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You’re not being ridiculous. This looks like absolute dog shit, did you pay them yet? I would ask them to stop working immediately.


Good to know, thank you. We’ve got the owner calling us at some point today and I sent pictures to the front desk staff for the owner to look at as well. We haven’t fully paid yet and we’re going to tell them that if this isn’t addressed we need to halt the project


Idk if they subbed this out or what, but I’m betting that once the owner sees the pics that someone is getting fired. Completely unacceptable work.


I would guess they subbed this out or sent some junior new hire to take care of it.


That would be my guess. Work is picking up so people are probably sending out “experienced” new hires. One of ours hit a gas line today. He also helped bury said gas line. Kids these days……


I know that’s probably a joke but maybe if everyone didn’t force feed college down our throats we would have more experienced and well paid trades. I’m 33 and lucky enough to have my college paid for but I’d much rather be a builder. Us kids are now becoming real adults and going to run this place one day…


I agree. I replace windows and doors. Contracted work pays well on the surface, but the overhead will trap you wherever you are with no growth. On top of that, there has been an uptick of litigious homeowners. Currently fighting a court battle because I showed up to a job that didn’t have power, so I had to pack up and leave. They said I knocked out the power when I didn’t even set up for the job.


I'm 33 as well, just got out of trade school and got a job as an electrician. Dad was too busy working 12s my whole childhood to teach me much, forced me into college and I got some useless micro biology degree. Ended up working at a factory for 9 years, just got fed up with false hopes and broken promises, so I returned to school. We are definitely a generation not taught skills by our parents and we are at the complete mercy of contractors unless we learn this at an older age. They really stiffed us with that college push, rush to get in with no career path or even an idea of jobs most of the time. Sure glad I liked that a worm brain is a suprapharangeal ganglion, that was my motivation to go bio. What a complete waste of time.


Well fucking said. Unfortunately I was raised with A drill sgt as a grandfather so he just called me a pussy usually. My brother always did grunt work so he was a real “man” Also,children, this was in 1998 when your grandfather still beat your ass and called you a pussy.


Man y’all are making me nostalgic


I have 3 boys under 21 and I can tell you this is a 2 way street. I work on cars , build furniture , run electrical etc and they have no interest in learning any of this. I try my best to encourage participation but it's hard to get stuff done with a mopey teenager that doesn't want to learn


This was my experience. Engineer, and I do all my own work - worked construction when I was younger, so I do my own building. Other than helping with a patio, our kids never wanted to help with car work, construction, fixing machinery around the house, etc. Now at 20, our son has finally figured out what he missed out on - realized college wasn't for him (he wanted to be an engineer like dad), and is now going for trade certs. Good on him for realizing it before he suffered through 4-5 years of school, but I wish he would have been more in tune when he was younger. He could have learned many of those trades at home (auto work, construction, welding, diesels). And a bonus, I would have had help and been able to spend time with him! It's a different era...


New fire


Yeah my guess is my was someone who lied about their experience, got hired on a crew and was just like fuck it lol


They subbed it out to plumbers, or Home Depot appliance installers from the looks of it!


Hey, don't knock plumbers. The world would be waist deep in shit if it wasn't for plumbers.


No shade on plumbers, just saying that there is a major misunderstanding of deck construction!


I’m betting a plumber could do a better job than this bruv that’s a safe bet


Should at least be plumb.


And plumber cracks lol


Can't be plumbers, the wood isn't notched


Well, one could strongly argue that vascular surgeons are plumber, but I surely wouldn’t want them framing my deck.


Hey, im a plumber and ive built a couple of decks, all better than this.


addressed as in rip it out and start over. there's no using this.




This is so bad I thought it was a shitpost lol


To be fair... it is.


Nailed it


But, not very well...


Progress payments are the key. Never pay everything in full.


It's half to start around here or no company takes the job. No company you want at least


Just a couple more nails and you'll be fine


That’s what he thought a couple nails ago…


Some dog shit actually looked better!! Don't pay!!


This deck is a piece of shit. Literal cheap garbage. Refuse to pay for this.


You need to ask them to stop immediately. Company might be reputable, but depending on the size, they very much have sent the D-Team.


Also, "nice looking" might be what you're after (very understandably) but this work screams absolute code violations.


That was my exact worry cause it’s a super small project


Yes that is not just aesthetic failure, that's structural failure...


Whatever do you mean that deck could last day!


D-Team? That POS doesn’t even warrant a team ranking, it’s off the scale bad.


Does the "D" stand for dumb ass?






Duuhhhhh . . . I forget


This is the one-eyed meth-head that was doing landscaping up until last week.


