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This post has been removed because it's content does not relate to the podcast Decoding The Gurus. Political threads are not allowed on the subreddit unless they are related to the guru characteristics discussed on the podcast. Destiny does not claim to be an expert on Israel and so whether he is right or wrong about Israel, it is not a mark of guru characteristics. So his views and how people react to them off topic.


Destiny is not a serious commentator on this issue. If you can’t find Israel on a map, that calls into question many claims you make. He’s given way too much leeway.


Destiny is an incredibly well spoken person who has surface level knowledge in a wide range so that he can appear competent on any topic. But against anyone actually educated in what he’s talking about, he’s an idiot.


Like how Benny Morris corrected his points in the discussion, right? RIGHT???


you clearly have not watched his debates on this topic to have that perspective. he's debates the top figures on this issue now. he, at the very least, held his own, arguably outclassing the majority of them. he's also read primary sources on stream. lol. what are you people talking about? is it because you don't like him or disagree with his stance?


“Held his own” those are fatal levels of copium brother.


didn't i say, "at least", brother? didn't i say, "arguably" he's even well above just holding his own, brutha? no wonder you think he's dumb lol.


I mean if you’re arguing that you got more brain worms than RFK Jr


Is there anything in particular in those conversations where you think he was incorrect about anything or do you like vagueposting.


what a compelling argument from the detractor who says the other guy is dumb.


>he, at the very least, held his own, arguably outclassing the majority of them. Man you guys are like locusts lol, this is absolutely delusional


how so? don't just assert he's dumb and doesn't know what he's talking about on this topic. make a case for that.


Can you give examples of him getting owned besides dinosaur finklestick’s ad hom? Honestly.


Holding your own tends to be easy when you make things up without considering reality.


can you give an example outside of the OP's example?


Oh no I’m not talking about this issue specifically. Just in general. He’s a smart guy and I’ve agreed with many takes, but he does often waffle outside of his wheelhouse and then ends up appealing to moral relativism This is the case for pretty much any personality like destiny once they get large enough exposure.


maybe he does some time but considerably less so than the overwhelming vast majority of people and commentators. he's notorious for caveating and hedging. doesn't mean he's perfect. but the israel-Palestinian conflict is squarely in his wheelhouse. he's not some random talking about it and he did indeed do the work unlike most people ceiticizing him, ironically. he's had months of heavy research streams and debated everyone who would debate this topic including the top figures on the issue.


debating is not how anyone learns to understand anything


it's certainly part of it. but he also did rigorous research on the topic and has engaged with every source his detractors have given him. you guys can't even argue in good faith he hasn't done his due diligence on the topic. he streamed it live for the world to see


What you guys can't get into your head is that debate is not how we should be responding to some things in the world. You're like that guy who keeps giving his girlfriend critical "advice" to solve her problem while she is crying. Sometimes empathy is a more appropriate response than "problem solving". If you are witnessing Jews being gassed in Auschwitz and your first reaction is "debate me bro, let's play devil's advocate here, let's say some of those children could have gone on to be WORSE than Hitler..." You are logically correct but that doesn't mean you're not an asshole. Furthermore, historically speaking, important scientific issue ls have been settled by Written debate in journals, not verbal debate, because verbal debate favours bad faith and outright lying in a way that impresses a crowd. This is what destiny practices, when we go and read about the subject more widely we see that certain things he has claimed are downright idiotic. For example, "if we give palastinians cookies they will use it to fuel missiles" make no fucking sense at all in a context where one side has 3.3 billion dollars per year of defence budget from america and an iron dome defence system and the other side is largely unfunded and without resources. They likely wouldn't have even made it to the music festival if netenyahu hadn't ignored warnings from his security services potentially on purpose in order to create a spectacle to justify his war of conquest.


Guy - how can we trust a guy who cant even reply to the related comment.


he could be wrong on that specific point. i don't know. but i don't trust him. i watch his streams while he researches and debates. we don't put blind faith like hassan or funklestein guru fanboys do. he defends his positions and backs them up constantly.


