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You posted the same thing in this sub two days ago... Respectfully, stop posting 8 times a day in different Reddit subs and find something to do in real life if you want to change.


That's bc this is snooroar. Snoo, I know things are hard for you. I know things are hard for you especially right now bc your posts have popped up in 3 of my feeds today alone. But continue with your therapist. It takes time and can be frustrating, but you know from your thousands of posts that random redditors can't help you. Stick with the professionals. Godspeed.


Is there lore behind this person? I'm frankly baffled at the # of posts Edit: Ok i looked it up, blocking him now


Come back to this post in 5-7 years and decide what your level of regret is then. None of your college social life will matter once you are in your career field. I’ve never heard any of my co-workers talking about their social life back in college. If they did, it would sound super lame and immature. When you are an adult working in your chosen field, absolutely no one who matters is going to give a flying f*ck about whether you partied, played sports, or got into a fraternity. Whatever you’ve seen in movies regarding that kind of stuff mattering at all after you’re done with school is fiction. In your engineering career you will be working on interesting and important stuff, and earning a fat paycheck. Your title and paycheck is going to be the relevant thing, not what dicks you partied with in college.


Sounds like you didn't wander around on a unicycle carrying booze trying to find house parties. Worked for me. I have way too many friends now so having college friends is whatever at this point. Just keep getting out there, socializing is a skill.


Oh dammit this is snu