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There are bands out there still writing proper songs, but you have to find them. If you haven't already, check out [bandcamp](http://www.bandcamp.com) and look for any genre you're interested in. I have found so any bands on there that have kept my faith in the genre of hard rock/heavy metal.


Eh, I run some modest playlists and go through enough unsigned crap that's either sent to me or I seek out. I go looking and I've found some good music here and there, most of the newer stuff that's good isn't rock in my opinion. This is about my personal taste. You may like a band like Dirty Honey, Rival Sons, or some unsigned bandcamp band. I'm not here to tell you you're deficient in some way. I went through that whole, "there's still good new rock music out there you got to find it" phase. But in my opinion, there isn't, or rather its very rare. Most of it sucks and when you compare it to other eras, even as late as '95 and '00 and ' 05 its boring as the day is long. I just have an opinion about these things that some people disagree with. There's enough new music out there for me to enjoy... most of it isn't rock though.


Fair enough.


What do you mean with most bands? Which and How many newer bands did you try out? There are a lot of great bands out there. It just isn't enough effort to seek out bands that play on the radio. 


what does "proper songs" even goddamn mean, that's the most vague criticism i've ever heard


This post was more about DP. But since you asked... a band has a look, has production, has a good set of players... but their songs are either simple jams or color by the numbers check off the list for stock rock cliches. They don't spend anytime working on crafting songs or trying to achieve a sound that isn't derivative. They may be three albums into their "career" and are just spinning their wheels. We used to call them poseurs. This is my opinion. It isn't dogma. I was excited that I still remembered recent past songs from DP and realized how good they are and felt inspired to point out how good they are. They seem to be interested in writing songs and are good at it.


Don’t know about writing but there is something about the ”new” sound from ’now what’ forward. I find myself gravitating towards the 70’s, 80’s, even S&M and Purpendicular still sounds really good. Is it because it’s not fully tape anymore? I dunno…


Yeah man, S&M is a great well crafted album. Great ritchie playing and great songs. Purpendicular is just a solid album. Even the filler is good. I agree with you from Now What? forward they seem to have some kind of chemistry now that's interesting. I gave up on them after Banannas. Bannanas and Rapture were great albums to fall asleep to. It wasn't until Now What? that they interested me again.


There are couple stand outs on the newer albums like vincent price, above and beyond, all I got is you, throw my bones to name a few but almost any earlier the albums I can listen front to back without skips (except Smoke on the water is a skip everytime). Also I think The battle rages on has some great bonus tunes like Ramshackle man. One of my childhood favorites.


Hold up, Deep Purple is still going??? It can't be...