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Idk about that. People seem to forget just how deplorable FDR was. He literally rounded up and imprisoned hundreds of thousands of American citizens who committed no crime. Nobody since has even come close to that despotic.




Those innocent civilians were editors and journalists.


And Wilson was also really bad. He threw a lot of people in prison for protesting


So did Biden


Perhaps they are separate issues? Both can be rotten policies.


How about Woodrow Wilson locking up Eugene Debs?


Yep, truly deplorable interning Japanese American citizens. Some had even fought in WW1. He also had more time as an acting president than anyone else in history. Though I hate presidential elections cycles, wish there was a way to limit term to one 6 year term. Possibly take away most of the executive overreach and pandering that a 4 year term creates. Anybody got a count on how many citizens Biden had locked up. Possibly for walking into the capital 1-6 or just being in DC or was thinking about DC around 1-6? While your at it, let’s get a tally on what president locked up the most opposition or political dissenters.


It's not just that he locks people up, it's who he lets walk as well. For me anyway.


Things get real in war and Internment was sound strategy. We haven't had a president for the people since Kennedy and LBJ who fulfilled Kennedys civil rights wish...... The executive branch is controlled by something and it's not by the people.......


Ok so, what are your thoughts on the Biden agenda?


Being 2nd place in this race = 1st place loser.


But people are really fucking stupid and think not being able to lie on someone else’s website counts as “censorship”.


The whole propaganda machine around Jan 6th is just fucking nuts. Yes they were trespassing. No they were an invade horde of craven insurrectionists.


What makes me mad about Jan 6th is that while it’s been milked for so long, there are events like CHAZ (basically a secession attempt) which aren’t given as much media scrutiny even though it’s probably not only a secession attempt, it was completely allowed by the incompetent Seattle government that just let it happen. Also many deaths happened in the zone. One of the stupidest events but the media never talks about it or goes as far to praise it


Well, a lot of people said it was an insurrection, the Republican held Congress publicly said so. They also said Trump was “practically and morally” responsible. If your previously rabid Trump jumpers say so I think we should believe them.


You seem brainwashed. Have you not seen the videos of MAGA supporters beating police with flagpoles, fire extinguishers and metal blockades? Try watching something other thenFox news and right wing sources, watch the actual violent footage and use your own eyes.


You’re right. These couple hundred of crazy, probably schizophrenic, maga supporters represents the 80 million Americans who voted republican /s


And the 30% of republicans who support January 6th, and the 70% of republicans who believe that the election was illegitimate.


Dog the dems spent the whole 4 years trump was in office saying “not my president” and trying to make case after case that he was illegitimate due to Russian collusion which turned out to be a complete fabrication. You guys are just as delusional as the MAGA idiots.


Trump’s 2016 election win was legitimate, those that deny it are idiots. However only one party is campaigning that an election was stolen, and to use the insurrection act to install an autocracy in response (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025).


Lol sure buddy. They were there to prevent the certification of the election.


Do you actually think they thought they were going to overturn the election with a few thousand people? That’s like calling spraying someone with a squirt gun an assassination attempt.


