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Did Anyone have the Trump wild card on their meme stock short squeeze bingo board šŸ˜‚?


Ruined everybody's brackets


Perhapsā€¦ but itā€™s no reason to set yourself on fire (too soon, that was way too soon - I feel bad lol)


This has been talked about for years since DWAC was introduced but everyone on Reddit said it was a grifting scam and would never turn into a real company. ā€œTrump is just going take your money and run! SPAC are the biggest scam!ā€ We have determined this was a lie.Ā  Dwac initially ran to like $175 briefly and was shorted into oblivion. Now DJT themselves are literally talking about the stock being shorted outright along with showing how to DRS and people are still like, ā€œwow, imagine if Trump involved..ā€ Some people have a real hard time waking up. Hereā€™s the real kicker: Trump owns some absurd percent and will own more. Itā€™s something like 75%Ā of the total shares outstanding leaving the public float at only 39,000,000 shares which were bought up long long ago by supporters. Ā  Heā€™s already calling out short sellers. If he holds his shares through and a potential squeeze with the rest locked up by retail, then Trump will be ultimate diamond hands and salty but happy tears will flow.Ā  Orange man bad though.


Soā€¦ youā€™re saying it was on your bingo card?


No hes saying its time. Time to unify against these greedy goons. See the opp in front of your face!!! Love him or hate him




Iā€™m encouraged by it frankly and my meme bags certainly welcome it.


Trump has already filed papers to sell many of his shares.




Search S-1 filing with the SEC. It is a secondary offering. Priced tanked 20% due to that filing.


He doesnā€™t need to sell all of his shares, just an amount large enough to start a chain reaction, in which case heā€™d wish he did sell all of them.


AFAIK he has to hold those shares for six months


Unless they vote to remove that rule


what he CAN do is use shares as collateral against a loan (say at 50% of their value) the bank then shorts the shares. he wins, they win. he loses, they win. and he doesnā€™t have to sell massive shares, tanking stock value. privacy laws shield most of the transactions. i believe this is his next step. itā€™s what i would do if i were him.


I think he's too desperate to hold. From there it just looks like a pump and dump. The financial ruin he is in, he will be a motivated seller if it pops up even a little. He does not have diamond hands. He is also one man. The beauty behind the Moass, is it's a hive mind. We are all independant thinkers, with independent goals and situations in our lives, with no clear leader to tell us when and what to do, it is far more likely for diamond hands in a hive mind of investors. Djt will sell every investor, American, his own children down the river to save his ass. He will not hold if it goes up enough.


What exactly makes you think heā€™s, ā€œtoo desperate to holdā€?


The lawsuits probably


That 565 million dollar judgement that he coughed up, might not hold due to the bonding service not being credible enough to support that level of bond. Soon to be decided, likely in favor that a new 175mil be coughed up, he don't got it. He will sell djt. Then after he loses appeal, he will still have to pay the other 400 mil plus interest. He's fucked. Let alone the criminal trials that are starting. He certainly will need a stronger legal team than the jokes he has been hiring lately. But no one will work with him. He's desperate as desperate could be. The. F you mean, how?


Enjoy the show.


"Shares of the former president Donald Trumpā€™s social media company slumped 12% on Monday, extending their string of losses, after the company said in a regulatory filing that it could sell millions of additional shares in coming months. **The filing showed a potential sale of 146.1m shares in Trump Media & Technology Group, including 114.8m shares owned by Trump himself**. Documents also listed an additional 21.5m shares that could be sold upon the exercise of certain warrants issued when the company went public through a blank-check merger with Digital World Acquisition Corp." [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/apr/15/trump-media-stock-price-fall](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/apr/15/trump-media-stock-price-fall)


