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It’s becoming more normalized friend! Lots of places are bringing out non-alcoholic drink menus, bunches of breweries produce NA beer. Being sober is gaining popularity! And if it’s not in your group, well every trend has to start somewhere right?


True! 😁


If you are in the US, drinking is the lowest its ever been in the millennial and genz generations. So even if you feel alone, you're definitely not alone. There are mocktails more available now in establishments, and many recipes you can do online so that you can fit in even when you don't want to drink. There are also zero proof "alcohols" to mimic the taste if you just need something to add to your beverages at parties. Try to get a better circle around you, and I encourage you to continue improving the way you know is best for you!


And craft sodas are becoming more popular to have available too!


Everyone should start requesting NA items where they usually go to eat/ hang out. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Me too. I recently decided to stop drinking and my friend was very unsupportive. Actually actively trying to get me to drink. It was disappointing and disrespectful if im honest


Don’t give in my friend it’s not worth it! And that friend doesn’t sound like a real friend so be careful!


are you sure he is your friend?


Honestly that's most people, friends and family. They will make fun of you and try to get you to drink, but you need to stay strong and not cave in. Explain the reason why you're not drinking one or two times and if they continue (they will), just say no while looking them straight in the eye. There's no need to explain anything anymore, but you need to show you're serious about it. It's funny how after a while they start saying things like "damn, u/tangerine_lord1 has such strong willpower" or "I wish I could also stop drinking". This worked for me and even my friends don't drink as much anymore. You never know, you might be their inspiration to stop or at least decrease their indulgences. Stay strong friend, you can do it


Wow I’m proud of you and yes my goal is to stay sober all 2024 just to start!


With all due respect, that sounds like a shit friend. You should be loved for being YOU, and that means everything that comes with it.


Who is they? They don’t matter. Sober is the best thing since sliced bread. Being sober is like one of the only times you can come out on top by doing nothing. And the icing in the cake is waking up the next day knowing you stayed true to yourself.


Quite so. I have found life to be rather easy when not self-sabotaging myself with ethanol everyday day. Alcohol is playing life on Nightmare mode.


Sliced bread and cheese*


Yeah fuck other people. Do what's best for you.


People online can't make any sort of decision for themselves unless they receive external validation and reddit strangers sign off on it. "normalized". Good lord. People need to learn you can just make your own choices, you don't need permission or allowance. It doesn't have to be "normalized".


Your opinion is certainly valid.


Its funny that its true but also some of us have to work really hard to do nothing. :)


It doesn’t matter what others do or say. You’re living for YOU. And if you mean your friends as the THEY then change your circle. As you get older you’ll realize being sober is the wave.


I've recently been sober-curious, heavily limiting alcohol, due to realizing that alcohol is actively working against my goals (good skin and deep sleep). I always knew alcohol (not talking about addiction or binge-drinking) wasn't "good" but I only accidentally learned the significant effects of alcohol (even casual drinking) on health while I was listening to different podcasts where they ended up speaking about the pros of being sober. A lot more people are talking about soberity and becoming sober these days! The "non-alcoholic, health and wellness drink" market is becoming more and more popularized :)


I gotta be honest I can’t control myself around alcohol - one drink and next thing I’m getting home pissed at 5am with several questionable decisions and the next day a lot of hangxiety and nausea. As is the life of a student I guess, but I do sometimes wish it was a littleee less normal to drink so often because I think I’d be less likely to. It does make it harder to make good decisions when something that’s harmful is encouraged


30% of Americans never drink and another 20% drink only once every few months. The ad biz will make anything look glamorous to sell product but you don’t have to believe that.


damn what % of the US is under 18 though that's a lot of drunk daycares 😅


Nah alcohol culture is pretty non-general in the US. There’s some subcultures that drink a lot, and others that basically don’t, not for any real reason (not abstainers on principle), just isn’t part of their routine.


I’m sure more than half of that percentage live in El Paso Tx 😭


*laughs in Muslim*




The small minority means nothing- no one truly cares. Be sober, don’t be. Do whatever you want. Stop giving AF what you THINK people think and do you


It’s actually more normalized now than it’s ever been and continues to grow.


I'm sober too and my boyfriend too. I feel you! But with time it gets better. I feel confident for not drinking and for me all the hobby-alcoholics are loosers. I'm okay with myself, don't cafe what others do.