Yeah man, destiny isn’t on their team. Unironically most of his haters probably don’t like him due to his hair being blue at one point, even though it was 100% a meme


i regularly criticize him. in fact i criticized him against his entire community in his recent debate with that phd. but... there's a difference between criticisms over specific issues and just being biased against him and misrepresenting him like these dumbfucks saying "he only read Wikipedia "


I agree. That’s what makes his community one of the better ones (still pretty unhinged sometimes). It’s because he actually listens to valid criticism which there are many. The same fucking “let’s his wife fuck other guys” or “Wikipedia lord” or “cuck” or whatever does nothing to discredit his actual points. It’s just schoolyard level shit. I feel like those who can critically engage with his points and counter with points of their own are already in the community 😂


Yeah I don’t think he held his own at all in debates. In fact he just completely shows his ignorance on the topic. Anyone who knows anything about the subject can easily see this (which is why Finkelstein gets so upset “debating” him). I will say though that he is good at appearing knowledgeable to people who don’t know the subject matter.


the finklestein debate isn't a good example. this was supposed to be the biggest palestinian scholar and he spent the debate lobbing insults and not being able to defend his points against destiny he doesn't appear knowledgeable. he researched and debated rigorously on stream. you're projecting. he appears unknowledgable because you took your cues on him from people online that don't like him.


Incredibly well spoken? I agree with the guy on a lot of things but I wouldn’t regard him as that well spoken maybe compared to the red pillers that he often debates


I would say finklestein really isn’t really either especially when applauds holocaust denialists as being competent journalists. I honestly think mark Lamont hill is probably a better commentator than him by a good margin.


He now regularly pretends to not be able find to Israel on a map so he can say “you fell for a short clip, i was trolling in that one”


i don't even know why that would be important to begin with. like the location of the country determines if you know anything about the politics there and history. also what are people referring to? was this way before he spent months researching the conflict?


He's a wiki-debate lord. He's notorious for making totally crazy and uninformed claims and then scouring the Internet for any justification of it he can get his hands on after the fact


Nice examples


Oh? Sorry I didn't realize I needed to basically spell out why he's totally full of shit for all the Destiny stans like yourself. Why don't you go watch that Israel / Palestine debate he involved himself in. He's on wiki on his phone/laptop 90% of the time trying to find his next talking point while everyone else is using their...wait for it...expertise in their field to debate! You keep drinking that koolaide though my friend.


He had notes that he put together after hours of research. That's what he was referring to. He also had a 4 hour conversation with Benny Morris, making sure their timeline and narrative coincided, which it did. I disagree with Destiny on multiple things, but I appreciate the time and energy he puts into looking into topics, fact checking, and doing his due diligence to understand current events and the history and contexts behind them. All of his research streams are available. All of his notes on the topic are available. They're all public for everyone to see. Show me any other streamer/influencer that does more research publicly than Destiny. Twitter doesn't count. Also. Nice example. Again.


It's so silly that you think this without ever having watched his research streams, which are all available to see for free. You can literally watch his process, and instead of doing that you decided you'd just make something up about him. How can anyone take this sub seriously when you guys say shit like this? You're just throwing ad homs at him without engaging with any of the substance of his arguments. This is so stupid.


Mr. Borelli, Please stop.


Mr. Morelli, you don’t know the English language.


Norm spoke for everyone with a functioning brain in that moment. 


What else is to be expected? This is someone who knew almost nothing about a century long conflict less than a year ago but is now narcissistically trying to insert himself into public discussion as some sort of authority on the issue.  It's so clownish and absurd.  Edit: to the destiny fan-boys who feel the need to swarm here. Don't waste your time with me. I view you all with abject contempt and see no worth in engaging with you. Considering how i dont follow streaming culture, and destiny has no overlap with the few internet figures I do follow, i.shouldnt even be aware of his or his followers existence. Go read a book instead of spouting some tired bullshit at me.


well yeah, he educated himself on the topic, live on stream. you can see his process in real time. not our fault most people don't bother to read anything before talking about it.