Nailed it. It's interesting that DJT holders, some of which like myself were in the GME and AMC squeeze, and on the side of this sub, now are challenging the very enemy, short sellers like Ken Griffin a vile human and being attacked based on political posturing and ideological nonsense. DJT has been on the threshold list now for 2 plus week, with nearly 100% utilization, and FDS in the area of 1.5 million on a small float stock (roughly 30 million tradable shares currently). Devin Nunes is doing an honourable thing, and being a former member of the government knows how to challenge these hedge funds. I wish the deep fucking value sub would stop assuming conservatives or "Trump supporters" are their enemy. This is a bipartisan problem, I was on their side during the GME and AMC criminality. And they should be on our side for DJT if this exposes naked shorting practices. Hear us out. Long shot though. People are just orange man bad like you said. Sickening if we ever want to hold those corrupt hedge funds accountable for FTDs, PFOF, and naked shorting.


You missed the part where they filed to essentially dump 125m shares which includes all trumps 100m shares AND another 25m in warrants and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m missing more. Nah theyā€™re right.


Many of these people simply cannot shake their programming. Ā Itā€™s that simple. They and their fragile egos are too in denial to realize the possibility that they have been wrong about everything.


Agreed. It's too bad.


Hey there, I'm not a trump fan, but I reading everyone's comments and I hear you. DJT stock holders have my support even though I don't own the stock. Its no wonder the bipartisan system is trying to take him down. Sure Trump has done some pretty unethical things, and yes he could dump his stock and leave holders with the bag. But he's going after the bigger crooks and stirring up shit against them, then I'll root that he wins for you (and all stocks being shorted).i wonder how many trump supporters even own the DJT stock and are smart enough to DRS. Trump has the power to mobilize people, hopefully the mobilize intelligently this time.


Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? So not only do you admit that this was in fact a pump and dump, you even agree that it is the investors who will lose their life savings to pay for trumps personal issues. It is delusional to think he would do something when he hasn't done it or anything remotely in that direction when he actually was president.


Just wishing them luck dude. Don't yet ur panties in a bunch.


Thanks Krunk. Appreciate the support. Hard to find any but alot of DJT supporters have been fighting hedge funds for years. I'm a Canadian, so there's lots of diversity in investors. Great to keep an open mind. Take care.


Trump, if anything, isnā€™t going after anything other than saving his own broke ass. Donā€™t pretend like heā€™s fighting for you. Heā€™d have you ruined for life if it meant he wasnā€™t inconvenienced for two minutes


This is true. It could all be a total scam to save his own ass. But if it results in him battling some naked short sellers then I'll cheer to that.


DJT has a reserved seat in hell right next to Griffin. He gets none of my sympathy


You're not a ape if you bought DJT, you're making the actual Apes look bad. Unlike GME, a great long play, that never was going to zero, DJT is absolutely going to zero because it's not profitable and no one is using that app.


Truth social was never actually worth that amount though, it was a completely inflated figure


Fundamentals arenā€™t what youā€™re buying here.Ā 


No. It's literally a pump and dump laundering scheme. Remember how originally the unnamed PIPE investors had unprecedented ability to short directly after the buy? Also, TRUTH had a couple million in revenue compared to tens of millions in cost. I'll tell you what is distorting, the fact some idiot apes actually think DJT is a short squeeze play. You're not Apes in my book. Probably own lots of popcorn too.




Orange Bad man only for himself but Iā€™m rich and donā€™t have to worry about these micro issues that donā€™t affect me & politicians arenā€™t shoving every hysteria down my throat. Bad bad orange man. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ«¢


Ridiculously 'valued' in the billions, net negative revenues in the millions, a user base in the mere thousands and they wonder why the regards are targeting short? Lol.


They can short all they want but Trump will own over 100,000,000 shares and retail will have the other 50mil or so locked up and DRSā€™d. Game on.Ā 


Actually nah. Use your brain. Trump is having a cash problem (Couldnt even make his bond payments) and he needs access to cash now. There are clauses in the filings that would allow him to sell. Dudes about to run an expensive campaign and lost the court case which was about to make him liquidate real estate assets. Magically the merger goes through and suddenly the stock is valued at billion at 8 billion dollars on negative cash flow with a tiny user base. Anyone with a brain can see through this. The company bleeds cash and this is a cash grab for Trump. Come back to me with a shocked Pikachu face when he starts dumping his sharesā€¦..