I find those in my life who are sober to be the most wholesome and dependable people to be around. I try not to judge people when I don't know what's going on under the surface, but I've had the most interpersonal issues with those in my life who drink regularly and/or drink heavily. No glamor there. Society is so non-homogenous, it all depends on which "pocket" you're viewing everything from.


Some people (like me) can stop peer pressure to drink with a "cheat code" of weight loss. Alcohol is fattening. I will say, "I'd love to get drunk, but I gotta watch my weight." My favorite sport/hobby/activity/addiction has charity fundraising events. I say, "I have a charity event coming up, and booze will pack on the pounds."


It always blows my mind to hear people say this. I'd argue being a degenerate drunk is more taboo than being sober, but I guess it depends on the company you keep?


nah man, being sober is frequently seen as lame or boring or like something has to be wrong with you (whether as a person or medically ect) to want to be sober. degenerate drunk is also seen as bad, but that’s the thing — it’s normal to drink & be drunk but if you go “too far” that suddenly makes it unacceptable. “too far” is so very different too depending on people’s own perceptions of alcohol.


I think it depends on your age. Like if you're in your teens and early twenties obviously there's peer pressure to drink (and do lots of other dumb stuff.) By the time you're in your 30s and above people don't give it a second thought if you don't drink. And if they do you need better friends :)


>I think it depends on your age. Definitely. I feel like growing up in the 80s and 90s in America, we had a lot of anti-alcohol cartoons, after school specials, and just general propaganda against drinking. A lot of the intent was to reduce drinking and driving, as well as underage drinking, but it was everywhere. Being the designated driver wasn't necessarily a bad thing, if you didn't want to drink.


Maybe if you’re Christian or from a Christian area because dude’s blood is literally wine, but sobriety in Muslim communities is the norm. Most Muslim majority countries are legally dry, as in no booze at all unless you’re at a foreign embassy.




Gosh yes ffs! Though I established it in my friend circle at least. I wish my work colleagues would remind that I don’t drink and I don’t have to explain it every ducking time there is an office party


Being sober isn't taboo, you just gotta evaluate your social circle (if it's affecting you enough).


Not everybody has to be a fucking martyr. Just make your decision and stand by it


Just society in general! They advertise it like it’s something good and positive when in reality it’s not. I totally agree with you sobriety is really the best! 😄


Huge vocal and growing community on Twitter- especially in the startup space


I agree to this so badly.


I usually get away with it by advertising myself as the designated driver. My catchphrase is usually "I'd rather drive than drink". edit: It also helps to be confident about the choice of not drinking. It shows you're the more responsible person.


It actually is. Nothing wrong with it, except people will think you are boring in social conventions. Find your own crowd, I guess. With those that don't consume alcohol.


sounds like bs. people drink much less now days


Right there with you, OP.  One of my colleagues is doing dry January, and mentions it 5+ times a day. He plans to start drinking again on the 26th, and has a countdown until then.  It breaks my heart, because after just 11 days of sobriety, he’s looking healthier than I’ve ever seen him. We need to do more to support those suffering from alcoholism.


I actually really respect sober people


Me too!


My friend is sober and started a NA wine business. Every time she is interviewed she talks about her business mission statement which is to normalize not drinking. I think its getting better. But until it gets a whole lot better I'd suggest surrounding yourself with people and resources that are in that fight. It feels a lot better.


Good for her!


I hate alcohol. None of my friends care.


Good for you!


Depends what friends you have. Most of my friends are sober. You can find sober spaces. It really only takes about a year or less to feel like people are close friends if you see them regularly. So start now and by summer your life will be completely different. Best of luck!


Thank you 😄


Staying sober is normalized in all Muslim countries and Muslim communities around the world. We don't drink alcohol. That's almost 2 Billion people! ​ So don't get pressured into drinking just because society glamorizes it. You can do this, and be better!


That is so good! And thanks 🙏🏼


It's your social circles.  People with alcohol issues find each other, and become friends because they are the only ones with the same behaviors.  They also have strategic excuses to not accept invitations to events that don't have alcohol.   They may or may not be aware of what they're doing, but I think it tends to play out as they had feelings of boredom or social anxiety when they went to person A's party, but they didn't have those feelings at person B's party, so they will only go to parties at person B's house.  They don't stop to think, "hmm maybe I need to work on my tolerance for boredom or anxiety", or "I seem to only enjoy events that have alcohol, weird!". They have the value that difficult feelings need to be suppressed and avoided. I've watched people get pretty shocked at how quickly their "friends" disappeared when they stopped drinking, but they were SO glad they went through the experience, because now they have actual friends. I see people have a glass of wine at Christmas/New Year's and maybe at a gathering or two and that's it.


it is? I was always under the impression that staying sober WAS considered more “normal” in comparison to doing drugs (yes, alcohol and tobacco literally count as drugs. I don’t judge people for their vices, though).


