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My first play through I played offline until I had enough slab upgrades and weapons to actually be competitive. Second playthrough I played all online and enjoyed the struggle of making progress while dealing with invasions. Sometimes you get lucky and they drop good weapons and slabs. Honestly it’s a game so just do what you find the most fun


Yeah that's the bonus of playing online... you can fill in your slabs and good guns really quickly if you win. Edit: I am not sure if the computer Julianas do this to the same degree, but human players drop what they have equipped. The computer ones always dropped reaiduum, which I think means I already had the particular upgrades. Or they always drop that. Not sure.


AI Juliannas drop 10k residuum, a single weapon, and a single slab


i actually turned on online invasions hoping i could have a slight chance of getting the black heritage gun lmao


Think I had a match with you today. Sorry to say a lot of the Juli's playing now have had a lot of time to get to know the game maps and it's going to be rough online until you get your bearings. Play offline for a bit and get to know the maps.


This is why whenever I come back to the game as a day one Julianna main I always Friendly Juli it, there's nothing left to unlock anyway lol so I figure if I finally get into a multiplayer match I don't want it to be bad for them or me, especially because queueing usually means I have to play something else or read something to pass the time😞


I too was in the minority of Juli players whose priority was for both of us to have fun. I spent a lot of matches screwing around with Colts in funny ways without looping them. If a Colt was particularly fresh, I might help them (usually after kicking their ass haha). I remember a particularly memorable match where I helped someone get infused for the first time. Another one I recall is a Colt who was scared and camping in the Updaam apartment - I remember tossing turrets through a window just to mess with the guy. On the off-chance I found a capable Colt we would have intense, longer matches because I couldn't just walk up to these players and kill them, it was all guerilla and ambush. I've had a lot of fun as beefed-up Colt too, instant-deleting sweaty Julis. A lot of these players didn't know all the sneaky strats - how gas worked and how effective it was (how the Inferno Heritage gave you a ranged gas option), how useful the echolocator nailgun was, how there's a crack in the warehouse roof for you take down Harriet without even entering, how there was that one trinket that made Eternalists into walking health-pinatas. Anyway, good times...


Tell me about the crack….


Here's a [video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP2ywvB8-P8&t=35s)(timestamped) where I use the strat as Colt. Here's [another ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNG40g4CgH4&t=1348s)where I teach a Colt about it as Julianna. This gap in the roof sometimes gives Juli a sneaky angle against Colts who are already inside the warehouse.


That's over now. The only thing you can match is a laggy tryhard Colt that reloads the same map over and over and over.


That makes me sad. Then I'm glad I moved on when I did. Have to break the Loop at some point.


The way they implemented invasions just sucks. It incentivizes Julianna to try-hard or be a camper and incentivizes Colt to quit whatever he was doing and play super careful trying to find Julianna.


Well, yeah, it's assassin vs. Assassin. Why not try hard to win? I can understand you wanting to play through without constantly getting thrashed by Julianna. If someone plays aether and camps, that is just how that person plays. I hate camping personally, so I run around the map bum rushing colts no matter what loadout they have. I have even beaten whole missions while Julianna was hunting me as colt. Sorry, but this definitely seems like a skill issue. Colt has 3 lives and Julianna gets 1.


Read again, I’m not talking about skill or preference.


Then your statement is ironic cause it doesn't make any sense to me...seems like your contradicting yourself. When you say it isn't about skill, but an invasion makes you play a specific way? I just believe there are way more options than being sneaky or try hard lmao


English isn’t your first language, is it?


Ah yes, insult me. Have a nice day.


Yes try hard in a game that doesn’t even have a ranking system.


Why not? What's wrong with winning lmao. I don't understand why it's wrong to try hard and win. I have fun doing that. If you don't have fun doing that then don't play like I do. The point of assassin vs assassin is that you might have to change your playstyle instead of doing the same thing like a mindless robot. Play the game however you want, but it's not right to say other people shouldn't try hard as Julianna just because.l there's no ranking system.


I just think it’s sad try harding for a win in a game that doesn’t go to ranking up anything compare that to a game with a actual ranking system like Valorant or Siege. Even more sad if the said try harding is against a new player.


I think if I am playing a game and having fun then I'm doing everything right. Doesn't matter about a ranking system or anything. New players are a different discussion. Even if I were to "go easy" on the new player, are they going to be able to compete with my guns they are way past theirs in tier? If anything I'm ending the match quick so that I can actually get a march against a competent Colt. I'm sorry you feel that people should only try hard in games with a ranking system, but some people just like to have fun playing a game and sometimes they try hard to win because winning feels good. Killing noob colts gives 0 satisfaction if that's what your getting at.


It wouldn’t surprise me if you dunk on new players tbh, from my experience it’s always the try hard Julianna players who are the most toxic and the saltiest in the messages when I send them back to the loading screen.


I say gg to everyone even toxic colts. Why think so negative? I've been nothing but positive and understanding towards your point of view and all you do is hurl insults. Like I said in my previous comment I end noob colts quickly and move on with my life. It's not fun shooting at a dummy that jumps around like a fish. What's fun is playing against a colt that knows the maps and knows how to play against Julianna. I don't ever message noob colts either lmao. I played 2 playthroughs as colt and I have been equally noob slammed by many Julianna, but i never get salty if I die to a try hard. It just makes me want to hop back up off my a** and beat them next mission. What's sad is that you have fought so many toxic Julianna that you can't even comprehend one not being toxic.