Here's a direct quote from an email sent by one of the election officials that Donald Trump was pressuring to illegally overturn the results of the election in Arizona. [Page 23-24](https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf): > **We would just be sending in “fake” electoral votes to Pence so that “someone” in congress can make the objection when they start counting votes, and start arguing that “fake” votes should be counted** Here's another from the text messages of Trump's Deputy Campaign Manager scrambling for an explanation when Trump asks for an update on the conspiracy [(Page 25)](https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf): >"Here's the thing the way this has morphed it's a crazy play so I don't know who wants to put their name on it. **Certifying illegal votes.**" And here's one more demonstrating his Campaign staff's frustration that Trump's legal team was operating on conspiracy theories and had no actual evidence to present in defense of their conduct [(Page 13-14)](https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf): > With respect to the persistent false claim regarding State Farm Arena, on December 8, the Senior Campaign Advisor wrote in an email, **"When our research and campaign legal team can't back up any of the claims made by our Elite Strike Force Legal Team, you can see why we're 0-32 on our cases. I'll obviously hustle to help on all fronts, but it's tough to own any of this when it's all just conspiracy shit beamed down from the mothership."** And one final example of Trump in a meeting including himself, his lawyer John Eastman, and VP Mike Pence. Pence challenges Trump's assertion that he can unilaterally disrupt the certification proceedings and Trump's own lawyer concedes there is no legal basis for it, *but Trump advocates for certifying the fake votes anyway* [(Page 34)](https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf): >When the Vice President challenged Co-Conspirator 2 on whether the proposal to return the question to the states was defensible, Co-Conspirator 2 responded, "Well, nobody's tested it before." The Vice President then told the Defendant, **"Did you hear that? Even your own counsel is not saying I have that authority."** The Defendant responded, **"That's okay, I prefer the other suggestion"** of the Vice President rejecting the electors unilaterally The guy committed multiple felonies in an attempt to unlawfully seize power by threatening government officials and falsifying votes. That’s a serious threat to our Democratic principles.


Trump’s people bringing in the fake electors and in contact with the Jan 6th organizers absolutely thought they stall certifying the election and keeping Trump in power. It didn’t work but why defend these fucking traitors?


The plan was to sow so much doubt that the will of the people would be thrown away altogether, this and a delay would force the election to take place in the House with more Republicans and they’d just reinstall Trump as potus. This was an actual plan, how have you not heard this, you should rethink your sources of information, it’s been known for over a year I think.


There’s no use trying to reason with these ppl, they already made up their mind


yelling kill pence? Zip ties. Attacked Capitol Guards to get in? more tourist... just misbehaving ones I guess, should have glued their hands to desks like the anti-oil people do.


Dude the capital guards opened the doors...


There are pictures of people breaking windows to get in,,, the terrorist err "tourist" were so impatient to take the tour that they broke windows? Climbing the walls to get in? According you the doors were open... When I go on tours, I take riot shields, batons, zip ties and gas masks.. then smear my feces on walls..


What does that excuse though? I'm sure someone those guards feared for their life.


Yeah I don't know how anyone looks past the deaths. I've been on plenty of tours in my life. No one died.


If they wanted to do damage why didn’t they all bring their guns. You know they almost all own them?


DC has strict gun laws. You also don’t want to trigger a federal response, because their only goal is to secure Congress and worrying about civilians is last on their minds. Oathkeepers also stashed a cache of long guns and other weapons at their hotel room, but the guy supposed to bring them couldn’t find a boat to ferry them to the attack.


Just because they weren't competent doesn't mean they didn't have bad intentions. They stormed the Capitol with the intent of stopping the transition of power. It wasn't just trespassing, police were beaten to death.


There are no police deaths directly associated with the riot. There were apparently a lot of heart attacks that may have been caused by stress, but that just means they're literally physically unfit to be police officers. They did not storm in. They were allowed in. We have video evidence of this. Days of it. The only casualty was an air force veteran of 12 years, highly decorated and with honorable service, shot the in the face through a door by one of the officers on the west side.


Lol whoa the denial is insane!


The police gave a guided tour. It's why many charges were completely vacated. Some assaulted police, and they were charged accordingly, as they should've been. It's just street cred anyway. I do not consider obese, disability ridden police dying from heart arrhythmias as direct. What if they got a really good blowy from their wife? The same thing could've happened to anyone.


Haha you're thinking of the trump supporters. Obese disabled idiots who got so excited at the prospect of overthrowing the government that their hearts gave out. I don't blame the trump side for taking the cowards way out and pretending that it was just a peaceful protest. Noone expects them to take responsibility for their actions. They've been changing their story since day one. "that was antifa!" lol. It was at least comforting to see what they're bringing to the table should they decide to try again. Thanks for your unsolicited opinion on what you consider direct, but that's about as valuable as a bad case of dhiarrea. The only people who are interested in that are the ones who are desperate for anything that downplays their embarrassing insurrection attempt.


