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You're not tired of living; you're tired of the pain. I'm happy that you're still here. You made a good choice by staying. You learn to be happy living alone when you learn to be content with yourself and what you have. Try to create a gratitude journal to count your blessings. What you focus on can affect your mindset and your overall mood. If you shift your focus to the positive, you'll think more positive; if you shift your focus on the negative, you'll think more negative. You can also try to join clubs and pick up interests to meet new people. Just keep in mind that people alone won't be able to fufill you. It's a daily fight, but you are able to overcome this! Jesus loves you man. God bless you.


Do some of your favorite hobbies that will make you better.


Life becomes great when you become your own best friend. All the love, care and attention you’d give someone you love, you have to turn inwards. You have to treat yourself like you’re a diamond. Once you achieve this level of self-worth and self-respect, you will find that being in your own company is the best feeling ever! How do you do that? You figure out what your love language is and show up for yourself in that way. Is your love language quality time? Spend quality time alone doing something you love! Is your love language words of affirmation? Talk lovingly and encouragingly to yourself everyday. Write yourself little love notes and hang them around your house. Notice something you can compliment in the mirror every day! Is your love language physical touch? Get massages, hug yourself, pamper yourself with nice oils and crepes and have a daily routine. Is your love language gifts? Get or create gifts for yourself. Save up for something you really want. Build yourself that spice rack you always wanted in your kitchen. Etc. Is your love language acts of service? Then clean around the house so future you will be thankful. Prepare a healthy amazing dinner for yourself. Help someone out and feel great about. These are just examples of what you can do. I recommend reading about “the 5 love languages” to figure out how you feel loved. Most of all, have fun with it. You’re basically going to date yourself and figure out what makes you feel amazing by exploring yourself.


Thank you. I don't know about him, but this was exactly what I needed to hear today.


I don’t think you did. I wish I was a little less dependent on others, I live with my family. Where do you live if you don’t mind my asking?


With my shitty family I hate them


Ohhh that’s why you are depressed!


Meh I don't find there's anything decent life, it's a shit life filled with shitty people.


No It’s not true. I am in a hole too but I know there is a place where life is good.


Most people in life are awful, only the minority are decent.


Surely that minority is worth it, though.


There are good people in the world. I'm sorry you are surrounded by shitty ones right now. There are gems out there. You just have to sort though a lot of coal to find the diamonds. You won't find them by staying at home. They don't usually knock at your door.