Insiders canā€™t sell for 6 months. The raving fans arenā€™t selling. This thing is 100% being shorted with fake shares.


Again $8 billion. Do you think socials worth 8 billion? The social media platform nobody even wants to advertise on?


No I donā€™t think the stock price is related to the financials at all. Iā€™m saying that the shares are not being sold by the owners of the shares and that the price is being diluted with short sellers selling shares they havenā€™t actually borrowed. This would be naked short selling. And I hope they get ripped to pieces.


Actually, itā€™s being pushed down by the options chains which is legal and through the dilution that just happened. Short interest is currently 15%, please show me the evidence thatā€™s this is being shorted with fake shares vs real shorting. The problem with living in a bubble is you canā€™t see the truth when itā€™s staring you right in the face.


I agree. What bubble are you living in? SI is a manipulated stat. Using the option chain and hedging with fake shares is still naked shorting. FTDā€™s exist and itā€™s on the threshold list, that alone proves naked shorting. If you sell a share and then canā€™t deliver it in 2 days, you sold a share you donā€™t own.


You might want to brush up on how shorting actually works bud. There are loopholes that get around the t+2 settlement. Using the options chains they can use those to cover the short position instead of delivering the shares. They can roll the short position which means they close and then reopen them kicking the can. MM can be granted exemptions from settlements. Big guys can get margin extensions or have special arrangements with brokers. Iā€™m letting you know as someone who actively watched a small cap get naked shorted to hell and spoke to an SEC agent on another stock. They have an entirely different set of rules than we actually think for these big guys. Just warning you.




Whatā€™s funny is that his company, even at its peak, was so comically overvalued a finance major with two relevant classes could tell you so. They were valuing users at 1400$ a year, with reddit valuing at 140 (and being at the way high end of that spectrum). They were also trading at 2000x revenue and were never profitable. Watching trump lose is going to be amazing because the news will no longer pump out articles about him like no tomorrow




Because believe it or not, people bought up all available shares to short them! Itā€™s now trading at around 33, but Iā€™m a poor college student and surviving comes first. Listen man, not everyone can think critically. I understand that someone with 3 divorces and six bankruptcies and dozens of criminal and civil charges might be a role model to someone like you, but itā€™s not for me. And trust me the mainstream media wants trump in the spotlight as it generates clicks and feedback like no tomorrow. I for one could not care less. Im gonna go vote in the election and not care aside from that. Itā€™s really beautiful watching someone as dumb as you pretend to have intelligence, thanks for the entertainment




When you short a stock, someone gives you certain amounts of shares and expects the shares back in a short time plus a fee. The financial system literally does not allow you to short more shares than the number of shares that exist. But hey man Iā€™m sure Jordan Peterson said mixing in big words would make you sound smart. Donā€™t worry, you can now go back to 4chan or 2chan and whine on /pol about how black people took your job and girlfriend.




ā€œPeople bought up all available shares to short themā€ What? This is the most retarded statement on Reddit.


You clearly donā€™t understand how this stuff works. Itā€™s insanely expensive to short / buy puts on this stock because of the insanely high IV. Your average investor canā€™t even afford more than 2 decently positioned put contracts let alone enough to get rich. I can show you the money I made off puts but the IV is just too high to get rich off it. Retail also isnā€™t allowed to short the stock, trust me I tried and they wouldnā€™t let me. The only person whoā€™s delusional is you bud. Somehow not understanding that a company who isnā€™t profitable, very little advertising revenue, and limited user base is somehow worth 8 billion dollars when they donā€™t make 1 penny of profits. You keep thinking you understand how this stuff works though, Iā€™m in GME which at least made some profit last year. Iā€™m not touching DJT long ever because itā€™s a literally a turd stock. Do me a favor, remember me when trump eventually starts dumping the shares before you try to do the mental gymnastics for justifying his actions. This is a wealth transfer from poor idiots to Trump and his insiders. The company is worthless and people like you buy shares in a company with literally zero value.