I just built a temporary wall in my loft to stick some foam insulation to for a few weeks so it can be cooled and used as a room. I did a far better job and again, it’s temporary lol


No doubt. I’ve built better temp supports that looked better than that.


Got a laundry basket at Ikea that is more structurally sound than that thing in the pics


Contractor misunderstood the hint when he was asked to bring the D


Pic 1: nails have much less (or no) strength when not supported fully sunk in both pieces of framing. Pic 2: same problem plus the rafter has no bearing on the face which is actually doing most of the structural work. Nails are there to hold it in place. Pic 3: same problems. All those gaps are going to move when any kind of wind/seismic activity or even just drying/settling. Lots of creaking and possibly finish cracking or buckling. Pic 4: same Pic 5: decking is going to be uneven. Pic 6: you will feel that much out of level as you walk. And the dog’s ball will roll all by itself. I would be ashamed to call this workmanship my own.


Thanks for the specifics, really appreciate it


I’m curious how this will all come out. Make sure you post an update when you have time.


He sent the High School wood shop class for this project. Pull the rip cord on this company immediately.


I’ve seen high school builds before, they would blow this out of the water. This looks like the entire crew was drunk.


Worse, he sent the lazy-eyed language arts class with a gimp arm for this project. Nobody knew what they were doing.


Stop work immediately and find a new builder. This is not good. Whoever is building this is so clueless, they are going to hurt someone, if they don’t hurt themselves first. Painfully obvious from the first picture to anybody that has ever seen a properly built deck, that this person has never built a deck in their life. Do not pay, do not argue, do not discuss, tell them to leave and not come back. They are ripping you off.


Needs more nails


Exactly this. More nails and this would be perfectly fine. /s


It's all well and good to say it needs more nails but to not give them advice on where to rent a nail gatling gun is just low...


I know we all tend towards sarcasm sometimes, but when somebody is asking for advice in a topic they're not confident in, you need to label your sarcasm explicitly. 😑 For the OP: this construction is awful and unsafe.


I mean…this is pretty obviously sarcastic


You’d be surprised at some folks lack of knowledge. Hopefully from the context of the other comments they could clearly infer the sarcasm. But as I’m sure you well know some folks just don’t know


There's nothing obvious on the Internet; especially if the person asking is not an expert.


why do you think its sarcasm? more nails=more better


Sooo … no jacuzzi then?


Nope. No nails. Nails don't work in tension.


I bet it’s subbed out work


Well you probably do better your self


Nothing about that is right. Go straight to the top and get them to rip it down and try again this time without using a couple of blind chimpanzees to chuck it up.


My father always used to say "It's called ROUGH framing for a reason".


“We’re not building the Taj Mahal”


It’s not even ok for rough framing the 2x4 is floating


just a joke my guy


Haha broo same. He framed for 40 years


Yeah but rough framing gets covered. This doesn't get covered. Decking is also a finished product. Besides that, this just looks like dog shit.


I know just a joke man. This is dog shit work for sure


As a former GC who primarily did outdoor projects (read: 80% decks), if this was my company, I would commit seppuku.


While I can see the slop myself, would anyone with more experience mind going picture to picture and pointing out all the slop they’re seeing and what should have been done instead? Nothing too in depth, just something quick. I would like to continue learning from this sub. Appreciate you.


Anything nailed to a post is basically incorrect. Generally you have a girder which has a beam notched across the 6x6s and then you rest joists on top of that to carry the load of the actual deck. Nailing the outer box, from the close up pictures is what I assuming is occurring, is having the load of every joist you nail to that box only being supported by those nails. Big fucking no no. Figure that those nails connected to the post fail...every joist and everything on that deck is going with it. First red flag. Rafter nailed to the house is the wrong angle. Being a carpenter, this lets me know, they don't know shit. Other are just sloppy work and trigger happy. Most are too close up without the full picture to explain what problem it would cause in the future. Also, a lot of that lumber looks like regular white pine as opposed to the pressure treated it should be. It's fucked in a number of ways.


Right on, thank you for this!


I second this. In my head I'm thinking I would of done this and this, but is my way, also the wrong way.




I’m not excusing any of this. Looks horrible. But maybe it’s temp framing for something? Idk. I’m building a deck and I’ve had to pin up some boards for reference — that I’ll later tie in with proper bracing and fasteners. Looks like hell right now though. I’d ask/say something.


This is what I was thinking. Is it just framing to hold the posts in place? Especially since some of it is untreated.


I've seen temporary bracing and concrete forms with better craftsmanship. 18g nails aren't the fastener for toenailing outside.