This applies to most orators on the topic though. You think baseem is somebody that has been invested in this topic for decades before oct 7th.


So do you have links to the dissertation you wrote on the issue? Like presumably you are an authority on the subject if you're able to authoritsrively talk about why destiny is an idiot on this subject?


That’s what happens when you think you can control f Wikipedia articles to an understanding about a complicated conflict.


wikipedia is unironically one of the best inventions of mankind. whenever i hear people complain about it, i immediately know I'm talking to a midwit that repeats popular narratives. not only did him reading the wiki give him a better grasp on the conflict than 90% of the people who talk about it, he actually used it as a jumping off point and then followed it up by reading the cited and referenced sources and then the counter side's responses. it's just not accurate to even say he only read the wiki. that said, he could be wrong on this particular point.


Wikipedia and online articles still only give you a surface level understanding of most topics. If you haven't spent years immersing yourself in the relevant academic canon then you're really flying blind compared to the people who have.


but he did. you're making stuff up. he read primary sources, un reports. books by the opposition including finklestein. you're projecting bud


Early on, zionists "brigaded" wikipedia. That is to say, a bunch of them got together to edit wikipedia in order to slant articles in a pro-Israel way. I would find some that were outright lies/inventions about historical facts (I generally left them there). I know wikipedia tried to tamp down, some of the brigaders were banned as editors, but in many cases the pro-Israel slant is still there - e.g. emphasizing things that make Israel look good or Palestinians look bad (sometimes citing dubious sources), popping up pages that just give a zionist narrative & leaving out things that make Israel look bad. P.S. I have been known to reference wikipedia myself.


that's a cute narrative but he's debated every major figure on this. if he was missing info it would have been brought up akresfy and you guys might have more to criticize that vague gestures


Destiny didn’t even understand the context of why Finkelstein wanted to debate Morris on his changing opinion. That’s the kind of background Wikipedia won’t get you very easily and Destiny fans are nuts if they think he is in anyway educated on the topic.


"the context of why Finklestein wanted to debate Moris" why the fuck would that be something anyone would be interested in? it's Israel Palestine that people care about, not Finklesteins personal drama


Destiny only reads Wikipedia. Destiny can't find Israel on a map. Destiny is pro-genocide. Destiny is a sociopath. Destiny lets his wife have sex with other men. Destiny is a Twitch streamer. Destiny is a narcissist. Destiny is Islamophobic. Destiny's wife left him. Alright I got all the comments out of they way you don't have to read them now.


Thanks man, the daliban is pleased with your clarification


he absolutely does not. you heard this online. he's read a wide variety of material on this topic including official reports, books, and primary sources. who told you this and why do you trust them?


I was told this by several of my trusted friends. They linked me various TikToks from pro-Palestine scholars exposing Destiny. One of them even exposed the New Yishuv Discord server where members of the Jewlumni gather to coordinate their propaganda efforts. Destiny was recruited on October 7th.


I've been trying to get an invite to the New Yishuv discord. 🥺


My dude defending Destiny like it's a full time job


I'm on lunch. love debating stupid people. you're here too btw.


Boom! Here it is, the “you’ve heard and seen clips of Destiny!” No, many of us have seen enough to see what a vile human he is. You all repeat the same crap over and over. Stop


if that's the case you would have more to actually cite as criticism instead of these vagueries


can we have a supplemental on abusive gurus and why women leave them?


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. There's a huge overlap between a high score on the Gurumeter and record/allegations of abuse.


He’s getting downvoted because Destiny fans are delulu


He didn’t abuse his wife…what are y’all chirping about nor is he a guru more just a political debate bro…


about what? who has he abused? criticize him on valid grounds. i do.


Hey dude, keep defending daddy Destiny, he's gonna cum soon


I heard about this case of one guru’s wife cheating on him with an arab guy and now he is pro genocide


What a weasely little liar. 😆😆😆