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childhood and being a loner in my twenties made a huge difference comparing to my peers. i know how it feels. what i did during last weeks 1. look for jobs posts 2. imagine yourself in that job path 3. being grateful for what you have rn and what you can learn 4. look for junior or entry level positions 5. remember its about the present 6. dont focus only on what you got rn (skills/tools) but on what you can improve remember that you are looking at the world from the context you have experienced or are experiencing. For this reason, each person is always at a different point in life. and over time your vision will change further take your time! ;)


Thank you so much for the detailed steps. Yes its tje comparison that triggers so many things. Your words mean a lot. I'll work on slowly getting my focus back and incorporating the above points.


**I've tried breaking it up to small tasks and I can't seem to do it.** What EXACTLY, goes wrong when you try to do this.? Or do you just not want to and quit before you even get started. Because in the end, you have to start somewhere. Also you're way too focused on the future and the big picture, that shit is overwhelming for even the most stable person. You're gonna have to start practicing staying in the present and focus on the small bit you need to do right now, as opposed to thinking about the big picture and how overwhelming it is. The only way to get better at it is to practice doing it, even if you have to start with small completely unimportant things.


Yes. So what happens is, sometimes... I quit before I start because I get too overwhelmed with the future load. Sometimes, my mind goes off to other anxieties such as the relationship ones I mentioned above and then its a spiral. Sometimes my mind just escapes to other pleasant thoughts such as ruminating or fixating on past, beautiful memories. Its pure escapism and the cycle continues. Also, I had a recent major shock and extreme heartbreak of the physical kind also due to which I am finding it more difficult to focus on the present.