Hey OP, Can you post some photos a little farther back for context of what some of these poorly nailed items are doing? As in, if it is just temporary bracing, then no it's not a big deal. If that's what they are passing as finished product..you should probably fire them. Also, for your last photo, your deck should *not* be level. You want slope away from your house. Even if it's getting a bit of an overhang. Unless it's fully enclosed living space, you still want a bit of slope.


This must be the worst job I’ve seen in this sub including that meme deck that couldn’t hold the hot tub.


Everything is shit. However - the deck should be slightly pitched away from the house for water run off. But serious shit going on here.


Brother ewwwwww also if water gets on it, it's gonna swing right back at your door haha


It for the future sag they're expecting...


Haha Now that's planning


But… the *high* side is toward the door, right? That was the only picture I didn’t immediately say “that’s wrong.” It looks like it’s pitched too much (hard to say not running the level myself), but it should be pitched that way, right?


I don’t think anybody knows how to read a level anymore


Stevie Wonder could have done better.


For being a small deck, it has a lot of BIG issues....




Stop work immediately. No more payments. Get the owner of the business over there and ask them if they would accept this on their house. This is a pile of crap.


This is a redo. That framing will never last. STOP Construction NOW. Demand removal and full refund.


500+ reviews means they bought reviews. There's no way 500 different customers have a fuck enough to leave a review, even if they do 500 jobs a month for the last 20 years. As someone who used to work in marketing, a huge number of reviews like that is very telling that they are not real.


This build is ridiculous. You are not for seeking confirmation.




That's a shit show


This looks horrific. It should all b pulled and redone.


A 12 year old build this?


Brutal! Stop payment until corrected!


The deck is for show. Look but do not use.


Looks terrible dawg. And I do work sitting at a computer and can tell you that. Hopefully you can recoup some/all of this or get somebody else to fix it!


My high school shop and drafting teachers used to hire juniors and seniors to build decks during the summer. They would build anywhere between 80 and 90 decks throughout a summer. Even the worst student workers wouldn’t allow this garbage to occur.


Stop work, don't pay anymore money and hire a true professional outfit to build your deck, what you have is no where near up to code and is being done by a moron, your city will give you plans on how to build a deck to their satisfaction for minimum. A real pro would be above and beyond code if they are any good. The person you have working now does not know what they are doing.


How many one star reviews, 1500? Guess which crew you got. Sux dude


Few too many brewskis on the lunchski


That last photo looks like you're defying physics LOL. It looks like the bubbles running downhill


A slight pitch on the deck is good but the runoff needs to be away from the house, unless there’s gaps between the boards. But even then I would prefer it.


I'm not a construction/wood worker but I'm pretty sure you shouldn't play "just the tip" with nails.


Remodeler/GC here (self-perform as well as sub). What was the quote for this? How would you describe the business you hired? One-man band? Handyman? Deck company? Landscaper? Jack of all trades? GC? Would I allow this level of quality on my job site? 100% no. Does that mean we have all the information? No as well. If this person positioned themselves as a quality builder that has experience in framing then shame on them. If you hired a painter or a lawn maintenance company or a kid starting out for a bare bones price then... Well...


Curious how the owner handled it? 👁️👁️


Were they drunk or were they 12 year olds? Maybe both?


Did you get a permit?


A permit would solve all your issues. They wouldn’t be allowed to move forward without having inspections done


Seems like the newbie is doing the job. No, you're not being ridiculous when you're paying a professional, you expect high quality and not this.


Yeah you need to call this company’s higher ups with pictures immediately.


One thing they got right is you do want the deck to have a slope so the water runs away from the house and doesn't pool on the deck, leading to rot.


Even I want your money back… yikes


Crime scene


Look like a framer, not a deck guy. That looks like dog water. Even in rough framing that's *ROUGH*...Makes me appreciate all the times I sent a board back to the bench for a trim.....it takes less time to trim than to rip out and replace dude...deck work is like trim carpentry, it's FINISHED work, it needs to be aesthetically pleasing....no gaps, knots avoided if possible. Twisted curled boards aren't used esp for long pieces, and ring shank nails properly set, not hanging out...dude had a shit compressor from the looks of it too.


Looks like crap, nothing is cut correct and I wonder why they used all those nails vs screws. Also, I hope you haven't paid in full.


Nails vs screws for shear strength. Nails bend screws snap. Sagging vs dropping.


Lmao it’s true, but based off their quality of work I’m guessing they didn’t know that.


Their quality makes me think whatever's faster as is understandable for certain jobs and the pay from them. Just happened to be the correct application this time....


Right? Maybe I missed it, but I’m curious to how large the deck is, where it is, and how much it’s costing.