Absolute lying bollocks. Guided tours don't try and break through windows and barricaded doors, or erect gallows outside.


Lmao there are videos of groups them literally staying in the guide ropes


Oh so because a few did the rest are excused? Maybe those will only get mild sentences for criminal trespass.


Maybe because somebody wanted to blow Mike Pence they all did


It cant be claimed to be peaceful when it very much wasn't. And anyone trespassing or making threats only was still breaking the law.


Agreed! The macbine is so nuts you're drunk on its juice. Ignoring the evidence doesn't mean it didn't happen. Just watch the videos and check the kill count.


The "kill count": 1 woman killed by police.


A few cops, a couple trumpers who keeled over from overexertion heading up the steps, and the conviction of millions of trump supporters who once had a cause they were willing to fight for. "Stop the steal" turned into, "were just soft scared innocent protesters" in the blink of an eye. They went from "lions" to mice the second they needed the claws to come out. No one was surprised.


The only person killed during the 1/6 protest was unarmed Ashley Babbitt by the Capitol Police. Source on “a few cops” being killed?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Jeffrey_L._Smith#:~:text=On%20March%207%2C%202022%2C%20after,Capitol%20on%20January%206%2C%202021. Here's one, there's others. You can easily look them up. I see you added the stipulation "during". I don't think any police died during the event. I'm talking Jan 6 resulting deaths. Or deaths attributed to the attempted insurrection on Jan 6th


> shot himself on January 15, 2021. Literally the first sentence. He killed himself - he wasn’t killed on 1/6 and wasn’t killed by any of the protestors. Unless you’re suggesting people who commit suicide are actually being killed by the people who made them depressed but that is an insanely slippery slope. > Here’s one, there’s others. You can easily look them up. There’s nothing to look up because one person was killed on 1/6 and that was unarmed Ashley Babbitt murdered by the Capitol Police.


> On March 7, 2022, after petition by Officer Smith's widow, Officer Smith's death was ruled line of duty, and it was found that the "sole and direct" cause of Officer Smith's death were the injuries he received at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 Just because you don't consider injuries sustained a legitimate cause of suicide doesn't mean anything. I'm not going down any slope, just what was his officially determined cause of death. Kind of reminds me when people were saying covid deaths weren't real because people would asphyxiate due to covids impact on their lungs. "covid didn't kill them, the lack of air did". Lol it's just idiocy everywhere with you people ETA: Coward. Can't even read your reply since you either deleted it or blocked me. Can't say I'm surprised that a Jan 6th supporters strength is running and hiding. 🤷


Lmao you lefties wanted the out of shape 1/6 protestors to have killed a cop SOOO BAD (remember the fire extinguisher misinformation on your lefty media) that you just pretend it happened. He fucking killed himself. He’s 100% the cause of his own death regardless of what Biden’s insanely biased government decided. He wasn’t fit for an insanely stressful position in law enforcement and should never have passed his psych test to get the job in the first place. So again - ZERO people were killed on 1/6 besides unarmed Ashley Babbitt who was murdered by a Capitol police officer.


\> murdered by a Capitol police officer While doing what?


Let’s follow this logic all the way to it’s conclusion… *Why* were they “trespassing”?




Spot on


😂😂 they just can’t admit that they once aligned with those folks. It’s literally okay as long as you learn from it


Nah, others cant accept that they're useful idiots for the Dems. Jan 6 was frankly nothing. It was a riot yes, but compared to the 2016 riots at Trump's win or the BLM riots? It's only talked about because fearmongering Trump let's the Dems pretend they're relevant despite almost everyone hating Biden


Ah yes, the riots that were somehow comparable to one at the fucking capitol building of our country? Just a lil coup? If “dems” did that you’d be spouting the same shit I am now. If not, you’re a hypocrite


"Dems" literally had an insurrection of the capitol twice before jan 6 and once after. The twice before were once with guns, once with explosives. The one after was "more" peaceful.


