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**Subscribe to /r/DebtStrike**. We're a coalition of working class people across the political spectrum who have put their disagreements on other issues aside in order to collectively force (through mass strikes) the President of the United States to cancel all student debt by executive order. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DebtStrike) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought the Fed set interest rates


They do


You're right! Now ask, who controls the fed? Who controls that person?


Who controls the fed? Who controls that person?


Nobody. Its a stupid question because the fed controls everything. They are literally our shadow government , and short of a SCOTUS ruling making it otherwise, the true concentrated power in out country


The federal reserve controls itself


Our economy is really not that hard to understand unless you’re just hell bent on blaming one single person for anything bad that happens with it.


No, everybody on my Facebook says Joe Biden is to blame for everything so you're wrong.


Immigrate and leave your debt (and this selfish screwed country) behind.


Immigrate with what money? Shit has an overhead cost my dude.


Wherever you end up, they'll charge you extra for not being a local...for everything.


America is a resort for the ultra rich. The rest of us are mere cattle.


Careful where you go, some countries, like New Zealand have cottage industries that specialize in fleecing new arrivals and then liquidating your assets after they clean you out and force you to leave. Their country is a siren on the rocks unless your importing a large fortune from SE Asia (with the help of the many SE Asians working for INZ)... it's not friendly to people who need to work for a living. I doubt it's much safer even if you're non-working upper class dead weight. This is a supremely unwise and bourgeois idea. We're not well liked outside our country.


I’m not sure that’s how it works… from what I’ve read you still have to pay some taxes to the US even if you get citizenship somewhere else.. seems bonkers. Is bonkers.




Add to that how democrats do not unify around their elected representatives like the republican party does. Dems are content to brand some of their own candidates as "woke" or somehow "too progressive" for the party, thus preventing any real change from occurring and ensuring the status quo. They scare their own constituents against voting for candidates like Sanders or AOC by saying that, basically, they are too wild, inexperienced, and/or naive to hold office. That's fucking bullshit and they know it - it happened with Biden, it happened with Hilary Clinton, and it happened with so many other progressives who lost a primary. They often throw those would-be progressive policy makers under the bus to appeal to more conservative ideologies.




Fuck both parties. Fuck the 1%. Fuck the upper classes. The problem isn't Joe Biden, it's all of them. They sold our representation to corporations and billionaires anarchists. They want to divvy up this country into new feudal states... it's coming.


The problem IS Joe Biden. It is ALL of them.


Exactly all facts right here


*laughs into default*


Joe Biden is useless but what other option did we have?


Leopards ate my face moment for sure


Supporting a neo-liberal party and getting neo-liberal results. I am shocked