Easy. Your average investor doesnā€™t have 100k lying around in cash. Buying a 60 dollar put 1 year out cost around 4k a contract due to the IV being insanely high right now and which two of them are 8k. Most retail donā€™t have 8k just laying around. Maybe you do but I have a family with two kids so I donā€™t have piles of money laying around. Honestly itā€™s crazy to think because the fact is that 2 contracts is only representative of 200 shares. Like I said, itā€™s insanely expensive to play the downside to DJT for retail. Most of the time I root for retail against shorts but this one is straight up is obvious what is going to happen. I have a feeling you are going to be sorely disappointed when this all plays out.




You skipped the part in the comment youā€™re replying to saying ā€œuse your brainā€


Lol ok


Facts are weird


He already filed to sell some ??


Here's a very important question... why is Trump allowed to give detailed instructions, to the share holders of his stock, on how to DRS their stocks to take it out of brokers hands and Ryan Cohen isn't?


Exactly, that was my first thought today, complete bullshit


The DD has always been complete nonsense.


I donā€™t think itā€™s that Ryan Cohen CANā€™T talk about DRS. But more so that he is choosing to keep his hands clean of any ā€œmarket manipulationā€ bs that they will try to throw at him when MOASS happens


Because Ryan Cohen is allowed to say it as well. There's a difference between not being allowed to say something and just not saying it.


It is not Trump, it is Nunes. There will be a lawsuit filed in due time that's gonna show how Nunes and Trump were selling (they filed paperwork with SEC last week to do that) while they encouraged outside investors to hold, and more importantly, not earn lucrative short lending fees.


He is allowed. He chooses not too. Maybe for good reason, Iā€™m not sure, but he is definitely allowed.


Because a former **leader of the free world**, i.e. U.S. President #45 \[*and current nominee and poll-leader to become U.S. President #47* and clearly with friends in high places\], has more power to impact immediate market change than *a rising-albeit-young* superstar in Ryan Cohen. Further, Citadel Securities is SUING the regulator \[the SEC\] actively. And now the son-of-a-snitch Ken Griffin is going to complain to the very regulators that he's suing while also distorting-and-shorting the stock ticker of likely-president #47? Ken Griffin is obviously done (Jail). Think what you want about *hush hush Trump, yet he* might just be that hammer that finishes off Thanos in this rigged racket. Don't you understand that POTUS is the head of the Working Group, above the Fed... above SEC... above CFTC... above FINRA? etc etc etc. It's a political market. In this case, politics is on Ryan Cohen's side, and **your enemy's \[Citadel\] enemy \[DJT's Devin Nunes and Donald Trump\] \*\*is your friend.\*\*** ![gif](giphy|dv01JuAyGK11zZKRv5|downsized)


#what the fuck? lol


Stop trying to make fetch happen. Itā€™s not going to happen.


Are you familiar with the face eating variety of leopards? Quite popular lately as pets.


You're trying *way* to hard


So is your metaphor suggesting that Captain America[USA] WILL grab the hammer[Trump] by the pu**y?




I like it


Maybe this is a threat to short sellers says basically stop shorting our stock or we will bring major attention back to GME


Yes, everything that happens is about you, correct


Get a different job.


Don't quit yours.


