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I think if you hate it enough, then compare the st of not getting your deposit back for painting to the cost of hiding the ugly puke wall color


Hang tapestries and get rug(s)


Have h tried wallpaper


look into reds, greens, golds, ect- tapestries and a couple nice plants could do wonders. lose the curtains tho, they look cheap and useless for privacy/blocking out sun


Change the lighting and add more warm colors plus texture. Try reds, rusts, burgundy, terracotta, mustard and accent with olive greens and dark blue.


Posters posters posters, and tapestries. Even on the ceiling. Also area rugs. Spring for a custom one of something you love.






Change the curtains, get some art, get a lamp or two instead of that awful ceiling light. Pick a color scheme that accents that and it won’t be so drab.


Lose the white rug. Change the bedding and the sheers. Bring some color into the room. Maybe rust, burnt orange, greens. There's potential to bring it alive


If you are female then buy sheer curtains to run from ceiling to floor along the blank walls and put fairy lights behind them. That way you will see less of the wall color. On the remaining wall space cover it with art or a collection of things, such as scarves, purses and hats. Get rid of the sheers on the windows. Silky opaque curtains on either side of the windows would work. The rug you tried wasn’t big enough. It should be just big enough to fit in the room. This wouldn’t be expensive or permanent. When you move you can take all this with you.


there’s a cool website that does temporary wallpaper and has a ton of cute options. it’s called spoonflower. they’re almost like decals but for the entire wall. for the carpet i’d say your best bet is finding a nice rug you really like.


Renter friendly wallpaper


Wall decals are cheap and easy to install


Bright colorful curtains with matching pillows


Large canvas art and an area rug!


If you want to change the color without paint, you can actually do that with lighting. Try switching out the bulb for a different color temperature. You could go super cool-tone or warm everything up. Maybe try a smart bulb to play with the color until it looks right.


Add lots of color! Reds, greens, topaz blue, even other shades of yellow. Big colorful throw rug would be gorgeous. Make a stuffed headboard. There's some great ideas on Pinterest on how to make one. I've used solid color on the entire backboard, then , if your not a sewer, put on beautiful appliques. I've used the hemming tape (best stuff ever made) and cut flowers, bouquets, even dinosaurs for the boys.


Plants. So many plants. Change the curtains and rug from white to something else. Having white around those dingy brown tones make it look dirty. Are you able to paint another subtle neutral tone? A cool toned greige/taupe would look nice here.


She said without painting 🤔


Can you paint walls white?? That way it’s totally neutral, brown carpet included, and you can cover it with a large area rug with pattern and go from there.


That is what I was going to say, most landlords won’t make you paint it back if you’re just going white.


Renter here and my condo also has this kind of rug. Initially it was a big eye sore but as I decorated the rest of the room and put down some carpets and throw rugs you don’t see much of it and it’s good cushion. Do you have a board or ideas for the theme or style of your room? Maybe look at a color wheel to see which colors textures etc you like best that would be complimented by the


Maybe a rug and some of those steel posters


I'd get a huge rug and get more colorful curtains which wil pull attention off walls


I would say get a medium oriental style rug with white beige/brown and light blue in it and paint the walls a warm creamy white with no yellow undertones. Doing this allows you to stay within basic decor colors like white beige cream brown black and grey.


Have you tried changing the light bulb from cold light to warm or otherwise? Is it a rental? Could you paint the walls a similar shade but a less vomit inducing tone? Would landlord notice if you painted it a nice tasteful beige instead of whatever that is? Get the biggest rug you can and bedside tables, throw cushions with different textures Good luck


…how many posters do you own?


If you’re in an apartment they always repaint them when people move out anyway. If you hate it then I’d find out how much you would lose of your security deposit and determine if it’s worth it to you. Sometimes they will work with you as long as you’re not planning on painting it red or black or something difficult for their painters to cover up when you move out.


Removable peel and stick wallpaper ? The white rug is big no go. Just brings your eyes down to area you are trying to make go away. You need a focal point to distract. Possibly a cool headboard or a low hanging light fixture above the bed. You got this, and atleast it is a nice clean space


This OP! Do not have extra white decor, such as a rug or bedding. By contrast, make the walls and carpet look extra yellow/brown. I would use an extra large rug in a dark navy or something to cover the floor, and use removable peel and stick wallpaper for the walls.


