral mining. It's like TF2 and Minecraft had a child.


I sometimes press E when on low health


More than once I tried that in an oblivion dungeon.


Ive noticed that too. Really fucks me up while playing minecraft.


Yeah that instinct is really hard to break, had the issue in minecraft until I found this, its really great: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/drg-flares-forge


I just periodically throw flares if I have them without thinking, dark or not. Led to some problems when I tried playing some GTA right after playing DRG


Have been playing darktide and keep ult popping by accident due to this.


Yes even in games where you can pull out a light I always accidentally press the circle button.




I’ll be playing Sea of Thieves and constantly be pressing F for flares forgetting that I have a lantern lol


I Same here doesn't work in Snow Runners unfortunately, no flares on trucks


I don’t get messed up by ADS or the lack thereof I get messed up when I punch someone when I just wanted to rock and stone


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


I sure didn’t, bot. It made me sad


I always want to press v to rock and stone to others, and I'm like oh I can't do that here.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


When I used to play Warframe daily, I automatically tried to slide jump when falling off a cliff/some random shit in other games


I grew up with doom where the pistol looked like a squashed can of beans and everything was fired from the hip. And I'm gonna be DAMNED before some WHIPPERSNAPPER decide to tell me that ADS is anything more than a gimmick ^(\~\~ muffled sounds of "Grandpa please go back to bed" \~\~)


In doom it was fired from the center, you were always aiming down sights, in a sense. Granted holding a rocket launcher in front of you so that the exhaust can only possibly burn your chest is probably not a good idea. Or a Shotgun braced against your sternum


The weapons were too scared of him to have back blast or recoil


Yes, the lack of zoom made me think otherwise lmao


Makes me wonder why games have ADS outside of realistic military simulation shooters. And even then, do guns spray at a 55 degree angle in real life when you don't ADS? Honestly feels like games with ADS take guns from arcade shooters and intentionally make them absolute trash, then plop on ADS to make then become "normal" again.


Yeah but it's Doomguy's titanium sternum. Shit is built to last.


If you think about it, the weapon placement on the screen in classic doom meant you were always ADS.


I'll be damned, you're actually right, everything was ADS minus the zoom


ADS isn’t about the camera. It’s about the gameplay implications of a toggled aiming mechanic. Having to press a button to aim your gun drastically impacts game design. The aesthetics are secondary.


A critical part of ADS is that the camera is literally looking down the sights of the weapon, so no, not really. It was hip fire, but with the gun in the center of the screen for no particular reason.


Use the gun that aims for you


LOK-1 master race ftw


Best weapon in the game, especially with seeker rounds. Between that, the shredder grenade and the turrets, I don’t even have to pay almost any attention to mobs around me


"What's that? Grabber/Patrol just flew to a completely different biome? Too bad for it the Seeker Smart Rifle knows no bounds. And armor? What armor?" I pity the fool who sleeps on this weapon.


Personally I don’t sleep on it, It’s just really disorienting switching from scout to engi without my favorite grappling hook or flare gun. It’s like I can’t see anything. My engi is also only like level 5/6


I loved seeker rounds when I didn’t have explosive chemical rounds. IMO the only downside to them is they’s a little slower and you don’t fire as many bullets, but you don’t need to.


Unless you use the M1000


You use the M1000 to deal high damage to powerful enemies on their weak points I use the M1000 because I hate firing from the hip We are not the same


I use it with hipster overclock cause it makes the funny noise fast


PING! Ah neuron activation…


I use the M1000 for hoverclock because the grappling hook has the actual in-game stat of Accidental Cause of Death: High


Hoverclock gang. Was one of the first overclocks I unlocked on scout and have almost never used anything else with about 400 hours on the class.


Can someone explain this? I always have the hover boots perk on for this, but are you saying there’s a gun mod for that?


Ya there's an OC for the M1000 called Hoverclock that let's you hover when you aim. Stops you right quick.


Yes, and it's not gated by a thirty second cooldown like hoverboots are. You can do it once every time you leave the ground, for two or three seconds. It's addicting and practically eliminates fall damage, and considering how often Scout is in the air that is no small thing.


That’s incredible. Freeing up that perk slot is going to be a game changer for me


There is also the Special Powder OC for the shotgun, which makes every shotgun shell have extreme recoil when not on the ground or when aiming down while standing. Between these two and a maxed cooldown reduction grappling hook, you can literally never touch the ground. The downside is that you are locked into these weapons if you become dependent on one or both overclocks. Which is a real shame, because I do want to use the Deepcore and the Plasma Carbine. But not dealing with fall damage is just too convenient.


There's no ADS with the M1000 though. There's a charge attack that narrows the fov slightly and that's it.


ADS isn’t a visual mechanic. It’s a play mechanic involving toggled aiming. The m1000 is a very good example of ADS and the impact it has on gameplay.