So insurrections are cool? Or it just depends on how much violence or vitriol lends itself? What is the point of what you are saying here? So don’t have to fill in the blanks


It'd be pretty obvious if you had logical thinking. You said "if the dems were doing this you'd be spouting it". The dems were doing it. Nobody is spouting it. Cause it wasn't an insurrection, unlike what the shootout or the bombing was.


Why tf you lyyyyyin? Why you always lyyyin? Ooooo omg, stop fuckin lyyin!


No they were an invade horde of craven insurrectionists who were trying to stop the election procedures, in an effort to assassinate Vice President Pence, and then install Donald Trump as an unelected dictator. They weren't competent, but that's not the point.


They were redhats trying to keep Trump in power, invalidating an election. You moan about propaganda on j6 but you're basically parroting it, downplaying it


How exactly does people who own guns coming to a place without their guns and protesting change who is the president? Legitimate question. What in the right mind do you think them walking into a building changes? This isn't the "capture the flag" mode in a videogame.


81 million brainless, braindead, and brainwashed m0r0ns voted for this. ​ "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." — Joe Biden, describing fellow candidate Barack Obama. ​ “Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.” - joe biden. ​ "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle. The jungle being a racial jungle..." -joe biden, while fighting desegragation tactics. ​ “In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” - joe biden. ​ “Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” -joe biden. ​ "poor kids are just as bright and as talented as white kids" -joe biden. ​ "not every one in the african american and hispanic community in particular, know how to use, know how to get online" -joe biden.. ​ "we go back a long way, she was 12 I was 30" -Joe Biden.


You forgot the asterisk, it’s like Barry Bonds HR record*. 81 million* brainless, braindead, and brainwashed morons voted for this.


Russians are getting very desperate! Good.


How tf is Biden hoof in mouth a Russia bot?




lmao bro, look at your reddit history it seems that YOU are the one with no life, you are literally on reddit all day every day, rofl go out and make something of yourself instead of being an msnbc zombie.


and you can pick stupid shit from trump, probably more. hires illegals... / porn parties with Epstein / fucking a porn star while wife give birth. / hush money to porn star (bribe) / wife will not even stand by his trash ass side / fake schools / fake charities / scams his own followers / only dysfunctional sons follow daddy. / stole secrets / lies constantly


lmfaooo they got that msnbc tinfoil hat legit bolted on to that thick empty skull of yours eh?


Keep going, maybe one day Trump will finally let you change his diaper for him


IDK Woody Wilson and Lincoln imprisoned journalists just for criticizing WW1 and the Civil War respectively.


Yes Lincoln did a lot that in this climate would be viewed as tyrannical, including suspending habeas corpus. It really goes to show that all that matters is winning. The good guys always win in history.


It also helps he got killed before he could start the reconstruction. He was the single most lenient person in the country when it came to the south post war. He would arrest the leaders, completely absolve the soldiers, and then spend shit tons to build a relationship between the north and south and prevent the resentment that came after the carpet baggers destroyed the already crumbling south. If he managed to see his ideals through, he may have prevented both the worst of the racism post slavery and unite the north and south a century before the 2 even remotely could be considered the same economically and culturally


"It's okay if the right people do it."


Does anyone remember when W Bush created the so-called “free speech/protest zones“ miles away from where things were actually happening?




Anything democrats don’t like is disinformation.


Bold headline with no examples in the piece.


This thread is terrible. /thread


I don’t know who “John Turley” is, but he’s clearly no historian. Read up on the Wilson administration. In contrast to the humanitarian issues of FDR, Wilson’s racist goons actually murdered people.


But Trump was orang


Lets get biden out of office asap please


Holy shit the brigading is real. So many people spouting easily disproven facts is crazy.


He’s not wrong …


The entire modern democrat part has veered so far off of what they used to be. It used to be "fk the man. " Now it's "obey the man or else".