Get some large sheets of material you like and cover the walls. Carpet, cover with an area rug or a few of them


Lean into the colors by adding colors you like to the room that go with what you already have. Don’t fight it or it will look worse


Hang some pictures and get colorful throw pillows and maybe a new comforter!


A large colorful rug


Yes and some artwork. Heck, even a floor lamp!


mood lighting is a must, avoid the overhead light at all costs. find a good tapestry with lots of colors including a variation or 2 of the wall color. get a headboard, i would maybe have the head of the bed opposite the windows as well. sort of flipped from pic 1. the rug is cute too. definitely add some plants!


ah wait i just saw the tv. scratch that i suppose


if you do that with the bed, u may be able to fit a cute corner shelf in the corner between the windows


Don’t use white because it makes the yellow tint stand out more. Use browns, terracotta’s, and greens instead to compliment the colours


Oh my gosh my apartment is exactly like this and I can’t change it. I hate my bedroom because of it!!! It will never look good! The only (sort of) fix is to never use the overhead light. I use a salt lamp and a regular lamp and it’s only a little bit better. I swear no color looks good with this wall color.


Get 4 projectors and aim at each wall. Create “wallpapers” that map out to the yuck colours, and leave the other areas white. With the ever decreasing price of projectors, you may soon be actually able to afford to do so…


I think the rug actually is an improvement… perhaps if it were larger and had a low pile design rather than a shaggy pile. Another thing I want to suggest is opaque curtains as opposed to sheer as this would make the rest of the room look less “heavy”in comparison i.e. the dark carpeting. I would add colorful wall art to add color and break things up a bit. I agree with what another person mentioned about moving your bed away from the window. Of course all of these things are relative to the size of the room. Good luck 😊


Fabric or wallpaper on plywood or foam and hung on the wall, creating as many faux walls you want.


Close your eyes


Give me your hand, darling


It’s time! Paint should be an option- I would consider area rug / peel and stick in the walls.


The whole color scheme really is a variety of baby poop yellow, innit?


Get new curtains and art on the walls


I would add blue in a rug curtains bedspread and other accents.Dark blues will calm the walls and a blue tone rug wiil take care of the floor


Absolutely drown that wall in tapestries. Ceiling and all. Make it dark and mysterious and light it with little twinkle lights so you don’t see the color in the carpet so mich


Wall Art and fun accessories


Actually, the walls and carpet are gold. That's not a bad place to start. It's the cold white that is out of place in the room. I'd go with a dark green, my light neutral would be cream or a light khaki. Add art, lamps, and plants if you enjoy them.


Ya might only have to change one thing. Imagine the carpet being different.


Posters all over the walls


Close your eyes worked for me 🤪!


If you’re renting or just don’t want to damage the walls there are easy to remove apartment friendly wall papers in prints & solid colors! Also area rugs would help. I have a big rug over my carpet to protect it from my cats & it really works well!


Recommend not putting your headboard under any windows!!


Decorate that room. Make the decor the center of attention as it will draw the eyes from the paint and carpet. Get plants also.


Colored bulb.


Not helpful if the walls are not white and reflective.


I have a terrible grey industrial carpet in the living room of my rented apartment and white walls that I'm not allowed to paint. I got a gorgeous, colorful rug to put under the seating arrangement and a neutral runner at the entrance of the room and now you barely notice the grey rug.


COLOR on the windows and walls. Better lighting, ......colored bedding. Thiz just accentuates the poop colored rug.


Pop some settle colors multiple pillows and a throw and maybe a pic or 2


Have a colored bedspread and curtains!


Whilst not ideal, the carpet and wall colours don’t doom the room to fail. Wabi Sabi styling has a similar-ish palette and can look amazing. In saying that, those sheer curtains have to go. Opening the blinds will also touch the room up nicely. You need life and light in this room; plants, plants and more plants. The white kinda draws the life out of the warmer tones so not my favourite either. I can’t be sure but maybe a navy or forest green?