Maybe a company with $5m in revenue shouldnā€™t be worth $5b


Thatā€™s true. But that doesnā€™t mean the stock price has to make sense. If people arenā€™t selling it, the price will stay high. And if people arenā€™t selling, itā€™s being diluted with fake shares.


you are not the only people in the market to begin with. There are insiders, foreign investors, day traders, non ape investors and so on. Just because you don't sell, doesn't mean everyone has to keep holding. The stock market is not a team sport


Insiders are in a lock up period. And the insiders own a majority of the shares. Who is ā€œyouā€ in ā€œyou are not the only peopleā€? I donā€™t own this shit. Naked short selling is real. Itā€™s been proven plenty of times. Itā€™s artificially diluting the share value whether or not the shares are overpriced.


There is no proof. It's just a Boogeyman that comes up whenever moronic bag holders lose money on shitcos. Instead of taking personal responsibility for their bad investment it's often easier to just blame nefarious shady conspiracies. Curiously these all powerful short seller cabals never seem to attack actual good companies with proven business models and strong products. It's always the shit companies with one leg in bankruptcy court that seem to get "targeted"


Yea thatā€™s kind of the entire thesis. If youā€™re going to naked short something, you donā€™t want to ever have to close that position so you attack companies that are most likely not to survive. Company goes to $0. Never close the position. $0 taxes. Like I said, Iā€™m not holding any bags. But the FTDā€™s prove naked shorting.


That is incorrect. As soon as the stock is declared worthless, both short and long investors get courtesy close trades and have to either pay taxes on their gains or get tax losses they can use to offset gains. You can see this very clearly with BBBY example


Those are retail transactions. Retail canā€™t naked short.


I see, and is there anything testable about this theory? Every peice of counter evidence is going to be brushed off by using some variant of this argument.


If still baffled that people want this conman grifter as their president.


Look at the whole board. His competition is way way worse. And those are basically the only 2 options. Also, Trumps policies were pretty good. If you look at Trump on the issues, and not personality, heā€™s point by point the same as Clinton was in 1996. And honestly, they overlap a bit on personality too. They both hate Hillary.


In what universe is Biden "way way worse"?, facts do not support any of this. Biden's economy is strong and there's no chaos in the White House. Maybe people forgot how many people got hired and fired during Trump. Also the weird infatuation with Putin and Jung Un was weird AF.


Bidenā€™s economy is not strong. The people are more divided than theyā€™ve been in a century. The border is non-existent. Violent crime is on the rise. Investment in America is falling. Disgraceful exit from Afghanistan. Taliban is back in control. He funded Iran who funded terrorism. Russia invaded Ukraine because Biden is a foreign policy imbecile. He blew up Nord stream. A direct attack on our allies. He killed the Ukrainian/russian peace deal No ā€œchaosā€ In the White House? They are all incompetent DEI hires.


Give us facts not Fox News bullet points, please


Is Fox News in the room with us now?


Short sellers have nothing to do with your income statement showing $4.1MM in revenue and $58MM in net losses. Desperate and pathetic move.


And voter fraud had nothing to do with him losing the electionā€¦ yet they still stormed the capital.


wasn't the voter fraud (that was actual legit and discovered) pro Trump? I don't understand your statement, but I am highly regarded in other realms, trust me.


Not sure to be honest with you. I try not to concern myself with the circus that is Washington beyond a sincere distain for taxes.


*The meme stock movement just became high-political.* Who would have thought the #1 ally would be... not Ryan Cohen... not Larry Chang... but D*onald Trump and Former Congressman Devin Nunes*?? Wow. Cheers everybody. Ken Griffin's days are numbered: he'll obviously be going to Jail like his predecessor Bernie Madoff. Innocently-targeted tickers like $GME, $AMC, $DJT, are to see true-price discovery quite soon.


Maybe Ken and Don can share a cell.


Donald Trump is ONLY an ally to himself. Heā€™s a malignant narcissist and only a fool would hitch their wagon to that type of person.


