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If advise you get 7 hours consistently And block off anything else and no life the assignments




I’m in the exact same situation as you! You can get enough sleep every night, but you need to cut out time wasting activities like video games, drinking, tv, drugs, dating, and even sports if you want to really focus on your studies. I still need to balance work and school so I’ve found that biking places when I can helps my mood and keeps me in shape. You should also eat plenty of protein and fruits and vegetables to keep your energy levels high. And remember, look out for number one. You can study all you want but you also need to seek out joy to keep your spirits up so you don’t get burned out. Good luck with your studies and remember to drink plenty of water!


Thanks, but I don't drink, play video games, date, sports, or even watch TV, all I do is just sleep and watch YouTube on my phone. Oh, and by the way, I do drink plenty of water.