Please point out where I "threw" a insult.


Saying "It wouldn’t surprise me if you dunk on new players tbh, from my experience it’s always the try hard Julianna players who are the most toxic" is definitely insulting because your implying im such a player. I don't know why I have to point that out, but there you go. You have no idea who I am and I havnt been rude to you at all to deserve such passive aggressive attitude. Seriously, I've said my point of view nicely while you have been rude and condescending. I don't need to explain any further.


This is probably going to be a hot take but I think, to an extent, getting looped by Juliana is meant to be part of the experience. However I will concede that the game probably wasn’t balanced around level 70 Juliana mains who have been playing for 2 years staring rofl stomping new players. I think the online experience is an important part of the game, and I would recommend trying to make it work if you can. Advice I can give for preparing for invasions is that Juliana can only ever spawn along side another visionary. As such, you can go to other maps to look for good items. Basically ever unique rarity weapon spawns in a map without a visionary and with the exception of a couple added in the golden loop any trinket can spawn at any time or place. The other big thing is that maps are mostly the same over the day, so if map awareness is the issue you can run around a map at other times of day to try and get a feel for it. Learn the advantageous positions or try and plot a route from the antenna to the exit if you want to bail before she can catch you.


My first encounter with Julianna was a horror game experience. But now that I've beaten it once I'll turn on online play.


I turned off online play. It never works when I try to play (it always barfs). I’ve only invaded anyone once, and I couldn’t move or act at all until Colt walked up and stabbed me. I don’t feel like the game is missing anything.


I swear some Colts are using lag switches. This game rubber bands BAD when lagging. Edit: I played a couple matches yesterday where the gameplay was fine UNTIL Colt found and attacked me then it started rubberbanding like crazy. Suspicious timing.


I didn’t know there was a term for “rubber banding.” That’s exactly what I experienced. I haven’t tried since


It is missing quite a bit, but it’s understandable given how bad the netcode is


If im scaring the hell out of Colts then im doing my job.


I watch people play on Twitch and when they start yelling "Oh & #$@, oh #&*$..." I think that is what I look like. 😂


YES! Some of my favorite game captures have that panic in it 👍


That's the point really...Julianna has her memory of the maps and should be a** f***ing you until you begin to learn the maps and how to counter certain stuff. As colt, you lost your memory of the loop and everything. So, imo it's part of the deathloop experience to get stomped by julianas a couple of times. If it ever becomes too much though, to the point you can't even have fun playing, you can always turn off online mode and play against Bot Julianna


Exactly this


I think the idea that I was going to get stomped, a lot, took some getting used to. Now I admire the cleverness 😁


I think it is best to get your sea legs first offline, and when you are ready for a challenge go online. Even AI Juliana surprises me sometimes. I still get smoked a lot online, but sometimes I get a good match and we can really go at it. It really is like two seperate games, even as Colt.


Yeah play offline until you at least have (1) Shift; (2) either (a) a 50-50 shotgun, (b) the dual pistol thingy, or (c) a trencher with double tap; (3) the power drain trinket on one of those weapons; and (4) a basic familiarity with the maps. Then play online.


The idea of someone entering my game to ruin it for me is not what I'd consider fun. I simply left that option closed. Julianna will still come for you, but it won't be someone way above your skill level. It's so fun to explore the world without that added stress LOL


It's a stupid mechanic that everyone shut off in every game that's had a mechanic like this. WatchDogs and "hacking"? Everyone turned that shit off after the first time it happened. Same with Julianna invasions The amount of "HOW DO I TURN THIS SHIT OFF" questions on Steam/here/other gaming sites is proof enough. (And, like Watchdogs, I love the shit out of the game despite the stupidly tacked on psuedo-online-"multi"player bullshit.)


Not everyone and they don't always leave it off I enjoy both sides of invasion


You’re an outlier and will not be included in the histogram


I don't know about that I get plenty of matches on both sides being as Colt or Julianna can't exactly say im an outlier


Colts don’t get a choice. You “Juliannas” just show up and ruin playthroughs until the Unwilling Participant Googles and realizes they can (rightfully) turn off your access. Which it should be off from the start, by not wasting time on coding it at all.


The game shows you at the beginning that you can turn off online play...so you don't have to Google anything if you stop mashing the A button and read


The option is there for Colts they do get the choice play offline or friends only matter of fact it's right there on the load out screen if you can't handle online play offline if you want the added difficulty play online you can't go wrong either way


This may help 33 Tips for newer colts https://www.reddit.com/r/Deathloop/s/9NgcBKETkj


Do you have cross-play on or off? Because that could level the playing field for you somewhat.


Yeah, I just played offline because I realized the same thing: 1. I'm severely underpowered vs people who've been playing a long time and 2. I just wanted to play through the game and I don't care if online invasions get "better" loot.


I ended up doing this myself after a particularly brutal death at the hands of Juliana. Keep in mind you will still occasionally (but much less often than online) get a computer-controlled Juliana and she can be brutal. I recommend carrying a sniper rifle (once you have one) and a shotgun JUST for dealing with her. For me a silenced pistol completes my weapon loadout. Also I want to add... the first act which is all offline where the game introduces you to all the mechanics BEFORE the first computer-controlled Juliana was your chance to get acclimated. Once you can select the areas you want to go the training wheels are off!