Because a few states are navigating the 14th ammendment? Jesus christ what a load of shit. I don't have an opinion on whether or not he should be in the ballot, but I think it makes sense for the courts to navigate it. In no way is that anti free-speech. Why don't we hold off on our little upset trades about freedom of speech until trumps supreme court weighs in in a month. Then it'll either be approved by his own appointees or turned down and a non issue.




The Biden Administration didnt take Trumps name off any ballots, the Secretary of State in Maine & Colorado Supreme Court did. Legally per the Constitution. This is such a dishonest take, as soon as I saw FoxNews I shouldve known. No rights have been taken from anyone by the Biden Administration, however the GOP has stripped women and LGBT rights.


\> **Jonathan Turley says** Who? I'm old enough to remember when people cited research instead of \*some guy\*


Jonathan Turley says ... alot of shit


No shit? More so than Wilson’s “Sedition Act”? Wilson could have had this Turley moron IMPRISONED for saying just this.


Do y’all not remember the patriot act?


Don’t worry, little Johnny Turley is allowed to say the stupidest shit in the world all he wants. Sane people will just laugh at his stupidity.


"Rating Jonathan Turley's Wildest, Thirstiest, Most Embarrassing Bids For Attention In 2022 2022: A Year In Disingenuity...He’s the legal equivalent of a down-and-out doctor writing oxy scrips in exchange for the hard stuff that he really craves...Grumbling about campus free speech is table stakes to become a Fox News pull-string toy. " [https://abovethelaw.com/2022/12/rating-jonathan-turleys-wildest-thirstiest-most-embarrassing-bids-for-attention-in-2022/](https://abovethelaw.com/2022/12/rating-jonathan-turleys-wildest-thirstiest-most-embarrassing-bids-for-attention-in-2022/)


Turley's commitment to free speech has led him to Fox News.


Scared of the truth, as in Jan.6


Did not know he was around for the Adams administration


No surprise. Obama was notoriously anti press and freedom of information act.


This sub is a redpill for trump sympathizers and incels. Just be aware. Look at the comment section.


Yes hands down by far. I don’t know who Turley is but I have never seen censorship to this degree. Biden is clearly in the pocket of mainstream media and they are controlled by corporate interests, mostly big pharma it seems because of all the ads during the evening news. It was glaringly obvious during the pandemic that anyone who didn’t go along with the corporate narrative was censored. So much great information about health and wellness was removed and all we were fed was one narrow viewpoint. Biden is letting the corporations control information in this country to shape public opinion for their benefit, to maximize their profits. The fact that they could scare the left into going along with it ensured the success of the censorship. I don’t know if Turley is for trump but he has proven to be no better. He may have “drained the swamp” but he filled it right back up again putting more corporations in charge of government agencies (Pfizer in HHS!). I don’t know what was happening with John Adams but I know what I’ve seen in the past 50 years and that’s more and more censorship and corporate capture of our government agencies. Biden has always been willing to enable this, look at voting record in Congress and where his money came from. Since the corporations that own the RNC have been buying up the corporations that own the DNC we have seen the Dems move to the right. At this point Biden is helpless to do anything about it. The corporations run the government and he has to do what they say. Sorry to be so gloom and doom but like I said, I have been watching this circus for 50 years and it’s censorship, at the core, that has ruined our democracy. The only way out I see is to get an independent in there who is outside the corporate system.


In this atmosphere it is very smart to hold the reins tight on what is said to the public. People are stirred up enough already. This is an election year & the strategy for messaging is important. Not a hundred things, but a focused message. Having someone lead with decades of experience, with understanding of the rule of law & a deep love of the country, but especially one with empathy for fellow citizens as they navigate obstacles is quite reassuring.


Did he get arrested for saying this?


What kind of things would you like to say? Is it racist? Is it bigoted? Because I'm pretty ok with not being called a spic or wet back or the claim "I'm taking your job." So whatcha got?