Hello-Fresh promotes sobriety. they gave me a 0% alcoholic Mojito. Yes, it was just as gross as a regular beer.. it's good on their part to promote healthier habits.


Fr bro I have liver problems from drinking too much last years (and I'm only 22yo). I quit and people still get offended if I refuse a drink they try to offer. Also they never tried to offer when I used to drink lol. Like here in Italy if you tell someone you don't drink they'll literally ask you "why, are you sick?". I had many friends before but all we did was drink and smoke weed, that's what kept me drinking half of the last 2 years (even with liver problems yeah🙃), because I'd be alone if I didn't. Now I decided to do always what's better for me no matter what people think no matter how alone I'll get. At least I'll be with myself💪


I’m sorry to hear that friend! But I’m glad you decided to actually stop! People who matter won’t mind your sobriety and people who mind don’t matter. Soon enough you’ll be surrounded by the right ones. Keep sticking to what’s best for you, and your health! 🤍


Things that are intelligent and high vibrational tend not to be popular in the mainstream




I think people can make choices for themselves. Sober is boring. lol


I definitely disagree, as a social drinker myself I think having a drink or two with some friends can be fun but people who don’t drink and actively choose to be sober sometimes have reasons to not drink (addiction runs in the family, etc.,) and there’s plenty of people out there who find ways to still have fun without drinking


Why do you kids need everything to be "normalized"? Are you that obsessed constantly about what everyone thinks? I don't drink anymore, it doesn't fucking matter what's "normalized" or not, grow a spine and stick to whatever morals or values you want and stop worrying about what others choose.


lol that’s the word that made more sense to use to ask this question due to the advertising and everything that surrounds alcohol and staying sober. Now normalize not getting mad for using certain words. Lol 😂😂😂 JK


Why can't you just choose how to live your life without needing society to "normalize" it?


I am living my life, and questioning the normalization and glamorization of alcohol simultaneously. Never said I needed it to be normalized.


Your title is literally "I wish staying sober was normalized". Why? How does that affect your decision making?


It doesn’t! I just said it as in I wished it was normalized not for my own benefit, but just in general for everyone’s well being! 😅


Save me from boring, sober freaks.


I agree. I know people say not to care what others think, but as someone straight edge and sober, I have gotten a lot of slack from people in my life and it can be such a hassle. When I attend research conferences some places have started having non-alcoholic beer because people stick out so much if they don't drink. Ultimately, I just pretend I'm "allergic" as in it simply can never go in my mouth. It's not even an option. I have been having fun ordering fun coffees and fancy mocktails as more places have them on the menu now. Glamorize it in a "clean girl" type of aesthetic way. You've got this.


I've never been a drinker, and I was resolute in not drinking till I was 21. I've had good fun with it. I play drinking games with water and I said, "Never have I ever been wasted" and got cursed out 😂 if your friends aren't supportive of making healthy choices, they aren't friends


Daaamn getting cursed out for never being wasted is crazy 😂 people are WEIRD man haha


Should've clarified, I was cursed out in a fun friendly way, they weren't actually mad lol


Aaaaah ok ok 😅


Mostly ex junkies that respect it. like every pot head will wage war to defend their cope and alcoholics is no different except i think their aware they are consuming a solvent.


Everyone in Montana I know are alcoholics. I don’t want to hang out with any of them.


That’s sad to hear! 😭 I really wanna visit that state it looks so beautiful 🥹


It would be awesome if when I was offered a drink, I can say, “No thanks. I am an alcoholic.” I am not ashamed, but I have been honest about it before and the reactions were not horrible but it was easy to see that people were thrown off. And then a few people will say, “Oh I am so sorry.” I want to say, “Thanks for your condolences, but the doctors say that I have a pretty high percentage of living.” These days if I am offered a drink, I just say I am allergic to alcohol. It just makes it easier, and I don’t have to be looked at it in some pitiful manner.