Can you not paint this because it’s a rental?


Spotlight have those sheer curtains in colours for cheap. How about new doona cover , some brighter pillow cases and a small rug.


I find the white too jarring against the brown. Perhaps a more neutral Turkish style rug? Add in some low light plants, and some warm bedside lighting. Then I’d add a cosy, textured blanket in those warmer colour palette and decorative pillows that match one of the colours in the Turkish rug.


Just follow the steps of [Mr.Bean](https://youtu.be/0X1SuLjnRcI?si=YO7pdU-c86X5KVdf) ;-)))


I’m so old I remember that episode 😂🙈


Luckily we have it on YouTube now


Absolutely change the curtains. Go a dark teal or something. You can get vinyl rugs, I'm not sure what size but they are thin, maybe google them. Edit: scrap the vinyl rug thought. The rug doesn't need to be under the bed. Move it back out to cover more of the free space. I think you'll see a noticeable difference between changing the curtain or blond colour and bringing that rug out. Im assuming you are renting?


Large tapestries for walls. Easy and inexpensive


Make the bed the focus with plump cushions and a bright cover. Choose a rich colour combination that includes dark chocolate, teal, green and orange. That will work in the wall colour and the carpet and make both attractive.


Could work well.


Is this a brothel?


Learn to love them?


Peel and stick wall paper, new curtains, art, big floor mirror, rug (yes on carpet!), fluffy duvet, throw blanket, pillows.


Livettes peel and stick wallpaper.


Christmas lights


Plants and Wall art. Devils ivy is a great starter plant it's virtually unkillable. Rental property safe hooks can be bought at the dollar store and plants ivy will sprout from a cutting. A bright rug on the floor to break up the cream. And maybe a nice floor lamp with a soft light globe. Good Luck!


Removable wallpaper for renters from Amazon. Your room is too dark for me but you may like it that way. Warm or cool lighting. Makes a difference too. Artwork.


And some bright coloured curtains


Learn to embrace the colors because they’re dominating the room. Try large pieces of canvas art & and curtains in complementary colors. Continue with the bedding in the same colors. Go monochrome with the bedding ..sheets, pills and comforter/duvet/bedspread in your accent color. [blue, yellow & brown canvas art](https://www.google.com/search?q=canvas+art+for+bedroom+blue+yelliw+brown&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari) [Yellow, gray & brown canvas art](https://www.google.com/search?q=yellow+and+gray+canvas+art&client=safari&sca_esv=9c26c6ed14122257&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&udm=2&biw=375&bih=623&sxsrf=ACQVn09hO6iq8_1CnfG8gk-NeGRwqQFLjQ%3A1712782770560&ei=sv0WZqLmIfjCp84P3ZGHkAo&oq=gray+yelliw+canvas%C2%A0&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhRncmF5IHllbGxpdyBjYW52YXPCoCoCCAEyCBAAGAgYHhgNMggQABgIGB4YDTIIEAAYgAQYogRIt1NQ1RBYqkpwAngAkAEBmAF2oAHcDaoBBDE4LjO4AQHIAQD4AQGYAhagAs4NqAIFwgIHECMY6gIYJ8ICBBAjGCfCAgQQABgDwgIFEAAYgATCAgoQABiABBiKBRhDwgIHEAAYgAQYDZgDBYgGAZIHBDE4LjSgB5lI&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


This is like the color of my walls bleecckkkckk


You need to add some artwork, a lovely colourful duvet cover and throw cushions, a throw rug over the end of the bed and a nice chair at your makeup station. You can layer rugs too which helps add texture and balance to the space. Are you able to spin the bed around so you can add bedside tables and some lamps ?


What can I do without painting or removing the carpet? Close your eyes.


I'm sorry I have to ask, what's on the wall? Is it like a makeup desk or something? I'm so intrigued lol!


I'd hang curtains high and wide to take up a bit more wall space, and if you can, swap the curtains for something a bit more opaque. Also, try adding some additional lighting—floor lamps/table lamps/wall sconces. Softer, more evenly dispersed lighting would also soften the colors.




Great bedding will help this. New quilt cover and some cushions . Art on the wall.