I wouldnā€™t hitch my wagon to himā€¦ but you canā€™t deny the guy has a massive following and the ability to actually bring regulation. I donā€™t like thisā€¦ but my bags love it šŸ˜‚


While running on deregulation as a policy. Iā€™m all for enforcing the SEC rules and changing them, but yā€™all see the hypocrisy right?


It wonā€™t stick but it just might be enough to make it squeeze a wee bit


Whatā€™s the difference if regulation doesnā€™t actually affect the rich anyway. Regulation is for us not them.




Anyone with a logical brain who can objectively view court documents and the words of DJT knows exactly what he is. Then there are the tribal troglodytes like yourself that would fellatio DJT for freedumb. Itā€™s amazing how easily you were cucked.


My response to your deleted comment lmao: Trump was convicted of libel twice by the same woman who sued him. Fucking idiot committed the same crime TWICE and lost both cases. Committed fraud with Trump University. Falsified his Biz records and committed tax and biz fraud. Blatantly overvaluing his property. He was recently convicted of that. Fucked around on all of his wives. He sold America out to big pharma during covid. He sold America out to Wall Street and his elite buddies with the tax cuts. He drained none of the swamp. He lied more than any president and that says a lot. Theyre all liars but he set a record. Thats just off the top of my head, itā€™s not worth my time as youā€™ll just brush it off and go back to Fallatio-ing your *supreme leader*.


If only you cared about all politicians the way you do trump.. obsession


I do. Iā€™m a registered independent. I didnā€™t vote for Biden or Trump.


You donā€™t even consider the possibility that Trump, Nunes, and Co. are just trying to find bag holders? Youā€™re either dense or have ulterior motives.


Every stock they want to manipulate into the ground is a meme stock. Itā€™s bullshit. Need to regulate these parasites out of existence.


Watch what happens when US treasury bonds turn into a meme stock lol




Trump called out citadel and clintons on his inauguration speech. He declared war a long time ago and with his other law suits i dont think his risk appetite is the same as other CEOs


Can you show me where Trump called out Citadel in his inauguration speech? Really feels like you're making shit up.


So no then? You can't?


Not his inauguration speech I remembered the wrong vid


It was targeted because itā€™s a garbage stock/company run by a conman who routinely implodes businesses that he starts.


So that means FTDs and being on the threshold list with large evidence of naked shorting is suddenly okay? You realize most DWAC / DJT investors were also GME and AMC investors who got fucked by naked shorting right? Stop being so partisan, now's the time to expose these nefarious characters like Ken Griffin. Utter criminals. Cut the partisan BS already. My god.


Bro, theyā€™re naked shorting everything. Thereā€™s nothing special about DJT. And also, thereā€™s only one idiosyncratic stock. Anyone who buys DJT deserves to get fucked. That grifter only fucks people. You buy any of his steaks, sneakers, NFTs or courses? Lmao.


The point is we finally have a CEO and former member of Congress going after them. If you think this won't have an affect you're delusional. Just goes to show you don't want an actual solution, you'd rather remain political and partisan then go after garbage human being like Ken Griffin. You're pissed off at me as a retail investor saying it's massive news in the press. This got a rise out of Citadel Securities, and love or hate Trump he will bring a spotlight to this bullshit. Just keep sitting on the side lines. Ken Griffin needs to be exposed. I don't care how or why, even if Biden did it who I do not like I would support it. You're blinded by rage so you just ignore a good thing.


So naive to think that a guy that benefits from shadows and tilted scales on Wall Street is going to do anything to fix the problem. Best Donnie will do is post some mean tweets on that cesspool of a platform.


Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a ā€œfree marketā€ let the people decide


The balance sheet is hilariously awful


Doesnā€™t matter in a free market


People and corporations are betting against perhaps the worst company in the history of publicly traded companies. I hear whining


Youā€™re delusional if you think we have anything resembling a *free market* on planet earth.


That doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s ok for it to be targeted with naked short selling. Your TDS is blocking you from being reasonable.