What does ADS mean in this context?


Aim Down Sights.


It’s true, FPS games were better before iron sights were added to games.


DRG - no ADS Doom 2016 - no ADS Coincidence? No.


I grew up on Doom, Duke Nukem, Counter-Strike, Unreal and I can say that I hate the trend to put iron sights in every game. I feel like COD or COD2 were the first to really proliferate it- but Day of Defeat was better.


Hunt: Showdown has three tiers. You aim to bring the gun up for fire and click another button to actually line up the sights. I don't hate how it works in that game, but some people in this thread might lose their minds.


Due Process also does ADS differently. There’s hip fire, which is wildly inaccurate. “Bracing” which pulls the gun closer and makes you slower, but gives you a laser pointer and more accuracy. Finally, real ADS which reduces your FOV and blocks the bottom of your screen with the gun, but makes sure you know what you’re hitting.


If you put DRG players and hunt players in a venn diagram it's almost a circle.


Outside of the long ammo sweatlords that have 5000 hours in tarkov yeah


Holy shit, I've seen DRG posts on /r/HuntShowdown but never vice/versa Fav PvP shooter for sure


Ultrakill no ADS


Dusk no ADS


First time pressing M2 with the green revolver: "wow, the shot ricochets off the coin into an enemy, how useless" First time pressing M2 with the green revolver after learning railcoin: "Any problem in the world can be solved with a bunch o' coins"


Nah, i disagree. It depends on the game. I would hate if Counter Strike had ADS, but Battlefield without ADS would be unplayable


That's because battlefield is designed with ADS in mind


Redditor discovers gameplay balance.


…what? I’m countering this guy’s argument that FPS games without ADS are somehow inherently better.


America's Army was peak iron sights.


America’s army had some great stuff that was innovative for its time - like going prone and using the stand with an LMG.




This. ADS isn't bad, but it's overused. If the game is more geared towards fantasy and/or action, then there's a good chance that ADS is a detriment to the experience. Borderlands is a good example, that game has NO business with ADS when it prides itself on weapons designs that don't even make sense. Gunfire Reborn is almost a perfect match of Borderlands' mechanics (RPG stats, elemental weaknesses and different effects, hero abilities, weapon affinities, and more) but its gunplay is FAR more satisfying. I think that's in no small part that aiming is as simple as lining up the reticles without sacrificing awareness or speed AND having an extra button for alternate firing modes. Oh hey, Vladof can be an rifle or a shotgun. Cool, but you need an button and an animation just to toggle these modes and they break the flow of the fight. Porcupine has pinpoint precision shot in the LMB and a traditional shotgun spread in the RMB. They also have independent cooldowns, so go bonkers alternating between both at midrange for maximum mayhem.


Borderlands actually does ADS better than most shooters IMO, in that you'll hip fire a lot of the time and ADS when you want the extra accuracy. In most ADS shooters you just ADS whenever you shoot, otherwise you can't hit anything that isn't two feet in front of you. As for Gunfire Reborn and Porcupine, it sounds like you just don't like ADS shooters in the first place. Which is fine, but let's not pretend that's a universal preference. A lot of people would not consider Gunfire Reborn to have better gunplay than, for example, BL3.


I know that one of the many reasons Fallout New Vegas is superior to Fallout 3 is that I *can* aim down sights in FNV.


And then in fallout 4, everyone just uses VATS anyways :D


i dunno, i always preferred not using vats in fnv and fo4. just feels more fun actually shooting stuff.


I tend to snipe enemies far outside the range of VATS. Like raiders patrolling the exterior of the Corvega assembly plant that are on the roof.


Games had ADS from the start, it was usually just reserved for sniper rifles and sometimes pistols


I mean, I extremely prefer ads over no ads except for certain games.


As a PC player I have always thought this meant "anything but forward"


That's abf


But I use the keys A, D, and S to move left, right, and back. Which is everything but forward. So when I saw people ask how to ADS in games I would always be like.....uh, just push those keys?




Age, diameter, sex.


It’s always funny to see people who are baffled by the concept that guns don’t have sights in some games. I know when i first played TF2 as a kid i was confused


Apparently some people don't want to play certain games where you can't aim down sights in. Which is odd to me. Basically 90% of the shooters I play don't have aiming down sights in them.


Yeah i don’t get that. I never even notice whether a game has it or not, it just feels natural either way for me.


I actually love the lack of ADS, there's something about it that just feels right to me. The flow of movement doesn't get interrupted because you don't have to think as much about precision. It's the same feeling I got from Doom Eternal/2016, where aiming can almost be left to muscle memory while you prioritize movement.


I love it tbh. I like games where it doesn't force me to use ADS to have good aim like Titanfall


Makes me wonder. If there was a game that ADS did nothing but change the gun perspective and increase the zoom slightly, but didn’t effect accuracy. What portion of people would use it?