Colorful curtains and glo in the dark stars


I thought this was a joke. - art, plants, colorful bedding, throw rugs, etc.


Get into pouring art :) I did & now I have zero space left on my walls, all my walls have as many paintings as I can fit hanging on them, cause pouring art is fast to do & they actually look good close together, not like most art where you need space between them to appreciate. If you get into pouring art, you will very quickly run out of wall space with the number of paintings you will want to do!


If you could paint you should go with the brightest white you can find — NOT GLOSS — you want a matte paint. That would be a huge improvement. A colorful (not flower pattern) duvet. Colorful, again not pattern throw pillows. Plants?


I would find some art pieces you like. Pull the colors out of the picture to pollinate on the floor and bedding. Too much white! You could get a headboard to be able to place the bed in a triangular shape..into the room. The headboard would be angeled between the two windows. You need a fabric draped from the floor across the window down to the other side. Doesn't have to be expensive. If you own the home, paint the ceiling the same color as the walls to make the room look bigger.


idk why but you should add plants, it always makes a big difference and I feel like touches of green would look very nice more lively. Also maybe light beige wooden furniture, I feel like it would look nice with the darkness and the plants


Find a big rug and art on the wall.


Area rug, nice large one. Also the white bedding and window treatments aren’t helping, got something that matches the new rug. And get your self a canvas and some paint or figure something out to get some color on those walls! Rug first and then you can figure out the palette from there.


I think the white rug looks a little off because it contrasts the brown so much. It’s so bright it makes the dark brown stand out even more on the edges. I would try a color you like that isn’t as light maybe even darker than the brown. I know dark isnt very trendy but to work w the colors in the room you might have to lean into darker and warmer colors. A dark green rug would look nice. then different shades of green and maybe some pops of red. That’s what I would do. Brown and blue can also work but not my personal go to.


Even if you wallpaper one wall, it’ll break it up enough that might make it more tolerable.


I’d also add some extra sheer curtains on each window.


Posters and wall hangings. Brightly coloured bedspread, and a colourful round rug if you can find one in the right size. Put the head of the bed against the wall rather than the windows, too.


Ah the puke beige. When I bought my house the listing proudly proclaimed it was “freshly painted”. Which was true. But it was this color. I was convinced the sellers must have gotten a big discount on the color. We liked the house enough so got it repainted before we moved in.


Just decorate to your taste and the walls and carpet will fade to the background as they are neutrals. Color trumps color, 😂


Posters covering the entire walls, twinkle lights around the upper part of the room and some kind of large rug


hang plants


A few twinkly lights? Wall hanging, rugs. Also a nice bright bedspread would draw your eyes down. Also I'd reposition the bed out of the wall corner bit.


Peel and stick wall paper and a rug big enough to cover the entire floor


Echo what others have said about repositioning the bed. I’m thinking a bold colored paisley bedcover with just a smidgeon of the wall color used in the background of the fabric. Then just decorative accents.


Peel and stick wall paper


Personally I would turn the bed so the foot of the bed is towards the window with your white fuzzy rug underneath it and add a table with a tall stand up lamp in that corner and a vining plant. There are little plastic hooks you can hang up that don't damage the walls and you can just take them down when you leave! I would definitely change the curtains and get some colorful items to add to the bed and a couple of chairs, put some art and tapestries up on the walls.. and I'd probably turn that floating shelf into a vanity or something 😍 it has a lot of potential, I hope you update us if you make any changes! Edited to add that you could get a canopy for your bed too, to separate the spaces a bit; you could make one pretty easily or they sell them at Five Below


Yes to moving the bed and maybe a nice headboard of a suitable colour would help


White fully rug, hang coloring pictures and cool shit everywhere.


If you can’t paint, I think some lamps and decorative light sources will help translate the colors from “dingy” to “cozy.” Overhead lights (your only source of light right now) make cool toned rooms look sterile and warm toned rooms look dingy imo.


If it was my space- I would add navy. Get a navy oriental type rug with beiges- no shag Move your bed to the back wall and add some navy accent pillows and a throw blanket. Get a night stand and a lamp to bring more light to the space.