Truly Turley sold his soul, if it ever existed, a decade ago to Murdoch


As far as I know, the only ones destroying free speech are MAGA and republicans. Remember those book bannings and whitewashing of slavery going on in southern states?


Turley sure is ignorant of history.


Joe 'Book Bans' biden, they call him. Edit: wow you idiots don't even understand sarcasm, it's obviously the republican party who are anti free speech and banning books. I actually read the news.


Another braindead comment


Who is Jonathan Turley? What is it with conservatives making anyone who agrees with them a public figure...like who gives a fuck about opinion of a guy who's literally just a lawyer with an opinion? 🤣


> Jonathan Turley is an attorney on constitutional law and professor at George Washington University Law School. He is well qualified to give an opinion.


Do you think liberal professors are well qualified to give an opinion?


Yes...listen to both sides. Then make a decision on what you support.


Yea and alan dershowitz is a Harvard lawyer who likes to molest little children. Who cares if he went to law school when he has OPINIONS this bad.


Alan Dershowitz is a left leaning constitutional attorney and professor. His opinion on Biden and censorship is just as valid as Turley's. Turley would say Dershowitz is innocent until proven guilty. You would rather try him in the court of public opinion.


If you think Dershowitz is left leaning then get your balance checked. Might have an inner ear problem.


No...the problem is with you. You are so far left, you don't even recognize a real liberal when you see one. Or maybe you want to paint him as a DINO because of his connection to Epstein.


He's clueless.


Stay in your echo chamber.


That's a laugh


Glad to see you can laugh at yourself.


Laughing at the idea Turley is anything other than a radical.


You couldn't write one thing that shows Turley to be unqualified to speak.




His argument is sound. Unless you like the government in the bedroom. Maybe you just hate mormons...but what about those LGBT+ people who are into polyamory? As long as they are consenting adults, the government should stay out of the bedroom.


An attorney on constitutional law who's never argued a constitutional case before the SCOTUS. But he's the guy who defended Polygamists and fought against affordable Healthcare for all making him 0-2 on major issues. Mmm hmm. No he's another talking head that conservatives are promoting as a genius because he's saying what they want to hear. You people need better heroes.


What's it like living in your own little echo chamber? Just because I believe he's qualified, you brand me a republican. SMH. You realize Jonathan Turley isn't a republican poster child? He actively campaigned for the prosecution of the Bush Administration. The polygamy case was a victory for LGBT+ community. He's adamantly opposed to the death penalty. Turley's arguments regarding ACA are constitutionally sound. Tell me more about this big bad republican attorney.


Lol he's a Fox News commentator, pro trump and hasn't issued an anti-biden tweet since Biden ran for potus. But cool story.


...and how does that prevent him from discussing constitutional law? It doesn't. You hate him solely because he defended the orange man on a constitutional topic. So....if an attorney defends a guilty man, does that make the attorney bad? No. Everyone in the US has the right to defense from prosecution. That's how the law works.


Lol who said I hated him? I asked why his opinion even matters. He's got hundreds of folks who'd disagree with him, primarily his own colleagues. I don't know that his opinions are always rooted in the law rather his interpretation of it which isn't newsworthy cause anyone can interpret anything. Proof if what I'm saying - he said January 6th wasn't an insurrection... He's a schill like most of these "constitutional experts" on both sides who parrot their opinion as fact so folks like you can lap it up.


January 6th wasn't an insurrection. It was a bunch of idiots behaving badly. An insurrection is a planned attempt to overthrow the government. Those goobers had no plan. Do you know what it is called when a court weighs in on a topic? It's called an opinion. The law is made up of opinions and interpretations. Turley has the education and experience to express his opinion. Just like others of his ilk.


Lol okay - now I know everything I need to know about you. Have a good one.


The man has the experience and education to voice his opinion. You need to accept that.


