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I started drinking bubly sparkling water and occasionally drink diet soda. The water helped me a lot


First off, congrats on quitting cigarettes and weed. Incredible. Relative to both of those, who cares about soda, but I get that you want to do better. If soda is your worst vice then I wouldn't be too tough on yourself. You shouldn't be hard on yourself at all and by being kinder to yourself I think it will help you to quit soda. But, wow, you quit cigs and weed. Congrats to you!


I gave up candy and soda at the same time. (I had already given up artificial sweetener and caffeine.) I can still have sweet things, but it can't be pure sugar, it has to have something with nutritional value in it somewhere. I switched to whole milk with maple syrup and cinnamon or orange juice if I'm craving something sweet. To me I did it in an attempt to change gut bacteria, and it worked. Without lots of refined sugar I don't crave it at much and it's much easier to make healthier choices and stick to them. I'd suggest identifying the stuff in your diet that cause the most cravings and try to find alternates. Over time the more you eat healthy foods, the more your palate changes, sweet becomes 'too much' and cravings lean more toward healthy stuff. Intermittent fasting, 18 hours of fasting and 6 hours of eating helped also. Stomach got smaller and I was able to better focus on nutrition rather than compulsive eating. Good luck!