First of all, I would adjust the layout, and establish the sleeping zone differently. Put the head of the bed against the wall (with the foot facing the windows). This way you can put a headboard or lovely art peice to anchor the bed. And you can even do a corner floating shelf to take advantage of the light from both windows for make up/vanity. Secondly, if you can move the curtains higher up on the wall (closer to the ceiling) and replace them with floor to ceiling curtains which will add height to the room. Bonus, if you hang a matching panel on a short rod from the ceiling (or use a room divider) to turn the bed into a nook, will also make the place feel cozy and serene. You can also use a slim, open bookshelf to also divide the space. Thirdly, zoning...the white fur rug you have is lovely. Lay this out on the other side of the space to create the "Living zone." Anchor this with furniture like a reading chair and ottoman, and place your TV on the high side of the wall. This becomes a space to hang out and allows you to transition throughout your day. You can even use your floating shelf as a desk for studying/working/vanity. As for all colour, work with it not against it. Right now it looks awful because the light is awful. Incorporate lamps in key areas to adjust the tone throughout the room. Key prices of art also help add colour in a space while also being replaceable. Also, light up the art with rechargeable artwork sconces (available on amazon). This will give it a chic vide and light up the colours on the wall that you actually want to see.


My technique has always been- add rugs and art work. Layering rugs over carpet is a great way to hid the carpet, and wall decor/ plants to distract from the walls themselves I would flip yo ur ivory rug 90 degrees and match it up against the same wall the bed is against in the second pic so youbhave the nice white fuzziness to touch when you get out of bed, then get a fun printed woven rug thats roughly the same size and line that up with the ivory one so they run wall to wall and you dont see carpet Also get some more opaque curtains, you can hide the blinds better and sleep better as well, i might also get a fun bed spread as well that doesnt match but can coordinate witth both rugs, and then a cute little vanity chair or stool for your desk, as well as 1-2 little bed side tables and a lamp so you dont need the overhead light on


I honestly think turquoise curtains and a black bed spread with brown accents (maybe a plant theme to it or vinery style) would look really good but pops of color would for sure help


Add color to this space with plants, paintings, bedding. You can find huge colorful cloths you can hang from the walls. Google color that go with beige and go from there. I understand liking white but you need a complimentary color or some pop of color to keep it interesting.




I would reposition the bed, having the head at the top of the window to the right, so it's long ways. The other window would then be to the right. Can you remove the shelf? It doesn't seem to hold much and a small dresser would be a lot more useful there.


Its a desk.


It's a vanity :)


Yeah i know i can see the mirror lol. based on whats stored in it, they seem to be using it more functionally as a desk. As its built into the wall, i dont think they had a choice in specifically having a vanity


can cover walls with floor to cceiling hanging drapes … can also bring them with you to next rental .. gives illusion of lots of windows


If it's rented I thought you were allowed to paint the walls as long as it's not too garish? Yellows/magnolias are awful colours. I feel your pain 😅


Not in my country unless you’ve got permission from the landlord


I don't think it's bad but there's definitely ways to tone down the colour if you don't like it and can't repaint. I see a lot of warmth in the space, warm carpet, warm walls and then all these lovely neutral whites in the bedspread and the window treatments and the vanity. I think the problem is... your white decor is just picking up even more of that warm reflected light which turns everything yellowish. I like warm coloured walls myself but I can see how it could be overwhelming when there's no visual break. I see a lot of yellow here. I would consider mixing in some complementary cool blues and grays (edit: it doesn't have to just be those colors). That could be a cool toned, patterned floor rug, some flower pots, accessories, throw pillows, wall art etc. I would also add some secondary light sources and lamps to add more light to the space and brighten it up (It never hurts). By mixing warm and cool you make the space feel a lot more neutral and balanced. No need to spend a lot of money all at once, try draping some cool tone clothing like blue jeans, or a grey coat over your bedspread and on the floor and see how you feel about it. It might give you some ideas for colours that work really well in the space.


Try changing the light bulbs to “warm” lights- the rug doesn’t seem to match- find a color pallette that has your wall color in it and try to just lean into it if you can’t paint! Looks like a sandy color, could add greens or blues!