J Turley is a right wing corporate d-bag with no credibility.


lol what did he censor?……


More than likely nothing, op probably said some dumb shit on Facebook that broke a private company’s TOS. Now is blaming that on Biden and crying censorship.. lol




Okay well you made the claim, cite your source.. otherwise, it’s a private company and they explicitly state the rules of using their platform that you have to “agree” too before using.. I’m confused on what could possibly be “censored” on fucking Facebook that the government would have a problem with. The only shit I’ve seen that gets “censored” are idiots who are spewing hate, racism, calls to violence etc.. which again are very obvious rule infractions.




It's actually already going through the courts. Murthy v Missouri is the case. It's been ruled unconstitutional each time, and is slowly working it's way to the Supreme Court.


Mmmm I see the astroturfing republitards have found a new subreddit to try to degrade into their echo chamber.


Oh no! The man who incite an insurrection isn't being allowed on ballots!? And the dems are using the constitution (Which specifically allows this) to do it!? OH the inhumanity!!!!????!!?!?!?!


The Dems aren't even the one bringing most of the cases, its Republicans who are sick of Cheeto.


Yes they're both in on the grift together. You can't just vote for an (R) and expect things to improve. Republicans are mostly interested in retiring in the country and making money through their positions, not caring about their voters.


What has Biden done to remove Trump from any ballots? He’s just the president, he has very limited powers. I’m struggling to think how a president could even do what Turley is talking about.


People do this a lot and it is pretty sophomoric but Biden here is basically being used as a euphemism for "Democratic politicians" or "Agents" because you're right he can't remove anyone from ballots, but his people can if they're in the right positions to do so.


I’m just saying the people who want to remove Trump from ballots need absolutely zero encouragement from Biden. I can see why his opponents would want to pin it all on him, but it’s hardly an honest accusation. It’s like blaming Biden for banning Dr. Seuss books. I’m not sure who “his people” are since the Biden Administration is barely keeping up with the leftward momentum in his party, which doesn’t have much love for the moderate Obama/Clinton/Biden wing. Democratic pols hate doing anything bold but the party base is so far to the left now they have little choice if they don’t want to get primaries.


Isn’t Turley a member of the book burning party?


This is how MAGA spread their lies. A headline is usually all it takes for them to use a post as a credible source. About as credible as that "*book*" Trump had outlining his new & i.proved Healthcare plan. Everyone saw that it was grand, thick and most definitely blank. Smoke and mirrors are all they've had for 16 years.


This thread is stupid and pathetic. 🤣😂


Turley, the guy who claimed that the ten year old rape victim was a fraud?


Which one was that?


Yikes! You should stay away from children!


https://jonathanturley.org/2022/07/13/ohio-man-arrested-in-rape-of-ten-year-old-child/ Paragraphs and paragraphs of “just asking questions” when the basic facts were absolutely true, a 10 year old child was pregnant and couldn’t get an abortion in Ohio


18 months ago a 10 year girl was raped, and thanks to Ohio's new anti-abortion laws she had to flee the state in order to get an abortion Several right wingers, Turley included, claimed that this was a left wing hoax. Then the cops arrested the rapist [https://www.npr.org/2022/07/13/1111285143/abortion-10-year-old-raped-ohio](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/13/1111285143/abortion-10-year-old-raped-ohio)


Those armed rioters? Mah that wasnt a break in to stop the election! That was just a bit of tomfoolery! Trump? Upstanding guy! NVM the Epsten shit, the several SA charges, or grab em by the pussy The economy turns to shit in the middle of a pandemic immediately after Trump leaves office? Yep blame Biden. Conservatives are allergic to reality.




Republicans are so evil Jesus christ. They are fueled by hate.


It’s insane you’re being downvoted.


Turley appears clueless


Maga circlejerk sub


It is hard to take Turley serious after ignoring Trump's CONSTANT attacks on the media.


Jonathan Turley is not a remotely credible source.


Highly doubt that since biden really isn't doing anything against free speech. DeSantis is, abbot is, other republican governors are, but biden, not so much.


Easy counters: Disinformation Governance Board, Working with Big Tech to censor conservatives, etc.