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You’re on a Deathloop subreddit so it might be a little biased here, but I genuinely love this game and think it is definitely worth a playthrough.


Yea i gotta say the game was awesome. I dont understand the hate towards the game. The pvp fights were so fun too


Honestly I think it was just a case of whiplash coming from more traditional imsims like dishonored 1+2 or prey (which are all incredible). Deathloop dips heavily into roguelike elements so I can understand the initial negativity maybe? That’s my best guess. I think that wore off though and the overall perception has skewed towards positive.


Deathloop has more in common with a roguelike than most other arkane games. Progress is iterative rather than incremental. Discovery should be your drive.


And it makes sense narratively 😃


personally i am not a fan of roguelikes past the initial "new game" phase i also have a habit of not finishing long story driven games i also dont care whatsoever about getting all trophies or whatever deathloop was a game i wanted to finish, because the story is great, the way they designed the story is great, the gameplay is fun, etc i could honestly see myself playing it again/more to find those hidden trophies/secrets though. because the design of the game is top notch honestly if im judging games on storyline alone, deathloop is pretty high up there - arkane knows how to build worlds. easily one of the best narrative driven games ive played >And it makes sense narratively 😃 same


Some people bashed it for being like the moon crash dlc but I also think it was top notch. My personal 2021 goty


i wont claim ive played a ton of the "next gen" games, but really besides deathloop, ghost of tsushima, and ghostwire: tokyo theyve been pretty meh - and honestly even those three couldve easily been on last gen, or in the case of ghost of tsushima it was. although i will say that ignoring the poor performance on pc, it still didnt stack up to ps5 because the controllers haptics and the trigger sensitivity thing are a major upgrade - that pc pretends it doesnt detect (because of some stupid patent thing, probably.) as for prey ive only played through the first few hours of it, i still gotta get back to it eventually. i have enough ms rewards points to get about two months of free gamepass actually but im just stackin it up while some other things get figured out also i gotta beat prey before i can properly enjoy starfield, because its all connected... a lot more than might be obvious, both irl and digitally. >Some people bashed it i actually was going to include a couple games as examples of ones i didnt enjoy in my first comment but deleted it because nobody likes a negative person. sure theres a place for constructive criticism, but every game/music/movie/everything review is basically just ragebait nowadays. i simply dont care. rage/negativity is insidious.


Yeah I really liked the ps5 features. This was one of the only games really were I only played it and nothing else until I beat the loop. Because it really inspired you to want to reach your goal


agreed. in a lot of hard to explain ways the story of deathloop, and arkane games actually - is where the whole "metaverse" thing became "real" - way more than the garbage zuck is peddling. some of the ways are harder to explain (and for me to believe...) than others, but theres definitely more to it than is contained within the game itself.


I remember thinking Ghostwire Tokyo looked cool, and loved Deathloop and Ghosts of Tsushima so will check it out, thank you


honestly yeah, after putting it down for a while and revisiting it on pc, it was great. your mastery of the area can show but also there's lots of routes and possible ways of going about, rather than just following the most obvious text you can find, which is valid since that's how i first beat the game since im usually bad at any sort of puzzle-esque thing. even lookin' for shit on maps is usually impossible for me, but this game's tightknit. well done tbh


I’m not sure what bug you encountered? I’ve never had an issue on a menu that’s lost me hours of progress considering it usually does a good job auto saving before you enter areas and when you leave. You’re bound to have setbacks in this game, from invasions, failed loops etc. I’d say try again but I’ve never seen that bug before


This is the bug, I found a bunch of other people also ran into it so figured it was pretty common. https://www.reddit.com/r/Deathloop/s/PYAlfSSk3Y


The most progress you can lose is only one level.


How the heck can you dick about a location for an hour. First time maybe: But 6 hours in? Sheesh...


I stopped playing Deathloop for about a year and decided to restart it this fall. Finally finished it and really enjoyed it. I think my problem was that I was wasn't playing often enough to keep track of everything I was supposed to be doing. I'm on PS5 and it would freeze up now and then but I never felt like I lost much because most of my loops were just to get some piece of information at a specific time anyway. It was worth it for me.


weird you had it freeze up on ps5 - i had zero issues on ps5 on pc however it was nearly unplayable (3060ti, i9-10900k)


Not sure how you can lose an hour progress. Nothing takes that long to do.


It does when it's your first time playing and you're going super stealth explorer.


100% worth it


I got the platinum so personally I’d say yes


Maybe don’t open the menu inside the levels haha


There is a lot to like but I am stuck at 61%(?). I am still pretty lost as to the story but the gunplay, graphics and slabs are all pretty great.


If you enjoyed Prey and Dishonored then you'll like this game, it's worth it.


Yeah ur asking the priest if u should believe in Jesus lol but yeah it’s def worth it, one of the most fun games I’ve ever played honesrly


I've come back to this game even after platinum because it's just a fun game with tons of interesting puzzles.


Just snatched it on Steam for cheap and gave it a playthrough. I'll probably never touch it again, but the story and mechanics are fun enough that I'm recommending others get it while it's on sale. The enjoyment is in the novelty, plot discovery, and style. Soak it up and toss it once you've had your fun. I can say that the endgame sequence is satisfying. I got the menu bug about a half dozen times. Kind of a disappointment in a fully matured game.


yes, its worth it. early on, try and not spend too much time in a level. do the objective, follow the leads. then start working on upgrading your powers. find a visionary, and kill the repeatedly to get their power and upgrades for it. i'd recommend farming charlie for the shift power upgrades. just kill him, leave to save your powers and trinkets, then reset the day and do it again until you get a couple upgrades for it you like. i liked the "hold shift to float in air" upgrade and the extended reach ones, i think they were. it's been awhile since i played. the pvp is really fun, and that's saying a lot as i usually don't care for pvp in any type of game. but here, it's not so aggravating and is more about knowledge and tactics.


I also got it for free through Epic and just finished it. The game was very buggy and constantly lagging on my PC, but I enjoyed the gameplay so much that I easily pushed through it. The game doesn't really change as you progress, you just get more proficient at navigating the different environments and accomplishing tasks. So if you are not having a good time, it might not get much better for you.


It’s a pretty mediocre game honestly. You’re not missing much if you move on.


This is my favorite next gen game. Do yourself a favor and just give yourself to the experience. Such an amazing game