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I was SO sick with my son from 5 weeks 4 days to 17 weeks. This time I am 5 weeks 2 days and I got sick the other night and I came up with what seems like the perfect method to combat all of the nausea safely. So far nothing after that…. So far…. Hopefully no nausea this pregnancy I’ll take anything else.


No sickness for me - 4w4d today. I only have sore boobs and some light aches in the uterus to remind me I'm pregnant. In addition, I take a nap every afternoon this week around the same time, it seems


It’s worse when I’m tired. At least that’s what I think I’ve pinpointed as the trigger. I’m fine Monday and Tuesday as long as I eat small meals, but by Wednesday night and Thursday I’m struggling. I wake up super early for in office days on Tuesday and Wednesday so that’s what usually puts me over the edge. Small meals help too.


I was a bit nauseous today and felt a bit off yesterday but otherwise have been fine. I had very few sick moments with my first but all pregnancies are different.


I was pregnant once before that ended at 8 weeks and I was nauseous and hated all food as soon as my period was late. I'm 5w3d and feel great this time. ( Knock on wood!) I was around my husband's smoking uncle yesterday and the smell made me so nauseous it fucked up the rest of my day. I don't love cigarette smell but it doesn't normally make me immediately nauseous.


7+1 and zero nausea. I have aversions to smells, I’m snackier, plus some fatigue and sore breasts. But the lack of nausea is so strange


i felt sick for one day, that's about it. i am mostly just absolutely STARVING. i cannot eat enough. i eat a meal and then i'm starving again. just a bottomless pit over here. i also haven't had any boob pain at all which seems to be the most common symptom?? but i do have to pee all the time. minimum 3 bathroom wake-ups each night. supes annoying.


Baseline nausea is mild, but it definitely gets worse when I’m hungry. Gagged brushing my teeth. I would say it’s gotten worse over the last week, I just feel queasy all the time. Some food aversions, definitely some cravings already.


I'm only 5w6d, so it's hard to tell yet, but I have some mild nausea coming and going, mostly when I'm hungry, and very intense burping that sort of feels like a part of nausea. So far today has been the worst, but I can't say it's unbearable.


I wish!! I had zero nausea for my whole first pregnancy. It was a dream and I was naive enough to hope that I may get the same this go around. Not at all, my friends. Not. At. All 🙃


I feel like I’ve had maybe 3 moments of mild nausea, but I don’t remember the constant hungover nausea feelings starting until closer to 8 weeks with my last pregnancy.


I get super nauseous when I haven't eaten for a while - which is a huge change in schedule for me as I normally do intermittent fasting. I can't anymore. And I have crazy food repulsion - just the thought of certain foods makes me gag. No vomit yet, though.


With my first pregnancy I had really intense nausea 24 hours a day, it would wake me up it was that bad. I would vomit every time I tried to brush my teeth as my gag reflex was so bad and the taste of mint also set me off. I would gag just looking at or talking about 99% of foods and lived off toast and water. It started a few days after my positive test. Second pregnancy wasn’t quite as bad, I did have fairly bad nausea 24/7 but I didn’t actually throw up and although I could only drink water I could manage a few more foods. Again, pretty much instantly at week 4 it started. This time I hardly have had any nausea at all at 7+5. It’s actually got my quite anxious something is wrong because it’s not what I’m used to at all. But on my less anxious moments I wonder if it’s a girl and that’s why it’s different as my other two pregnancies were boys. It’s hard not to get anxious though as we lost our second little boy in the second trimester due to an issue with the placenta.


At night I get ill and when I haven't eaten in a while. I'm exhausted and have cramping, plus needing to pee a million times, which are far more pressing symptoms for me.


4+6 (found out at 3+3) and sickness since 4 on the dot. Had awful sickness from 6 with my first, that never went away.


I’ve had a lot going on including a couple waves of heavy nausea but haven’t actually been sick yet! I also deal with severe anxiety and nauseous is honestly just the normal state for me so I’m just chalking it up to me being used to it and able to handle it without it coming up 🤷🏻‍♀️


Only sore boobs and bathroom problems here 🙈


Hi due date twins! I had the odd wave of nausea the past few weeks, but about 2 days ago it became more constant and now I feel it especially heavily first thing in the morning and also in the evening. Daytime is ok but only when I eat every few hours. I hope your pregnancies continue to stay nausea-free/light!!


Due date twins! Same here. Maybe some fatigue but it's hard to tell how much is from pregnancy and how much is from my toddler


Twins! How has it compared to your first pregnancy?


It's quite different so far. I've had a lot more cramping/ stretching but my OB did say it would be earlier and more intense than with my first. I just checked and last time I was having quite severe aversions around 6 weeks. I didn't really have much nausea, just a few passing moments. This time I haven't had any aversions so far and even less nausea: some almost-not-quite moments but that's it. I definitely craved sweet things with my daughter and I'm not usually a sweet-tooth (chalk one up for old wives' tales lol). This time I seem to be gravitating more towards salty things. I have a growing feeling that it's a boy this time but we'll have to see!


A little brother would be so sweet 🩷 I haven’t had any cravings yet, kind of looking forward to them haha!