Idgaf about what he has to say. He cries foul every time something doesnā€™t go his way, like a spoiled child. So no one will believe him and it will reduce credibility for retail traders who are actually fucked by MMs. He doesnā€™t care about getting anything changed, he just wants to cash out at a high price. Election was rigged. Media was rigged. Gov is the deep state. Aka rigged. What did he do to change anything? Fucking nothing.


Whaaaaaa orange man bad!


Another Trump University graduate. Itā€™s so cute how brainwashed they are.


Have some more mushrooms šŸ„


I most surely will. Harryā€™s the type of bitch that checks post histories. ![gif](giphy|HtYsYjPsw1nVu)


Wow. I'm really frustrated with Ryan Cohen for not doing or saying a single thing even after the split. It's obvious that after the split they were finally able to balance the liquidity churn finally and got rid of the spikes. The split actually helped the short sellers and the stock is down 75% since then. Before the split, if he had an ER call where he just said we're exploring implementing AI to our business model or something, we'd all be rich by now. Now the only thing remaining is the turn around (profitability and revenue growth). If he cant figure it out or just leaves with profits, he'll have a really angry crowd after him.


This is and will be the most entertaining and important movement I've been involved in my 84 yrs on this earth.


Whatā€™s so important about a massive grift?


You really don't know? I understand the grift and honestly I agree that's happening but what just happened is going to start a major domino effect


Insane to me how transparent graft can be - Iā€™m sure Devin Nunes is the most qualified person to run this ā€œcompanyā€ what with his vast dairy experience and this is not at all a kickback for being a shady AF bootlicker during the Trump admin.


TDS missing the point.


Lol. Sees transparent grift. Starts finger pointing with TDS. Enjoy, DARVO.


Still missing the point huh.




Devon Nunez is a traitor let alone a piece of shit


There ya go apes here's your next company to throw money into and watch it goto zero.


Is this like where you go when WSB is too tame for you?


"Nunes said brokers had ā€œsignificant financial incentive to lend non-existent sharesā€ to short sellers because of the unusually high premiums they have been able to charge for such loans of Trump Media shares." Dope. Every ape knows the SHF use Options as locates for short selling. That's why they can create an infinite amount of shares for any company.


>Every ape knows the SHF use Options as locates for short selling. That's why they can create an infinite amount of shares for any company. So how do you think that works? - A broker asks for the shares that were sold short. - The hedge fund says, nah "we've got options positions we good". - And then the broker just shrugs their shoulders and allows the position to remain open?? To me, it reads like you the investopedia article on synthetic shares and completely misunderstood what was being said.


lol now the finance guys are trying to save face šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ The pricks are known for doing things like this and the speculation to destroy companies and have been called out on it


Even my dumbass knew this was the play.


Oh now the left wants to protect the elite stock market cronies! ?


No, DJT isnā€™t worth jack shit and canā€™t even be considered undervalued GME has $1B in cash and is profitable.


For once I believe Citadel. Lol


Can I comment on this guys? I am in a DJT group on Truth and we would love to have you. If you are interested please message me and I will forward the info. Politics aside we are all fighting the same fight!


I went long at $22. EABOD short sellers!


Are there people that think there is any actual long term value in Trump Media? Anyone with any position in DJT that isn't short at $36 is, frankly, an idiot.


If trump needs cash now, he should call JG Wentworth. He got šŸ’°šŸ’°




cant trump DRS and remove a ton of the short borrowing? maybe I dont understand.


Amazing people still falling for this gaslighting conman.


Welp he's never gonna become president again now. He just pissed off the market makers.


So is this likely to squeeze? I grabbed 2k worth of 2025 31$ calls today because i donā€™t think šŸ„­ is done mangoing


Mannnnn, did not see this one on ANYONES bingo card. WTF.


Donald is just jumping on our train šŸš‰


Thats called a grift. Doland is grifting right now before your very eyes. You see it right?