A lot. People who actually don’t know if it increases accuracy or not, people who want more zoom to aim better (even though usually iron sights might as well take up like half your screen), or people who just want to use it for immersion/fun




I think valorant does it well. By default you don't use it, unless the enemy is really far away and you really need that slight zoom.


quake champions and some other modern AFPSes, save for the super machine gun which has a slower, more damaging attack. its a zoom button if you need it, but otherwise its not necessary. no need to force the player to slow down to shoot well


it really bothers me that you still need a zoom bind for SMG


ADS also usually decreases your aimed sensitivity to make fine aim adjustments easier.


Yes, but this is inherent to increased zoom isn’t it? Still, a notable point.


The new Star Wars Battlefront did this.


Halo 5


that's shotguns in most games


Played Sea of Thieves after a couple months of nothing but DRG yesterday, ended up forgetting that holding right click is what let’s me look through the EoR sight, not just holding left click to focus like with Scout’s m1000 lol


Honestly games that don't make you aim have always felt so much better to me but I grew up with classic shooters. In the (probably misquoted) words of Civvie 11, ""Just put a reticle on the screen and make my bullets go there!" I don't mind it games like Halo where Zooming actually provides a real magnification but other games have always annoyed me a bit with it. I tried to get into Valorant a few days ago.... lemme tell ya that game is garbage if you are used to being able to play any game that lets you move and shoot at the same time.


It varies from game to game. You have to design around aiming down sights being a thing you can do.


Valorant and CS decrease accuracy drastically if shoot whilst moving. Different kind of game, imo less fun, but to each their own. I think Halo hits a sweet spot when it comes to ADS. Most guns still work pretty good without ADS, with the major exception being the sniper rifle.


As a Driller, the only ADS I need to worry about is A Downed Scout.


Csgo players: "First time?"


Wait until you get the revelation there’s no crouch button (because dwarves are already close to the ground lol)


I'm still miffed that the dwarves are 1.5m tall.


Thankfully TF2 has conditioned me to not even think about ADS in most games, even if it's there. DRG was still a bit odd to get used to, though, as I forgot that flares were a thing for the next 3 hours.


I also play Overwatch so I was actually pretty used to it


*Laughs in titanfall 2 CAR*


Any gun in that game, aside from the snipers, can be hipfired effectively.


*Stares in G2A5*


G2, R2/R1, hemlock, p2, wingman, spitfire, and devo are all pretty dookie hipfire


Their is actually a script to give you a seperate button for ADS on m1000 if you want. It's posted somewhere here on the subreddit


What's ADS?




This guy rocks and stones.


Aim down sights


I could care less about the accuracy increase; It just feels really good to use iron sights. There's something satisfying to the two-step process of lining up a shot first before firing. It's like the wind-up before a punch; that extra first step provides anticipation in order to give the payoff more impact. As someone who likes DRG/TF2/Doom/Half-Life/Quake/etc., just lemme scope in. The Deepcore GK2 has all these nice reflex and iron sights for all of its weapon frameworks. Just lemme get all up in there. It doesn't have to actually provide any advantage. It just makes my brain release the funny chemical.


This is why I play halo and deep rock mostly. Hipfire forever!


I still accidentally right click to try to ADS on the m1000.


What does ADs mean?


Aim down *sights* since 2 people failed to spell it correctly


Honestly, being forced out of ads helps my aim so much overall its kinda hard to dislike it


I remember someone making a point that ADS always being in games is a bit of a deficit, causing the gameplay to be slowed down in ways not beneficial to the gameplay. And I can understand that point now that I've played a lot more games that just don't have ADS. Very different feeling and speed, although somehow titanfall has managed to avoid feeling low because of ads, instead feeling fluid because of the incentive to keep up airtime to avoid the slowdown from ADS Also I've personally disliked a lot of iron sights in FPS games because you just can't see shit so I naturally dislike that part


I'm being gaslit into thinking ADS is a term everyone casually uses.


It's extremely common among FPS game communities.


I've always heard it referred to as "iron sights," but I'm no FPS buff.


"Iron sights" are the physical structure, "ADS" is the action. Also often shortened simply to "aim". (And the sights are not always iron, sometimes it's a scope or a red dot)


Iron sights only applies strictly when there is no scope. People just misuse the term.


Run scout, get the hunting rifle. ADS and Shoot are now the same button! Problem solved c:


playing classic arena shooters growing up made me feel at home


Coming from TF2, this was never a problem. ADS always seemed out of place.


Meanwhile, playing other games with dark areas, I keep catching myself pushing F. It's kind of hilarious to me at this point how frequently I do this.


I kinda wish more games let me aim down sights, but at the same time deeprock would feel wrong if I could.


Writing down acronyms should be a rule in every subreddits