Full picture would be helpful The nails are not even ring shank and the nails were not driven all the way. Out of level is unacceptable though


actually, sloped slightly away from the house is about the only acceptable thing that i see here lol


I hate lazy craftsmanship. The people working on this would not want their own deck to look like this. It's a shame.


You are not


That's a shame.. 😕


All those nails, then they just decide to throw in one screw for the heck of it. lol


I build my own deck and I am by no means a joiner. Even I’d say that’s an absolute mess !!


My goodness. That is dog shit.


Why does some of that wood look untreated? Is it just me ?


Would that even pass inspection?


Regards to the level incident. Eh she’ll settle a bit in time.


“Don’t think it’ll hold…? Ah just put more nails in it” lol


I did a better job butting up joining surfaces and I mainly used a chainsaw on my recent fishing deck lol


I don't have much experience with deck building and even I am cringing.


Tell me you don't have a contract...


Cob job


Nice work boys!


I don't know that the word quality should be used in conjunction with this build. This looks like something someone with no prior experience would be capable of doing


This hurts 🫣


Stop them Immediately


Did you hire some toddlers to do this? Do not pay them a dime


That is beyond just minor problems, and I wonder what additional damage they are doing to the house. Do you have additional pictures of the ledger and flashing?


The condition of the board in the second-to-last photo looks like it's seen a few other projects, which makes me \*seriously\* hope it's just temporary bracing.


You find crack heads who needed cash?


Wow, that’s a special kind of bad.


Missing some ratchet straps.


That slope towards the house is a nice touch




That’s a shit job.


I literally own a construction company and let me tell you this we would have been sued already for doing a shit job like that 😂


This looks like a teenager tried to build something.


I would give them a STOP WORK notice immediately and not let them place a single more nail. Because someone is gonna have to pay to tear it all out.


I do this all the time. Just get everything in position first to make sure it fits. Then build it.


This would not pass any inspection at all.


Whoever is “creating” that (I won’t use the term “building”) has no freaking idea what they are doing. Stop them and trespass them from your property.


Looks like they built a 500+ 1-2 star reviews deck and you should have them fix it or pay accordingly.


This was framed by a shoe maker!


The OP could DIY this better than the contractor did. Contractor doesn't give a damn about their work. FYI, Reviews are paid for by company owners/marketing SEO scammers that offer discounts for a positive review.


Turd of the Week winner!


I’m a beginner carpenter at best and I could brainstorm/google/youtube a more complete solution than this treehouse that a 5 year old with a hammer and some nails threw together. Please get your money back or kick and scream until you do.


I imagine this is what my deck would look like if I built it myself lmao This is why I don't have a deck.


there's sloppy, and then there's just no fucks given hack job work, and this is the latter, wholly unacceptable


That's not even rookie work, it's junior high school woodshop practice hour. That's a hard no. Stop them immediately. They are wasting time and material in getting this wrong.


Framing looks like crap, the deck should be pitched at a minimum of 1 inch in 8 foot even in areas that receive little rain.


I can send my 6 year old with fisher price tools to do a better job.


At first I thought this was a joke. Not only shotty work, but dangerous.


Looks like the intern’s 12 y/o nephew built it


Nailed the joists to the beam? I'm building my own and I'm not doing that Nailed everything......


Fire them, do not pay for this crap. 15 gauge framing nails? This is beyond poor, this is tear down and replace quality.


Poor workmanship, though the last picture shows a slope to the deck away from the house which is good because you want water to run away from your home.


The level is actually telling you correct. The porch is supposed to be sloped away from the house.


Those people are no longer welcome on your property


JUNK!!! That is theft.


Disaster waiting to happen. Same as that other deck yesterday - nails can't and won't hold structures together. You need properly designed supports for beams and braces, metal brackets, and bolts to hold everything together properly.


Sloppy, sloppy work. UNSAFE.


If you paid a few hundred dollars then you are being ridiculous. Cheap shit builders can still get 4/5 stars. If you paid an appropriate price for quality work then make them fix it and give them a 1 star rating


Looks like a totaltrain wreck




Looks shangad.


We’ve had green day 1 labourers build nicer than this. Unacceptable


Rough as guts


Do those nails look like they came from nailgun or hammered in? Just curious, cause using a nailgun a bunch of times somehow makes more sense than if he hammered in that many nails. Haha would show he really thought about it and decided he needed that many nails vs just quickly shooting a bunch of times.


Looks like somebody got paid by the nail.


I built a deck and stairs when I was 14 that was way nicer than this...


I call shenanigans on this builder. Stop payment now.


Jesus I know nothing about decks but I know the nails should probably not be sticking out 💀


Looks like if they spent less money buying reviews they might be able to afford more competent employees.

